Book Read Free

Driftwood Summer

Page 1

by Patti Callahan Henry

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page








































  Praise for the Novels of Patti Callahan Henry

  The Art of Keeping Secrets

  “Patti Callahan Henry’s characters are complex and well drawn, and the sea sings in every syllable.”—Anne Rivers Siddons

  “Henry gently draws readers into her story and then keeps them fully engaged until her tale is completely told. Readers who crave books that sparkle with the sheer beauty of language can rely on her.”—Booklist

  “An engaging read that implores the reader to get to the end for the satisfaction of finding out the answers to those secrets.”—The Herald-Sun (NC)

  Between the Tides

  Chosen for Family Circle Magazine’s

  “Best Books for Summer Reading”

  “Henry writes with a lyrical touch. . . . Fans of Mary Alice Monroe will appreciate Between the Tides both for its writing style and narrative arc.”

  —Charleston City Paper

  “Brings to mind such authors as Pat Conroy, Anne Rivers Siddons, and Dorothea Benton Frank—against whom Henry stacks up admirably. . . . Southern fiction at its best.”—St. John Flynn, host of NPR’s Cover to Cover

  “Henry’s warm, smoothly paced novel explores well-traveled themes of reconciliation and rebirth with fresh energy.”—Publishers Weekly

  Written by today’s freshest new talents and selected by New American Library, NAL Accent novels touch on subjects close to a woman’s heart, from friendship to family to finding our place in the world. The Conversation Guides included in each book are intended to enrich the individual reading experience, as well as encourage us to explore these topics together—because books, and life, are meant for sharing.

  Visit us online at

  “Between the Tides is my first novel by Patti Callahan Henry—and it won’t be the last. I intend to devour them all. . . . Her prose is lyrical and so vivid you actually visualize her settings and can smell the air and sea of the Lowcountry of South Carolina. I found myself rereading passages because they were so beautiful or because I found them profound in their simplicity.”—Armchair Interviews

  “A rich, enthralling story . . . sheer enjoyment.”—Rockdale Citizen (GA)

  When Light Breaks

  “Not just a beautifully written story, but an important one as well. It’s about all the things that make us worthy as human beings—integrity, honesty, and living the life you are meant to live. And perhaps most importantly, it shows us what brings genuine happiness . . . a triumph!”

  —Dorothea Benton Frank, New York Times bestselling author of The Land of Mango Sunsets

  “An inspiring tale that awakens one’s mind to the choices made in life and accentuates the importance of following your heart. Henry’s characters are true to life and full of depth; her settings, vivid and symbolic; and her story, memorable and timeless. Expect to be caught in the grip of this powerful novel to the very end.”—Romantic Times (4½ Stars)

  “Henry is showing us that while those happy families may be utterly similar, they are also a gift—to everyone.”—Atlanta Woman magazine

  “Known for her lyrical writing in Losing the Moon and Where the River Runs, Henry doesn’t disappoint in this beautiful novel of discovery and self-acceptance, a romance with universal appeal.”—Booklist (Starred Review)

  “Even for those readers—most, I would imagine—who don’t have some epic, tragic, teenage first love, the ideas still resonate . . . a quick, enjoyable read [that] stays with you afterward, as you wonder if there are hints of your own heart worth a listen.”—The Herald-Sun (NC)

  “A compelling tale . . . part romance, part self-discovery, completely entertaining. Compared to major Southern writers, Patti Callahan Henry holds her own.”

  —Topsail Magazine

  Where the River Runs

  “Books about the journey to self-realization often make us contemplate our own lives and choices. You travel with the character through joy, heartache, and redemption, and when it’s over, you have laughed and cried. This book proves no exception. . . . Descriptive language, paired with heartfelt characters, accentuates the story, which is peppered with Lowcountry culture and customs. . . . After reading this tale, cherishing family and home becomes the reader’s own mantra.”—Southern Living magazine

  “Quietly reflective and softly compelling, this tale of a Lowcountry woman’s re-blossoming will touch your heart and make you wonder about long-forgotten possibilities waiting to be rediscovered in your own family and soul.”

  —Charleston Post and Courier (SC)

  “Where the River Runs is an expression of love between author and story. Readers will instantly fall for Patti Callahan Henry’s unique voice and lyrical writing style in this satisfying story of a secret revealed.”—Topsail Magazine

  “A melodious, encouraging tale that upholds memories, friendship, and family.”

  —Atlanta Woman magazine

  “As in Henry’s debut, Losing the Moon, and this beautifully written story, the sheer lyricism of the author’s voice transports the reader. Fans of such books as Mary Alice Monroe’s Skyward, also about the Gullah, and Patricia Gaffney’s Flight Lessons will add this book to their list of favorites.”—Booklist

  Losing the Moon

  “Henry has been hailed as being included in the ranks of important Southern writers such as Pat Conroy and Anne Rivers Siddons. If this debut novel is any indication . . . we can look forward to many years of reading enjoyment.”

  —Chance Times Record News (TX)

  “Readers who enjoy the lyrical voices of Patricia Gaffney and Mary Alice Monroe will also be drawn to this talented newcomer.”—Booklist (Starred Review)

  “Patti Callahan Henry’s engaging story and compelling characters captured my heart from page one, and stayed with me long after the final, satisfying conclusion. Don’t miss this wonderful book.”—Haywood Smith


  Losing the Moon

  Where the River Runs

  When Light Breaks

  Between the Tides

  The Art of Keeping Secrets

  NAL Accent

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  First published by NAL Accent, an imprint of New American Library,

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  First Printing, June 2009

  Copyright © Patti Callahan Henry, 2009

  Conversation Guide copyright © Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 2009

  All rights reserved



  Henry, Patti Callahan.

  Driftwood summer/Patti Callahan Henry.

  p. cm.

  eISBN : 978-1-101-05743-8

  1. Sisters—Fiction. 2. Family secrets—Fiction. I. Title.

  PS3608.E578D75 2009

  813’.6—dc22 2009000969

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  To my dearest friends, who just happen to be my sisters: Barbi Callahan Burris and Jeannie Callahan Cunnion


  This novel is a collaboration of many beautiful voices, which shaped, formed, changed, inspired, and improved the novel. To those voices I want to extend a sincere thank-you.

  —To my family: Pat, Meagan, Thomas and Rusk. I love you. I couldn’t and wouldn’t do this without you. Special thanks to Bonnie and George Callahan, my extraordinary parents, and to Gwen and Chuck Henry, whom I would have chosen as in-laws even if I hadn’t married their son.

  —To my agent, Kimberly Whalen, who always knows what works and what doesn’t. She can also make me laugh—a lot.

  —To my editor, Ellen Edwards, and all the people at NAL who make this possible. Claire Zion, Kara Welsh, Becky Vinter, and the formidable PR team of Craig Burke, Rick Pascocello and Melissa Broder, the sales force, production team and amazing art department.

  —To the bookstores throughout the country who love books, words and story as much as I do. With special thanks to those who helped contribute to this bookstore story: Patti Morrison of Barnes and Noble in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina; Tom Warner of Litchfield Books in Pawley’s Island, South Carolina; Kelly Justice at Fountain Books in Richmond, Virginia; Cynthia Grabenbauer at the the Vero Beach Book Center; Karin Wilson, Taylor Mathis and Jennifer Calhoun (and her sisters, of course) at Page and Palette in Fairhope, Alabama.

  —To my sweet writing friends who encourage, love and always remind me why we write: the power and magic of words.

  —To the readers who write, call, read my novels and take the time to visit me on book tours. You inspire me every single day.

  —To my encouraging friends who say things like, “You are meant to do this.” “Do not stop.” “We are on your side.” I do not know what I would do without you. I really don’t. I love you!!

  “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”

  —SØREN KIERKEGAARD (1813-1855)

  “I can not live without books.”


  Driftwood Cottage Bookstore

  News and Views From Palmetto Beach

  Dear Booklover,

  It’s finally here—summer. Ahhh…

  This time of year brings our beloved summer friends back to Palmetto Beach, and offers a slower pace with more time to slip away to the backyard rocking chair, the beach, Pearson’s Pier and of course the Driftwood Cottage Bookstore.

  Starting next Friday, we have an incredible season planned. We have been yacking about this special event for over a year now and it is hard to believe it is finally here: THE TWO-HUNDRED-YEAR ANNIVERSARY of Driftwood Cottage. Of course it has only been our cozy bookstore for twelve years, but the house has withstood time, trials and even a move from the plantation to the beach where it now stands.

  We have a full week of events planned. There will be a night for everyone’s love of poetry, art, nonfiction, book clubs and all that Driftwood Cottage Bookstore has to offer.

  You’ll find some fabulous new books in the review section of this month’s newsletter along with Anne and Ethel’s picks of the month. The book club picks are also listed. Don’t forget about Anne’s art classes and the Kids’ Corner activities.

  Come eat at our café, grab a good book and enjoy our cozy atmosphere as we celebrate the endurance of DRIFTWOOD COTTAGE and our local Palmetto Beach community.

  Until next time…

  Read Well,

  Kitsy and Riley Sheffield

  Celebration Week—Schedule of Events

  Friday night 6 p.m.—New York Times Bestselling Author Nick Martin speaks and signs his new thriller set in a winery in Napa Valley.

  Saturday night 7 p.m.—BOOK CLUB CELEBRATION. All book club members and guests come join us for a night of fun including a literary trivia contest, prizes and wine and food donated by our local businesses.

  Sunday night 6 p.m.—JOIN THE COOKBOOK CLUB in the café, where they’ll be preparing their favorite recipe from their pick of the month: Shrimp & Grits Cookbook by Nathalie Dupree. Come taste, watch and enjoy!

  Monday night 6 p.m.—LOCAL ARTIST NIGHT. Come join us as our local artisans display and sell their original works.

  Tuesday night 7 p.m.—POETRY NIGHT. Come hear poets from our surrounding communities read their original work.

  Wednesday night 7 p.m.—KIDS’ CORNER. Bring the kids and teens tonight for various activities including art, writing and a book signing with our local children’s book illustrator, Sally Wentworth.

  Thursday night 7 p.m.—LOCAL AUTHORS NIGHT. You know them all, right? And they’ll all be here. Buy local. Support our community.

  Friday night—CLOSED to prepare for the BIG Party Saturday.

  SATURDAY 4 p.m.-10 p.m.—DRIFTWOOD COTTAGE BOOKSTORE ANNIVERSARY PARTY. The biggest party Palmetto Beach has seen in two centuries. Local musicians; food and wine from our local restaurants; raffle to win amazing prizes. You won’t want to miss this night.



  Bookstore owner Riley Sheffield believed that even the most ordinary life was like a good novel, a tale to be told. Her own life was full of twists a
nd turns, secrets and surprises, with narrative threads that intertwined with the fabric of other people’s lives. Her story revolved around a two-hundred-year-old cottage on the beach—Driftwood Cottage Bookstore.

  Her mother had bought the old cottage and turned it into a bookstore, and now Riley was raising her son in the upstairs apartment, her days tuned to the rhythm of the tides and the ebb and flow of customers. The sea-infused air mingled with the scents of ink and paper. The ocean breeze coming through the open windows created a symphony with the creaking walls and groaning bookshelves. The same sand that found its way between Riley’s toes was also embedded in the cracks between the uneven floorboards, in the creases of the well-worn upholstered armchairs and sometimes between the pages of the books. Every morning Riley awoke with anticipation of another day of stories unfolding—stories in the novels she read and in the lives of the customers she served.


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