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Appetite of a Vampire [Vampire Love and Lust 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 20

by Dani April

  “I have,” he said. “I love you, Marty. I know you love me, too. No matter what Peter von North told you in that hotel room, nothing is going to change for the two of us.”

  She rested her head against his chest. She didn’t care if the other travelers at the terminal saw her. “Do you even know why I’m going to San Francisco, silly?”

  “I read some of Peter’s e-mails. This trip has to do with a vampire convention in a few nights.”

  “That’s right, it does, but you weren’t invited.”

  “Neither were you, Miss Novice Vampire.” He gave her a playful pat on the bottom and bent to kiss her, and she knew all her resistance to him had melted.

  “I guess we’ll find out together.”

  “So does that mean I can come?” He brightened.

  “Silly, I can’t keep you off a flight.” She took his hand. “And since you’re headed in my direction, we might as well stay together.”

  “Fantastic!” He picked up her carry-on bag and threw it over his shoulder, and together, they walked down the terminal headed for the departure gate.

  “You really sold your truck so you could go to San Francisco with me?”

  “Yeah, I got a good deal. It was a piece of junk anyway.”

  “But you loved that old truck.”

  “I guess I love you more.”

  She leaned into him as they walked down the concourse. “You really are crazy, Barry.” She smiled at him. “But then, I’m no better.”

  “We’re both looking for a place to fit in,” he said. “We seem to fit pretty good together.”

  “Here’s our gate.” Marty guided them over to the departure area of their flight. “We’re now off to see the big, bad world.”

  They took their seats to wait, and she curled up against him. “I’m so happy to see you again,” he told her.

  “Me, too,” she said. “And I’m not even going to waste my time telling you how dangerous it is for you to be around me or how dangerous San Francisco might be for us, considering we have no idea what we might find once we get there.”

  “It’s going to be okay,” he told her. “This will be an adventure for us.”

  “What about the other guys?” she asked him.

  “I sent them all a text about my plan. I didn’t give them any details, or they would have been out here with me. Aaron thought you would be angry and try and kill me. Derrick said you’d probably call the cops on me, and Owen took a few hours to respond and then said I should make sure you got enough hospital blood.”

  Marty laughed. “That sounds like my men,” she said. “You know, I was hoping you guys would have gotten my vampire blood out of your systems by now and forgotten about me.”

  “Oh, we have,” Barry assured her, and she looked up at him. “We’ve gotten your aphrodisiac blood out of our systems,” he corrected himself. “But we’ll never forget about you, Marty. I’m not doing this because I’m drugged out on some aphrodisiac love potion that’s flowing through my body. I’m coming with you because you’re all I think about. If I don’t have you, then I don’t have anything.”

  “I feel the same way about all of you,” she said and held him tighter.

  Their flight was called on time, and they made their way down the jet ramp. Their seats were not together, but Barry was able to talk the old gentleman seated next to her to exchange seats with him, and so they ended up next to each other, with Marty looking out from the window seat and Barry on the aisle. When the captain announced takeoff, Marty took ahold of Barry’s hand and held it tight.

  “This is my first time to fly,” she told him sheepishly.

  “Mine, too, baby,” he told her, and they both laughed.

  The booming noise of the jets exploded outside, and they sped down the runway and were soon soaring over the city at night. Marty looked down on all of those lights and smiled.

  “Now that you are with me, everything seems beautiful,” she told him.

  He put his arm around her. She felt safe with him and knew it was her imagination because she was in just as much danger as she had been before she met up with him. To make matters worse, she was pulling him into that same danger with her. She stared out at the blackness of the California coast covered by the night.

  “You like vampires, don’t you Barry?”

  “Well, I’ve only known one,” he joked with her, but she was being serious now.

  “Where we’re going, there will be lots of vampires. Some of them will probably be as old as time itself, and, according to Peter, they have powers we can’t even imagine. We’re going to find those vampires and ask them to help us, whether they want to or not.”

  “I’m ready for them,” Barry boasted.

  “That’s good,” she told him, “because I’m definitely not.”

  “You’re going to find your maker this time, baby. I just know you will.”

  “I think you’re right. I probably will find him this time. But somehow that thought scares me more than anything else.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  After their flight touched down in San Francisco, Marty led them to the baggage carousel where her checked luggage awaited. Barry had no checked items and just carried his single bag over his shoulder.

  “Why did you bring so much with you?” he asked.

  “Because I don’t how long I’ll be here,” she told him. “I put my house up for sale. I might be moving here permanently.”

  “You want to move here because there are a lot of vampires?”

  “I was thinking that, but also the house seems so empty now without you guys there. I quit my job at the hospital, too. I think it’s time I moved on.”

  “Well, a vampire has lots of time to try different things.”

  “Probably, but I’m not looking forward to that time.”

  It was nearly midnight by the time they were outside the concourse and got a cab to take them to the apartment building Peter had readied for Marty in downtown. As they drove through the new city, Marty was happy to have Barry at her side and to not be going through this alone. She had spent so much of her life alone, but she realized loneliness was a feeling one never became accustomed to fully.

  The apartment building was old and had been built just after the San Francisco earthquake more than a hundred years before. The building looked as if it was well kept and probably charged the tenants a hefty monthly rent considering its prime location close to the hub of the city and the financial district. But they would not get to see the regular rooms on this visit. They were headed to the basement.

  Marty put a finger before her lips to motion Barry to silence. It was late, and probably most of the tenants were sleeping inside. He set her luggage down on the front porch, and she hunted inside her purse for the access code Peter had sent her.

  “Peter does come in handy,” she said as she punched in the access code and got the front door to click open. “Now be real quiet going down the hall. No one knows us in this building, and if we handle this right, they won’t even know we’re here.”

  “What happens if somebody finds us in the basement during the day?”

  “According to Peter, no one ever goes down there, and we can lock it from the inside.”

  “Which way is it?” Barry asked as they made their way down the rustic, old hallway.

  Marty brought up her directions and read them. “All the way in back and then we take a right.” Her directions proved to be accurate, and they were soon walking down a stairway that led underneath the building and below ground. The door to the basement was open, just as Peter had said it would be, and they helped themselves to the inside. Marty locked the door behind them as they entered. Another flight of stairs led them down still further, and finally, they were at their destination.

  Barry threw a light switch on the wall and illuminated their surroundings. It looked as if Peter had just had the room cleaned for them. It was spacious and contained old furniture that tenants had left behind at the buildi
ng over the years. On the whole, it looked rather pleasant and cozy.

  “Peter wasn’t expecting a human to be down here with me, so I don’t think there will be any food for you,” she told him.

  “That’s okay, I’m not hungry for food.” He set down her bags and threw his single carry-on to the floor beside them. This was their first chance to be alone since meeting up at LAX. Barry wrapped his arms around her and forced her up close to him.

  “Behave yourself,” she told him. She knew it was going to be difficult spending all night and all day down here with Barry alone.

  “You can’t ask me to do that,” he told her. “I’ll do anything for you, Marty, but I can’t keep my hands off your beautiful body.”

  She shoved out of his grasp and stepped away from him. “Cool it, Barry. I’ll give you some money, and you can go out and find an all-night place for food. That should keep you busy for a while.”

  His hand was reaching around her, cupping her breast under her shirt. “I told you I’m not hungry for food.”

  “You’re going to make this difficult, aren’t you?”

  “I’m going to make it very difficult,” he said, taunting her with a lusty voice, and she swatted him away again.

  “There’s a restroom with a shower back there. I think you need to take a cold one.”

  “I won’t have any need of that tonight, baby.” His hands were back on her, rubbing her shoulders as she opened up her first suitcase. She brought out a couple bags of blood she had brought with her to sate her hunger.

  “Take a shower, and then go out and get yourself dinner. I’m going to have my dinner now.” She had to push him away once more as his hands went on another trip of exploration down her back, winding up in a caress of her butt through her skirt.

  “Baby, I’ll be able to go out and get myself some food in the morning. This place is entirely underground, so I’ll be able to let myself in and out the door without causing you any danger. Tonight I want to get to know you again. It has been a long time for us.”

  She walked away from him. There was a large bed down in the center of the room, and she put it between the two of them as he stalked her. “We’re not going to have sex, Barry.” She was going to brook no argument from him on this point. “I’m happy you’re with me, and I’d like you to hold me when I go to sleep tomorrow morning, but we are not going to have sex.”

  “Yes we are.” A wicked grin was spreading back his features.

  “Barry, I don’t feel like having sex with you. There’s too much danger for a vampire and human to get physical. You know I love you, but we can’t be like that again. This hospital blood I’ve been drinking barely satisfies my appetite. I couldn’t trust my reaction if I let you get me horny tonight.”

  He climbed over the bed and went to stand before her. She had to duck away from his questing reach. “I’m going to fuck you tonight like there is no tomorrow, lady. You don’t get a say in it.”

  “It’s not going to work, Barry,” she told him and kept him at bay. “You’re not going to scare me. If we did as you suggested, I’m not the one who would get hurt. I don’t have anything to be afraid of. You’re the one who should be afraid of me, and you would be if you were thinking with your brain and not that beautiful cock of yours.”

  “You know you want me, baby.” He was trapping her in one small corner of the big basement, and her options to escape him were starting to run out. “I hope these walls down here are soundproof because tonight you’re going to get every inch of me. I’m going to ride you long and hard.”

  “I’m not going to have sex with you. I refuse.”

  “Go ahead and try and stop me. I want to tame you tonight, baby. I want to tame the wild vampire inside of you and let you know you’re still alive and still have a human woman inside you.”

  Marty backed up against the old-fashioned heat radiator in the corner. Now she had nowhere else to run. He was doing a good job of scaring her, but she was also starting to get turned on by his words and the chase. She realized her pussy was getting moist under her pants.

  He cupped her face in one of his large hands and stroked her with his fingers. “You’re mine tonight, Marty. I know you’ll fight me, thinking if you don’t, I’ll get hurt when I fuck you. That’s okay, because I’m going to train you and break you of that fear once and for all tonight. You’re going to get fucked like you haven’t ever been fucked before, and when it’s over, after you have screamed and bagged, you are going to be completely broken of any fear you ever had that you would hurt the ones you love.”

  Marty felt herself tremble. “How, Barry?” she asked him. “What are you going to do to me?”

  He leaned down and gave her a brief kiss on the lips. “You’ll be scared at first,” he said. “But just let it all come out.”

  He quickly took her hands in his and pinioned them behind her back. Then, in his other hand, he brought out a pair of handcuffs. He locked her hands securely behind her back with the chain of the cuffs looped between the rungs of the radiator, trapping her where she stood.

  * * * *

  “This is crazy!” Marty continued to protest, but it was getting harder.

  He was unbuttoning her blouse. “Look me in the eye and tell me honestly you don’t want to get fucked tonight, and I’ll let you go.” He slid her blouse down her shoulders. The clasp of her bra was in front, and he reached for it, massaging her with his touch as he worked to undress her.

  “I don’t want you to get hurt, Barry.” Her lust for him was barely contained beneath her breathless words.

  “Try and hurt me now, baby. Try struggling against that metal. Can you break free?”

  She tried to get loose, but the handcuffs held her tight. She was his prisoner for the moment. “I guess you’re going to be safe after all,” she finally told him.

  “That’s good, because we both need to fuck.” He slid her bra down her shoulders and bent to suckle her nipples in his mouth. Her natural reflex was to struggle against the chains on her wrist. She wanted desperately to touch him. However, the cuffs held her hands behind her back. Then he moved away from her and watched her struggle, seeming pleased with his handiwork. All she wanted was for his hands and lips to go back over her body.

  “Goddamn it, Barry, get back over here and finish what you started.”

  He smiled at her and began taking his clothes off. He was biding his time, making her wait, and torturing her sensuously. When he lowered his jeans to the floor, his cock shot halfway up his stomach. Marty struggled with all her might against the cuffs. Her pussy began to swell for him, and her fangs grew in her mouth.

  “I want you so bad right now, Barry. Oh fuck, I need to feel you inside of me.”

  He placed his hands over her again. This time, they were running down her belly and to the top of her skirt. She wanted to reach down there with him and help him finish undressing her, but the cuffs held her hands in place at her back. Every muscle in her body was struggling against that awful metal that imprisoned her, in an effort to get to him, to touch him, to touch herself, and to participate in the act.

  He knelt before her, and slid her skirt down her legs, and then reached back up for her panties. As he went, he placed kisses along her thighs. She thrust her body out desperately to get at him, craning her neck down. If she had been free to move at that moment, she thought. Goddamn it, if only she had been free to move. She watched the vein on his neck as he kissed her intimately. No longer in control of her own body or mind, all she wanted was to get to him and take him in her arms. But the handcuffs refused to budge, and she could not reach him.

  “Take it easy, my baby,” he whispered to her in the semidarkness of the basement as he helped her to step out of her panties. “This is all part of the learning process for both of us. I know you want to eat me now.”

  “Yes, I do. Oh God, I’ve never wanted anything more. Please untie me so I could touch you with my lips.”

  He was kneeling in front of her on t
he floor again, and now free of her clothes, she spread her legs for him. “It’s better if I eat you, baby,” he told her. His tongue darted over her mons and between her thighs, making contact with the aching mound of her pussy. Her clit was swollen and exposed. He licked her and played with her, toying her toward an angry climax made all the more intense because, try as she might, she could not touch him, her hands held tightly behind her all the time.

  “Barry, I don’t think…” She never finished her plea, as an orgasm shook her body and caused her to break off with a whine that turned into a sharp scream.

  “That’s it,” he coaxed her. “Come for me, baby. I want you to come for me again before I give you my cock.”

  She could not hold him with her hands, but she was able to thrust her hips out, forcing her pussy into his face and clenching her thighs tightly around his head to hold him in place. Her strength rose in her, as did her frustration, both born from passion. Her hands could not move, nor could her arms, but she kept flexing her fingers again and again as her body started to spasm under his probing tongue. She tried arching her back and craning her neck. All she wanted to do was to get down to him and taste that vein on his neck, but still, the handcuffs held her back in defeat. He was using his fingers to part her lips now, providing better access for the pleasure of his tongue, and then he tasted inside of her.

  She screamed in anger at the cuffs holding her back, and then suddenly, another orgasm was swimming over her, and her pussy contracted and clamped down on his tongue, her thighs gripping him so tight she thought she would strangle him. He kissed his way up from between her outstretched legs, taking his time as he went past her breasts, and teased her nipples with that dangerous tongue. Still between her legs, he arched back from her. She looked down her writhing body and saw his cock rise up toward her waiting pussy.

  She struggled so hard against her shackles, her wrists started to hurt. She was sweating from the effort to get free. She had to get to him, had to touch him with her hands and taste him with her mouth, but there was no chance. The metal of the handcuffs scraping against the radiator at her back began to clang loudly in the basement as she went wild.


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