Her Perfect Candidate

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Her Perfect Candidate Page 9

by Candace Shaw

  “Thank you so much, Keenan! I wish I could take you back to Atlanta.” Megan gave him a hug and then a kiss on each cheek.

  “Chile, please! When Senator Monroe wins the U.S. Senate seat, I’m sure I’ll see you more often in D.C. Here’s my card.” Keenan handed her his business card and then turned toward the staircase to retrieve his styling materials from upstairs. “I’m sure you and the senator will be attending more functions in Washington for years to come.” He ran into Steven on the first landing.

  “Senator Monroe, it took me hours to do her hair. Please don’t ruin it tonight after the event, but if you did, I wouldn’t blame you. She looks ravishing, but don’t tell my boyfriend I said that.”

  Megan gazed at Steven as he descended the stairs, still laughing about Keenan’s comments. She was so glad to see him that she almost ran and jumped into his arms. But instead she stood still, her heels pressed into the hardwood floor. She hadn’t seen him since he went to take a shower, and she fell straight to sleep after a long day. She woke up in the middle of the night to the realization that he wasn’t next to her in the bed. At first she was relieved that he’d chosen to sleep elsewhere and then slightly disappointed. After he’d called her sexy, she was sort of hoping that he would just go ahead and seduce her. When she woke up, there was a note on what would’ve been his pillow stating he wouldn’t be at breakfast and was going to play golf but that he arranged a day of pampering for her at the spa. Megan was relieved. She didn’t want to play the devoted girlfriend around Greta. However, Greta was disappointed because she had made all of his favorite breakfast dishes.

  Steven stopped on the last stair and a debonair smile inched across his face before he stepped into her personal space.

  “You look absolutely lovely.”

  Warmth dissipated all over her body, and she couldn’t help but offer a gracious smile. “Thank you and you look as if you just stepped out of GQ Magazine,” she said as her eyes perused over his attire. He wore a black Armani tux with a cravat instead of a bowtie. His diamond cuff links sparkled.

  He was indeed an exquisite-looking man. Megan felt overwhelmed to have such an amazing man as her escort. She just hoped she could get through the evening without ripping his clothes off. The way he stared at her made her feel sexy and wanted. He stepped closer toward her with a smoldering gaze, and her heart began to beat uncontrollably as his hand reached out to slide the hair out of her face.

  “You’re so beautiful.” His voice was barely above a whisper.

  Greta rushed into the foyer with a camera. Steven stepped away from Megan, and she turned to grab her purse from the credenza. She was relieved Greta came into the room. One more second and Steven’s lips would be on hers. It was a chance she couldn’t take. She knew just one more kiss from him would send her over the edge, and they would never make it to the Smithsonian.

  “Oh, just look at my babies. Now let me get a few pictures of the two of you,” Greta said, holding up her digital camera, pulling Megan and Steven to each other.

  Megan felt as if she was going to her high school prom again, and her mother was making a big fuss. Except this time her date didn’t look scared stiff because of the prom-rules talk with her father moments before. Steven and Megan scooted together and posed for several pictures. Greta beamed with sheer delight. Megan glanced at Steven, who seemed to be enjoying the photo session, too.

  * * *

  Steven was surprised at Greta’s actions. In all his years of going to functions with women, including his ex-wife, Greta had never gone to this extent of being concerned about his dates. The most Greta would say was “have a nice evening, sir” and hand him his trench coat.

  “Have a great time,” Greta said opening the front door. “Are you sure you don’t need me to drive you?”

  “No. This event may not end until late. Just get some rest. I want all of my favorites in the morning.” Steven chuckled and gave Greta a kiss on her cheek. “I promise, no golfing.” He grabbed Megan’s hand and squeezed it gently as they walked to the car.

  “You seem nervous,” Steven said once they were in the car headed to the Smithsonian. He didn’t want her to feel out of place this evening. He knew she wasn’t used to this type of event. However, because she was such an elegant and classy lady, he knew she would be able to handle herself with the other girlfriends and wives.

  “Just a little. I’ve been to numerous events but never a dinner fund-raiser where the plates were $500.00 each. I don’t spend that much in one month on groceries!”

  “Yeah, the price is quite steep, but the money raised is going to the Save the Manatee campaign in Florida. They’re slowly becoming extinct.” He had a soft spot for the huge animals that were being killed by ships and boats.

  “Hmm, interesting. I saw recently on a documentary that the propellers on the boats are striking them, leaving scars, or even worse, causing their death. That’s so sad. I’m glad to see how concerned you are about the manatees.”

  “I’m an animal lover.”

  Steven tried to stare straight ahead but his eyes kept wandering to the beauty sitting next to him. Keenan was right. She was indeed ravishing, and it took everything in him not to pull the car over and mess up her hair. However, it was clear to him that Megan wasn’t interested in being anything more than friends or at least she didn’t want to admit to it.

  Moments later, they arrived at the Smithsonian. There were cameras flashing as they walked the red carpet, and they stopped and posed for a few pictures before going inside.

  He squeezed her hand. “Don’t be nervous,” he reassured her as they walked into the event. “I’m by your side.”

  After the hostess showed them to their table, they were offered a choice of wines. They both opted for an iced tea and lemonade instead. Some other politicians and their wives or girlfriends joined their table of ten. The men mostly talked about politics, sports and the president while the women discussed fashion and what clothes they were taking on their upcoming fabulous vacations. Steven could tell that Megan was trying really hard to join the conversation, but all of the women were so superficial. Megan was down-to-earth and not concerned with such nonsense.

  “So where are you two vacationing this summer, Megan?” Mrs. Douglas, the wife of U.S. Senator Richard Douglas from Nevada, asked. He was one of Steven’s golfing buddies from that morning.

  “Not really sure. I have a lot of work to do this summer.” Megan glanced at Steven with a “help me” look on her face.

  “What do you do besides look tenderly at Senator Monroe?” Mrs. Douglas asked.

  Steven smiled at Mrs. Douglas’s comment. If she thought Megan was looking tenderly at him, then she must’ve been doing a good job of faking it.

  “I have my own interior-design business in Atlanta. This summer I’m doing a show for the Fabulous Living Channel as well as still finding time to spend with my Steven.”

  “Splendid! You two have to come to our place in the Hamptons this summer.” Mrs. Douglas placed her hand on her forehead. “Megan, I’m in dire need of redoing some of the guest rooms and bathrooms there. Maybe you can give me some suggestions or better yet, just do it for me.” Mrs. Douglas scooted closer to Megan.

  “I’ll have to check my schedule, but I’m sure a few days at your summer home would be lovely, Mrs. Douglas,” Megan answered sincerely. “And I’d be happy to help you with your decorating needs.”

  After dessert, Steven and Megan said their goodbyes. He could see the relief on her face when he announced they were leaving. As they walked to the door, he heard someone call his name in a familiar tone.

  “Senator Monroe,” a woman called after him. Steven cringed before he turned around. He knew that voice in his sleep. It belonged to his ex-wife, Veronica. He just hoped she was on her best behavior tonight. He’d known Veronica since college, and her vindictive ways hadn
’t, and probably wouldn’t ever change.

  “Hello, Veronica,” Steven said, turning slowly around. He glanced at Megan, who remained her poised self.

  “Oh, Steven, it’s a pleasure to see you here. I had a feeling you would be here to support the manatees this year. And who is this lovely young girl?”

  “This is Megan Chase, my girlfriend. Megan, this is Veronica Scott, my ex-wife.”

  Veronica’s dark eyes stayed on Steven when she addressed Megan.

  “Actually, love, it’s Dr. Scott-Monroe. I never dropped his last name. I love the way it sounds.”

  “Nice to meet you, Veronica,” Megan said nodding her head instead of shaking her hand.

  “Steven, we must do lunch while you’re in town. I’m no longer in Fairfax. I just bought a charming brownstone in Georgetown.” Veronica turned her back completely to Megan. “Kind of like the one you bought when we first got married. That seems like eons ago, does it not Steven?”

  “Still at Georgetown?” Steven said, walking around Veronica to stand next to Megan and wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him.

  “Oh, yes, I simply love being there. After I got my doctorate from Cornell, I applied at Georgetown and a few other colleges. But you know I love D.C. Are you still in college, my dear?” Veronica’s gaze finally came to rest on Megan.

  “No. I’ve already finished my bachelor’s and master’s degrees.” Her voice was calm and steady. Steven was pleased. Some of the women he’d dated who had the displeasure of meeting Veronica were always tongued-tied around her.

  “Megan has her own interior-design company in Atlanta. She decorates homes for celebrities and other public figures,” Steven said, squeezing her even closer and then placing a sweet kiss on her forehead. She tenderly smiled back at him just as Mrs. Douglas had mentioned.

  “Oh, how cute. Is that how you two met? Well, I must run. I’m here with Judge Hill, and you know he’s the jealous type. Call me about lunch.” Veronica strutted away.

  “We’ll look forward to it,” Steven said, calling after her.

  “Well, that went well,” Megan said, withdrawing herself from his embrace but placing her hand in his as they headed out the door.

  “I hope Veronica wasn’t too mean. She can be a real witch sometimes.”

  “No, really?” Megan said sarcastically with a laugh.

  “You handled yourself pretty well. Most of the women that I’ve dated that have met Veronica usually freeze up.”

  “Well, I’m not most women. Besides, I didn’t feel threatened. I’m not really your girlfriend remember?”

  “Oh, yeah. I almost forgot.”

  He hoped she would just forget, as well.

  * * *

  They rode in silence back to the brownstone. Overall, Megan did have a nice evening. She met some potential clients with a summer place in the Hamptons and was able to give to a charity.

  Her thoughts wandered to Veronica and how exotically beautiful she was. Her waist-length natural curly hair was a jet black that brought out her dark, slanted eyes. Her skin was tanned and smooth and her makeup was flawless. She was tall and slender and could pass for a supermodel. Her diamond choker with matching earrings sparkled. Megan could tell she wasn’t dolled up for the evening—that was how she always looked.

  The more Megan thought about all of the women in Steven’s life before her, the more she realized they were all beautiful, high maintenance women who could walk the runways during fashion week in New York or Paris. Sighing, she knew he could never fall for her.

  When they arrived back to the brownstone, Megan noticed that the light in Greta’s room was on. It was nearly ten o’clock. She had figured Greta would be asleep by now.

  “I guess Greta waits up for you?” Megan inquired when the garage door lowered behind them.

  “No, not really. She likes you and probably wants to know how your evening went.”

  “I like her, too,” she said, getting out of the car while Steven tossed something in the trash. “She reminds me of my grandmother who passed about five years ago.” Megan waited by the door that led to the keeping room.

  “Greta is a wonderful person. I really don’t need a housekeeper, but I like having her around.” He paused. “Well, I’m off to the study to do some work. Thank you for a great evening.” Steven fumbled with his keys.

  “Work? Do you ever relax? Take a break?” Megan offered.

  “No. Then I wouldn’t be where I am today. Jeez. I sound like my dad,” Steven said, still looking at the keys.

  “Do you need some help finding the right key?”

  “Um...no. They’re just...twisted,” he said, still rummaging through them. “You know, it’s only around ten on a Saturday night in Washington. How about we go out dancing or something fun? I know of a really cool place. I can teach you how to go-go dance.”

  “Well, if you don’t count a fourth-grade field trip, this is my first time in Washington, so that sounds like fun.” She finally grabbed the keys from him and opened the door, which happened to be already unlocked.

  “Okay, well let’s change clothes and get out of here. According to you, I can use some relaxation,” Steven said as they walked up the stairs to his bedroom.

  “Didn’t you relax playing golf? My dad says it’s a very relaxing sport,” she said, kicking her heels off once they were in the bedroom. They were beginning to hurt her feet. Then, remembering she wasn’t at home, Megan immediately gathered the shoes and placed them neatly in the closet. She went into the bathroom and took the hairpins out of her hair. She had asked Keenan to pin her hair so that it would fall after she took the pins out. It fell perfectly with soft curls on her back. She could hear Steven talking from his closet.

  “Nope. We stand around and pretend to care about the other person’s golf game. We’re really trying to find out each other’s opinions on current issues, bills that must be passed, who’s running for what and when. So you see, Megan, playing golf with the good old boys wasn’t relaxing. It’s all politics.”

  “So is this,” Megan whispered to herself, looking through the clothes she brought with her. The clothes from Barney’s were being shipped back to Atlanta. Luckily, Chelsea told her to keep a few of the dresses just in case they went somewhere unplanned. Megan reached back to undo her zipper when she remembered that Keenan and Greta had zipped and clasped her gown. She wasn’t able to unhook the first clasp. Megan knew that it wouldn’t be a good idea to call Greta because she would wonder why Steven couldn’t undress his own girlfriend.

  “Need some help?” Steven asked, startling her. He had changed into black dress slacks and a yellow polo shirt.

  “Yes, please. If you wouldn’t mind just unhooking the first clasp. I think there may be another one at the end of the zipper.” Megan turned around and lifted her hair off her back.

  He undid the clasp, and his hands brushed against her bare back when he lowered the zipper. Heat rushed through her as his warm hands touched her skin. She wanted nothing more than to feel his lips where his hands were. That was when Megan remembered she wasn’t wearing any panties because she hadn’t wanted the line to show through her dress. She turned around immediately to hide her backside, but it was too late. She heard him whisper wow and stepped back, as if to admire the view in front of him.

  “I’ll be ready in ten minutes,” she said, quickly pushing him out the closet and closing the door.

  “Cute tush,” she heard him say through the door.

  Ten minutes later they were on their way down to the garage and backing out of the driveway.

  “You look lovely tonight. Is that another Chelsea suggestion?” Steven asked. The strapless purple dress was short and hitting her curvy body in the right places.

  “Yes, it is. Chelsea does her job well. She’s the best fashion styl
ist and consultant I know.”

  “I agree. She referred me to an excellent tailor here in D.C. When I win my father’s seat, I’ll definitely need one here.”

  Megan looked out the window. He would win the election, move to D.C. and forget all about her. She decided to change the subject.

  “You have a very nice car. It’s my dream car.”

  “Really? You want to drive it? I can have someone drive it back to Atlanta for you. It just sits in the garage for weeks at a time.”

  “No. Besides, you have to drive something while you’re in D.C.”

  “I have a few other cars that just sit in the garage. I can have the Range Rover sent to D.C. easily.”

  “No, my SUV is fine.” Megan said. She would love to drive the Lexus, but she’d never been a gold digger, and wasn’t about to start. She rarely drove her ex-boyfriend’s convertible Porsche or his Mercedes when they were together. But every now and then, she saw his nurse happily driving the Porsche around Atlanta.

  “Well, if you change your mind, let me know.”

  They arrived at Capital Club about fifteen minutes later. After giving the valet the keys, Steven took Megan by the hand and they entered the dance club. They found a table in the back and ordered bottled waters. The atmosphere is sort of young, she thought as she looked around. It was mostly college students or fresh out-of-college-students. The floor was packed with people doing all types of dances that Megan had never seen in the clubs in Atlanta. The music blared through the speakers. Strobe lights of red and purple flashed on the dance floor. The DJ played a top forty mix.

  “Isn’t this place kind of young for you?” Megan screamed over the loud music. She thought they were going to a more upscale location for professionals.

  “Yeah. I guess you’re right. I used to come here when I was visiting friends. I was in college at the time,” Steven screamed back, looking around. “I feel sort of overdressed looking at all these young men wearing baggy jeans.”


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