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Appetite of a Vampire [Vampire Love and Lust 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Dani April

  “I want to do it over here,” she told him and went over to the rocking chair by the window. He followed after her, his cock thudding against her belly as they walked in the dark. She took him by the hand and forced him down into the rocking chair. “Sit down, baby,” she commanded.

  The chair groaned against his heavy weight as he sat down. His body swayed up and down, moving with the rhythm of the chair, and his cock waved like a flag in the wind, stretching tall from between his legs.

  “I need to be on top for this to work.”


  She hiked her leg over his lap. The chair was still moving his cock back and forth. Finally she caught it in her hand. “Get back here,” she teased him. She squatted down over him. Her pussy was already moistened, swollen, and ready for his penetration.

  The engorged head parted her lips, and she slowly lowered herself down the giant pole. Picking her feet up from the cold floorboards, she let them dangle in the air, allowing the motion of the old chair to take them both on a ride. She relaxed her body and set down more fully on him with each forward push of the rocker.

  “Promise me you won’t freak out when we do this?” she asked him.

  “We’re already doing it, baby.” He reached up and took one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking.

  “No, silly, I mean when I have my dinner.”

  “How are we going to do that exactly?” Now he moved over to her other breast. The rocker was moving faster beneath them.

  “Just relax. I know what to do.”

  “You said you’ve never done this before.”

  “I never have.” The rocker kept moving faster. “I think it comes naturally to a vampire.”

  “That feels good,” he told her. The rocker went faster still.

  “Feels good for me, too.”

  “You’re beautiful, Marty,” he told her and kept sucking on her. “You taste good, too.”

  “I think you are going to taste even better, Barry.”

  An orgasm was gaining force between her thighs, and she knew it was going to be a dangerous one. She held his head in place, his mouth covering her erect nipple. The muscles in her legs tensed. Her pussy ground down into him, receiving every inch he had to offer.

  The feelings from the prior evening came flooding back in a torrent, and she threw back her head and started to achieve her climax. Beneath her, Barry was bucking hard and was about to unload inside of her. Both their cries mixed together in the dark.

  Her teeth started to grow, and her eyes lit with fire. Her swollen clit could take no more punishment, and a second orgasm hit her. She held him by his shoulders. Each rock of the chair seemed to bring him up deeper inside her womb. The chair was moving faster, his pelvic thrusts against her were becoming deeper, and her pussy was grounding down on him harder.

  She let out an animal-like scream that shattered the night, and bent down to his neck. His neck muscles were hard and taut, but her teeth were sharp and had no trouble breaking his skin. His vein was only millimeters beneath, and she soon had it punctured.

  She felt his body go tense between her thighs and felt the hot liquid of his cum spilling inside her body.

  She began to drink from his jugular vein. His blood was the sweetest nectar. At the first drop in her mouth, her whole being took on more power and energy, and she realized she could not get enough of that delicious liquid pouring out of the two little wounds on his neck.

  She felt him holding her tight in his arms, and his grip on her back intensified as she drank more. Then he was moving his body beneath her. It wasn’t until later that she realized he was struggling to get away from her. He was trying to plead with her, but she ignored his words. The headiness of the present feeding didn’t permit her to think of anything other than her own appetite.

  She put her lips to his skin and began sucking out more of his life force, sucking it all into herself, and growing stronger on every drop. Stars of wonder danced before her eyes, and she saw all of creation more clearly than she ever had before. There was a great rushing in her eardrums. She normally was never sure if her vampire heart was beating or not, but at this moment she knew it was about to race out of her chest.

  Using all of her might, she clamped down on his neck with her overgrown incisors, and she fed. She lost track of time. Her throat muscles became sore from gulping down all of his blood.

  A gurgling sound was her signal to come back to reality. It was the sound she remembered an empty milk shake glass made when being sucked up by a straw at the drugstore. Slowly, she let up her bite on his neck.

  His grip around her back had lessened. In fact, his arms now hung limp at his side. She removed her mouth from him and looked down. His body lay wilted in her arms. His eyes were closed.

  As she licked some blood from off her chin, she started to become frightened. Barry was no longer breathing. She thought she had just killed him.

  Chapter Eight

  “Oh my God!” Marty screamed when she got a good look at Barry in her arms. His face and his entire body had been drained of color, taking on a white, sickly pallor. His head fell back against the wooden rocker, and he was unconscious.

  She quickly climbed off his lap. She bent to his chest and listened for his heart. There was still a faint beating inside, but it sounded unsteady. Her training as a nurse kicked in. She took up his wrists and got his pulse. It was also weak. At the same time, she leaned in close to his mouth and tried to determine if he had respiration. But he wasn’t breathing and was going into shock.

  Lifting him in her arms, she was able to drag him over to the couch. It was a struggle because he was a big man. She laid him flat on his back and made sure his legs were about a foot elevated from his heart. This would facilitate blood flow to the organs and brain. Next she reached in to examine the wound on his neck. It had already healed up. When she washed away the small amount of dried blood with a wet cloth, she saw only two small puncture wounds remaining. This was a good sign because he wasn’t going to lose any more blood. If she could get his breathing and heart rate stabilized, everything might still be all right.

  She began CPR and started chest compressions. After about a minute, she got a response out of him. He coughed and started to take shallow breaths. He opened his eyes and stared up at her through unfocused pupils.

  “Oh my God, Barry, I am so sorry.” Tears were running down her face.

  She wet his lips with another towel she had brought from the bathroom. Then she brought a blanket down from one of the bedrooms upstairs and covered up his naked body. She knew she had to keep him warm after the heavy loss of blood.

  He reached out for her, and she took his hand in her own. His grip was weak.

  “I won’t ever forgive myself for what I’ve done to you, Barry. You didn’t deserve this. You’re a good guy. You didn’t deserve to meet me. Derrick was right about me. I am a monster.”

  He shook his head for her to stop and pointed that he wanted a glass of water that she had just poured from the kitchen faucet. She held it to his lips and helped him to take a small swallow before she laid his head back against the pillow.

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself.” His voice was raspy when he spoke. “That was the best sex of all time.”

  “Barry, you almost died. I almost killed you.”

  He reached up and stroked her face with his palm. “I’m not going to die, Marty.”

  “No, you most certainly are not, and you’re going to stay right here with me. I’m going to take care of you.”

  “Thank you, Marty.”

  “Don’t thank me!” she almost shouted at him. “It’s my fault you’re in this shape.”

  “I thought you were just kinky. I thought the whole vampire bit was just a sex game you were playing. You know, that’s something people do to make the sex more intense.”

  “I wish it had been a game.”

  “So I guess this means you really are a vampire then, huh?”

  “Yes, I really a

  He smiled. Somehow he seemed to like the idea. She could have reached out and read his thoughts, but she had more control over her mental powers now after the feeding and was not going to invade his privacy anymore. She couldn’t understand why the idea of her being a vampire made him so happy and was such a turn-on.

  “Barry, this is very serious,” she told him impatiently. “I almost killed you tonight. You are going to be very weak for a long time now because of all the blood you just lost. If you had died because of my selfishness, I couldn’t have gone on living, either.”

  “But, Marty, I didn’t die.” His smile had broken into weak laughter, and he rolled his head back on the pillow. “This is the most fantastic thing that has ever happened to me. You are the most fantastic thing that has ever happened to me.” He pulled her down with the little strength he had remaining and gave her a gentle kiss, which she gladly accepted.

  “You’re not going to be living out of your truck anymore or looking for a room to rent,” she told him, “because you’re going to be living here with me.”

  “I’d like that very much.” His giddy smile returned to him. “And you can bite me anytime you want.”

  “No!” She put her fingers over his lips to silence him. “We can’t ever do that again.”

  “Then how are you going to live?”

  “I don’t know. The blood from the hospital I guess.”

  “That’s not good enough for you, and you know it.”

  “I’ll think of something. Right now all I want is for you to get better.”

  “Can we at least keep having sex?”

  “I don’t know.” She frowned at him but was just relieved to see him well enough to joke. “Maybe when you’re feeling better.”

  He pointed past her into the next room and the window in that room that revealed a dim light flowing in past the curtains.

  “Oh shit!” Marty exclaimed when she saw it. “I’ve got to go. Will you be all right until I can see you tonight?”

  He nodded that he would be fine. “Go on and get out of here.” He pulled her back to him for a final kiss.

  Still only wearing a towel she had wrapped around herself from the bathroom, she fled across the room and had soon pried up the floorboards. The towel fell away from her in her efforts, and she didn’t even have time to retrieve it or cover herself. The light was becoming too intense. Naked, she crawled beneath the floor and covered herself from the sun for another day.

  In the darkness beneath the floor, it was a long time before sleep would come. She realized her chin was still covered with Barry’s dried blood. She had turned into a monster and hated herself. She hoped the sun would never go down, and the monster would never have another chance to come up from beneath the floor to be turned lose on the world of normal people.

  * * * *

  Marty took the next week off from work. She had vacation time coming to her, and this was a propitious time to make use of it. Barry was getting slowly stronger each day, but the first two days, he couldn’t even get up off the couch. Marty knew that he’d had a close call and that there could never be a next time.

  Barry didn’t have the benefits on his job that Marty had, and when his boss at the maintenance pool found he was going to be out for the rest of the week, he fired him. Marty felt devastated by this because she realized it was her fault. But Barry kept his spirits up high. He seemed to be made truly happy by the paranormal vampire that he was now living with.

  After Barry recovered half of his former strength, he started asking Marty about sex. She gave him a firm “no” each time. When she lost herself in passion, her hunger took over completely, and she could not control herself. After feeding so ravenously on Barry, she was feeling better than she could ever remember. She was now in control of her impulses. However, she knew there would come a time when she would need to feed again, and she might not have such good self-control the next time. When that time came, it might be awkward if Barry was still living with her. She was still very attracted to him and knew if he was right there in the house, she would end up in bed with him. After what had happened the first time, that could never happen again.

  She did not have the heart to send Barry back to the street. For one thing, having him living with her gave her a companionship that she had been longing for. She resolved to get in touch with her Internet buddy, Peter von North, again and ask him if it was possible for a vampire to feed on a human without killing them. If so, and if she could learn how to control her appetite during sex, perhaps she could let Barry stay with her. She enjoyed his presence in her house enormously and knew she would enjoy a continuation of their physical relationship as well.

  However, she knew he wasn’t the man she was looking for. The one man she was looking for would be a vampire like she was, and he would be her maker. When she finally met him then all of this would truly be at an end.

  That night, as soon as the sun set, Marty came up from her sleeping space. Barry was awaiting her to give her a kiss and a hug. He had just returned from another fast-food place and was having his dinner. The food smelled terrible to Marty, but she was fascinated watching him eat, and it reminded her that she would be getting hungry again soon herself.

  There was a knock at the front door. This was alarming because no one ever came by her house. She and Barry exchanged puzzled glances.

  “Want me to get it?” he asked.

  “Finish your dinner. I’ve got this.”

  Marty ran through the house, still feeling an overabundance of energy from her feeding the week before.

  Derrick was standing at her front door. The two of them regarded each other for a few seconds of strained silence without speaking. She saw his Harley parked out in the gravel of her driveway. Next to it, another large bike was also parked. Aaron, the young African-American man, was standing next to it.

  When she looked back at Derrick, he was holding up a bouquet of a dozen roses for her.

  “I came back to say I’m sorry. I made a fool out of myself. I wanted to see if you would forgive me.”

  Marty took a swallow and felt her emotions stir inside. She didn’t know how she felt and had not the first clue what to say to him.

  “Would it be all right if we came in?”

  “Yes, you can come in.” She held the door open for the two men. Derrick handed her the roses, and she took them. They were beautiful even in the night.

  Barry came around the corner from the back of the house and was watching the other men’s entrance with curiosity. Marty introduced the men, and an awkward moment ensued.

  “I think I’m going to run back to the Dairy Queen and pick up some ice cream,” Barry said, politely excusing himself.

  “Thanks, Barry.” He gave her hand a squeeze for support and then let himself out the front door.

  She tried to detach herself from her emotion and regarded Derrick and Aaron. “I don’t know why you came back.”

  “Would you believe that I haven’t been able to get you off my mind?”

  “I would believe it. It isn’t everyday something like that happens.” She sighed and motioned for the men to sit down. “I want you to know I don’t blame you in the least for the way you reacted.”

  “That’s okay, but I blame myself.” She read his thoughts and found that he was telling the truth. “I could see what hell you were living in here. I told you I wanted to help you. You told me I wouldn’t understand. As it turns out, you were right. I didn’t understand.”

  Aaron cleared his throat and spoke for the first time. “Homeboy here and I have been having some pretty serious heart-to-hearts ever since he ran out of your place that night. We were supposed to be headed up the coast to Frisco by now, but we stayed around because of you.”

  Marty thought back on the horrible evening with Derrick and then on the night she almost killed Barry. “Maybe you would have been better to go to Frisco,” she told them.

  “Marty, I had never met a vampire before. I didn�
�t even know they existed until the other night.”

  “When he came back to the motel and told me the story, I thought he was drunk at first,” Aaron put in.

  “I didn’t understand. I thought vampires were creatures of myth who were evil and killed people.”

  “Vampires aren’t creatures of myth,” Marty corrected him. “But they are evil, and they do kill people.”

  “Then why didn’t you kill me when you had the chance?”

  “You stopped me. Otherwise, I would have.”

  “That’s not entirely true. You had me overpowered. I couldn’t have stopped you. You let me go when you saw how afraid I was. If you were evil, you wouldn’t have done that.”

  “Barry, the man you just met…” Marty wanted to believe Derrick’s kind words but knew she couldn’t. “The night after you and I were together, I brought him back here with me. He wasn’t as lucky as you were. He almost died that night because of what I did to him.”

  Derrick got up and came to her. Marty tried to turn her back on him, but he wouldn’t let her. “Nobody made me come back here, Marty.”

  “You shouldn’t have.”

  “Give me a chance. You need help, and I want to be the one to give it.”

  Marty had to fight down a bout of hysteria. Her situation seemed so hopeless. “What do you want me to do?” she asked him.

  “Start by coming out with me tonight. It’s dark, and the sun won’t be up for hours. And I’ve always been a night owl anyway.”

  Marty looked up at his perfectly sculpted face and his beautiful eyes and knew she would do as he told her. She also knew it was a mistake.

  * * * *

  They were walking through a night market in the city. It was another gorgeous night with just the hint of a breeze in the air. They had been walking for hours. As they strolled along side by side, they talked. Marty was pleased that Derrick shared as much about his life with her as she did with him.

  “I was the most surprised person in the world when I got an offer from a giant corporation to buy my little software company. Then when I found out the price they were willing to pay for it, I almost fell over.”


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