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Her Dream Come True [Blackwood Falls 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 12

by Sarah Blake

  “She’s been up all night vomiting. She’s got a fever and hasn’t eaten since Monday night. I was getting worried so thought I’d bring her in, get her checked out,” the little girl’s mother answered. “Are you feeling okay, Doc? You seem a little pale.”

  “Yeah, I think I’m coming down with the flu though. Haven’t felt one hundred percent for a day or two now.” She hadn’t been feeling very well at all in fact. But with having so much time off lately, she couldn’t bring herself to call in sick on Monday when she was due back. It was now Wednesday and she was getting worse. “I’ll get some tests ordered. We’re not that busy so it shouldn’t take too long,” she told the two before leaving the cubical.

  “Hey Alice,” Trish said to one of the nurses at the nurse station. “Here’s little Beth’s chart, can you get these tests done ASAP please?”

  “Sure, Doc. You okay? You don’t look too good yourself.”

  “I’m fine. Just the flu or something.” When she finished speaking, she had to grab hold of the station to stop herself from falling to the floor.

  “Doctor Walker!” Alice shouted for Richard as she helped Trish into a chair.

  Thirty minutes later, under Richard’s orders and the threat of calling Luke to let him know she was ill, Trish found herself tucked up in bed, hoping whatever bug she had would pass while she slept.

  She wasn’t sure what woke her some time later, but her fever had passed. Her relief was short-lived, however, when she realized it had been replaced with something else.

  Shit, she thought. You’re meant to be a doctor and didn’t even know what was wrong with you. She was going into her heat. She forgot that mated female’s present flu-like symptoms before the heat starts. She now knew what had woken her. She had sensed Luke in the house and her wolf wanted to mate. Right now.

  By the time she found him in the kitchen, it wasn’t just her wolf that needed him. The human part of her did as well.

  “Hey baby. You okay? I thought you didn’t finish work till seven?”

  She didn’t reply. She couldn’t talk at that moment. She stalked toward him, wondering why he still had his clothes on.

  “Red? What’s going on?” His question faded when he caught her scent. The growl coming from his chest was everything she wanted to hear. “Mate,” was all he said before ripping every scrap of clothes off his body and jumping on her.

  The kiss was brutal. She didn’t notice he had stripped her until he pushed her against the counter. Before she could catch her breath when he broke the kiss, he spun her round and pressed his front to her back. She could feel his rock-hard erection pushing into her back and wanted nothing more than to feel it slamming into her hard and fast.

  His hands roamed over her body before palming her breasts and kissing along her throat and over her mating mark. Shivers went down her spine when she felt his tongue licking his way back up to her ear before biting down hard on her lobe. At the same time, he captured both her nipples in his fingers and pinched them hard. Shouting out at the dual pain as it travelled straight to her clit, she tried to tell him she needed him, but what came out of her mouth was more gibberish.

  “Please,” she finally managed to rasp out as he continued to kiss her neck and made his way back down to her mating mark, which pulsed with sexual energy. She almost sobbed in relief when one hand left her breast and travelled down her body. He didn’t waste time teasing her at first, he simply plunged his fingers between her pussy lips and down to her entrance. She moaned at the feeling of his growl of approval against her back at how wet she was as he rubbed two fingers around the entrance of her sex. She pushed down, trying to get his fingers to penetrate her and bring some relief to the need running wild inside her.

  His answer was a sharp smack on her ass with his other hand. Before she had a chance to absorb the sting, she received another smack to her pussy from the hand that was torturing her with its teasing. The next thing she knew, Luke spun her round and lifted her onto the kitchen counter. The kiss was much like the first as he pushed her legs apart and rubbed his cock against her pussy. She whimpered in his mouth when the head of his cock swiped over her clit.

  “Mine,” Luke said with a growl as he pulled back from the kiss and pushed her to lie back on the counter. He kissed his way down her body, paying attention to all her sensitive spots before finally arriving at her pussy. She screamed at the first swipe of his tongue over her clit, which was swollen and pushing its own way out of its protective hood. Luke again growled in pleasure and the vibrations went straight through her. He didn’t take it slow and tease her. He pushed her legs open as far as they would go and ate at her pussy like a starved man at a feast.

  It didn’t take long for Trish to reach the edge of the cliff. She flew off it instead of diving off when Luke plunged two fingers deep inside of her and moved his face to her inner thigh, biting her sensitive skin. The scream that tore from her throat was something she couldn’t believe she could make. The kaleidoscope of colors behind her eyes held her captive as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her.

  When she came down from her high, Luke had raised his head from her pussy and the look in his eyes and on his face was almost enough to send her flying again. He left his fingers in her as he rose up and kissed her. It was slightly less brutal as the first two but he didn’t give her a chance to refuse his tongue’s entry to her mouth. She could taste her own sex on his mouth and noticed it was stronger than other times she had tasted it from him.

  Breaking the kiss, he began fucking her with his fingers before lowering his head back to her pussy. She tried to get away from his wicked tongue as she was too sensitive, but he easily put a stop to it by slapping her thigh and lifting his eyes to her face and giving her a warning look.

  * * * *

  Luke couldn’t get enough of the taste of his mate. He dragged another four orgasms out of her before lifting his head. She looked like a goddess to him, lying there, body covered in a sheen of sweat as her head rolled back and forth. As he looked at the eyes, which had glazed over in sexual lust, he changed his mind. She looked more like an offering to him from the gods. He couldn’t wait much longer before taking her, but was glad to have remembered something they had talked about just a few days ago. Trish didn’t want a baby yet and since she hadn’t been on the pill very long, he would have to wear a condom. He had to cling onto the tiny part of his control that was stopping himself from plunging his aching cock into the wet heat of her body as he carried Trish up to their bedroom where they had stored the condoms. His wolf was going crazy inside him, telling him to forget the condoms and mate with her like he was meant to.

  He managed to leave her for a moment while he covered his cock. He couldn’t hold back any longer and sank into his mate fast and hard. The feeling was nothing like he had ever felt before and he shuddered at the sheer pleasure of it. Growling, he sat up, lifted Trish’s legs over his arms and began pounding into her. He worried he might be hurting her with the power he was using, but her moans and shouts of pleasure assured him he wasn’t.

  After a few minutes of slamming into her, he pulled all the way out, flipped her onto her back, pulled her onto her knees and slammed back into her. Pulling her up against his chest, he held her up with one arm over her breasts, tweaking one nipple and snaking her other hand down her stomach and finding her throbbing clit. It had never been as big as it was now and a surge of pride ran through him that he had caused this. It didn’t take long before Trish came, the walls of her pussy squeezing and releasing his cock, trying to milk him for everything he was worth. Within seconds of her peak, Luke felt the tingling at the base of his spine as his balls drew up. His orgasm blasted through his cock before exploding from him. The noise he made was a howl as he brought his head down and bit over his mating mark on Trish’s neck.

  He collapsed on top of Trish, bringing them both down to the bed as his legs gave out on him with the power of his orgasm. He quickly rolled off Trish so he wouldn’t crush h
er, bringing her on top of him. They were both breathing heavily, basking in the aftermath of their mating. When they had caught their breath, Trish rose up, straddling him. The look on her face told him everything he needed to know. She was ready to go again. He grinned up at her as he felt his cock rising despite the orgasm he had just had. Rolling her over, he brought their lips together before quickly changing into a new condom and starting the mating all over again.

  * * * *

  Luke stumbled as he made his way into the en suite bathroom. It had been four days since Trish had started her heat and he had lost count of the amount of times they had had sex. After using the toilet, he walked over to the controls for the bath, selected what settings he wanted, and pressed “enter” before heading back into the bedroom. Trish was sprawled on her stomach, sleeping peacefully. He hated waking her, but they both needed a bath. He preferred a shower, but both he and Trish needed the hot water of a bath to relax their bodies after what they had put themselves through over the last few days.

  He had been with women during their heat before, but nothing had compared to being with his true mate. The pleasure was more than all of the others put together and then some. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he ran his hand over her back, gently waking her. Her moan brought a smile to his face at the roughness of her voice. She had screamed so loud sometimes he thought she could have broken glass. “Come on Red, time to get up.” She rolled over and he saw the bite marks on her body. He smiled, remembering making each and every one of them, especially those on her breasts. His cock twitched remembering her pussy clenching like a vise around his cock each time he bit her.

  Thankfully though, he didn’t get hard. He didn’t think he could for a day or two at least. Knowing how tired she must be, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the waiting bath. He also knew she would be sore and, to resist temptation, he lowered her into the tub and sat on the side. He laughed at the blissed-out sigh she made, guessing it had come from her toes. She barley opened her eyes as he washed her from head to feet before starting on her hair. He still couldn’t believe the silky softness of it and could happily spend hours stroking it.

  “Hey sleeping beauty,” he said when he finished rinsing her hair. “How about going for a run, letting our wolves out for a few hours?” he asked, thinking it had been a while since either of them had shifted.

  “Mmmm, sounds good. Maybe in a week or so?” she asked with a cheeky grin. “The bath feels so good.” Laughing, he stood and fetched towels for her.

  “Nope, come on. We need to have a run then check in. Josh called the other day and said to head over to the Alpha house when your heat finished.” The pout on her lips caused him to laugh again. He was tempted to take her back to bed and cuddle for an hour or so but they both had responsibilities to the pack.

  When she started getting out of the bath, he reached into the walk-in shower and started the water running and enjoyed the view of Trish drying herself off as he waited for the water to heat up. After what he thought was the best shower of his life, he dried off and dressed in jeans and T-shirt and headed downstairs to make coffee. Trish joined him when he was on his second cup and he was once again stunned that she was his. She was by far the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

  Together they raided the fridge and cupboards, eating anything that was quick and easy. As they made their way through the food, Luke could see Trish was thinking hard about something. He was just about to ask her what was wrong when she spoke.

  “I’m sorry,” she blurted out. He couldn’t for the life of him figure out what she would have to be sorry about. His confusion must have shown on his face as she continued. “About the condoms. I know you said you weren’t bothered about having children yet, but I know you would jump at the chance to be a father. And you would be a great one. It’s not even that we haven’t been together for long either.”

  Luke knew what she was about to say next and went to interrupt, but he didn’t get the chance. She jumped up from her chair and crawled onto his lap, covering his mouth with her hand to stop him from speaking.

  “No, don’t. I just can’t think of children yet. I’m just not ready. Things are still too new and in the back of my mind, I still think…” She trailed off and looked away, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. It broke his heart to see her like this and he swore he would do anything and everything in his power to make her happy for the rest of their lives.

  “You still think I’m gonna up and leave you one day,” he said, trying to catch her eyes. He wanted to be angry that she would think something like that, but he wasn’t. Having grown up in such a loving family, he couldn’t even begin to guess what it felt like to be abandoned by the two people who were meant to love and care for you no matter what. He knew it happened in the human world all the time, but Trish was the only wolf he had ever heard of being abandoned like she had been. He was just glad the pack was there to support her until he was able to.

  “Look at me. Trish, look at me,” he told her when she ignored him the first time. When she still didn’t, he used his fingers to bring her chin up so he could look her in the eye. He wanted to say something special and earth-shattering to her, but he couldn’t find the words. Instead, all he said was, “I understand.” The tears fell from her eyes then and he felt himself well up inside. When she cuddled into his chest, he just held her and let her cry.

  It took a few minutes but Trish finally lifted her head up and looked into Luke’s eye. His heart clenched with love at the smile she gave him and he fell in love with her all over again.

  * * * *

  “It’s impossible. We need to pull back Brax, we can’t make it and you know it.”

  “We can’t quit now. I’ve seen it done, we just need to work together and, oh shit I don’t know. There’s no way. How the hell can we get this sorted out?”

  Trish couldn’t keep her laugh in anymore and fell into a fit of the giggles watching Brax and Luke trying to change baby Star’s dirty diaper. The pair, one standing on each side of Star’s changing table, looked like idiots. They both had clothes pegs over their noses. Brax had a handful of wipes in one hand and a tube of baby powder under the same arm and a handful of open diaper bags in the other. Luke had one handful of wipes himself and what looked like three open clean diapers in the other. Trish had to admit the smell coming from the squirming baby took her breath away, but she couldn’t stop laughing at the men. They had the dirty diaper open but still covering the mess while they tried to figure out how to clean it up.

  “This is getting ridiculous,” Brax said as he tried and failed yet again to clean Star up. “Sarah and Conner can do it with only a few wipes and in no time at all. It’s bloody impossible.”

  Luke looked just as confused and lost as Star kicked her legs again and a fresh wave of the smell flooded the room. Just as Trish was about to save the men from their impendent doom, Sarah came into the room. It took her all of two seconds to assess the situation and start laughing herself. That set Trish off again and she fell onto the nearby rocking chair, holding her stomach as it started hurting she was laughing so much.

  An hour later, Trish, Luke, Brax, Conner and Sarah were sitting in the den with a clean and happy Star asleep in Conner’s arms. It had been two weeks since Trish went into heat and in that time she had done a lot of thinking. She was starting to get over her fear of Luke leaving her. She had caught him staring at her a number of times and the expression on his face melted her heart. It was full of love and what she thought was adoration. Her wolf was so full of joy it was hard to keep a smile off her face. But her greatest fear was still lingering in the back of her head. She hadn’t told Luke, but the real reason she didn’t want children was that she feared they wouldn’t love her and would resent her. She knew the chances were low, but she wanted to find her biological parents and ask why they left her. If she knew the answer, maybe some of her demons would go away. That was why she had asked Luke to meet her at the Alpha house. She
was going to ask Brax if she could ask if his sister-in-law, Chloe, who was half-wolf, half-witch, could help find them. She had asked Chloe and her mate, Brax’s brother Lux, to come to the Alpha house in half an hour, in the hope that Brax agreed to let her ask Chloe for help. In the last two weeks, she had asked a number of the older wolves of the pack if they knew any information about when she was found, but none of them could tell her anything. There was one pack member, a woman called Elaine, who seemed a little nervous when Trish was asking her questions, but was adamant she didn’t know anything. Trish would have pushed the older woman more, but she was called into work.

  “So Trish, what’s up? You know you don’t have to call and ask to come and see us, you’re more than welcome here anytime you want to,” Brax said, looking at her in what she knew was his Alpha expression, not the friend he was to her. She wasn’t upset. It was unusual to call and ask to see him and he must have guessed it was for official business or the like.

  “I wanted to ask something, and it’s quite personal,” she began. She felt Luke, who was sitting beside her, stiffen at her words. She turned to him to and took his hand. “Don’t be upset, but this is hard for me and I only want to do it once,” she told him, hoping he could see the truth and fear of what she was about to do in her eyes. She was relieved when his expression softened and he smiled at her before nodding and squeezing her hand in support. She turned back to her Alpha before continuing. “I want to ask Chloe for help in finding my biological parents. I know it’s up to her if she even can do something to help, but Chloe using magic within the pack lands is up to you. So, putting our friendship aside, I’m asking as a member of your pack if I can ask Chloe to help me?” When she finished, she crossed not only her fingers, but toes and legs as well.


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