Her Perfect Candidate

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Her Perfect Candidate Page 10

by Candace Shaw

  Megan was getting tired of screaming, but she didn’t have a choice.

  “Well, I’m still in my twenties, so I feel fine,” Megan answered smiling at him.

  “Yes, you certainly are fine,” he said, smiling back at her with a wink.

  Megan thought she heard him but wanted to be sure. “What did you say? I couldn’t hear you. It’s rather loud in here,” she screamed.

  “Nothing. I guess this place isn’t for talking,” he screamed back.

  “Well, since we’re here, let’s see what you can really do, old man,” Megan said, pulling him out of the chair and on to the dance floor.

  “We’ll see about the ‘old man’ comment. I’m sure I can outdance you any day of the week!” Steven said, as he jokingly started to imitate some old ’70s moves, including the robot and the twist.

  They danced and laughed for the next hour straight. He taught her how to go-go dance and she taught him the latest moves from Atlanta that he didn’t know. Finally, the DJ played a slow song. But before Megan could turn to walk off the dance floor, Steven pulled her close to him. She didn’t resist. She was too tired.

  Instead, she let him hold her close. She felt as if she had drunk more than just water. Her dance high was coming down, and she relaxed in his arms. His hands slowly caressed her waist and back. His intent gaze rested on her face. He lowered his head down to hers, and she caressed his neck with her hands as her breaths became heavy. With their lips only centimeters apart, a voice in Megan’s head said, Go ahead and kiss him. Something told Megan it wasn’t make-believe anymore, well unless he was a very good actor. When she realized he was lowering his head to kiss her, she didn’t turn away.

  Steven kissed her softly on the lips, just enough to taste the strawberry lip gloss she had put on over her lipstick. A hint Chelsea had given if she wanted to make her lips more noticeable and luscious. She wanted him to kiss her some more, but this club wasn’t the place.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he whispered to her.

  “Okay,” she said barely above a whisper. As they rushed out of the club holding hands, Megan still felt the warmth of his lips on hers.

  They rode in silence back to his brownstone. He continued to hold her hand, rubbing the inside of her palm with one of his fingers. She had too many thoughts in her head about what had just happened between them. She closed her eyes and rested her head back on the seat. She wasn’t sure how to handle her emotions.

  Once the car was settled in the garage, neither of them spoke. They still sat holding hands. Megan looked straight ahead, but he was looking directly at her. She decided to let him speak first.

  “So are you going to slap me now or later?” he asked jokingly.

  “Do you want me to slap you?”

  “No. I really want to kiss you again,” Steven said, moving toward her and running his finger along her lips. Placing his fingers under her chin, he brought her face closer to his and once again kissed her supple lips, slowly. She responded in the same manner taking her time to taste every inch of his mouth. Warm sensations coursed between her thighs as she returned his kisses with the same passion and vigor that he displayed to her. Low moans of pleasure erupted from her as he kissed her even deeper, letting his tongue penetrate the inside of her mouth.

  Her hands roamed over his face while one of his hands caressed the center of her back and the other one massaged her neck. He reached in between her legs under the seat to press a button that moved her seat back as far as it would go. He then reached around her and pushed the back of the seat all the way down, his lips never leaving hers as their kissing intensified and the car windows began to slightly fog. She pulled him on top of her, and he stopped the kiss for moment, taking off his shirt and tossing it in the backseat. His lips placed hot kisses on the side of her neck as she explored her fingers along his hard, muscular back. She could feel the pulsating of his erection through his pants.

  Her moaning was unrecognizable as he pulled down the top of her dress, exposing her breasts, which hard hardened and yearned for his tongue, mouth and hands to entice them. He popped one nipple into his mouth, circling his tongue around it before gently tugging it with his teeth. She let out a cry of desire as he continued licking and teasing her breasts going back and forth between the two.

  “Steven...that feels so damn good. Please, please don’t stop.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t.” His voice was heavy, filled with passion. “Not until you’re completely satisfied.”

  He captured her lips once more, thrusting and winding his tongue inside of her mouth. Every fiber in her body was ablaze, and she needed whatever he had to offer to put it out. A cold shower wasn’t going to do the trick. She craved him. She had desired him for so long. When she wrapped her legs around his trim waist, he stopped for a second and looked into her eyes as if searching for a sign to go ahead.

  She kissed him softly at first and then licked her tongue across his bottom lip causing his breathing to stifle. He slid his hand to the hem of her dress and pulled it up to her stomach. His hand lingered on the band of her panties and then pushed them to the side. He circled her clit with his finger as erotic moans emerged from her mouth. He traced his finger down between her folds as his lips kissed the side of her neck. When he inserted a finger into her slick canal, her breathing became irregular as she thrust her hips up to meet his in and out motion. His lips left her neck trailing down her chest and stomach until he was on his knees in front of her. She shook in anticipation of what she wished would come next, and when he replaced his finger with his warm, wet tongue, she almost exploded. He raised her legs up so that her shoes were in the seat and parted her thighs as he twirled his tongue around inflicting pure ecstasy on her.

  “Oh, my goodness, Steven...” she said breathlessly, clutching his shoulders.

  “You’re so damn wet. You’re dripping. I’m the reason. Right, baby?”



  “Yes, Steven.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  He continued darting in and out of her, cupping his hands under her bottom as her hips moved with the same urgency as his tongue. Her emotions and feelings for him welled up as an orgasm slammed through her body with a force that left her weak and vulnerable yet craving for more of him. The moans and cries eliciting from her were foreign and out of her character, but she didn’t care. With him she felt carefree. She could let go and be herself with him and that terrified her.

  He lifted up and positioned himself over her. The screech of a zipper sounded, and it wasn’t hers. And the conversation she had with her mother yesterday popped into her head.

  She immediately pushed him away. “No. This is a big mistake, Steven. I can’t do this anymore,” Megan said, squirming from under him and pushing open the car door. She pulled her dress down, and rushed into the house and up the stairs to the master bedroom. She didn’t know what to do. She was ready to return home to Atlanta and back to her normal life. She had been afraid this would happen. He wanted fringe benefits, as well.

  * * *

  Steven sat in the car for a few minutes before going inside to face Megan. He wasn’t sure what had just happened. He thought he and Megan were on the same page. The way she kissed him was like no other kiss he had ever experienced. He’d never been the kissing type. Even while married to Veronica, he seldom kissed. But when he first laid eyes on Megan, the first thought that came to mind was how bad he wanted to taste her lips. And now that he had, he wanted to kiss her juicy lips—both sets.

  Sighing, he got out of the car. The last thing he wanted her to feel was hurt, because it was never his intent from the beginning.

  When he walked into the bedroom, he saw her packing her suitcase. She was shaken and distraught.

  “Where are you going?” he asked quietly.

Home. I have a credit card. I can pay for my own plane ticket,” she said, stuffing her things in her suitcase.

  “You can’t leave now,” he said, taking her by the shoulders and turning her around to face him.

  “Why? Because you’re scared you won’t win the nomination? You’re scared how the public is going to look at you?” Megan jerked away, going toward the bathroom. He followed her. “I knew this was a big mistake!”

  “No. I...” He stopped midsentence. Now he felt bad. He didn’t want her to think he was taking advantage of her, he was very much attracted to her. He couldn’t believe it. He had found the one woman who could actually change him into a one-woman man, and she didn’t even want him.

  “I apologize, Megan. I guess it was the music and the atmosphere. Or it could’ve been the fact that I was holding a very beautiful woman in my arms, who smells and tastes just like strawberries. Please don’t go. Not because of how the public may perceive me, but because it’s late, and we’ve had a long day. Just leave in the morning. We’ll tell Greta you had an emergency and had to fly back home early. I’ll take you to the airport myself.” He hoped she would accept his apology.

  “I can take a taxi,” Megan said, putting her suitcase down.

  “I understand if you don’t want to do this anymore,” he said sincerely although he had the urge to reach out and pull her close to him.

  He watched as Megan sat in the leather chair, contemplating her decision.

  “No, I made you a promise. You’re right, it’s late, and the music and atmosphere played a part, as well. New clause—no more dancing.”

  “It’s a deal,” he said, and gently shook her hand.

  Chapter 8

  The following Monday after her Washington, D.C., trip, Megan was back at work and glad to be doing something to keep her mind off of her fantasy life. She needed to concentrate on her own normal life for a change. She had a million things to do before she headed to Hilton Head that summer to work on the project for the Fabulous Living Channel. She also needed to get her mind off of Steven.

  She sipped on a cup of coffee Lucy had made for her. It was storming that morning and no one wanted to make a Starbucks run in the rain.

  It had to be the dancing, Megan thought to herself as she took another sip. It had been a while since she’d had that much fun with a man, but Steven was just the wrong man at the right time. While she enjoyed the kiss—among other things—they shared in the car, she didn’t want to get her emotions involved, only to be disappointed later. She was glad she was able to leave that Sunday morning to fly back home. Steven had arranged for her to fly first-class back to Atlanta.

  Megan continued sipping on her coffee as it surprisingly calmed her nerves. She asked Lucy to refill her cup before her meeting. Chelsea was stopping by to finalize plans for her daughter’s bedroom, but Megan knew she really wanted the play-by-play of her Washington weekend.

  Chelsea arrived promptly at ten for their meeting. She sashayed into Megan’s office wearing a pink Chanel suit. Her diamond earrings and matching tennis bracelet seemed as if they would be too much for someone to wear at ten in the morning. However, it was normal for her. Chelsea believed in being ready for any type of occasion at a moment’s notice. The sleeveless dress under her suit jacket could easily be a cocktail dress. Her wristlet that she always kept in her bigger purse could easily double for an evening bag.

  Chelsea sat in one of the leather wingback chairs in front of Megan’s glass desk and shook her head in disapproval at Megan. “What is up with that white peasant-type blouse? That should be in the bag going to the Salvation Army. I’m sure some young college girl could make use of it.” Chelsea rested her Prada bag on Megan’s desk.

  “Good morning to you, too, sunshine. Can I get you some coffee?” Megan asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

  “No. Hot water, please. I have herbal tea bags in my purse,” Chelsea stated, taking one of them out and setting it on the desk.

  Megan buzzed Lucy to bring a cup of hot water for Chelsea and more coffee for her. If the next hour is going to be like this, I may need more than just coffee.

  “I love everything you did to Madison’s room. I had Julie put the comforter set on this weekend, and it’s simply charming. She’s going to adore it when she comes home from Vanderbilt this summer. The last thing will be a nice antique chair for her writing desk.”

  “Julie? What happened to Amanda?” Megan wondered.

  “I had to fire her. She almost ruined my hardwood floors by putting bleach in the bucket. Luckily, I caught her pouring a cap into it and was able to stop her from mopping. A good maid is so hard to find!” Chelsea exclaimed, putting her hand on her forehead.

  Megan smiled and thought about how Chelsea would have fit in with the senators’ wives at dinner on Saturday night. “Well, I wouldn’t know anything about that. I can’t afford a maid.”

  “But, darling, you will once you marry Steven. Now, tell me all about your trip.” For the next hour Megan told Chelsea about her trip, leaving out the car incident and argument.

  Later on that afternoon Tiffani and Sydney joined Jade and Megan for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. The rain had finally stopped and the sun was shining brightly as if it had never rained. It had been a few weeks since they’d had lunch together and Megan needed to catch up on happenings in her girls’ lives. Plus, Tiffani and Jade really wanted to hear about Megan’s life with the senator. And Megan knew that Sydney needed a break from profiling a new case that kept her up most of the night.

  Sydney immediately grabbed the bread basket and began buttering a roll. “Ladies, I’m famished. I haven’t eaten since dinner last night, which consisted of two chili dogs, three cups of coffee and two doughnuts. Maybe three doughnuts,” Sydney added, as the waiter left with their food orders.

  “You were at the GBI office?” Jade asked.

  “Since noon yesterday,” Sydney stated, squeezing a lemon into her water. “This is the first time I’ve left. I can’t talk about the case of course, but I can tell you it’s giving me a headache.”

  Tiffani sighed and shook her head at Syd.

  “Your headache probably came from eating two chili dogs. There’s no telling what kind of meat was used to make them, and you stopped eating pork years ago. You know that processed meat is just ground up left over parts from pigs, chickens, and cows all mixed into one hot dog.” Tiffani was very health conscious after she found out her late husband had high cholesterol. “We really need to be more aware of what we put into our bodies. We should treat our bodies like a temple and take care of them. Remember, this is the only body we will ever have. Can’t sell it and buy another one like a house.”

  “You know how to spoil a good time,” Jade groaned.

  Megan chuckled at Jade, who was actually more of a health nut than Tiffani.

  “Tiffani, I’m so glad you could make it. I know you have your hands full. Where’s my godson?” Megan asked.

  “He’s with his grandparents,” Tiffani answered. “If it wasn’t for my parents, I don’t know how I could’ve gotten through this year. They’ve been wonderful, and so have all of you.”

  Megan placed her hand on Tiffani’s and squeezed it. “That’s what family and friends are for. How’s your father doing after that car accident a few months ago?”

  “His back has been bothering him again, so Alfonso prescribed something for him and told him to take it easy the next few days.” Tiffani looked at Megan apologetically as soon as she uttered her ex-boyfriend’s name.

  “Tiffani!” Sydney exclaimed, and then looked sympathetically at Megan.

  “Oh, girl, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to mention his name in front of you,” Tiffani said with a sincere smile.

  But Megan didn’t care anymore. It felt good to finally be over him.

its fine. He was your father’s doctor before we started dating,” Megan replied.

  “Besides, she’s dating a Monroe man now. Forget the doctor. Our little Megan has moved up in the world,” Jade reminded everyone.

  Tiffani, who still looked sympathetically at Megan chimed in. “How was the fund-raiser in Washington? I read in the newspaper that the foundation raised over $300,000 dollars to save the manatees.”

  “It was nice. The tiramisu was delicious. I think I may order one today with my lunch, along with an espresso,” Megan said, looking at her dessert menu and trying to avoid the conversation. Even though she knew it would come up eventually. She handed them the dessert menu. She knew the only reason Tiffani liked coming to the Cheesecake Factory was for the cheesecake.

  “Good idea. I’ll take some to go. Dad loves it. I’ll probably order him something to eat, as well. I just hope he’s feeling better. I worry about him,” Tiffani said.

  “You know, I have had acupuncture done to help with regulating my menstrual cycle. It also helps with other ailments such as back pains,” Jade explained, taking out her doctor’s business card and handing it to Tiffani.

  “I was reading about acupuncture in one of my alternative health books. I prefer holistic approaches as well but, well, you know men. I don’t know if my dad would go for it or not. He’s old-school and would probably say it’s for women. Megan, do you think Steven would do acupuncture if you suggested it?” Tiffani asked.

  Megan remained silent for a moment to collect her thoughts. She didn’t know if he would or not. She didn’t even know his favorite color or if he was left-or right-handed, so she shrugged and said, “He’s a man, what do you think?”

  The ladies talked some more, and then Sydney suggested that they go look at the cheesecakes on display at the front of the restaurant. Once they were at the cheesecake counter Sydney said, “We haven’t spoken since you returned from your trip, sissy. Did you really have a nice time in Washington?”


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