Book Read Free

Storm Front

Page 15

by Robert Conroy

  Donna took a sip from her cup and smiled. “So when are you going to sleep with Officer Mike?”

  Maddy shrugged. “Don’t know. Soon. Maybe. Maybe never. It’s a big step. I’m just not certain I’m ready for it.”

  Donna rolled her eyes. “Please don’t tell me you’re a virgin? I was fifteen when I tried sex for the first time and found that I liked it, really liked it.”

  Maddy was mildly surprised. She’d always considered Donna to be far more sophisticated and liberated than she, but fifteen? “You make it sound like you’ve had sex with a lot of guys.”

  “Define ‘a lot.’ Actually the first time was the night of the prom my sophomore year and it was with the senior boy who’d taken me. We’d been dating, thought we were in love, and it seemed like the right thing, and, wow, was it. I made him do it to me a second time, which was even better, and he nearly died on the third. After that, there were some other guys, but no one-night stands except for one time my first year teaching when I went to Mexico on Christmas vacation and got drunk and laid by some kid from Los Angeles. That doesn’t count, does it?”

  “Of course not,” Maddy said and took another slow sip. “I’ve never been to Mexico, but I’ve heard it’s like Vegas—nothing that happens there counts against life.”

  “That’s right. It’s a screw free zone. It’s also where I got my first tattoo.”

  Maddy laughed. Donna had a surprising number of tattoos and had to dress carefully to keep some of the more interesting ones covered up. As to herself, she had but two—a small Tudor Rose at the base of her spine and a butterfly just below her navel.

  “Then I met my beloved husband and have been faithful to him ever since, although we started having sex on the second date. Now, how about you?”

  Maddy took a deep breath. Maybe it finally was time to talk about it. She’d kept it all cooped up in her mind for too long. Not even her parents knew the story. She’d been too embarrassed and ashamed to tell them.

  “I was still a virgin when I went to college,” she said quietly, hesitantly. “Not a saint, in fact a long ways from one, but still a virgin. Never knew anybody in high school I wanted to do actually go all the way with. Part of the way, yes, even most of the way, but not totally. Some of it was fear of pregnancy, and the rest of it was that I had high standards regarding guys. Funny, but I wasn’t all that concerned about AIDS. That stuff happened to other people. Then, towards the middle of my junior year at State, I met Dirk.”

  “Dirk?” Donna practically shrieked. “There is nobody named Dirk. He had to be joking, right?”

  Maddy flushed. “His name was Dirk. I saw it on his passport and his driver’s license. He was from Sweden and studying architecture. He was also a slightly older man—a graduate assistant in his mid-twenties—and very sophisticated. At least I thought he was since he was so European. We went out a few times and I decided I was totally in love with him. He had money and a really nice apartment he shared with two other guys, and one night he arranged for his roommates to be out and we had sex.”

  “How was it with Dirk? Did Dirk have a great dick?”

  Despite herself, Maddy laughed. “You are just so evil, Donna. It was the most significant moment of my life and you make fun of it. Shame on you.”

  And shame on me, Maddy thought, for not realizing just how funny it was. “At any rate, we dated for about a year. His two roommates, Tomas and Joe, were also from Sweden, had local girlfriends, Crystal and Jackie, and we sometimes went on weekend trips. He taught me everything about sex.”

  “Everything?” Donna asked with a hint of incredulity. “Or just everything you know? Don’t tell me that sex with Dirk-Dick meant more than the approved missionary position and possibly included oral sex?”

  Maddy smiled. “What can I say? Of course it did. We did anything and everything and I liked it. Loved it. Dirk made it wonderful. My whole life was enchanted.”

  “Then what went wrong, Maddy?” She had seen the sudden change in Maddy’s expression. One second she’d been laughing, but now she looked grim.

  “He betrayed me, and in the worst possible way,” she said angrily. “I thought we had a long-range relationship with maybe even marriage in the future. I was even thinking about what it would be like living in Sweden, but then it all changed.”

  Maddy had gone to the apartment on a Saturday night for nothing more than the usual. There would be drinks, some music, and they’d all go to their respective beds with their respective lovers. The roommates were there along with their girlfriends, and there was marijuana, which wasn’t unusual, but Maddy didn’t smoke any. She didn’t trust the stuff, and she didn’t want a random test revealing it to the athletic department. She could lose her scholarship and that would be a disaster. Neither she nor her parents had the money to keep her away at school.

  Dirk and Maddy went to his bedroom and made love. Afterwards, Dirk stood up and said he had an idea. Still naked, he left the room.

  A couple of minutes later, he returned and grabbed her by the wrist. “Come on out and join the party.”

  She protested for a moment, but the others, also naked, came in and laughingly dragged her out to the living room. She was only mildly upset. They’d all traveled together and there had been some casual intimacy. While Crystal and Jackie had sometimes wandered around nude, the farthest Maddy had gone was wearing only her panties. Athletics and solid Polish genetics had given her by far the best figure, which made Crystal and Jackie jealous. Crystal was a twig, and Jackie needed to lose a little. This moment, she quickly decided, was just another small step in her education as an adult.

  Dirk said something to Crystal and she began to kiss and fondle Jackie. The two women asked her to join them and Maddy declined. She was surprised and mildly disgusted. Jackie and Crystal were soon writhing on the floor, moaning and groping at each other while the guys laughed.

  “Ever do it with a woman?” Maddy asked Donna.

  “No,” Donna answered and thought quickly about a sleepover with another girl when she’d been thirteen. They’d touched each other with their eyes closed in order to pretend it was somebody else, but that was all and it had never happened again.

  “Me neither,” Maddy said and continued her story.

  A few more drinks, and Dirk again stood. He was erect and aroused. But, instead of reaching for Maddy, he grabbed Crystal by the hand and pulled her off a gasping Jackie. He led her into the bedroom. Crystal was laughing and unprotesting. “Swap time,” Dirk announced.

  Tomas grabbed an astonished Maddy and propelled her into another bedroom.

  “I started crying,” she told Donna. “I said I didn’t do things like that. Tomas said I was going to start and that if Dirk could fuck his girlfriend, he could fuck me, and that Joe was going to be next.”

  By now, even Donna was shocked. “What bastards. What did you do?”

  “I wasn’t going to let him screw me. I was an athlete, but so was he. I tried to wrestle him away, but he was big and strong and aroused and angry, and obviously felt he deserved me in exchange for Dirk screwing Crystal. He said if I argued, he’d get Joe and they’d force me. I didn’t want to get hurt, so I did the next best thing.”

  “You gave him a blow job, didn’t you?”

  Tears started flowing down Maddy’s face. “No, although I said I would. He may have been stronger and bigger but he was drunk and stoned. When I agreed he relaxed and then I kneed him really hard in the balls. Then I found Dirk and now he was screwing Jackie, and told him I never wanted to see him again. It must have been a weird scene, because we were all still naked and everybody was screaming, including Tomas who was on the floor and couldn’t stand up. Dirk told me to get out and that I was a frigid American bitch and that he deserved better than a lower-class loser like me. The others pushed me out of the apartment, still naked, and then threw my clothes out. There were people in that hallway and they saw me and they laughed at me. I knew some of them and I wanted to die. I wanted to find a
rock and live under it.”

  “God,” Donna said and took another sip of her drink.

  “I got dressed and went to my room. Later I saw a counselor who suggested I see a psychologist, which I did, and she helped a lot, but I still couldn’t get over it. At least I wasn’t suicidal or anything like that. I talked to the police, but a woman cop told me it was unlikely I could prove rape. She said five people would testify that I consented to everything and besides it would become public record, so I dropped the idea. I don’t think she was really all that interested in pursuing it. Dirk and his buddies told everyone that I liked group sex, so I had a lot of interesting date offers. I just stopped going out until I was out of school.”

  She wiped the tears from her eyes and took a swallow of the brandy. “I ran into Crystal a few weeks later, and she told me that she and Jackie were always having sex with Dirk, and nobody seemed to mind so what the hell was my problem. I wanted to punch her lights out, but she was so thin I was afraid I’d break her. God, I wanted to, though.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  Maddy sighed. It did feel better to have told Donna. “So I gave up any thoughts of a love life and concentrated on grades and volleyball. When I tore up the ligament in my right knee it killed me a second time because I really thought I had pro or Olympic potential. After all, I’d been honorable mention Big Ten. Later, my coach said I should stop feeling sorry for myself because I really wasn’t all that good. Great coaching, huh? At any rate, I focused on classes and wound up with a great grade point average when I graduated. And that helped me get a job in Sheridan, which meant the whole ordeal hadn’t been a total waste.”

  “And you’ve never dated since then? I’m not too sure I blame you, at least for slowing down, but not all men are pricks like Dirk and his sadistic little chums.”

  “I’ve dated some guys since I graduated, but I’ve never allowed anyone to get close to me. Of course, I never found anyone I wanted to get close to me. That is, not until Mike and I’m still surprised that it’s happened.”

  “And now you want to get up close and personal with him like you’ve never been since Dick the Prick, I mean Dirk.”

  Maddy laughed. “That’s right. Dirk is back in Sweden and I hope he freezes to death. Or at least his balls freeze off. Tomas is in Europe as well, and I don’t know what happened to Joe. Crystal is a nurse in Chicago, and Jackie is an accountant with GM, and lives a few miles from here. Jackie called me once to tell me how sorry she was and how foolish they had all been and how she’d like to forget it. Of course, she’s getting married to some older guy lawyer who’s thinking of running for Congress, and she really would appreciate it if I didn’t tell anybody about the weekend sex and marijuana parties. I told her my lips were sealed.”

  Maddy took another swallow. “Everybody always thought of me as an all-American girl. I was always so healthy, so intellectually and emotionally well rounded it was disgusting. I was wholesome, although, thank God, no one ever called me perky. I would have belted them. I showed them all, didn’t I? I screwed up royally.”

  Donna checked her cup. It was empty. She poured them both a little more brandy. They would have to ration the bottle or they’d be out of liquor before the school ran out of toilet paper.

  “So are you really over it?”

  “Yes,” Maddy said, finally meaning it. She was crying again, but this time it was in relief. In retrospect it had been stupid on her part to let it dominate her life for so long. She’d known that, but acting on it was a different matter. Telling Donna was the smartest thing she’d done in a long while. Now, should she tell Mike? No, she decided. Not yet, but she would. He deserved to know.

  Donna kicked back another swallow and looked at Maddy intently. “What they did to you was a rotten, shitty thing. I’m glad you’re not thinking of getting even with Jackie. I think Dirk and his boys used her as much as they used you.”


  “What have you told Mike?”

  “Nothing. He knows there was something that happened back in college, but I think he assumes it was date rape. Actually, in a strange sort of way, it was. He’s very understanding and helpful, but I’m not ready yet to admit that I was somebody’s sex toy. But for Mike I will be ready.”

  “Good,” Donna smiled. “Now, is there any other way I can help you?”

  “Yes,” said Maddy, laughing while tears still streamed down her face. “Get the hell out of here and bring in Mike. I want to get my hands on his tight hard butt and I want it now.”

  * * *

  “Stan, please tell me you didn’t beat up that nice citizen?” Mike asked in a worried tone of voice. As before, they were in DiMona’s office where they had some privacy. Stan was purging himself of the Baumann incident and looked distraught.

  “I defended myself, Mike. He grabbed me and took a swing. I was all alone and had to protect myself.”

  Mike shook his head. It was so easy to sue and cry “police brutality.” A few lawyers seemed to salivate at the prospect and too many cities and insurance companies were willing to roll over and pay them whether it was justified or not. Of course, it often resulted in a police officer’s career being ruined, but they didn’t care.

  “How many times did you defend yourself?”

  “Uh, I sort of lost count, Mike. I maybe hit him eight or ten times before he fell in the snowbank.”

  “Jesus, Stan, that goes beyond defending yourself. That’s an ass-kicking. You got any bruises on you to show that he hurt you?”

  Stan thought quickly. “No, but I could arrange for some if you’d like.” Stan’s anger flared. “Hell, where is it written that my actions aren’t justified unless he hurts me first? What level of pain and injury do I have to take before I can strike back? None, Mike. He grabbed me and took a punch at me. Like it’s my fault he didn’t connect? If he had, he’s big enough that he could have knocked me silly and worked me over and then left my Polish ass in the snowdrift. And it’s not my fault that I had to make the run alone, damn it.”

  Petkowski had a point. Domestic violence disputes were nasty and there was always the potential for escalation to lethal violence. Petkowski should not have been sent out alone. He should not have punched out the Baumann guy. Why hadn’t he used a Taser? Hell, it should not be snowing so heavily and they shouldn’t have a lush for a chief.

  But what else could they do? Maybe they should announce that they weren’t going to make domestic dispute runs in the first place. Sure, and a woman gets beaten up, or maybe pulls out a gun or a meat cleaver and solves the problem her own way. Then, of course, there would be even more recriminations and lawsuits. They had to respond to every call as best they could, and if the Sheridan Police Department was spread so thin that only one man was available, then so be it.

  “All right,” Mike said, “work on a report and file it before Baumann does it first.”

  “His wife will back me up.”

  Mike shook his head in disbelief. “Aw shit, Stan, they’re probably kissing and in the sack making up right now. How many times have the cops been to their house and nothing ever happens? The Baumanns are regulars. Regular idiots, that is.”

  Stan flushed. “This time it’s different. She’s going to dump him and get a divorce.”

  Mike now thought he understood. Stan Petkowski had feelings for the woman. Stan had a crush on her. “And then you, the cop in shining armor, or at least a shining badge, will show up and sweep her off her feet?”

  “Something like that,” Stan smiled weakly. “What do you think? How does Sir Stanley the Cop sound?”

  “I think the snow’s seeped into your brain, but I wish you luck.”

  Petkowski was going to make a further comment, but he was interrupted by Mayor Carter, who barged into the room. “I need you guys right away. There’s some damn reporter wandering around and taking pictures. She’s got a TV camera and she’s interviewing everybody.”

  “What would you like me to do about her, sir?”
Mike asked calmly. “To the best of my knowledge, city hall and the police station are public property and stopping a reporter is difficult under the best of circumstances. The snow is a definite news story as are the refugees in the buildings.”

  “You don’t understand, Stuart, that broad has been into Chief Bench’s office. She tried to interview him, but he’s drunk and incoherent. I want you to stop her and get that tape from her before we’re made to look like fools.”

  * * *

  Tower and Raines dragged the numb and unresisting Traci down the stairs. Her mind was an incoherent whirl. How had they found her? How had they known she was in the house? As they hustled her past the foyer and into the living room, she saw why. Her purse was wide open and on the table where she’d left it. Her keys were beside it. She groaned slightly at the injustice of it, but neither man heard her.

  Raines had Tower sit her on the couch. Raines sat across from her and Tower beside her. His powerful arm easily restrained her.

  “Now this is interesting,” Raines said as he pawed through her purse. “Your name is Traci Lawford and, according to your driver’s license, you’re thirty-four years old. You wear a ring, so you’re married. Where’s your husband, Traci?”

  Her mind raced. “He’s down the street and he’ll be back in a little while. He’s a cop.”

  Raines leaned forward and slapped her hard across the face. Lights flashed in front of her eyes and she would have fallen over, but Tower held her firmly in place.

  “Don’t lie. Nobody’s down the street. Now, where is he?”

  Traci licked blood from her lip. Her face burned from the slap. “He’s in Indianapolis.”

  “Better,” Raines said. “Now, are you afraid we’re going to kill you?”

  She began to whimper. “Yes.”

  “Well, we’re not going to kill you, at least not unless it’s absolutely necessary. If things got ugly, you’d have a lot more value as a hostage than as a corpse, so, if you don’t fuck up, you stay alive. The cops doubtless know who we are and they are looking very hard for us because we already killed some people. However, if you don’t cooperate, or if you try something stupid like escaping, we will hurt you. We will hurt you so badly you will wish we had killed you. Understand?”


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