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ROMANCE: Badass Boss (Billionaire Alpha Bad Boy Romance) (Western Mail Order Bride Calendar Contemporary)

Page 21

by Susan Fleming

  As they got closer, her wedding day approached. Jonas had not spent a lot of time with her, instead letting her bond with his children. They were kids, and the oldest boy was a bit of a rascal, but he was good-natured and she felt like they were bonding, which was a good sign.

  What had Misty worried was their wedding night. She had not even done more than kissing him that one time or even had a conversation with him after that. If she was supposed to marry him the weekend before Christmas, she needed to know him better. Well, not needed, wanted. If she had to be intimate with a stranger, she would like him to be less of a stranger. Especially after the bad experience, she had on her way here. She needed to know she would not panic, or get scared. She wanted to face her fears. She had been having nightmares, and she used the memory of Jonas to try to cancel her fear out and she wanted to make sure she was not building him up in her mind to be more than just a man.

  Dinner was over, and she snagged Jonas’s attention before he went off to his office for the night. She did not know what he did in there, and did not exactly want to ask, but she wanted to talk to him.

  “Jonas?” She asked him quietly, on the outside of his office door. She put her hand on his arm to stop him and he turned and looked down at her surprised. She forced herself to be brave and keep talking.

  “Yes?” Jonas asked, not even sounding happy to see her. It had her confused. She was never sure if he actually liked her, or if it was convenient that they were getting married and it did not mean anything to him. She realized she wanted him to care about her, to want her the way she fantasized about him in her head.

  “Did I do something to upset you?” Misty asked him, feeling unsure about everything. He was tense and looked upset. She gave her head a soft shake to clear it, trying to understand why he kept pushing her away.

  “No, it’s not that.” He said and then took a deep breath, putting his hands through his hair. “I still can’t find a nanny, and our wedding is coming up soon, and I am under a lot of pressure at work trying to organize things. My grandfather is breathing down my neck and apparently my cousin has to be invited to the wedding and will be here for Christmas. I'm not happy about that.”

  Misty stepped closer to him and talked quietly, trying to reassure him. “I’m supposed to be your wife, and support you. Talk to me, let me get to know you, and help you. Even if it’s simply listening to what is going on in your life. Don’t shut me out, please? I want to be here for you, if you'll let me.”

  “Alright fine if you think you want to deal with this, come into the office if you want. Either way shut the door.” Jonas told her as he opened the door and walked through, leaving the invitation for her to make a decision. She hesitated for a moment, but then started to walk.

  Misty followed him into the room, and shut the door then leaned against it and took in his office. It was wall-to-wall books, and his desk covered in papers and ledgers dominated the center of the room. There was a small bar with glasses and bottles of liquor against one wall. It was a man's room. There was nothing feminine or womanly about it. It had the faint scent of smoke.

  “So, do you want to tell me what has you upset in detail, or am I supposed to guess and fill in all the blanks myself?” Misty asked him as she wandered around the room looking at his books on the shelves. The room had large green curtains pulled tightly shut and she wondered if he ever opened them to let light into the room during the daytime. The office had a musky smell, as if it never got fresh air.

  “Just pressure from my grandfather. It appears he is going to be coming to visit with my cousin to make sure the wedding actually happens. I was hoping to make it a private, our family only event, but he decided he needed to witness it.” Jonas said sighing. “My grandfather can be… difficult and he asks inappropriate questions. And my cousin... well I don't want him anywhere near you.”

  “Like what? I mean, what should I expect from your grandfather?” Misty asked, wanting to be prepared.

  Jonas sighed. “Like if we’ve consummated before the wedding, if you’re pregnant yet, just things that aren’t really his business. Things that I do not want to answer. Things you should not be asked. Things I would blush if I heard him ask you, things I would like you to keep private between us and my grandfather would ask you anyways.”

  Misty blushed and smiled at him. “Well, I suppose it could be worse, he could ask to have proof we consummated the wedding night.”

  “He did that with my last wife, it took having our first baby before he believed it.” Jonas let out a bitter laugh. “She even left our sheets from the wedding night in his room, after he was so blunt with her. My first wife had some pluck, I’ll give her that.”

  “She sounds like an unusual woman.” Misty said. She did not want to feel jealous of someone who could not even defend herself. She knew she was coming in as the second wife, and worried over a comparison to his first. She supposed she worried she would not be able to live up to the memory of the woman who had died. She knew it was not a competition but it was hard to compete with the memories of another woman.

  “She was an unusual woman. She was my best friend. We never had passion, or deep love the way some people have it, but she was a dear friend and made me a good companion. I do miss her, but she is not going to come between me and you Misty. What the two of us will have over time will be unique.” Jonas said, and then gave Misty a look that had her wanting to step closer to him.

  He poured himself a whiskey and then as an afterthought, offered some to Misty. Misty had never had alcohol before and nodded. When he handed her the glass, she sipped it and started sputtering and coughing.

  Jonas laughed and gave her a big grin. “I take it you’ve never had whiskey before?”

  “No, first time for everything, I suppose.” She muttered as her eyes watered slightly.

  “It’s an acquired taste. Sip it in slow, small drinks. It will help you adjust to it.” Jonas told her and sipped his giving her an example of how to drink it as a first timer. “The other way is just shoot it straight back and try not to taste it. It warms the belly. Whiskey can be good for a lot of things.”

  Misty considered sipping it and the idea of coughing up a lung did not appeal to her, so she followed his second suggestion and just drank it fast, in one big gulp. It made her eyes water but she did not cough again the way she did when she had let the drink linger on her tongue.

  She could feel the warmth spread throughout her stomach the way he talked about and it intrigued her.

  “Would you like another one?” Jonas asked her and poured her another drink, even bigger than the first before she had time to make up her mind. “If you don’t want it, don’t worry, it will get drunk.”

  “I’ll drink it.” Misty told him, the way he was looking at her challenged her. She wanted to prove she was tough enough to handle a man’s drink. Her father had never let his daughters try his whiskey. He had always claimed it was for men.

  Pouring it down her throat, she tried not to cough as it burned her throat. It warmed her belly and tongue as it slid down. Her eyes watered, but she managed to keep from coughing. When she opened her eyes, the room spun around her a little bit and she handed him the glass back with a slightly shaky hand.

  “Jonas?” Misty was standing in front of him. She handed him the glass so he would set it down. She put her hand out to touch his chest and looked up in his eyes. Her head was spinning but all she could think about was how handsome he was. Remembering the kiss they had shared previously, she wanted him to kiss her now.

  “Yes, Misty?” Jonas asked her, his voice a breathless whisper inches from her mouth. She tipped her head up slightly more and he seemed to get her hint and leaned down to finish bridging the gap. Kissing her passionately, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. The kiss did not last for long, because Jonas pulled away and looked at her questioningly.

  Looking up at Jonas, Misty put her arms around his neck and shut her eyes. Whatever the whiskey
had done to her, it had intensified her desire for him and took away her reservations. Earlier she had been worried about offending him by being too bold. Now, she did not care. She just wanted him and she made sure he knew it.

  He kissed her again and it went on until they were both breathless and then she brought her hands up to tangle in his hair. He removed the pins from her pinned hair one at a time until her long tresses tumbled down her back and he finger combed it gently and then tangled it into his hands. He moaned into her mouth and he backed up until he was sitting on the edge of his desk and she became trapped between his legs.

  Reaching lower, he grabbed her bottom through her dress and pulled her tighter against his body. She could feel the impression of his hard length through his pants and her clothes. Sighing she pressed against him. Partially out of curiosity and because it made her stomach feel funny in a good way and she did not want it to stop. Her knees felt weak and she shivered in his arms.

  “Misty, if you don’t leave now, this is going to end up with me and you naked in here, and making love before our wedding night,” Jonas stopped kissing her long enough to make it clear what was about to happen. He looked down at her and wanted to be a good man for her, but holding her in his arms, kissing her he did not have the strength to walk away from her if she stayed.

  “I don’t want to leave,” Misty said, furrowing her brows as she leaned back slightly to look at him. “I like the way your kisses make me feel.”

  “Misty,” Jonas trailed off; he took a deep breath and shut his eyes. He wanted to do the right thing, which was waiting for marriage. Their wedding was just a few days away, but with her looking up at her with those big eyes of hers, he tried to convince himself to keep waiting. They should be able to wait, yet seeing her swollen red lips and her heavy eyes as she stood before him with her hair all tangled. He could not resist her. She touched his arm and squeezed, pressing herself closer, and he was lost.

  Kissing her again, he was more passionate, more aggressive. He started working on the buttons on the front of her dress, slowly opening the bodice up to show her undergarments. When he had managed to get her dress off and she was in nothing but her shift, he traded places with her. He picked her up and set her on the desk. He could tell she was an innocent, and knew he needed to be gentle with her the first time.

  Misty let her head fall back as he kissed her neck and worked lower. He had his hands on her hips and was gripping them tightly. She groaned slightly as she focused on the way he was making her feel. She was all hot and achy and wanted him to keep touching her.

  Touching her gently, he worked his way up her thighs, putting his fingers and palm on the sensitive heat between her legs. Massaging gently, he kissed her as he pushed her back further on the desk so he had better access to her core. His fingers stroked her and touched her until she was wiggling her body and arching towards him and moaning softly as his fingers and hand worked their magic.

  He pushed her legs further apart and worked on undoing his pants. He pulled his cock out of his pants and grabbed her hand. Guiding it, he had her wrap her hand around his length. He encouraged her to stroke it gently as he touched her. He slipped a finger inside of her and slowly stretched her wider so she could accommodate his size.

  Knowing he was not small, he knew she would have to be really ready for him if it wasn't going to hurt her. He took his time, seducing her, getting her ready and let her explore his body with her fingers and hands so she would be comfortable with him.

  “Are you ok?” Jonas asked. He had leaned forward and cupped her chin in his hand. He pulled her face up to his and kissed her lips softly.

  “I am great, Jonas. Why do you ask?” She whispered softly to him as she looked at his face and smiled up at him..

  “I didn’t want to see you hurt; I just need to know you want this now, here?” He replied. His fingers tracing her face, letting her know that he meant what he said.

  “I want you, whatever that entails Jonas, I like you, I want this feeling that you started not to stop,” she told him, placed her hands on his chest, and started to unbutton his shirt. She looked up at him and when her fingers touched his skin, he grabbed her wrists to stop her.

  “I want too, I want you so bad, but we need to slow down and just wait a few more days to our wedding night. I can't do this to you,” he told her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I want too, believe me. However, it will be worth the wait. Get out of here before I change my mind and can't stop myself.”

  Misty stared at him and then put her clothes back on and left Jonas in his office. She was still feeling the effects of the whiskey as she walked to her room. Her blurry mind trying to put the night’s events together in her mind. She had enjoyed his touch and his mouth on her own, his fingers had stirred feelings in her she did not know what it meant but it left this horrible ache in her stomach and she wished he had not stopped. The experience was one that she would never forget and one that she would be happy to repeat, but hopefully next time, it would not just stop as it did this time.

  Once she was in her room, and in her own bed. She was wondering if she could make herself feel the way that Jonas had. Lowering her hand between her thighs, she sighed as her fingers brushed across her mound.

  Letting her fingers drag between her lips, she explored herself. Finding the places that felt the best, she continuously rubbed them causing her breathing to become short and ragged. Pushing herself over the edge, she relaxed back into her bed. Her last thought was of her husband to be and why he did not take her virginity and was making her wait.

  Chapter 4

  Wedding Bells With No Regrets

  Mr. Elderwood and Bradley had arrived at the estate this morning for the wedding in a few days. Jonas’ grandfather was a hard man, from an older time. He made every decision in the family, and you lived with it, without complaint. Bradley, on the other hand, was nothing like the rest of the family. He didn’t want to work, and only chased women, married ones mostly, causing more problems for their grandfather than anyone. He was a good-looking man like the rest of the family, which led to his success with the women.

  Misty disliked him on sight. Something about him made her incredibly uncomfortable. The way he looked at her had her trying to avoid being alone with him and the more she avoided him the more he seemed to try to be in a room with her without anyone else supervising. She was introduced to Mr. Elderwood in the afternoon, and was questioned by him concerning her pending marriage to Jonas.

  He was blunt and asked hard questions for her to answer. He wanted to know if she was going to have children of her own with Jonas, or if she would be happy with his offspring. He also asked about the consummation, just as Jonas said he would. The whole time she was being questioned Bradley was watching her. His eyes roaming over her body, as if he was sizing up livestock for purchase. She gave him a dirty look and it just made him smile wider.

  Mr. Elderwood finished his questions and asked to see Jonas in the hall for a moment. As soon as they left, Bradley moved closer to her. He sat down and reached out to pat her leg. Leaving his hand on her thigh, he was making small talk about where she came from. He was not really paying attention to what she said. He was busy gripping her thigh and moving his hand slowly higher. Misty was getting more than uncomfortable with him, when the door swung open. She sprang from her seat and rushed to Jonas’s side. Jonas gave Bradley a dirty look and his cousin just smirked back at him.

  “Coming to dinner, Bradley?” Jonas threw the command casually over his shoulder as he guided Misty out by her waist. He felt protective of her and he wished his grandfather hadn't brought his cousin. He did not understand why his grandfather let Bradley disgrace their family and be included in functions where other family members didn't want him, but he had never stood up for it yet. He wanted too, but he had never made himself do it. Yet.

  However, if Bradley kept looking at his wife to be the way he was, he would make himself say something and end this nonsense once and
for all. Glaring at the man, he just wanted an excuse, and if he was patient, he knew Bradley would do something to screw up enough while visiting to make him leave.

  Dinner was uneventful luckily and Jonas was relieved but he noticed the uncomfortable glances that Misty kept giving him and it made him angry. Misty should not feel bad in her own home and he resented his grandfather for putting him in a position to allow his cousin access to his wife.

  Mr. Elderwood talked nothing but business and ignored everyone but Jonas, he ignored Bradley's attempts to jump into the conversation. When they finished he pulled Jonas into his office for a drink and more business. That left Misty to help the children to get ready for bed. Jonas would be up later to tuck them in and kiss them goodnight, as was his usual practice. Misty got them settled in and read them a story from the book they had picked. She was leaving the children’s room and heading to her own, when someone caught her by the arm. She was startled and gave a squeak as she spun around.


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