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Appetite of a Vampire [Vampire Love and Lust 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 9

by Dani April

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next night at the hospital, Marty stepped into the office of Dr. Owen Bradon. He was the devilishly handsome, young doctor who worked the ER at night, and the one who all the nurses were crazy about. Marty had a plan. She was feeling better than she ever had since she had been turned, and her thoughts were coming to her crisp and clear.

  “Nurse Williams, I’m sorry, but I can’t help you,” Dr. Bradon explained as he followed her inside his office.

  “Just give me one minute, and hear me out please, Dr. Bradon.”

  “I’m afraid one minute is about all the time I have to spare.”

  “I have a condition, one that has never been treated by a physician. I’ve never seen a doctor about this before.”

  “Well then, nurse, I suggest you make an appointment during the daytime.”

  “I can’t.” She looked at him. He wasn’t even seated, just standing behind his desk waiting for her to get on with her story. “I can’t go anywhere in the daytime.”

  He was clearly bored by her visit. He just shrugged as if she had told a bad joke.

  “Dr. Bradon, I’m a vampire, and I need help.”

  He pointed to the door, gesturing for her to leave. “I don’t have time for this nonsense, Nurse Williams. Please go back to your station.”

  She opened her mouth wide. She had to pinch herself, because normally her teeth only grew when she was sexually aroused, but this was an emergency, and she had to force them out. Within seconds, her incisors were growing out of her mouth.

  “What the hell?” Dr. Bradon gasped. He came up closer to her but seemed like he was afraid to get too close. “Is this woman faking this? Those look like fangs. I saw them grow before my eyes. But that couldn’t be. I’m a Harvard educated physician. I can’t allow myself to believe in superstitions.”

  “I can also read your mind, doctor.” Marty gained confidence. “Think about something that no one else knows about. Think about something that you haven’t ever told anyone else before.”

  He took a step away from her. Now he was clearly scared of her. For a moment, she was afraid he was going to call for security. Then she would lose her job, and her plan would become a miserable failure. Instead, he started thinking as Marty had instructed him.

  “This nurse is obviously crazy if she thinks she can walk in here and tell me she’s a vampire and can read my mind. Read my mind about this, bitch—the first time I was laid was with a prostitute in the back of an alley while I was in college.”

  “You’re so good-looking, doctor. Why would you need to see a prostitute?”

  He stumbled over his feet and landed down in his chair behind his desk. She had just proved the truth of her condition to him. Now, instead of being frightened by a potentially crazy nurse in his office, he was far more frightened of the unknown.

  “I apologize that I had to do that, doctor. Your thoughts are none of my business, but it was the only way I could make you believe me.” She pointed to the chair in front of his desk. “May I sit down?”

  He nodded his assent.

  “You see, doctor, everything I have to tell you sounds crazy. If I was you, I wouldn’t believe it either. But I really need help, and because I’m a nurse, I naturally thought a doctor would be the best person to turn to. Also, I’ve seen you work with patients, and you’re always so kind to them. It was really hard for me to reveal myself like this, and I think you’re just about the only person I could have done so with.”

  “Are you really a nurse?” he asked her suspiciously.

  “Yes. I graduated from nurses’ training at the university. I take my job here too seriously to lie about that.”

  “And you say you’re a…vampire?”

  “Yes, that’s what I am.”

  He ran his hands over his eyes. “How did this happen to you?”

  “That’s just it, doctor. I don’t know how it happened to me. I’ve had amnesia for a number of years now. It’s only been just recently that it’s started getting better, but yet I still can’t remember who made me.”

  “Made you?”

  “Yes, my maker. Every vampire has to have a maker vampire. Normally that maker vampire is of the opposite sex. I think mine could have been my boyfriend back when I was human. I remember being deeply in love with a man. That man was more than likely my maker.”

  “How long have you had this condition?”

  “Almost fifty years.”

  Once more, he covered up his face with his hands, his mind operating on information overload. “Nurse Williams, you are a beautiful woman.”

  “Thank you, doctor.”

  “No, what I mean is, you are a young woman. You appear to be no more than twenty-four or twenty-five. You could not have had any medical condition for fifty years. You were not alive fifty years ago.”

  “Nonetheless, here I am.”

  “This is like a miracle.”

  “From my point of view, it’s been more like a curse.”

  “You expect me to help you?”

  “I’m hoping you can.”

  He got up from behind his desk and shut the door of his office. Before doing so he looked left and right down the hospital corridor to make sure no one was around. “I don’t know what to say to you, nurse. I don’t even know where to start. I’m afraid this may be out of my league.”

  “I think any doctor would feel the same as you do. All I’m asking is that you try.”

  He came back into the room, but this time, rather than go back to his chair, he propped himself up on the edge of the desk. “I suppose now would be a good time to inquire about your symptoms.”

  Marty sighed and didn’t even know where to begin. “The sunlight will burn me—I mean really burn me. If I was exposed to it for just a few minutes, I would be burned beyond recognition. I don’t ever seem to age, which is actually a good thing but also very scary. The amnesia we already discussed. Over the last year or so, I have learned to read people’s minds. We already talked about that, too. I can see in the dark. I have greater strength than I should have for a woman of my size. This usually happens when I get excited. My front teeth grow by several inches in a matter of seconds. This happens mostly when I…” She started to say ‘get turned on’ and decided it would be inappropriate. “Also get excited,” she finally said.


  “And I can’t eat food or drink water.”

  “What happens when you try?”

  “I vomit it up immediately. I find food disgusting to even think about, and I can’t stand smelling any.”

  “You look strong and have good color in your cheeks. How have you survived?”

  Marty thought about the reason her coloring was so much nicer today than normal. Her thoughts took her back to Derrick’s motel room last night, and she smiled inwardly. “For a long time after I was turned, I stayed inside my house. I didn’t go out or do anything. I stayed frightened and alone. I think I went for years without the need to feed. Then in the last few years, the hunger has grown inside me. I have to confess, I have been stealing blood from the hospital supply. That kept me alive. Then, after a while, even that wasn’t enough. A couple of weeks ago, I took one of the young men on the hospital maintenance staff home with me. He thought I brought him back for sex. But what I really wanted was his blood. I almost killed him.”

  “Oh, my God!” Dr. Bradon regarded her in a new light.

  She lowered her gaze. “I know, doctor. Sometimes I feel like a monster and wonder if I should even go on living. The only reason that I look strong and healthy today is because I’ve started drinking human blood. I’ve started a relationship with a couple of men in order to get their blood, and I’m terrified I’m going to harm one of them. That’s why I came to you tonight. I want you to help me before it’s too late.”

  “I don’t think I can help you, Nurse Williams.” The doctor was shaking his head. “What would you have me do?”

  “You could start by running some blood

  “Fair enough, but we’ll have to do it here in my office. I don’t want this going through the lab.”

  “Ultimately, Doctor Bradon, I don’t think you can cure my body of the disease it’s got. I’m learning to live with it, and I’m just going to have to try harder.”

  “Then what do you want me to do?”

  She reached out a hand to him. “I want you to help me find my maker before it’s too late, before I die, or I end up killing one of the men I’m involved with. And I think we’ve got to hurry, Doctor, because I don’t think I have much time left. After feeding on human blood, the hunger has grown so strong inside me that I can’t fight it anymore. If I don’t find my maker soon, I’m afraid I’ll accidentally kill one of my boyfriends during sex.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Barry was on top of her and pounding his cock between her stretched pussy lips. They were back on top of the old rocking chair, and it was riding up and down to the movement of his hips. When she got home from work that night, he had practically jumped her, and she didn’t have the strength to resist him. Now, each time she swayed up in the rocker, the vein throbbing in his neck seemed to grow larger and larger in her glowing eyes. It took every ounce of willpower she had to avoid that tasty-looking vein. Instead, when her teeth had grown large, she clamped down on his shoulder and drank her fill. As with Derrick the night before, this seemed to drive Barry crazy with desire, and he hammered her pussy and rode her to a giant climax.

  Later she sat on his lap atop the rocker and let him gently rock her. She could make out the paleness of his skin in the candlelight and knew that he felt feverish and drained, but at least she hadn’t brought him to death’s door this time as she had during their former sexual liaison.

  “Why won’t you make me into a vampire like you are, Marty?” he asked her as they rocked.

  “I already told you, I don’t know how.”

  “I don’t think it would be hard. Then we could be together forever. You would be my maker then.”

  “I don’t want to be anyone’s maker.”

  “I want you to be mine.” He looked into her eyes. “You know, my life wasn’t going anywhere until I met you. Hell, I didn’t have a family or a place to stay. I grew up in a tough neighborhood, and most of my friends are either dead or in jail now. Since I got out of the army, I haven’t held a job for more than three months straight. But all of that changed when I met you.”

  “I’m sorry it’s been hard for you, Barry, but don’t get the wrong idea about you and me.”

  He ignored her and continued to stroke her shoulder. His caress felt incredible. “Ever since I’ve moved in with you, Marty, you’re all I ever think about. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I think I must love you.”

  She silenced him with a kiss. “You don’t love me, Barry. That’s the aphrodisiac of the vampire fluid I injected in your veins when I bit you tonight. You couldn’t possibly know me because I don’t even know myself.”

  “Maybe I know you better than you do.”

  “Well, that wouldn’t be hard since I don’t really know me at all.” She let him reach up and kiss her this time. “But you still don’t love me.”

  “Why would I let you drink my blood if I didn’t?”

  She thought on that one for a moment and then reached the obvious conclusion. “Because you knew if you let me bite you, I’d let you have sex with me.”

  “Hey, I might have been a loser at a lot of things in life, but I always did pretty well with the ladies. If I hadn’t met you, I could have gotten mind-blowing sex from lots of women.”

  She brushed a lock of his hair back from his sweaty forehead. “I believe you could have. I’m happy you’re not with those girls. I’m happy that you’re with me now.” Then she held his face between her hands and looked him in the eye. “But, Barry, you may not always want to be with me. I’m a vampire, and vampires are evil. I could end up killing you if you hang around my place too long.”

  He laughed. “I’ll let you fuck me to death.”

  She poked him in the chest. “I’m serious! The vampires I met the other night, they were evil. I think they could have killed someone without even feeling any remorse about it. I don’t want to be like them. But I feel like I may be turning into one of them.”

  “Don’t be silly, Marty. You are good people…I mean good vampire.”

  She stroked his chest and then brought up his chin to force him to look at her. “Tonight when we were having sex, I almost bit into your neck again. I knew that it would be wrong and that you would die this time if I did, but I could hardly control myself.”

  “But the important thing is that you did control yourself. And I liked where you bit me. It made the sex better.”

  “This isn’t a game, Barry. It’s life and death, for you and also for me.”

  He buried his face into her naked breasts, and she held him tight against her. “I can’t help the way I feel. I love you, Marty.”

  “I know you do, Barry. I can read your love for me in your mind. It’s really sweet, but unfortunately I can’t love you, and I can’t love Derrick, or anyone else, either.”

  “Why can’t you?”

  She sighed. “Because I’m still in love with my maker.”

  “How can you love him? You can’t even remember the dude.”

  “It’s hard to explain.” Suddenly, sitting naked in the rocker with a naked man who she had just wildly fucked a few minutes before, she felt a shiver run down her spine as if she was betraying her maker. “I just know that when I find him, everything will be all right in my life. He’ll take care of me from that day forward, and I won’t ever have to worry again. Then all of this hell I’ve lived through will have been worth it.”

  Barry looked like he was fighting to keep the disappointment off his face. “Then when that day comes, I guess you won’t have any need for us humans anymore, huh?”

  “There will always be a warm spot for you guys in my heart. But let’s face facts, Barry. You’re a human, and I am a vampire. We’ll never have a future together. Can’t you just be happy with the here and now?”

  He rocked her silently in the chair for a moment. Outside, she could see the faintest of glows in the eastern sky. She didn’t have many more minutes.

  “Do you think when you find this kingpin vampire he might teach you how to make us into vampires?” Barry asked.

  “No, I don’t think he’s like that. I know when I meet him he’ll be one of the good vampires. He won’t be in favor of turning human beings.”

  Now it was his turn to reach up to her and silence her with his touch. “But, Marty,” he interjected, “you know that can’t be true. You were a human, and this guy turned you into a vampire. Don’t get mad at me for saying so, but maybe, just maybe this guy isn’t the knight in shining armor you have him made out to be.”

  A flash of anger ran through her. How dare this man who she had just given her body so freely to question the motives of her one true love? Just as quickly, the anger faded. Of course Barry was only trying to reason things out. But Marty didn’t believe that her bond with her maker could be reasoned with. She had many unanswered questions, too, but when the time came, and she finally met him, they would all be answered.

  She got up from his lap and pulled him onto his feet with her. “It’s time for me to go,” she told him.

  “Can I ask you a favor?” He held her back in his big arms. “Can I sleep with you down in your place today?”

  She was going to say no, but then she looked up into his lovely face and could not bring herself to say the words. “Do you really want to?”

  “More than anything.”

  “If I let you, it’s only for sleeping. We can’t have sex again this soon.”

  “I know.” A serious look crossed his face. “What are we going to do, Marty? You had Derrick last night and me tonight. That doesn’t leave anyone for tomorrow night.”

  “I’ll just have to abstain for
a few evenings and give my guys a rest.” But even as she spoke she realized that was probably not going to be possible. Now that she’d had a regular supply of human blood in her system, she didn’t think she could hold off for even a day.

  “We’ll figure something out, don’t worry. Come on, I’ll race you to bed.” He took her by the hand, and they ran carefree for the moment over to her hiding place under the floor.

  * * * *

  Before she got off work at the hospital that night, Dr. Bradon pulled her aside and back into his office. She realized he was working later than he normally would have. When they were alone, he shut the door behind them.

  “I finished analyzing the blood sample you gave me last night,” he told her.


  “The simplest way I can put it is that you have a virus. However, I think I was remiss last night in not giving you a complete physical.”

  “Why, doctor?”

  “Well, looking at your blood, I discovered that you really shouldn’t be alive. If I hadn’t drawn the sample myself, I would have thought a mistake had been made.”

  “That isn’t surprising. In a way, I suppose a vampire is already dead.”

  “Still, if you don’t mind, I’d like to proceed with the physical.”

  Marty was gladdened to see the young doctor was getting into the spirit of trying to help his unusual patient deal with her most unusual disease. She undressed for him and allowed him to start by listening to her heart.

  “I’ve never seen a virus like the one you have. It’s running rampant in your bloodstream. I compared your sample with every exotic medical text I have on blood diseases, but I could find no matches. I even got online and tried comparing my analysis of your blood to other patients with severe conditions, but again, no luck.” He listened to her chest with his scope. “Now, take a deep breath for me.”

  She did as he instructed her. Even though she had been living with this condition for years, she was afraid of what he might tell her.

  “Now hold your breath for me, please.” He referred down to his watch to time her. “Keep holding it as long as you can.”


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