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Stolen Secrets

Page 12

by Nancy Radke


  He glanced up, saw the tall man standing there in sweats and tennis shoes, hands on hips, grinning broadly. Zack Waylan. He hadn’t seen the architect for a few weeks. They often worked out together. Zack’s beaming face and lopsided grin proclaimed he had something to announce.

  “Hi, man. How’re things?” Ryan asked his friend, although he could guess the answer.

  “It’s a girl.” Zack bounced with the answer, swinging his white towel in a circle.


  “She’s got Jennel’s blue eyes.”

  A brilliant blue— an unforgettable color, Ryan remembered. “When?”

  “The night of the storm. Naturally.” Zack shook his head and leaned over to take a drink. He straightened and wiped his mouth with his hand. “I thought we wouldn’t make it to the hospital in time.”

  “But you did?”

  “Barely. You should see her.” Zack frowned, looking perplexed. “Ugly little thing. They tell me all the marks’ll go away. I sure hope so.”

  Ryan grinned. Zack’s wife was a beauty. Unless the girl got Zack’s chin, she’d be one too. “What’s her name?”

  “Jessica Anne. What’ve you been up to?”

  “Had a break-in.”

  “Your office?”

  “Home.” Ryan stepped aside to let two other members in to the drinking fountain area. “While we were there.”

  “Get anything?”

  “Not really. But he got away.”

  Zack frowned. “We? You and who else— ”

  “Angie Reid. Uh, she’s my new assistant.”

  “And what else?”

  “Just that.”

  Zack shook his head. “Come on, pal. One, you’ve never had an assistant except Robyn. Two, you don’t say her name like she’s ‘just that.’ So what— ”

  Ryan shrugged. “I like her.”

  “Good to hear.”

  “Am I that easy to read?”

  “Like a blueprint, all the details there to see. Can you spot me a while?”

  “Sure.” Ryan followed him over to the bench press and stood above Zack while he lay down on the bench. He helped Zack lift the bar off the rack.

  Zack counted off his reps, with Ryan catching the weights as he started to lose the last one. They switched positions, and Ryan did his presses, then they repeated.

  When finished, they walked over to the inclined press.

  “Scott’s here,” Zack said.

  Ryan looked around.

  “Over there.” Zack pointed into the next room. “With the brunette.”

  “His ex-wife,” Ryan said with distaste, recognizing the woman who had run rough-shod over his life. “Kathleen.”

  “I didn’t know they were still on speaking terms.”

  “Me, neither. Usually she has her lawyer with her.”


  “Yeah. Vince something. He’s been a fixture after the divorce.”

  “She’s some looker,” Zack said.

  “Looks aren’t everything. That woman’s soul has a dollar sign on it.” Ryan wiped the sweat from his hands onto his small towel. “Now, Angie doesn’t seem that way.”


  “Look at Scott. You’d think Kathleen was some babe he had just met. He always could chat people up.”

  “They’re coming this way. Want me to leave?” Zack asked.

  “No. Stay. Please.”

  Kathleen, dressed in a light blue suit, heels, purse, and jewelry, gave Ryan a big smile as they approached. “Hi, sweetie. All he-man and sweaty, I see. And hello to you, too,” she added, giving Zack a sweeping up and down look.

  Ryan nodded, shifting his gaze past her to Scott, who shrugged his shoulders as if to say, ‘I don’t know what she’s up to.’

  “Hello,” Zack said. “I was telling Ryan about my new baby girl. Just born last week to my extremely beautiful wife. Now I’ll have two gorgeous ladies to love.”

  “Oh.” Kathleen absorbed that information, jerked her gaze back to Ryan, laid her hand on his arm, and looked intently into his eyes. “Scott mentioned Warren had been shot. How terrible. Do you know anything about it?”

  Ryan shifted his feet, uncomfortable. She still wore the ring he had given her, next to the one from Scott. How many other men had financed her? “I didn’t know you knew him.”

  “Oh, yes. We met when you and I were a thing.”

  Was that all he had been to her? “Oh. Well, he’s still alive.”

  “Why, that’s wonderful, Ryan. What hospital?”

  “Harborview. But...” He stopped. He didn’t want Kathleen invading Mary’s privacy. “No visitors.” He glanced at Zack. He really didn’t want to talk to Kathleen.

  Scott draped his arm on her shoulder and leaned into the conversation. “Family only, Kathleen. Send some flowers if you want to,” he said.

  “I’ll do that. Maybe some candy, too.”

  “Yeah,” Ryan nodded. Robyn liked chocolates. She and Alison could eat them. Maybe Mary. Pass them around to the nurses. “Candy’s fine.”

  “Then I’ll send some candy. Ta ta. I’ll see you all later.”

  He hoped not. She walked away, the fine swing to her hips drawing men’s gazes after her.

  “What she doing here?” Ryan asked Scott. Kathleen avoided gyms, except for a place to check out men.

  “Looking for money. Mine of course. She always needs more. She’s easy on the eyes, but hard on the wallet.”

  Zack nodded. “A predatory female. You both are better off without her.”

  “I agree,” Scott said. “She sure can dazzle, though. Caught me in a weak moment. We were in Vegas— got drunk, woke up married. Stayed married just long enough to get the lawyers involved. That night cost me a bundle. The alimony never ends.”

  “You’ll have to wait until she gets married again,” Zack said. “Maybe to him.” He pointed out the window to where Kathleen stood by a blue sports car arguing with a man. They were still yelling at each other as she got into the car. He slammed the door behind her and snapped off the antenna as he walked around to the driver’s side.

  “I don’t think so. That’s her lawyer,” Scott told him. “He’s pushing her to get more alimony.” He looked at Ryan. “Where’re you going for Thanksgiving? Now that I’m no longer married, I’m without a place.”


  “You think there’s room for one more at her table? She always has plenty of food.”

  “Maybe. Call her.”

  “I will. And congratulations, Zack. I knew Jennel was expecting, but thought she had more time.”

  Zack laughed. “So did we. Jessica came early.”

  “Did you know Warren?”

  “No. I met his daughter once. I’d hang around and talk, but I need to get back to Jennel. I promised I’d only be gone two hours and I haven’t finished my workout. See you around.”


  The young architect hurried over to the free weight racks. Scott turned back to Ryan.

  “Want to partner me?”


  They finished working out, then showered and went their separate ways. Ryan drove over to Patti’s apartment. No one answered his knock, so he went home. Instead of going inside, he ran over to Grandma Miller’s and rapped on the door. Grandma answered it, then Angie called his name. He looked up to see her, transformed into a beauty, coming down the stairs. Her face glowed with life, the pixie charm bubbling out.

  She was more beautiful than Kathleen had ever been.


  Stumbling across the dock, Ryan walked to his front door ahead of Angie. He fumbled with the key, acutely aware of her behind him, chirping merrily about her haircut. She mentioned that she and Grandma were going shopping for clothes when the weather got better.

  “Go now,” he managed to mutter.

  “Really? But you need to know— ”

  “Take a cab.” He finally got his door unlock
ed, went inside, and turned. “Now.” He waved his hand at her and she took a step backwards. “Today.”

  “But a person came. I scared him away. While you were gone.”

  “Oh.” The news broke through his mind-fog. “Who?”

  “I didn’t get a good look at him. He seemed the same height, though, as our thief.”


  “He left in a boat. A white one. I couldn’t see any name on the back.”

  “Do you know the type?”

  “A speedboat. I don’t know what kind.”

  “What else did you see?”


  Ryan pulled out his wallet. “Here’s some money, just in case you spot something special.”

  She stepped closer and her perfume invaded his space. “You think I should still go? After what happened?”

  He nodded and handed her two hundred dollars. Anything to get some breathing distance. She had blown all his drives and he needed a chance to repair.

  He gazed spellbound at her, noting the splendid line of her neck, her full lower lip, high cheekbones, and beautiful, wide-set gray eyes that penetrated his soul and left him speechless. He hoped she had take the money and leave.

  She did, bidding him a cheery, “Goodbye,” and walked back to tell Grandma Miller.

  He closed the door and leaned his forehead on it. What was he going to do when she returned? Silence was golden, but not when you couldn’t think of anything to say.

  He’d have to come up with something— maybe a project of some kind, which she could do alone. One which would keep her busy while he adjusted to her new presence. The duckling from the storm had become a beautiful swan... and he’d just sent her to buy clothes to make her more lovely.

  He could handle this. He wasn’t going to lose Angie.

  The phone rang. He checked the caller ID, hoping it was Angie.

  It was not. Caller unknown, it announced, but he answered it anyway. Maybe it would clear the buzz from his brain.


  “Ryan? Ryan Duvall? Is that you?”

  “Yes.” He recognized the voice. Patti. She always emphasized the last words of each sentence, as if they were very important. She had never called his home before. Surprised, he said, “Yes,” again.

  “I’m scared.”

  “Huh? What... I mean, why?”

  “There’s a bookie— someone Ted knew. You knew Ted, my boyfriend, right? You saw him, didn’t you. He picked me up now and then, after work.”


  “Well this bookie’s called me a couple of times and threatened me. He claims he was Ted’s friend, but I don’t believe it. He’s scary. Nasty. Told me to leave the state. I don’t know what to do. I just don’t.”

  “Did he say why?”

  “No. Just to leave. No one’s ever talked to me like that before. No one.” She sniffed twice. “You know, as if I were a non-person and didn’t matter at all.”

  “Did you recognize the voice.”

  “No. No. It was sort of slurred, like he had a speech impediment. Or maybe he was trying to disguise his voice. I don’t know, but I’m scared, and I’ve been pacing the house, wondering what to do. I called hoping you would help.”

  “You ever met this man?”

  “No. Never. I knew Ted had some rough friends, but... but we never went where they were, at least I don’t think. Well, wait a minute. One time Ted left me in the car— in Bellevue. I don’t know the address, but I could take you there again. I think. Maybe. I don’t know if it was this guy or not and I sure don’t want to mess with him. But I don’t have the money to move out of the state.”

  “Why don’t you give the impression of leaving.”

  “Like... like how?”

  “Just in case he’s watching, pack some bags.”

  “Like I was leaving for a long trip? Suitcases and coats and things?”

  “Yes. Stuff some bedding in a box or two to make it look like you’re moving out. Drive up I-5 as if you’re going to Canada, exit at Everett, then drive around the freeway loops up there to see if you spot anyone following.”

  “Then come back?”

  “No. Go to a motel somewhere. Check in. Call me tonight and we’ll set up a time to meet.”

  “I will. Anything. I’ve never had anybody threaten me like this. Ever. It gives me the chills.”

  “Would you rather come here, to my place?” He’d hate to have the constantly chattering Patti here.

  “Thanks, but no. I’m going to my Mother’s for Thanksgiving tomorrow. He couldn’t know where she lives.”

  “Don’t let yourself be followed.”


  “Vary your speed, take some exits off, stop, then get on again.”

  “I can do that. Thanks. Bye.”

  She hung up. Ryan stared at the receiver before replacing it. Concerned for her safety, he hadn’t thought to ask about Ted’s involvement in the break-in. Should he call her back?

  Yes. Looking up her number, he dialed. Her answering machine responded, so he spoke, letting her know who it was, but she didn’t pick up her phone. Maybe she had called him from a cell phone. Well, he could ask for that number when she called tonight.

  Why would someone threaten Patti? Did she have some information and not know it, or did the person think she had information, when she really didn’t? She might have the CD and hadn’t turned it over like she promised. Patti sounded clueless, but she always sounded that way to him, so that didn’t help.

  He stared around his home, couldn’t stand being there alone, and left for Harborview to see how Mary and Warren were doing.

  Robyn was sitting with Mary at Warren’s side in a regular hospital room. Warren remained in a coma, and Robyn shook her head when Ryan asked— with a sideways motion of his head undetected by Mary— how he was doing.

  “I’ll stay with Warren while you and Mary take a walk, or go get something to eat,” he said. “Take your time.”

  Robyn practically pulled Mary from the room and Ryan took a seat near his friend. He knew he should talk to him, just in case Warren could hear and wake up, so he started to tell him about Angie.

  “Warren, I’ve met this wonderful girl, at least I think she is. She’s really pretty. Short hair, big eyes. They see right through me.” He went on and on, realizing there was an enormous amount of details about Angie he knew— and an even larger amount he didn’t know. He had never contacted any of her former employers. His reaction to her had been entirely emotional. No facts. Totally unlike him.

  The two women returned after about three hours and Mary took Ryan’s chair, impatient to be at her father’s side. Ryan walked with his sister to Mary’s new room, across the hall.

  “He’s dying,” Robyn said. “Just a matter of days now.”

  “Mary know?”

  “They’ve told her, but she tunes them out.”

  He shook his head and stared down at his shoes. They needed a shine, as the snow had been hard on them. For once he didn’t care.

  The phone rang. He stood closest, so answered it.

  “Hello. Ryan Duvall here.”

  “Oh. Hi, Ryan. This is Angie.”

  He had recognized her the instant she spoke. “Yes,” he said.

  “How’s Warren?”

  “Not good.”

  “Oh, no. And Mary?”

  “In denial.”

  The silence on the other end of the phone line spoke for her. “What did you do?” he asked.

  “We took a cab to the Alderwood Mall, had a light lunch, then shopped. We found everything we wanted— some new tops for me and a dress to wear for Thanksgiving at Robyn’s. Grandma found a shirtwaister in her favorite colors to wear to her daughter’s house. I’m about to bake two pumpkin pies. Grandma can take one, and I’ll bring the other to Robyn’s.”

  She paused. Ryan said, “Good,” and handed the phone to Robyn. Robyn told her more about Mary and Warren before hanging up.

obyn turned to her brother. “All right,” she said. “What’s wrong?”

  “I think I’m falling in love with Angie.”

  “Wonderful. I‘d like another sister.”

  “I don’t know if I can trust her.”


  He shuffled his feet on the hard floor, wishing his sister would just leave him alone. “Things happen. First I think she’s not involved in the robberies, then something happens to make her look guilty.”

  “You never had any problem before. You usually can tell when someone’s lying to you.”

  “Not when my heart’s involved. I didn’t see it in Kathleen.”

  Robyn looked like she was ready to shake him. “I could. And it’s not there with Angie. Her eyes are innocent, brother.”

  “I saw Kathleen this morning. Her perfume’s still a distraction. ” He waved his hand in the air, unable to describe his reactions.

  “That’s probably why she wears it. She takes enjoyment in bothering you.”

  “I suppose. But we met by accident— ”

  “Nothing Kathleen does is by accident.”

  “You think— at the gym?”

  “No. No. I’m just being facetious, Ry.” Robyn walked over to the window and stared out at the city. “So, what’re you going to do about Angie?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “My advice is to stay close to her. Keep your safe locked if you feel better, but open your heart, brother. Don’t lose her.”

  He nodded. Robyn’s perspective helped.

  “You come together tomorrow at noon.”

  “Sure.” Excusing himself, he drove to a hardware store and bought new locks for his doors, then to a grocery store to pick up cranberry juice and vanilla ice cream.

  Once home he changed the locks and added a dead-bolt to the upstairs door while he waited for Patti to call. And waited. And waited. Nervous, he phoned the police, but they had no information, either good or bad. He had just given up and headed for bed when the phone rang.

  It was Patti, happy to report she had settled in a hotel just off the freeway at South Center. “My mom lives in Renton. I’ll spend Thanksgiving there— see you Friday night. We can meet at the south Bellevue Park and Ride. It’s small. Say at seven PM?”


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