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Rage in Pain Roz: The R.I.P. Series Book 2

Page 16

by Kris Johnston


  I had so much to process I didn't know where to begin.

  My brain, however, could only concentrate on one thing. And that was Jimmy.

  Jimmy was alive. Jimmy lived in Parker’s body. Jimmy could conjure magic and power. Jimmy was being tortured. Jimmy was being shadowed. Jimmy was in danger.

  My chest grew tight again as I imagined that horrid woman letting her little fireballs fall over him.

  My Jimmy. Who could hurt such a gentle person?

  A devil, that's who. And that's exactly how I pictured Prudence Evans, with her little flames and her arched eyebrows and her hair in a tight bun and her pointy high heels.

  Before this was all over, I was going to hurt that woman. I could feel it in my gut.

  Bonnie picked me up at the coffee shop and we drove home in silence. I had so much going on in my head that I didn't have the heart for conversation, but tried anyway.

  “Do you want to tell me about your afternoon?” She asked as she steered the hippie van down Main and toward the suburbs.

  I shrugged. “Not really. I'm a little tired.”

  “You know,” she said slowly, “I was at the coffee shop an hour ago to get you. I thought you were going to be there for the afternoon. But Drew said you were checking out the bookstore, Mystical’s Mystics.”

  I nodded and smiled. “Yeah, that's the place where you told me they sell those pocket goddesses.”

  Bonnie nodded. “That's the one.” She made a left into our neighborhood and glanced at me. “When Drew told me you were there browsing the books, I decided to take a stroll that way, to join you in your browsing.”

  My heart plummeted at her words. I turned to look at her cautiously.

  “You did?” I asked.

  “I did,” she confirmed.

  “Oh,” I said nervously, praying she hadn’t seen my makeout session with Jimmy. “I, uh, I didn't see you in there.”

  “I know you didn't,” she said calmly, “Because Gregor told me you were back in the meeting chamber.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. Okay, this wasn't so bad.

  “Oh, yeah, me and my friends met there today,” I said. “The meeting chamber is where you can, um, you know… meet.”

  I sucked so hard at evading this conversation.

  “Roz,” Bonnie said firmly. “I know what types of people go into that meeting chamber. I don't want you getting involved with them.”

  I stared at her, not sure I heard correctly. “What?”

  We pulled up to the house and she cut the engine. “Look,” she said gently, “I know I'm open-minded and spiritual and a bit kooky when it comes to all that, but I know some shady characters who go to that bookstore. And they aren't there to read books.”

  “Okay,” I said slowly, “But I didn't meet with shady characters. Odie was there, and The Pastels.”

  “The who?” She asked.

  “The Pastels,” I replied. “You know, Devon, Cindy, all them.”

  “Why do you call them The Pastels?” She asked.

  I laughed, “Because they only ever dress in pastel colors.”

  She smirked. “Only pastel colors?”

  I nodded. “Only pastel colors. It's like Easter Sunday, all year long!”

  She chuckled. “Okay. That explains the nickname. But still, honey, I'm not comfortable with you hanging out at Mystical’s Mystics.”

  I felt her concern for me, and I appreciated it. But at the same time, it was unwarranted.

  “Bonnie,” I explained, “We were only there to check out this really old book written in Latin. We did a lot more talking than reading, and then we left. There weren't any questionable people there. It was just us…” I trailed off as a thought occurred to me. “Wait, you know Gregor?”

  Her eyes were big and immediately filled with tears. “Yes,” she whispered. “I know Gregor. He went to my high school.”

  I paused. He was far too old to have been a student when Bonnie went there.

  “You mean he was a teacher at your school?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “No, Roz, I mean he was two grades ahead of me. He's only two years older than I am.”

  I stared at her. “But… he's so….”

  “Old?” She nodded, and sniffed. “He isn't old, not really. But something bad happened to him. Something there, at that store. It aged him, unnaturally.”

  I shivered in horror. No wonder Nicole and Gregor made such an odd-looking couple. She was young and vibrant. He was old and withered. But, it did explain why they were a couple.

  “What happened to him?” I asked softly.

  Bonnie shrugged. “I don't have an answer for that. I was stunned to see him like that today. The last time I saw him, it wasn’t to the extreme it is now.But, that's exactly why I want you to stay away from there. Bad things happen at that place.”

  I took her warning to heart, and was thankful I had no future plans to go back to the store.

  “Okay,” I said in agreement. “I'll stay away from there.”

  She wiped her eyes and patted my hand. “Thank you. You know how I worry about you.”

  I did. And the truth was, I loved it. It showed she cared about me, and when you've lived fifteen years being completely neglected, someone who worries about your welfare is like finding the pot of gold.


  Later, when we were inside I asked Bonnie and Mitch if they cared if I had a friend come over. They didn't ask who it was. They just said that was fine.

  I probably should've mentioned who was coming over, and calling him my friend was a stretch. He wasn't my friend. He was my love. But, he was also a boy. I hadn't had a boy over to the house before. I didn't know how they would react, especially once they saw who it was.

  Parker Evans had manhandled me once, in front of Mitch. We had gone to the yearly carnival and fair, and Parker had wanted me to go into the Hall of Mirrors. It was the same place I had dreamt of him as a terrifying clown, and there was no way I would enter it.

  Parker had been dragging me to the Hall of Mirrors just as Mitch intervened. He gave Parker a piece of his mind and the incident was over. They warned me about being alone with Parker after that, and to let them know if he ever tried anything with me again.

  And now, tonight, he would be showing up at our house. There was no way to tell them he wasn't actually Parker. How do you explain something like that without being shipped off to a psych ward? All I could do was hope they allowed him inside and gave him a second chance, as Parker.

  I texted him (after quickly changing his name in my contacts from Parker to Jimmy), that he could come over whenever he wanted. He replied that he had a few things to do but would come by in a couple hours.

  My heart spilled over with anticipation.

  I twirled around my room like a juvenile, thrilled that he was alive and here. I couldn't believe this had happened, but it had and I wouldn't doubt him again.

  I flopped down on my bed, smiling up at the ceiling. I hated myself for losing time not believing his story, but I had been so destroyed by Parker that I'd been certain it was him trying to fool me. Having that dream (that wasn't a dream), of Prudence calling him Jimmy had actually made it all click.

  I suppose if she had called him anything else, I wouldn't have considered the possibility. But watching the torture, hearing her words, well, it had shocked me to the truth. My soul realized in that flash of clarity who he was, and then he saw me and told me to run.

  Parker would never had told me to run.

  But Jimmy would have.

  And that was all it took to make me believe.

  Today, at the bookstore, I'd had a moment of doubt. It wavered like a tiny speck before my eye, coming before me when Jimmy had said “my power.” It made me aware that it was going to be difficult for him to keep who he truly was separate from who the world saw him as. And within that tiny seed of doubt, another worry sprang up. What if that power manipulates him? What if it does seduce him, as Nicole had warned. Wha
t if he loses who he is, on the inside, because of the power in his new body?

  I didn't want to water that doubt and watch it grow. I didn't want to worry about those types of things. Not when he had come back from the dead. Not when we had this new chance together.

  I felt momentarily nauseous and unhappy with myself. I didn’t want to experience such negativity, not when this was the first day I could actually find my true happiness again. I decided then and there that the worries and doubts could come later. Tonight was going to be all about rejoicing in the presence of my Jimmy.

  Chapter 30


  I had changed my clothes into a fresh pair of jeans and a soft, flowing peasant blouse. It was a pale blue with tiny red and green flowers embroidered on it, and I thought the colors were beautiful. With my dark hair and light eyes, it made me look and feel almost like a gypsy- free and spirited.

  I had just finished fluffing my hair (yes, I know, I was becoming such a girl), when the doorbell rang. My heart leapt into my throat and I hurried out of my bedroom to get to the door before anyone else in the house.

  Bonnie, however, had beat me to it.

  “Parker Evans,” she said slowly, as she opened the door. She stood for a moment, looking in confusion at the handsome guy standing on the porch. “What can I do for you?”

  “I invited him!” I said loudly as I got to the door. “You said I could have a friend over.”

  She turned to me with big eyes.

  “Parker Evans is the friend you were talking about?” She looked like she wanted to strangle me.

  “Uh, yes,” I said and peeked out the door.

  Jimmy was dressed in dark jeans and a pale grey cotton V neck shirt that hugged his shoulders in the best of ways. My mouth went dry as he winked at me.

  “Parker Evans?” Bonnie asked again, as if she couldn't believe it.

  “Sure,” I said carefully, “We're cool now.”

  Jimmy hid a smile behind his hand.

  Bonnie leaned in close to me and whispered, “Even after what he did at the circus?”

  I whispered back, “He's not the same. Believe me. And besides, water under the bridge and all that.”

  She considered me for a moment then finally nodded. “Water under the bridge.”

  She opened the door wider and said, “Then come on in, Parker... I guess.”

  Jimmy, ever the polite one, said graciously, “Thank you, Mrs. Walters. I promise I'm not the same person you remember.”

  “Let's hope not!” She snapped rudely at him. But really, I couldn't fault her for that. The real Parker would've had it coming.

  I stifled a giggle and grabbed his hand as we walked in.

  “Since your friend is a boy… and is also Parker Evans…” Bonnie said, “The door to your room will remain open the entire time he's here. Do we understand?”

  I stared at her, nodding. I'd never seen this side of Bonnie before and it made me view her in a whole new light.

  Total mama bear mode.

  She turned and left us standing by the front door, mumbling something about teenagers and hormones. I'm pretty sure I also caught the phrase, “Thought she was smarter than this!” as she walked down the hallway and began calling for Mitch.

  I glanced shyly up at Jimmy, who took it all in stride. He squeezed my hand.

  “Bonnie’s a bad ass,” he whispered.

  I giggled, “Apparently so!”

  We stared at one another for a quiet moment and then just as I was about to lead him to my room, Mitch appeared, chest puffed out and fists clenched at his sides.

  “So.” Mitch said, giving Jimmy the hardest look he could manage.

  Jimmy shuffled nervously and nodded. “Mr. Walters,” he said. “Thank you for allowing me to visit with Roz today.”

  Mitch took three big steps and stopped an inch away from Jimmy.

  “Let's get one thing straight, Evans,” Mitch said, and pointed at his chest. My jaw dropped. “If you make Roz unhappy, mad, frightened, angry, jealous, or emotional in any way other than pure and total joy for your existence, I will end you. Got it?”

  Jimmy and I stared in shock. I was thankful he had the frame of mind to find his voice, because I surely didn't.

  “Yes, sir,” Jimmy replied and straightened his shoulders. “Loud and clear.”

  Mitch flashed me a smile. “Then enjoy your day.”

  With that, he turned and walked back down the hallway he had come from.

  “Mitch is scary,” Jimmy whispered.

  I nodded. “I had no idea.”

  Vincent chose that exact moment to run in through the front door, take one look at us, and shout loud enough for the entire state of Indiana to hear, “Roz has a boyfriend!”

  I blushed furiously while Jimmy hollered, “Yes she does!”

  Laughing nervously, then I took him to my room, making sure to leave the door wide open.


  We faced one another nervously, well aware of the opened door and the others in the house.

  Now that he was here, and we were sort of alone, I had no idea what to say to him. We had lost time to make up for, and so much had happened to both of us, where did we begin?

  Thankfully, like the gentleman I remember, he took the reigns.

  “Why don't we sit and talk for a little while?” He suggested.

  I nodded. I lowered myself onto my bed and he took my desk chair, pulling it close to me. We gazed at one another quietly and then he said exactly what I craved to hear.

  “I love you so much.”

  My heart exhaled.

  “I love you, too,” I whispered.

  “What was it like for you,” he asked softly, “these past few months?”

  I grimaced. “Not good.”

  “Were you really trying not to kill yourself?” He asked.

  I sighed, and looked down at my hands in shame. His eyes brushed across my face lovingly and swept across my shoulders, down the entire length of my body. Thankfully, he didn’t pursue the question.

  “You’ve lost weight,” he observed.

  I shrugged. “It happens sometimes, when people are grieving.”

  His eyes met mine. “Were you grieving?”

  “I wanted to be with you,” I admitted, “But I was keeping my promise to you.”

  He let out a soft exclamation and leaned forward in the chair. His arms went around my shoulders and my head found its spot of comfort in his chest.

  “I'm so sorry, sweetheart.”

  “It doesn't matter now,” I said and looked up into his eyes. “You're here. I know who you are. That's what matters.”

  He gripped me tighter, pulling me into him. Before I knew it, I was somehow snuggled on his lap in the most tender, loving of positions I had ever been in. His strong arms held onto me tightly and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He cradled me to his body, breathing in the scent of my hair.

  “I'm sorry,” I whispered. “I'm so sorry I didn't believe you before now.”

  He shook his head. “I wouldn't have either,” he said. “Parker wasn’t one we could ever trust. But, now you know the truth and that alone is worth all the pain of being apart.”

  “What has it been like for you?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “Not good. Of all the people on the planet, why Parker?” He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “But I've come to understand why he was the way he was. His mother is an atrocious human being. His father is never home, and when he is he ignores his children. Parker had to deal with so much evil in his life, it's surprising he didn't completely lose it.”

  I pulled away a little, looking up at him.

  “What do you mean?” I asked. “He did lose it, remember? He tried to steal my soul.”

  Jimmy shifted me in his lap so he could look into his face.

  “Remember how I told you this afternoon about muscle memory?” I nodded. “This body remembers not only physical sensations, but strong emotional ones, as well. Emotions that have such
intensity to them, they affect the body.” He cleared his throat and looked away. “Something happened today, after I left the bookstore. A physical memory, belonging to Parker. The strength of it, the way it felt within me, the power of it… well, it was so strong it made me have a flash of power, and I ended up blasting a tree.”

  I sat up, alarmed. “What? Are you okay?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I wasn't hurt, it was just a very intense feeling and I couldn't figure out what it was until much later.” He paused, searching for the words. “Roz. I don't believe Parker was actually going to steal your soul. He knew a lot of manipulations of power. He knew exactly what to do to make everyone in his coven think he was taking your soul, without actually taking it.”

  I stiffened, stunned at what I was hearing. “And why exactly do you think that, Jimmy?”

  He sighed. “Because the memory that hit my body was too strong to deny. Roz, Parker was in love with you.”

  Chapter 31


  The look on her face was one of disgust.

  “I seriously doubt that,” she said. “Are you sure what you felt wasn't something else? Like, I don't know… lust or something?”

  I lifted a strand of her silky hair and gently stroked it between my fingers. It felt like all kinds of heaven.

  “Lust was certainly a part of it,” I explained. “But it went far deeper than that. I was so angry.”

  Her crystal eyes gazed up at me, trying to understand. “Why were you mad?”

  I licked my lips and stared back into the depths of her amazing eyes. “Because Roz, you're mine.”

  Grasping the back of her head, I pulled her forward so she had no choice but to kiss me.

  And she did.

  Her sigh of pleasure sank itself deep into my bones as I devoured her mouth, kissing her with the pent-up passion of a man denied his true love for the past several months. She eagerly accepted the demands of my kiss. She accepted them, and met them with her own. Her complete trust in me made me breathless as our mouths continued to dance and glide and taste. She knew what kind of power lurked just below the surface of this skin, and yet she never hesitated in giving me her love. She wasn't afraid. She wasn't nervous. She was absolutely trusting.


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