Humboldt, Alexander von 107n
Hunt, Frank A. de Vine 349
hunter-gatherers 370–71, 415, 416
Huygens, Christiaan 390
IBM 432
Iceberg B-15 264n
Behaim’s Erdapfel globe 338
the Blaeu Atlas Maior on 148
Ichaboe Island 222
ichnographic maps 175
Imago Mundi
journal 102
in the Beatus Map 66
Calcutta map 193n
and de la Cosa’s map 110
in Eratosthenes’s map 28
Great Trigonometrical Survey of India 191–2, 191, 193
Herodotus’s work 25
Marco Polo in 78
opening up of 308
Strabo on 33
Vasco da Gama’s arrival in 110
Waldseemüller map 113
‘Indian Question’ 152
Indiana Jones 315–16
inertial navigation 373–74, 379
Infortunates Insules 138
Astronomical Union 86
international dateline 221
International Map Collectors’ Society (IMCoS) 328
International Space Station 375
Internet 19, 310, 429, 433
iPhones 197, 375, 432–3, 435
Iraq war (2003–11) 394, 429
and de la Cosa’s map 109
in Eratosthenes’s map 28
Ordnance Survey 188–90, 192
Strabo’s comments 33
Vinland Map 92
Irwin, B. St G. 199
Isabella, Haiti 111
Isabella I, Queen of Castile 106
Ischia 143
Isidore of Seville, St 46, 66
Isle of Wight 92, 188, 343, 344
isothermal lines 107n
imperialism in Africa 216
printing trade 146
itinerarium 297
Itinerary from Bordeaux to Jerusalem 297–8
Jacobite Uprising (1745) 183–84
Jacobs, Frank 438n
Jacobs, Henry 201
Jaffe & Neale’s Bookshop 197, 199
‘James Bond’ 316, 318
James I, King 172
Janssonius, Johannes 147, 154, 261
Janszoon, Willem 235n
and Columbus 106–7, 336–7
and Contarini 111
and Marco Polo 78, 79
Ogilby’s work 172
and the Silver Map 138
in The Times Atlas 152
and Ushahidi mapping 442–3
Jefferson, Thomas 340, 353
Jerome, St 46
Baedeker’s map 304
Ebstorf map 69
and Hereford Mappa Mundi 43, 55–6
Holy Sepulchre 78
and Madaba map 39
Paris’s Chronica Majora 58, 59, 60, 61
in Psalter Map 67
Vinland Map 92
Jesus Christ 33, 43, 69, 69
jigsaws, map 401, 401
Jobs, Steve 353, 354
John Bull 164–5
Johnson, B. 437
Johnson, Martin 314n
Johnson, Osa 314n
Johnson, Steven 232
Journal of Experimental Psychology 369
Journey Through Europe 401
Joyce, James 246, 247
Kam, Alex 353, 354, 358
Keates, Jonathan 306
Kelly, Ned 239
Kennedy, John F. 322
Kent: Ordnance Survey 188, 188
Kenya 442, 442
Khubilai Khan 78
Kidd, William ‘Captain’ 252
Kidron, Michael and Segal, Ronald: The State of the World Atlas 156–8, 157
Kindle devices 435
King, John 237, 238, 238, 239
King, Simon 197, 198, 199
King’s College, Cambridge 363
King’s Creek, Australia 237
Kino, Eusebio 124
Klencke Atlas 151, 158, 159
Knight, Edward Frederick 240, 241, 243, 246, 251–4, 252, 255, 269
Knopf 350
Knowledge, The 411, 412
La Navidad, Haiti 107, 111
Lafreri-Doria Atlas 143
Lake Tanganyika 214
Lake Victoria 214, 216
Lambert, Johann Heinrich 131
Lambton, William 192
Lamorisse, Albert 402
Lander, John 208
Lander, Richard 208
Lane, Samuel 340
Lang, Fritz 317
Latitude 13, 37, 39, 43, 106n, 126, 127, 130
Leichardt, Ludwig 235
Leland, John 179
Leno, Dan 190
Lenox Globe 73–4
Leo Belgicus 160–62, 161
Leo Hollandicus 161
Leonardo da Vinci 127
Leopold, Prince 223
Leopold II, King of the Belgians 216, 218
Letts, Malcolm 50
Lewis, Meriwether 353, 425
Lewis, Sarah 229–30
Lewis, Police Constable Thomas 229
Lexicon (game) 403
Leybourn, William 174
Liberty City video game 394, 398–400, 399
Library of Congress, Washington DC 112, 135, 165, 248, 356
Libya 28, 218
Ancient 25
Lily, George 143
Lima 138, 242
Lincoln Highway (board game) 402
Liquid Galaxy map wall, Google 425, 426
Little Titch 190
Livingstone, David 204, 210, 214, 216, 330, 425
Livingstone, Marion Carswell 330
Lloyd, Marie 190
bombing in Second World War 180
Great Stink 232
maps of 170–71
mapsellers’ advertisements 168, 170
Norden’s map 167–8, 168, 171
Paris’s strip map 60, 62 see also Great Fire of London
London Epidemiological Society 229
London Poverty Map (Booth) 274–8, 275
Lonely Planet 308–10
longitude 37, 39, 43, 126
fixing of 18
and Harrison’s chronometer 106n
and projections 127
and Ptolemy 130
Look at the World 350–51
Lottery Octopus, The 165
Louis XIV, King 356
Louis XV, King of France 184
Louisiana Purchase Proclamation 353
Low Countries
cartography turned into a new commercial artform 146
Leo Belgicus 160
Lowell, Percival 387–9, 388, 389, 391
Lowell Observatory, Arizona 387–8, 388, 391, 392
Lubbock, Sir John 267
Lyttleton, New Zealand 258
M (film) 317–18
McClendon, Brian 425–32
McCrone Associates 100, 101
Macey’s Island 262–3
Mackintosh, Steven 329
McLaughlin, Glen 122–3
McMurdo Sound 269, 272
McNally, Rand 209
Madaba map 39
Madison, James 353
Mädler, Johann von 390–91
Magellan, Ferdinand 113, 137, 138 374, 425
Magellan Straits 170
Maggs Bros 354
magnetic compass 110
magnetic north 198
Magnetic Resonancing Imaging (MRI) 420, 421
diffusion 420, 421
functional 420
magnetic science 266
Maguire, Eleanor 411–14, 417, 420
Mammoth Cave 304n
Manhattan 122, 149, 150, 231, 398, 411
Manomotara 213
map auction, (Christie’s, London, 1790) 181–2
map dealer, the biggest 352–60, 355
/> map thieves 360–64, 361
map-folding 312
Mapipedia 442
Mappa Mundi Trust 45
mappae mundi 63, 260, 360, 406, 429, 440
video games 395 see also Hereford Mappa Mundi
MapQuest 380n, 428
maps and games
board games 401–5, 403
card games 400–401
jigsaws 401, 401
role-playing games 406–8, 407
video games 395–400, 396, 399, 405–6, 408–9
Mar Del Zur 122
Mar Vermeio 122
Marauder’s Map, The 318–19, 319
Marie Byrd Land 268
marine vessel trackers 436
Mariner spacecraft 387, 389, 392, 392
Marinus of Tyre 37, 260
Markland 93
the canali 389, 390, 391–3
first full map based on Mercator projection 390–91
first maps 389–90
life on 388–9, 391–3
Lowell’s theories 388–9
Mariner 4 orbiter 389
orbital movements 389
and Patrick Moore’s books 386–7
Mars Exploration Rovers 393
Marshall, General George C. 332–3, 335
Marston, Tom 96–9
Martellus, Henricus 261n
Mary, Virgin 71
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 405
Mastermind 413
Mauretania Hotel, Los
Angeles 322
Mauro, Fra 13, 75–6, 79, 81
map of the world 76, 77, 79, 83, 105
May, Brian (and corkscrew barnet) 385
Mayo, Nancy H. 122–3
Me-Mapping 429
Mecca 92
medical geography 231
Melbourne 234, 235, 236, 239
Melbourne, Lord 266
Mellon, Paul 98
Mercator, Gerardus 15, 76, 126, 135, 137, 140–41, 146, 150, 261, 350, 353, 425
Scull’s theft 363
Mercator, Michael 135, 141
Mercator, Rumold 141
Mercator projection 13, 126, 130–31, 136, 350, 390–91
Mercator’s Atlas 140–41, 142
Mercator’s map 125–7, 128, 130–34
Mexico, opening up of 308
Meyer’s Loop 421
MI9 404, 405n
Michelin guides 306–7, 307, 376
Microsoft 134, 416, 435
Middle East peace process 58
Miletus, Turkey 26
MIS-X 405n
Mississippi River 304n
‘Mistaken Strait, The’ (later Hudson Strait) 139
Mitchell, Edgar 86
Mitchell, Thor 431, 432
Mitock & Sons 320
Moll, Herman 353
Moluccas 150
Mongolia, Carpini visits 91
Monopoly (game) 403–5
Monroe, Marilyn 320, 322
Mont Blanc 301, 302
Moon 85–86, 170, 394, 428
Moon Mountains 207
Moore, Isaac W. 162
Moore, Sir Patrick 385–8, 386, 393
Morden, Robert 170, 171
More, Sir Thomas 247
Morecroft, George 201
Morgan, William 174, 175
Morocco 138, 310
Morrell, Captain Benjamin 220–22, 221, 262
Moscouia 137
Mosley, James 342
Mount, Elizabeth 340
Mount Desert Island, off Maine 356
Mount Etna, Sicily 60
Mount Everest 156, 190–91, 192–3, 193
Mount Hopeless, Australia 239
Mount Syna 298
Mount Terror 259
Mountains of Kong 204–9, 206, 220
movie stars’ homes 320–23, 321
Muckle Flugga 250
Mudge, Major-General William 201
Muirhead, James and Findlay 304
MultiMap 428
Munich crisis (1938) 347
Munster, Treaty of (1648) 161
Muppets, The 313, 316
Murchison, Sir Roderick 267
murder map, a nineteenth-century 200–203, 202
Murray, John 299–300, 302
Murray guidebooks 298–304, 301, 308, 310
Myst 406
Nabokov, Vladimir 246, 247
Napoleon Bonaparte 178, 354
Napoleonic Wars 231, 300
Narrow Island 265
NASA 393n
Atlas of Mars 392
National Maritime
Museum, Greenwich 328, 342
Navicom guidance gadget (Toyota) 379
NAVSTAR project 378
Navteq 380n, 430, 435, 442
Nazis 101, 102, 303, 316, 320, 405n
Nelson, Admiral Lord Horatio 182, 374
Neo-bond 53
neocortex 413
Dutch dominance of digital mapping world 379–80
Dutch Republic established 161
growth of Dutch empire 353
part of the Spanish Empire 160
pilot charts in Dutch shipping 147
Neverland, Colgate-Disney map of 311, 312
New Albion 138
New Amsterdam (later New York City) 148
New England 362
New Holland 263
New Orleans 304n
New Simplified Map of London 439, 439
New South Greenland 221, 222, 262–3
New South Wales 234, 263
New Times Atlas, The 154
New World
and Contarini 111
and de la Cosa’s map 110
earliest known depiction on a globe 74
Gastaldi’s mapping 84
Gutierrez’s map (1562) 121–22
John Cabot makes landfall 83
in Theatrum Orbis Terrarum 144
and Vespucci 116
and the Vinland Map 87, 99
New York City 231
New York Public Library 22, 74
New York Subway map 442
New York Times 72, 239, 254
New Yorker 356, 438
New Zealand 261, 271
New Zealand Maritime
Department 248
Nicaraguan invasion of Costa Rica 431
Niger River 205, 207, 208, 209
Nightingale, Florence 224
Nile River
Al-Idrisi’s mapping of the Nile 65
Hereford Mappa Mundi 47, 49
in Herodotus’s accounts 25
Stanley’s expedition 65
Noah’s Ark 46, 69
Nokia 380n, 432, 435
Norden, John 167–8, 168, 171
North Africa: Al-Idrisi’s map 64
North America
English plantations in 170
Mercator’s map 130
and the Silver Map 138
Vinland Map 87, 90
Waldseemüller map 113
North Pole 344
Mercator’s Atlas on 141
Northeastern University, Boston 357
Northern Ocean 28
Northwest Passage 83, 122, 124, 139, 234, 267
and Antarctica 271
Nova Albion 137, 138
Nuremberg 41, 336, 337
Oates, Lawrence 270
octopuses 163–65, 164
Odessa 305
Ogilby, John 120, 172–77, 173, 179–80, 179, 183, 211, 298, 353
Britannia project 172, 176–77, 179–80, 179
Ogilby’s English Atlas 172
Ojeda, Alonso de 116, 118
O’Keefe, Dennis 322
Oliver, Richard 195
Omar, Caliph 38–9
O’Neal, Ryan 323
OpenStreetMap 134, 199, 383, 442
Ordnance Survey 157, 175, 201, 235, 325
abbreviations 196–97
and Charles Booth 276
commissioned by Duke of Richmond 187
debt to Carte de France 184, 186
invented by General Roy 182, 187
first part to be measured 187
GPS 186, 197, 199, 377
importance of project 182–83
Irish survey 188–90, 192
Landranger (‘Pink’) series 195, 198
map-reading classes 197–8, 199
National Grid Series (Explorer or ‘Orange’ series) 195, 198
Red Book (1963) 196
regulations 195–6
symbols 194, 198, 198, 199
triangulation 186
Oregon 121
Ortelius, Abraham 137, 146, 150, 261, 353, 425
Ortelius, Abraham,
Bellwood’s theft 363
Theatrum Orbis
Terrarum 143–4, 144
orthographic projection 13, 127
Osbourne, Lloyd 243–5
Osbourne family (Ozzy
and Sharon) 323
Osgood, Carlton 353
Oval projection 127
Oxford Advanced Atlas 209
Oxford University 363
Pacific Ocean
and Drake’s Passage 138–9
and globes 342, 343
imaginary islands 220
and Terra Australis 261
and Waldseemüller map 113
Page, Larry 429
Paine, Ralph D. 242, 252
Painter, George D. 95, 98–101
Palmer, Nathaniel 264, 265
Palmer’s Land 265
papyrus 22–3, 37–8
Paradise 43, 57, 69, 76n
Paria Peninsula, Venezuela 107, 116
Paris, France 61, 339
Paris, Matthew 58, 437
Book of Additions 62
Chronica Majora 58, 59, 60–62, 61
Paris Geographical Society 209
Paris Observatory 186
Park, Mungo 210, 214
Parker Brothers 402, 403
Pausanias 297
PDP-1 405, 406
‘pea-light’ 189
Pease, Barbara and Allan 366–7, 369, 371
Peeping Tom of Coventry (musical farce) 190
Pei Lin Museum, Xi’an, China 81
On The Map: Why the world looks the way it does Page 37