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An Unholy Trinity (The Devil's Children Book 2)

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by C. Tyler


  Copyright© 2018 C. Tyler

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-722-1

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  This book is for the crazies in my life. They make me complete.


  The Devil’s Children, 2

  C. Tyler

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  It’s time. I’ve been waiting for almost seven months, and it’s finally time.

  Chas is coming home.

  About a week or so after coming back to Hope, I went to visit him in prison. It was surreal. Even though I’ve been to prison a few times to visit random family, it was something I hadn’t done in years. Being surrounded by the starkly painted walls, the cold, unforgiving concrete, and corrections officers with stares just as icy was uncomfortable. And loud. I’d forgotten how loud prisons are. Without a single sound-absorbing surface within its walls, each click, clack, or slam echoes so damn loudly.

  But I got to see Chas. I couldn’t touch him, (touching is strictly monitored and forbidden within prisons) but I got to see him. Like with the guys, I immediately started to cry. I couldn’t help it. The instant the giant emerged in the brilliant orange jumpsuit, my eyes began to well with tears.

  Chas looked so different, but the same, too—like Spencer. Chas is nearly six-five, a true giant of a man. He’s broad and intimidating with a face hidden behind a thick beard, and long brown hair that falls just to his shoulders. And unlike Spencer, he’s covered in tattoos. While all the guys bear marks of the MC to show their loyalty and allegiance, Chas has full sleeves and probably more I couldn’t see during visits. He didn’t have those when I left.

  The minute he saw me, his hazel eyes lit up and a smile formed across his lips. I’m not ashamed to admit I started shaking. I wanted to race forward, wrap my arms around him, and never let go. But I couldn’t.

  Talking to him for those few minutes was one of the most joyous and painful things I think I’ve ever had to do. It physically hurt not to reach over and touch his hand, but he’d get reprimanded for it, so I managed. Every two weeks I’d go see him—alternating days with his kids and ex—and it never got easier.

  But now he’s coming home.

  There are streamers everywhere. They’re wrapped around support beams, tied to the metal fences separating the properties, and hanging from any and everything. A giant banner is stretched across the long driveway that leads to the bar reading the obligatory “Welcome Home”. My heart hasn’t stopped pounding since the guys left to pick Chas up, and if they don’t get back soon, I’ll have a heart attack.

  My knee hasn’t stopped bouncing since I took a seat at one of the picnic tables under the awning by the bar. Nerves are running rampant through me, and I can’t help it. As anxious as I was initially when I came home pales in comparison to now. Now, I’m that much closer to my life being complete again.

  The world suddenly stops when I hear the distant rumble of a motorcycle herd. My heart, my breathing, even my twitching, immediately ceases. They’re here.

  I don’t know when I stood up or when I started walking towards the driveway, only that within a few moments I’m surrounded by the typical group of people who always linger around the Devils. Alongside them, I watch impatiently for the guys to emerge.

  Alan’s the first to show up. As he turns into the drive, he’s followed shortly by Spencer and Billy. After them are Trager and Chas. Once I see my giant, my eyes don’t divert. Two by two, they head up the long driveway, and sweep into their parking spots by the metal wall. The cheers and claps of the people around me sound like a faint buzz in my ears.

  As the guys park, they’re descended upon by the swarm of supporters, and whether I like it or not, I’m kind of shoved to the back. I don’t care. I’d like to be up at the front, but I’m not about to fight for it because I may actually hurt someone by “accident”. Instead, I dash back to the picnic table and climb onto the bench. I can see everything from my stance, and I know he’ll be able to see me.

  Chas and the guys turn off their bikes and begin to dismount. My eyes are only on my giant as he stands from his motorcycle. His gaze dances around as he unsnaps his helmet. I see Spencer step to his side, and the two talk for a moment before Chas’s eyes fall to me. He goes rigid, and evidently Spence notices because he looks at me, too. I see him smile, say something else to Chas, and pat his brother on the back. That seems to be all it takes for the giant to suddenly move.

  The crowd parts like the Red Sea as his long legs take him to me in seconds. The instant he reaches me, Chas wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him in a body-crushing hug. My fingers bite into his leather as I bury my face into the nape of his neck, half disappearing within his beard.

  I can’t put into words how happy I am to finally touch Chas. Something as simple as a hug, his breath on my neck, or the feeling of his fingers running through my hair as he cradles the back of my head is enough to make my skin prickle. My grip tightens to the point my fingers start to ache, but I don’t want to let him go.

  “I’ve missed you,” he sighs. His deep, rumbling voice vibrates through me.

  For a few short minutes, the world around us disappears, but eventually, we’re forced to remember there’s a party to be had. Whether we really want to or not, the two of us draw back from one another. Chas takes my hand and helps me off the bench. Spencer meets us and hands us each a beer, smiling as he does. I can see the happiness in his eyes, too.

  The three of us are finally together.


  The free drinks flow, the music’s loud enough to burst eardrums, and women wearing next to nothing are dancing on every surface they can fit on. But the three of us barely notice. We see it, sure, but we just don’t care. Instead we drink, we talk, we laugh, and we keep a bit to ourselves. It might be greedy on mine and Spencer’s parts since most of the guys want to spend some time with their brother, too, but Chas belongs to us.

  “Nah, man,” Spence declares loudly so he can be heard over the music. “You’re not stayin’ in this shithole. You’ll be with us.”

  Chas looks from me to the smiling blond at my side, like he’s actually surprised we’d offer our house to him.

  “You sure?” he asks.

  “You kidding?” Spence shoots back with a laugh. “I mean, we might have to build a cave in the backyard for you, but yeah.”

  Chas chuckles deeply and punches Spencer playfully in the arm for the “bear” remark. I’ve missed having these two idiots together.

  “I’ll even give you guys the night,” Spencer continues. He wags his eyebrows at the two of us as he lifts his beer to his lips. “Ya know,” he teases leadingly.

  My cheeks warm and I know I’m near blushing, but it could just as easily be the alcohol racing through my veins.

  The closer it came to Chas’s release, the more open Spencer was about what he knew would happen. He knew things would most likely return to the way they were the last time the three of us were together, but because it’d been so long since then, he felt the need
to actually say it out loud. I thought it was a little unnecessary, but sweet that he wanted to make sure I knew he was okay with whatever would happen between Chas and me.

  Spencer and I have been exclusive for the last few months, ever since I came home. It was me and him, and no one else. He never touched another woman, and another man never touched me. But those rules didn’t apply to Chas, and we both knew it. He wasn’t “some other guy”. Chester “Chas” Knoller is the final third, that piece that makes us complete. We are only whole together.

  The night progresses, and eventually, I’m tired. I don’t know if the guys are or not, but I’m exhausted. It doesn’t seem to matter how much I want to stay in the bar with them, I’m just not able.

  Chas offers to take me home. So, with a kiss to Spencer—who’s still grinning slyly at us like the pervert he is—and a farewell to those who matter, Chas and I leave the bar.

  I drive through the streets so familiar I can navigate them with my eyes closed, and eventually reach my house. Chas is silent the whole drive, but he holds my hand. I happily do the same, entwining my fingers in his and gripping tight. I didn’t want to let him go, but obviously getting out of the car would be a little tricky otherwise.

  He follows me the short distance to the front door, and while I’m trying to unlock it in the dark, I can feel him come up behind me. The air shifts, and electricity courses through my veins. He’s only inches away—not touching me—but so close I swear I can feel his heat through my jacket. My breathing shortens, and my body starts to tingle.

  For a moment, I don’t move. I’m not entirely certain I can, and when he reaches out to touch me, all coherent thought flees my mind. Chas takes a half-step forward, closing the miniscule distance between us. His chest presses against my back, his arms circle around me as he plants his massive palms against my front door, and he dips forward. My eyes flutter shut as I feel him bury his face in my hair.

  My heart’s thundering, and my mind is spinning. I feel his hand grab around my hip. His fingertips dig into my skin while he massages me, but only linger for a moment. Chas glides his hand up my body and across my chest, pulling me back against him tighter than before. I feel his grip around my throat. It’s not tight, or extreme in any regard. Instead, he’s simply holding my neck, feeling my pulse beating out of control beneath his touch. The possessive undertone of the action sends shudders tearing through my body.

  His deep breathing in my ear makes my skin prickle. I can’t express how badly I want him.

  “Open the door.”

  His voice is borderline animalistic and more than enough to make me comply without hesitation. And somehow, his command clears my mind just enough for me to get the key into the lock and the door open within seconds.

  No sooner are we both over the threshold than Chas spins me around and lifts me into his arms. He kicks the door shut behind him so hard I hear the windows rattle, but I don’t care. I don’t care about anything.

  He cradles me to his chest like a bride as he walks through the house. Spence and mine’s place isn’t very big, so it doesn’t take a genius—or very long—for Chas to find the master bedroom. When he does, he sets me down on the new California King mattress Spence and I got in anticipation of Chas’s return, and crawls over me.

  Chas claims my lips and kisses me deeply for the first time since he came home. I immediately melt. I thread my fingers through his hair as I return the affection passionately, wrapping my legs around his hips in the process.

  The desire between us is stifling, and within seconds we’re clamoring over one another, determined to get as much clothing out of the way as possible. I want to feel his body against mine, but I’m not entirely certain we’ll manage. At least, not at first. Maybe later, but not now.

  Somehow, he tears himself away from me. He fumbles briefly over my jeans before finally getting them undone, and quickly peels them off my legs. I help as best I can, but my mind is fevered and clouded with thoughts of him fucking me again.

  Sitting up on my knees, I take hold of his jacket and cut, and shove them from his shoulders, stealing kisses in the meantime. Chas helps me get his shirt off. He throws it somewhere in the room before encircling me in his strong arms. Chas is a giant, so his arms nearly engulf me completely. The heat of him pours into me and his dick presses against my stomach. Feeling it, feeling him again, makes my core quiver.

  Chas kisses me deeply and guides me back onto the bed. His hand trails down my side before dipping in between my thighs. I cry out, breaking our kiss as I press my head into the mattress. He props himself above me and watches my face while he fingers me. I struggle to keep my gaze to his, but it’s difficult.

  His fingers glide along my folds before they find focus on my clit. Once they do, I can’t keep my eyes open. Instead, they flutter shut and I slip into the sensations.

  He uses the perfect amount of pressure to leave me squirming beneath him, but as wonderful as it feels, I want more. I always want more.

  “Please,” I breathe, forcing myself to look up at him. His stare is dark and intense. I can see his growing frustration and only want to take it away. “Please,” I repeat, “Chas, I need you.”

  I nip tenderly at his bottom lip, causing the beast above me to growl deep in his throat. My words seem to be all it takes to get him to move, and I’m grateful. I don’t know how long I could have waited.

  Chas shifts from side to side, and I hear the sound of him undoing his belt and jeans, feel it against my thighs as he shoves them down. With our eyes still locked, he runs the head of his dick along my core before positioning himself at my entrance. I can see a hint of apprehension glint within his dark eyes, and I know he’s silently asking permission.

  Truthfully, I am a bit nervous. Chas is a big man in every respect—and he has a bigger dick than Spencer. He’s thicker than his blond counterpart, and because of it we’re both always a little anxious. It doesn’t mean we want each other any less, but Chas is always worried he might hurt me.

  I lean forward and kiss him tenderly, sweeping my tongue lovingly across his in the most affectionate way I can, silently telling him he has nothing to fear. Chas relaxes against me immediately, and as caringly as he can, he pushes himself inside me.

  A whimper leaves my lips, laced with slight pain. He stretches me completely, filling me more than any man can or has, and it still takes my breath away. With Chas, it’s always felt like the first time—like I’m losing my virginity all over again—and it’s made all the more obvious by the fact that we haven’t been together in years.

  “Fuck,” he sighs against my shoulder as his head dips. He continues to push into me until, finally, he’s fully immersed in my heat. “It’s been too long.”

  The best I can do is nod. My body just seems incapable of much more.

  For what seems like an eternity, I listen to his haggard breaths. Every muscle in his body’s tight and he hasn’t moved an inch, but eventually—likely calling on all of his willpower—Chas begins to shift. At an agonizingly slow pace, he withdraws before pushing into me again.

  It takes minutes before he finds a rhythm until, gradually, his pace increases. My fingers dig into his bare back, but I’m not entirely certain he feels it. We’re both too consumed in the moment.

  Chas starts to gain speed, driving into me with long, deep strokes. It makes my head spin and my body tingle. I can feel tension building within me and know that if he continues, I’ll eventually come. But I don’t get the chance.

  Abruptly, I feel Chas’s body twitch, his arms tense, and his thrusts end. He grunts in my ear, and it takes my fevered brain a moment to realize he’s already come. My sad frustration is almost immediate.

  “Shit,” he groans disappointedly into my shoulder. Pulling back, he looks down at me with an expression to match. “I’m so sorry, Mike,” he says. “I…”

  Before I can keep it back, I giggle. “Aww.” I laugh sweetly. Reaching up, I cradle his cheek. “Someone a little pent up?”<
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  He glowers at me and my little jab, and to “punish” me for my comment, he shoves into me harshly. Given his size, I can feel him completely, flaccid or hard.

  “I’m just playing,” I tell him.

  It’s been over a year since he’s had sex, so it doesn’t really surprise me he came so fast. It doesn’t bother me, and to tell him so, I lean up and kiss him again. Chas happily returns the affection and eventually we part. He presses his forehead to mine.

  “If you weren’t so wet,” he says in a gravelly voice. He gives me a chaste kiss. “So tight.” He kisses me again. Chas begins to thrust into me with slow, measured strokes like he did before. “I never stopped thinking about you.” His actions gradually begin to increase. “Every day … every night.” I thread my fingers through his hair and hold him close as he starts to fuck me again, no matter how sensitive he may be. “I’ve missed you, baby. I’ve missed you so goddamn much.”

  I wrap myself around him and hold him as close as I can. “I missed you, too.” And I have, so much. Spence is one half of my heart, Chas the other, and now that he’s back I’m whole again.

  As the seconds tick by and he’s hard again, Chas might have gained speed, but it’s nowhere near enough for me. So, gripping his arms tightly, I throw my body against his. He feels what I’m trying to do and happily complies, rolling onto his back so I’m on top. If he hadn’t, there’s no way I’d have been able to push over someone his size.

  Straddling his lap, I can feel every inch of him inside me, and it’s an intoxicating sensation. I stare down at the man between my legs. His handsome baby-face is hidden beneath layers of hair that make him look so intimidating and angry, but I know the truth. I know he’s sweet and kind, that he’s gentle and loving. And he’s all mine.


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