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Fur and Feathers [A Raven Saga Book 2]

Page 14

by Crymsyn R. Hart

  She looked up and saw the truth in his gaze. He gave her a half smile and wiped the wetness from her cheeks. “Why then?” her eyes searched his for an answer.

  "Because after Marija cursed me and I tried to be with other women, I would see her face until they all blended together. All women were mean, spiteful witches that wanted to be used and abused in my eyes. But then I met you and something changed. You made me open my eyes and consider I might have been wrong about things all these years. However, when I got carried away about just thinking about sleeping with you, my old ways came back because I started to change and my anger and hatred blinded me. Forgive me for what I said. I don't want to lose you. Not even in death."

  Alena used her mind to sense his and found there were no barriers around his thoughts. He was being as honest as he could be, as truthful as he knew how to be. Indecision still loomed in his mind, but love was taking it over. Alena smiled. He loved her even if he didn't fully know it yet. She leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. When he reacted, he leaned over and fell on top of her, never breaking his kiss. At the first touch of his lips and his hands, she felt the fire ignite deep inside her soul from the wolf. Darius had awakened her other half. If she wanted to be with him, she had to accept herself just like the Raven Warrior was accepting who he was, good and bad. They were reawakening their past, both of them, and Alena knew if Darius, gruff and pain in the ass that he was, could do it, then she could embrace her animal self.

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  Chapter Fifteen

  Darius's eyes flew open and his hand went to his lips. He had just been kissing Alena. Now he was back in his cabin. He tried to sit up, but everything about him hurt. He hadn't felt this way since the last time he had a hangover, and that was a very long time ago.

  "Take it easy, Darius."

  The voice was not one he expected. The Raven Warrior had expected to see Jet, the group's healer, or Caleb. Instead, Seneca stared down at him. He was the youngest member of the brethren. Barely twenty when he was cursed, he had been with the Ravens for five centuries, one hundred years longer than Darius. The Scotsman had never really gotten close to him. Normally, he avoided his brother, but now he was glad to see him. Looking around, he also noticed Seth sitting quietly in the corner. He was one of the older brethren who had been here almost as long as Caleb. He was quiet by nature and avoided Darius as much as possible. The Scotsman saw something in the dark eyes of Seth and wondered what he knew. He had always gotten a strange vibe from his brother, but he was never sure what that was. He wasn't even sure how old he was.

  "Where is Caleb and Jet?” Darius asked peeling his eyes away from Seth.

  "They are with the council. It seems Tremain is causing a stir again with his heartmate being pregnant with twins. The council is not sure they should be born Raven Warriors. Caleb and Jet are arguing the point the children are innocent in all of this and they should be brought into the world with whatever power they are granted,” Seneca told him.

  The Scotsman shook his head. Only Tremain would be causing trouble again. “Figures. How long have I been out?"

  "Three days. We were hoping you would come around before we had to go back to our charges. The sun will be rising soon,” Seth said in a hushed tone. Darius looked at his brother's mahogany skin and wondered what went on behind his dark eyes.

  "Thank you for healing me."

  Seneca bowed his head, letting his crow black hair obscure his face. “We are only glad you did not pass into the spirit realm. Seth swore he saw Azrael hovering near you for a while."

  The Warrior did not reply but let his thoughts wander to Alena. If Seth had seen Azrael, then what he had experienced had been real and Alena had been there with him. If he was healed, then she was too. He cursed himself for being so naive and going along with Vincent to the cave. He should have known the whole thing was a set up he hadn't seen coming. He looked out of the window. The sky was lightening. He knew his two brothers would be changing back into ravens just like he would once the first light broke over the horizon. Looking at the two other men, he was grateful they had saved his life. He hadn't thought they cared for him. But sensing their emotions, he realized they held nothing against him. He was their brother, pure and simple. The feeling of purity in their bond was something he had never considered, just like he had never considered being able to love a woman. His eyes had been opened.

  "Darius, you should rest at least until nightfall and get your strength back. Then go back to your charge,” Seneca told him.

  Darius didn't say anything and watched the two Warriors walk out of his room and shut the door. He rested his head back against his pillow and stared at the ceiling. His thoughts drifted to the clues he had so far and the odd occurrences going on in the pack. He had to figure out who was the killer before it claimed someone else. The obvious was Vincent. He is a dick and has tried to kill me. He probably thinks he succeeded, too. Wait until he sees me walk into the compound. I'll have a thing to two to say to him.

  The Scot smiled at the thought of violence. He longed to pound Vincent's face in. The pack leader deserved a good pummeling for the way he treated Alena and for stabbing him. Besides Vincent, there was the strange bracelet he found and the cave as well as the strange woman he had first met when he arrived at the compound. He couldn't rule out Marija, but he shook his head. She was loyal to the pack. Then there was the woman Alena had seen and the thing which had chased her. Was the creature really the true beast killing the children or a decoy? Alena had said she felt nothing but hatred and bloodlust in the thing's emotions. Darius believed her. She was true with her power. None of it made sense. He was convinced a werewolf had killed the two children and the other humans the pack had found on their land, but what the monster was or where the wolf was hiding, he really had no idea. He only wished he did. He hoped nothing had happened in the three days he had been gone. And as much as he tried to keep his eyes open and think about going back to the pack, sleep dragged him under.

  * * * *

  When his eyes opened again, he sensed the sun had just set. Perfect timing, he thought. Darius got up and stretched, feeling as fit as a bagpipe like the poison had never touched him. Running his hand over the spot where Vincent had stabbed him, he found he didn't even have a scar. He would have to thank Seth and Seneca the next time he saw them. He would have to make more of an effort to at least talk to them. He wasn't even sure what they did in their time as men.

  He sat for a moment and let his eyes scan the surroundings of his spartan cabin. The walls were bare. He had an old bagpipe, which had been his when he had been human, in the corner. He had bits and pieces of his human life, but when he looked at a cup his father had carved for him, he realized it was nothing except an old relic, part of the old life he had shed. The cabin didn't seem to be his home anymore. He realized his home was wherever Alena made hers. He loved her cooking, adored the way she didn't take any shit from anyone, wanted to press his body against hers. Thinking about her, he noticed his hands didn't tighten into the first stages of transformation. Darius knew then what Morrigain had said was true. Alena was his heartmate. Maybe his curse was broken, but he was not sure and didn't want to test the theory yet. First, he wanted to be sure Alena had recovered as well as he had. If she did, then he would tell her how he felt for her in person instead of in the other realm.

  Standing up, he waved his hand and felt the magick of his curse encompass him and he was clothed in dark loose pants and a black tunic. His sword was heavy across his back and for the first time he felt the weight almost daunting. He closed his eyes, and the chill of the worlds splitting surrounded him. He felt himself flatten and lighten, becoming as transparent as any phantom so he could pass through even the smallest crack if he wanted. That was the gift of his curse, even in raven form he could became as insubstantial as air and slip underneath doors and between gaps in windows while keeping his form. Wherever there was a shadow, he could go, and there were always shadow
s in the other realm. Some mortals referred to the astral realm as the world behind the mirror, but he knew the truth. The Grey was a flat world where spirits were trapped unable to see the light or the dark only seeing the Grey.

  He followed the worlds and appeared at the compound just when the last sunbeam faded beneath the horizon. Darius felt his bones harden and take substance, and he sensed disruption stirring among the pack. Something was going on. With a thought, he vanished his sword until the weapon would be needed. It was all he needed to scare the wolves because his blade was lined with silver. He raced silently over the curled roots of trees, which he swore meant to trip him, but he was surefooted. He felt light and free, like he had when he was purely human. The Raven Warrior was still human, but his soul had changed. Morrigain had told him that before Alena had arrived. Darius knew it. When he was cursed, his soul had been touched by magick and transformed him into something else. If, like Tremain, his curse were broken, he would always have his immortality and his ability to change into a raven, but Betha would not rule him, only by the council, and if he wanted, he could still watch over his charge. He couldn't think of his life without Jonathan. The kid was too much a part of him, and he couldn't give him up. He hoped Alena would understand and figured she would.

  Finally, he came to Marija's. Gathered around in a small circle were Vincent and his enforcers, Marija, Alena, Jamie and her family, and the woman he had met the first time he came to the compound. He let the shadows conceal him and listened to their conversation. He didn't feel the time was right to let Vincent know he wasn't dead. Stepping close to hear what they said, he saw Alena look up as if she knew he was there. She scanned the shadows where he stood, her eyes staying there for a moment before moving back to the commotion at hand.

  "I told you. I don't know what happened. I fainted or something.” Alena looked at those standing with her.

  "Alena, calm yourself.” The woman who met him said to Alena and placed her hand on her shoulder. Alena gave her a warm smile.

  "Please, we are not here to talk about Alena. I thought were going to talk about Darius's sudden disappearance and Charlene's arrival back to the pack.” Marija calmed the small circle.

  Vincent crossed his arms over his chest. He smirked some, and Darius knew the pack leader thought him to be dead. He was in for a surprise. “Yes, it is wonderful Charlene has miraculously resurrected herself from beyond the grave. Now can we please get back to everything? I do have work to do.” He turned and began to walk away from the group.

  "Before you go, I want to know what happened to Darius. He wouldn't just up and leave!” Alena protested.

  "Of course he wouldn't."

  All talking ceased, and everyone turned and stared at him while he let the shadows fall away from him like ash and stepped out from behind the tree. He saw Alena's face light up, and he wanted to take her in his arms, but he had to face Vincent first. The pack leader had a look of shock and disbelief that made Darius more furious. He crossed the space between them in a blink, and his hand connected with Vincent's jaw. The bone creaked and cracked under his fist. Darius was glad to hear the sound and watch his head snap back. There was a gasp from the others, but none said anything. When Vincent looked back at him he was growling, his face beginning to change into that of a wolf, but Darius was not done and let his other fist connect with the pack leader's stomach so he was doubled over and fell to the ground. Without a word, his sword came into his hand and then to the throat of the half-transformed werewolf.

  "No!” Jamie cried out nearly falling onto the sword when she tried to put herself in front of it.

  Darius seethed and stared at Alena and then at Jamie. “Tell me why I shouldn't when this asshole shoved a poisoned silver dagger into my side and nearly killed me and Alena?"

  "Vincent would never do anything like that,” Jamie looked at him and then to the members of the circle. “He loves the pack. He's been making it able for the wolves to slip their skins without the moon holding sway over us."

  "Darius, this is not the time. Please!” Marija put a hand on his arm. He looked at Alena, who shook her head. He didn't care what the others thought, but for her he would let Vincent live. He nodded slowly, withdrew the sword, spun the weapon in his hand, and when he let go of it, the sword disappeared.

  "As the lady wishes,” he said through his teeth.

  He took his foot from Vincent's chest. The pack leader got up irate. Darius knew he wanted his chance to kill him. Unfortunately, he was not going to get his opening anytime soon. With this act, the Raven Warrior was surer that Vincent was behind the attacks. If he actually wasn't attacking the children, then he knew what was. The Warrior wondered if the reason why some of the wolves were able to change when the moon was not full was Vincent's doing, considering they were not so old. The pack leader growled low at him and then walked away from the small group. Darius didn't pay him any mind. He wasn't threatened by the pack leader and knew he would watch his back around Vincent from now on, considering he had blindsided him before.

  "Darius, you're alive!” Alena wrapped her arms around him. He stiffened. There were too many people around for him to react the way he wanted to. He yearned to take her back into the cabin and show her exactly how grateful he was to be alive and have her with him. She looked at him strangely when he didn't react. A look of confusion and then hurt crossed her features. She thought he was rejecting her again. He leaned into her and brushed his lips against her silky cheek.

  "Later,” he whispered into her ear. Being so close to her, he felt the zing of passion pass through his system and tighten his groin.

  He felt her nod and then backed away from him. He faced the woman he had met when he first came to the compound. Looking between her and Alena, he could barely see any resemblance. The other woman radiated power like Marija and nothing like Alena. Her power was animalistic, full of heat and sexuality. “So why didn't you just tell me when I first came here you were Alena's mother?"

  Charlene laughed. “Raven Warrior, there are some things even you don't get to know.” The way she laughed reminded him of Alena.

  "Women. So why are you here now?” Darius asked crossing his arms over his chest.

  "I'm here because of the trouble with the pack. No more children should have to die, and because I sensed my daughter was in danger."


  Alena had tears in her eyes, and he realized they were ones of joy. She had thought her mother was dead and here she was alive and well.

  "I take it you know about the killings then? Maybe who is causing them too?” Darius asked.

  The other werewolf nodded.

  "Good. Then I think it's time you enlighten all of us."

  Darius looked at Marija, who moved aside and let them enter her cabin. She felt him brush against her mind.

  "I'm glad you're alive, Darius. Please believe me when I tell you I had no idea Vincent stole my dagger. If I had known, I'd have killed him myself. I knew you would not just disappear when you had a job to do. And then Alena fell ill. I cared for her the best I could. I swear it."

  Darius nodded and felt the lick of fear in her thoughts. That was new. She was afraid he would take out his rage on her. "I know, Marija. And I appreciate you taking care of Alena. If it wasn't for you forcing us together, I would never have seen what was right in front of me. Thank you for that."

  Her eyebrows arched when he thanked her and walked past her into the house.

  "You're welcome."

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  Chapter Sixteen

  When Alena woke, it was to the eyes of a woman she hadn't seen in almost twenty years. The dark eyes stared down at her with an open mind. Waves of warmth and love washed over her mind and brought tears to her eyes. Alena sat up slowly, and the smile on her mother's face widened, as did Alena's feeling of shock. Until this very moment, she thought the other night when she followed the phantom teenager into the woods, that her mother was only a figment of her wild imagin
ation, something she had not come to terms with drawn up from the past or something dredged up since she had returned. Now staring at her mother, she knew her dreams had come true. Her mother had not died as reported. She was alive and well. Now her mother was sitting next to her, with her back to the warm fire, and she was going to tell them exactly what was going on.

  In silence, Alena sat gazing at Darius and wondering how in the world she had ever let herself fall for him. He was a specimen to look at, and they seemed to be linked together. When the first stab of pain had blossomed in her belly, she wondered what had been wrong with her. Then she remembered nothing until she had woken up to find herself sitting at the feet of a goddess with Darius. Alena had to admit he looked good in a kilt. She wanted to have him all to herself, but then he had told her he loved her. She was excited and surprised to hear that, but he had also apologized to her. She had felt he was being honest with her and had let the walls drop around his mind so she was able to see what was inside of him. He had so much hurt and anger toward women. Her heart broke with the amount of hurt and anger he had let build up toward women. Revulsion had wrapped around his heart, weaving its barbed-wire arms around his soul, shredding and twisting until his heart had become only an echo of its former self. He didn't understand love could be so much more than what he had made it to be. But then, as she looked into his emotions, the barbed wire was starting to flower. His soul was still twisted and brambly, but she could honestly say Darius was trying to show her he was being honest with her. Then, when she thought he was dead, everything had crashed down around her. Everything in her had died when she found out Vincent had said he was dead. But if he had been dead, then why had she woken up because they were connected. That was what the goddess had said. And then there he was in front of her. Her heart soared and then she understood when he took her in his arms and whispered, “Later.” It was too soon for him to show his feelings in front of anyone else no matter how much he cared for her. Now they were trying to get to the bottom of the mystery of what was plaguing the pack. Everyone wanted to know. And then she wanted to hear exactly what had happened to her mother.


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