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The Country Girl: A Lesbian Romance

Page 9

by Lydia Rose

  “Hey, slow down there, Jess. Where’s the fire?”

  Jessica mumbled something unintelligible and went back to work.

  Even Millie saw there was something wrong and went over to see if Kay or Alex knew something. “What’s up with her?” she pointed to Jessica.

  “I don’t know. She went next door,” Kay said pointing to the farm stand. “Came back looking like someone had died.”

  “Do you think Nicole did something to her?” Millie asked.

  Kay laughed. “Nicole wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

  “Alex, if you get her alone see if you can find out what’s wrong,” Millie said.

  “Sure thing, boss.” Alex saluted.

  As the workers were cleaning up and putting their tools away, Alex caught Jessica alone upstairs. “Hey, Jess.”

  Jessica nodded. “Hey.”

  Alex moved closer. “Is everything okay?”

  Jessica tried to smile, but she wasn’t doing a good job. “Sure.”

  “You don’t look like it is. I don’t want to be nosy, but if someone has done something to you, I can help,” Alex touched Jessica’s arm softly.

  Jessica looked at Alex and the tears in her eyes flooded over. “Did you know that the Doc and Nicole were dating?”

  Alex’s eyebrows rose, “You’re kidding?”

  Jessica shook her head. “I’m not.”

  Alex now laughed. “Those two are an odd couple.” She then looked at Jessica. “What does that have to do with you?”

  Jessica wiped her tears. “My giving my ex a second chance was a big mistake. She hasn’t changed.” Jessica reached for a tissue in her pocket and blew her nose. “I stopped seeing Nicole because I wanted to give my relationship another chance.” The tears began again. “Now she’s seeing Jane and I blew it.”

  Alex laughed again. “As I said, they make an odd couple. Who knows, it may not last.”

  Alex made sure she and Millie were the last ones in the house. Millie turned and saw her grinning. “So did you find out what was wrong with Jessica?”

  Alex nodded with a grin. “Did you know that Jane and Nicole are dating?”

  The look of shock on her face told Alex she hadn’t. “I should have known. The first time Jane showed me this place I asked her if she was interested in the girl or the house.” Millie chuckled. “She gave me some lame comment and said it was the house.” Millie laughed out loud. “It was the girl all along.” She shook her head. “I’ll be damned.” Then she looked at Alex. “What does that have to do with Jessica?”

  “Jessica broke up with Nicole to give her relationship with her ex another chance, but that’s not working out well.”

  “Oh,” Millie said softly. Millie couldn’t wait to get home and tell Alice about Jane.


  The moment Millie walked into the house, she told Alice.

  “You’re joking? Our Jane seeing the farm stand girl?” Millie nodded. “Jane, the girl who only wanted to date a professional woman?” Again Millie nodded. “I’m going to invite her to dinner Saturday night.” Alice picked up the phone and put it on speaker so Millie could hear the conversation. “Hi, honey. How are you?”

  “I’m good, Alice,” Jane answered.

  “How about coming to dinner Saturday night?” Alice asked covering her mouth so she wouldn’t laugh.

  “Uh, I’m not sure I can make it,” Jane tried not to stutter.

  “Why, big date or something?” Alice couldn’t hold the laughter any longer and she and Millie started to laugh.

  “You know, don’t you?” Jane asked.

  “Yes, we know.” Millie answered finally acknowledging her presence. “No, it’s the house, not the girl.” Millie was laughing so hard that she barely got the words out.

  “Well, it was the house and not the girl at the time. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I couldn’t stop thinking about her and when I saw her with Jessica, I thought I was going to die.”

  “That’s why you acted so strange that night at dinner,” Alice said. “You were jealous.”

  “Yeah, I was,” Jane admitted.

  “So, are you coming to dinner?” Alice asked. “You can bring Nicole with you.”

  “I’ll have to check with her and see if she’s working.”

  “Working?” Alice asked.

  “Yes. Nicole’s putting in as many hours as she can get at the hardware store to save money before construction begins.”

  “She’s a hard worker,” Millie said softly.

  “She is,” Jane responded absently.

  “So check with her and let me know. Okay?” Alice asked.

  “I will. Good night you two.”

  “Good night, Jane,” the two women said in unison.


  Jane sent Nicole a text the following morning asking if she wanted to have dinner Saturday night with Millie and Alice. Jane didn’t hear a response until the afternoon.

  “I can close stand at 5 and be ready by 6?” L

  “I’ll pick you up at your house.” J

  “See you then.” L

  “Look forward to it.” J

  Jane went to sleep that night with a smile on her face.


  Jane pulled into Nicole’s driveway at six o’clock. Karen opened the back door as Jane approached.

  “Jane, please come in.” Karen held the door. “Nicole is running a little late. She got a crowd of people at the last minute.”

  Jane walked into the kitchen. “That’s fine. We’ve got plenty of time.”

  “Please sit down Jane. Can I get you something to drink?” Karen asked.

  “I’m fine, Karen. Have a seat.” Jane motioned for her to take a seat.

  “So how have you been?” Karen asked picking up her coffee cup.

  “I’m fine. How about you?”

  “We’re all good, dear.” Karen looked at Jane. “I’m very happy that you and Nicole are seeing each other.” Her smile showed her pride.

  “Unfortunately, we don’t get to see each other much.” Jane realized she sounded like she was complaining. “I understand Nicole has to work. I just miss seeing her,” Jane said softly.

  “I’m sure Nicole misses seeing you too,” Karen added.

  Jane looked away wondering if what Karen had said were her words or if Nicole actually did miss seeing her.

  “What kind of sandwich did I miss yesterday?” Jane asked smiling.

  “You missed smoked turkey sandwiches with dressing and cranberry sauce,” Karen said proudly.

  “I bet the sales were good.”

  “They were. Jessica came back twice and you know she’s a tiny little thing.”

  Jane tried to keep the smile on her face, but that wasn’t how she felt.

  “Are you okay, Jane?” Karen asked seeing a change.


  Karen eyed her suspiciously. “Are you worried about Jessica?”

  Jane looked away and then her eyes returned to meet Karen’s. “Yes.”

  “Why? She broke up with Nicole.”

  “Because I think she wants Nicole back,” Jane barely said the words out loud.

  “Nicole would never go back to her after breaking it off,” Karen chuckled. “Nicole doesn’t forgive easily.”

  Oh great. She’ll never forgive me for what I said that day. Jane’s head was spinning.

  Nicole walked into the kitchen. “Hi.”

  Jane stood up. “Hi, Nicole. You look good.”

  “You too,” Nicole said taking in her light blue pants and dark blue shirt.

  “Are you ready to go?” Nicole asked.

  Jane nodded. “It was nice seeing you again Karen.”

  “You too, honey.” Karen touched Nicole’s arm and whispered, “Don’t worry. It will all be all right.”

  As they walked outside, Nicole opened Jane’s door. “Thank you,” Jane said as she got in.

  Nicole fastened her seat belt and touched Jane’s leg. “I’m glad we could get together

  Jane smiled, “Me too. I’ve missed you.”

  As they neared the end of the driveway, Nicole squeezed Jane’s leg. “Would you stop a moment?”

  Jane stepped on the brake and turned toward Nicole. “Is everything okay?”

  Nicole unfastened her seatbelt making Jane think she was leaving the car. Jane shifted the car into park. Instead of Nicole leaving the car, she leaned over and kissed Jane.

  “Now, everything is okay,” Nicole said with a wide smile.

  “It would be better if you did that again,” Jane whispered.

  They kissed knowing they were hidden from the roadway by the corn fields. Ten minutes later, Nicole sat back in her seat.

  “If we keep that up, your friends will be eating dinner by themselves,” Nicole’s smile was wide with her words.

  “I don’t know how much longer I can go with just kissing you Nicole. You leave me breathless with your kisses, but I need all of you.”

  “I know what you mean, Jane.” Nicole took her hand. “Let’s get this dinner over with as soon as we can.”

  Jane shifted the car into drive and down the road they went.

  “Come in you two,” Alice said as she opened the front door. “Thanks for coming, Nicole.”

  “Thank you for inviting me, Alice.” Nicole followed Jane into the house. “Hi Millie.”

  “Hey you two. Have a seat. What would you like to drink?” Millie asked.

  “Beer, thanks.”

  “I know you want a glass of wine,” Millie said to Jane.

  Jane smiled. “Thanks.” She took the seat next to Nicole on the sofa.

  Alice sat on the love seat. “Dinner will be ready shortly. Have some cheese and crackers.”

  Millie came back into the living room with the drinks. “Here you go.” She handed the drinks to them and took a seat next to Alice. Millie grinned at both of them.

  “What?” Jane asked seeing her face.

  “I knew it,” Millie giggled.

  “You knew nothing,” Jane said sticking out her tongue.

  “You denied it the first time I saw you two together, but I knew it. There was just this spark between you.”

  Nicole laughed, “I doubt that. She insulted me.”

  Millie’s face dropped and looked at Jane. “She heard you?” she asked shocked.

  Jane nodded and said, “Yes.”

  Millie looked at Nicole. “You know she said that to deflect my ribbing. She liked you from the first time she met you.”

  “What did Jane say?” Alice asked, not understanding.

  Millie gave Alice a look that said don’t ask.

  “It’s okay, Millie.” Nicole took Jane’s hand. “Millie asked Jane if she was interested in the house or the girl. Her answer was she had no interest in dating a farm girl.”

  Alice looked shocked. “You didn’t?”

  Jane’s hands went to her face. “I did and now Nicole will never forgive me for saying that.” She laughed, but it was only to stop her from crying.

  “But you already liked her didn’t you?” Alice asked.

  “I did, but I thought it would never work,” Jane answered.

  “Because I was the poor farm girl,” Nicole added.

  Jane rested her head on Nicole’s shoulder. “Will you ever forgive me?”

  Alice got up. “Come on Millie. Let’s get the food on the table.

  “Will you?” Jane repeated.

  “I’m only teasing you. Yes, I forgive you.” Nicole turned Jane’s head toward her and kissed her mouth. “If I had been you, I would have felt the same way.”

  “But I did like you and once I got to know you,” Jane shrugged trying to find the right words, “I didn’t think you had an interest in me. I saw the way you were with Kay. You looked so comfortable. Then Jessica came along and you immediately asked her out,” Jane sniffled. “I didn’t think I’d stand a chance with you.”

  Nicole wrapped her arm around Jane and pulled her close. “Don’t cry, Jane. I’m exactly where I want to be. With you,” she said smiling. “Come on. Millie and Alice are going to think we’re fighting.”

  Nicole loosened up and enjoyed the meal and the company. Alice picked up Millie’s plate and Jane picked up Nicole’s plate.

  “I’ll just put the coffee on and get the dessert.”

  Jane followed Alice into the kitchen. “We’re going to leave right after dessert.”

  “Why the rush?” Alice said taking the plates from Jane.

  “Because the apartment is empty tonight and Nicole and I haven’t…” she paused embarrassed.

  “Say no more.” Alice carried the cake out to the dining room.

  As soon as they finished, Alice stood up. “Thank you both for coming to dinner. We’ll have to do this again.”

  Jane stood and took Nicole’s hand.

  “We’re leaving?”

  Jane nodded.

  “What’s the rush?” Millie asked.

  “Let them go. Nicole has to work tomorrow,” Alice said to Millie giving her a look to keep quiet.

  Once the door closed, Millie asked, “Why did you throw them out?”

  “Because, my dear, Jane’s apartment is empty and they haven’t slept together yet.”

  “Oh,” Millie said smiling.

  Once in the car, Nicole said, “That was weird. It was like Alice couldn’t stand for us to be there a minute longer.”

  “Yeah, that was weird,” Jane said softly.

  They pulled up to her apartment a few minutes later.

  “Where are we?” Nicole asked.

  “I thought you might like to see my apartment,” Jane said already opening her car door.

  Nicole shrugged and followed.

  They walked into a quiet apartment. “Where are your roommates?”

  “Spending the night with their significant others.” Jane led her to the bedroom. “This is my room,” she said without turning on the light. Jane took her hand and led her to the bed. “Am I rushing you?”

  Nicole shook her head in the dark. “Not at all.”

  Jane pushed her back on the bed and pounced. She kissed her mouth before finding Nicole’s neck appetizing.

  “Wait,” Nicole said stopping Jane.

  “Is something wrong?” Jane asked confused.

  “Can you wait a second, please?”

  Jane rolled off of Nicole and sat up.

  Nicole took out her phone and sent a text and waited. When she heard the chime, she read the text and laid her phone on the night stand. “I know. I’m pathetic. I just wanted to let my mother know I wouldn’t be home tonight. She told me she didn’t want to see me at the stand before noon.”

  Jane smiled as Nicole covered her body with her own. “Take your clothes off, Nicole.” Her words came out in a moan.

  Nicole reached for the buttons on Jane’s blouse. Halfway down she pulled the blouse over her head. Her mouth went to Jane’s chest and left little kisses as her hands went to the zipper on Jane’s pants. She slowly slid them down as the kisses continued their descent. Jane’s shoes were flipped off and the pants were dropped to the floor. Nicole now kissed her thighs as her hands went to the waistband on Jane’s underwear. Nicole slid them off slowly as her breath caught, seeing Jane for the first time. She moved her body forward and unhooked Jane’s bra. As it moved away from her breasts, her mouth took a nipple. She licked as her hand caressed the other.

  “Please, Nicole,” Jane moaned. “Your clothes. I need to feel you against me.”

  Nicole sat up and lifted her shirt off. Her hands went to her bra and that landed in the pile of clothes that were now covering the floor. Her hand went slowly to the button on her jeans. Jane couldn’t wait and her hands pushed Nicole’s hands out of the way. Jane slid the zipper down and tried to get the jeans past Nicole’s hips.

  Nicole laughed and got off the bed ridding herself of the rest of her clothes and laid her body on top of Jane’s. They both moaned as their bodies came together for the
first time.

  “Tell me what you want Jane,” Nicole whispered in her ear.

  “Anything, Nicole, but please touch me now.”

  Nicole grinned and her hand went to Jane’s core. She could feel the heat as she stimulated the engorged bud. Her mouth found her breasts again and she devoured them with her mouth and hands. Lower her hand went until she found her opening and pushed two fingers into her. Jane cried out as Nicole entered her.

  “Are you okay?” Nicole asked.

  “Yes. Don’t stop,” Jane begged.

  Later that night, Jane was lying in Nicole’s arms. Her left hand was circling the breast that her mouth had just left.

  “Is this why Alice threw us out?” Nicole asked as her lips found Jane’s forehead.

  “Yes. If I had told her earlier in the evening, you never would have gotten dessert,” Jane said with a laugh.

  “If I knew this empty apartment was waiting for us earlier, we could have skipped dinner altogether.”

  They both laughed.

  “How did you get your roommates to leave for the night?” Nicole asked.

  “It was only fair. Shelly has her boyfriend’s apartment and Laura has Sandy’s place to go to.” Jane’s hand continued exploring, but this time it went lower. “You said you wouldn’t be comfortable with other people in the apartment and I couldn’t wait any longer.”

  “You couldn’t?” Nicole asked laughing.

  “No. I was going to jump you in the tomatoes if we didn’t get some alone time.” Jane’s hand continued lower until she heard Nicole’s breathing race. She slid down the bed until her mouth rested where her hand had just been. Nicole writhed under her mouth until Jane brought her to another strong orgasm. Jane kissed Nicole’s body as she rose closer to her mouth. She looked down into the green eyes. “I could stay like this for weeks,” she said as her lips came down and possessed Nicole’s mouth.


  In the morning, Nicole awoke to Jane sleeping in her arms. She slipped out of bed and went in search of a bathroom. Nicole got back to the bed and found Jane on her side of the bed. She crawled in on the other side and pressed her body against her.

  “Mm,” Jane moaned sleepily. “That feels good.”

  “Go back to sleep. It’s early,” Nicole whispered against her neck.

  Nicole got out of bed at ten and left the sleeping Jane in bed while she went to take a shower. A few minutes later, Jane opened the shower curtain. “Are you trying to run off?”


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