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Cryptic Cravings

Page 15

by Ellen Schreiber

  “Say cheese,” my mom said.

  Alexander squinted when the flash went off.

  “Are you okay?” my mom asked.

  “Just something in my eye. It was great seeing you, Mrs. Madison,” Alexander said, giving my mom a polite kiss on the cheek. “Now our car awaits.”

  We gave quick hugs and good-byes to my mom as we walked out the front door and to the driveway, where Jameson was waiting with a limo.

  “You are kidding me!” I screamed.

  “Only the best for the best,” Alexander said.

  Becky and I continued to scream and giggle as we got in the back of the limo and headed to the Crypt like celebrities on their way to an awards show.

  I arrived with my boyfriend and friends at the Crypt. I was excited to final y have the party celebrating Alexander’s and my birthdays that Jagger had talked so much about. I wasn’t sure what he had in store for us, but I knew it would be something special. The club was open to al its usual customers, but our party was going to be somewhere else in the club. I wasn’t supposed to know the location, but I’d learned from Phoenix that we were final y going to see the Covenant after al .

  We al mil ed about on the main floor until Jagger said it was time for the party. Becky approached me and seemed gravely concerned.

  “What’s up?” I asked. “It’s party time.”

  “Nothing . . . it’s just something that I’ve been weirded out by for a while.”

  “Did I do something?”

  “No—it’s not you. It’s—”

  “Tel me.”

  “I want to show you this,” Becky said. She led me into an alcove away from dancing clubsters. She held out her phone. “Remember the picture I took at the soccer field again of Sebastian? He didn’t show up in any of the pictures. He’s clearly missing.”

  “That’s al ?” I asked. “Yes, that’s weird. But maybe there is something wrong with your phone.”

  “I got to thinking. Maybe the rumor wasn’t just a rumor.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Al the signs. For so long now. I can’t believe you—of al people—haven’t noticed.”

  “What are you saying?” I asked my best friend.

  “These are the pictures of the workers I took before Jagger told me not to take pictures.” She showed me her phone again. There were no workers in view.

  “Maybe they were out of the frame,” I said.

  “Everyone? Al the pictures I took of you are perfect.”

  “Maybe it’s time to buy a new cel phone. I think we have to get back—”

  “And then this one.” She took out a camera from her purse. “I used my camera this time. I took it tonight. It is of Jagger, Luna, and Sebastian.”

  “You weren’t supposed to take pictures. . . .”

  She held out the camera, shaking in her hand.

  There wasn’t anyone in the picture.

  I didn’t know what to say.

  “Maybe it’s the lighting?” I tried.

  Becky’s face was determined. “It’s not the cel phone. It’s not the camera. It’s them!”

  “Becky, you aren’t making sense—”

  “That’s why Sebastian bit Luna at Alexander’s party. That’s why I’ve only seen them during the night and why they don’t go to school. They can’t. They are—”

  “I have to get back—”

  She reached into her purse again. “Then it won’t matter if I throw these cloves of garlic on the dance floor.”

  I imagined it then. One by one, Alexander, Jagger, Luna, Sebastian, Onyx, and Scarlet breathing in the garlic fumes and gasping for breath. Al laboring to get fresh air. Final y each one, fal ing to the floor. . . .

  I reached for her purse. “No—you can’t! You have to take that out of here! They won’t be able to breathe!”

  Becky was stunned by my reaction. Her face turned ghostly white. She pul ed out an empty hand.

  She could barely breathe herself. “Raven, I don’t have any garlic. . . .”

  I covered my mouth in horror.

  “So it’s true,” she said faintly.

  My best friend knew—about Jagger, Luna, Sebastian, Onyx, and Scarlet. And if I couldn’t prove her wrong—or worse, lie to her—then it would be only moments before she realized the truth about Alexander, too.

  My head swirled with excuses. The camera doesn’t work, it’s the lighting . . . but when I opened my mouth, no words came out. Instead I nodded, as if I’d been waiting for her to tel me those words forever. In fact, I must have been. She was my best friend and I’d kept the biggest secret from her—something I’d never done. And now she’d found out on her own, and I couldn’t keep the secret any longer.

  Her lower lip quivered and she wobbled in place.

  “Becky?” I put my hand on her shoulder.

  Becky began to succumb to her dizziness. Her knees buckled and she started to fal .

  I quickly grabbed her with both hands, trying to keep her standing.

  “What’s wrong with her?” a clubster asked.

  “She feels faint,” I said. “Let’s give her some air.”

  I held her up and guided her over to the bar, then helped her sit down.

  “We need some water,” I said.

  I hugged my best friend. “It’s okay, Becky. You’l be okay. We’l be okay.”

  The bartender put a glass of water on the bar.

  “I’m not thirsty,” she said, pushing it away.

  “Drink it,” I said, handing it to her.

  Becky gulped it down.

  For a moment we girls sat in silence, processing what had just happened. Becky had just learned my boyfriend’s true identity and now I had to deal with my best friend holding this secret knowledge.

  “I’m scared, Raven. I’m real y scared.”

  Tears began streaming down her face. Her house of Hel o Kitty cards was fal ing down in front of me. I was left breathless.

  “And this picture, too,” she said, scrol ing her phone. “It’s the one your mom took tonight with me and you and Matt and Alexander. Only Alexander isn’t in the picture.”

  I couldn’t speak nor look at the picture my friend was holding out, shaking in her fingers.

  “So, does that mean—Alexander, too?”

  I didn’t answer.

  “It’s funny, real y. I’ve never seen him in the daylight. Not once. And those pictures from the Snow Bal , he didn’t turn out, and now tonight. . . .”

  I nodded.

  I knew she was frightened. For her, for me, for us. For the town. Even for Alexander.

  “You tried to tel me once underneath the staircase at school. But I laughed at you.”

  “I would have laughed, too.”

  “Is it possible to be a good vampire?” Becky said.

  “I think Alexander’s proof.”

  Matt raced over. He noticed Becky’s pale complexion. “What’s wrong?”

  “Becky feels faint,” I said. “I think you should take her home.”

  “But they’re going to have your celebration,” she muttered.

  “You’ve had enough for tonight,” I said. “Matt, do you mind?” I asked. “I think she needs some rest.”

  “I don’t want to leave,” she said. “I want to stay. I want to know everything now.”

  “What do you want to know?” Matt said. “What is she talking about?”

  “I want to know more about vampires,” Becky said. “And Raven knows everything there is to know.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Matt asked.

  Becky looked at me with a knowing smile. “I don’t want to be left in the dark anymore.”

  I insisted Matt sit with Becky while she continued to drink her water and I went to find Alexander.

  “I have to tel you something,” I said when I final y found him by the club’s entrance.

  “It wil have to wait. Jagger wants us to join him for the VIP party.”

  Jagger unlocked the Cove
nant door and waved us over. Becky and Matt trailed behind.

  We walked down darkened, crooked wooden steps. When we reached the bottom we could clearly see the room Jagger had been hiding.

  Twinkling tombstones lined the wal s and morbid music played. “Happy birthday!” everyone cheered.

  Sebastian, Luna, Scarlet, Onyx, Jagger, Trevor, and a few others who must have been friends of Jagger’s from the Coffin Club applauded.

  “And look at this. A covenant altar. Perfect for parties,” Jagger said.

  A wrought-iron, spooky spiderweb-designed trel is was beautiful. Underneath it lay a coffin with two antique pewter goblets adorned with bats.

  “We are going to have a ceremony tonight. Just for kicks,” Sebastian said. “A mock ceremony to unite us with our girlfriends for eternity. I’m going first, then it’s your turn.”

  “Are you kidding?” Alexander asked. “That is cool.”

  I kind of liked the idea. A mock covenant. Alexander and I could practice what it would real y be like to have the ceremony and for me to be turned without it being a reality. Like posing for a picture with a wacky facade at a theme park. However, I’d be the only one in the picture.

  Luna was dressed in a fril y taffeta pink dress and black monster boots. Her baby pink hair cascaded over her naked shoulders.

  “Happy birthday, Raven,” she said.

  “Thanks, Luna.”

  “And happy birthday, Alexander.” She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a peck on the cheek. “You’l soon find out what you’ve been missing,” I heard her say.

  “I can see why you’re dying to have a covenant ceremony with Luna,” I said to Sebastian. “She does look like an angel.”

  “She’s a beauty,” he said with a starry-eyed stare.

  Becky came up to me and Alexander. She stared at him like she was seeing him for the first time.

  She reached out to touch his arm as if she was trying to see if he was real.

  “What’s up?” Alexander said.

  “Happy birthday,” she said in a whisper. “But are you real y eighteen?”

  “Yes,” he answered, confused.

  “You’re not real y one hundred and eighteen?”

  “No,” Alexander insisted. “What are you talking about?”

  She stepped back, then raced to Matt’s side.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Alexander asked.

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tel you. Becky found—”

  Just then Jagger motioned us over to a giant cake sitting on a table. “Time to make a wish.”

  The cake was a long sheet cake with black flowers and tiny tombstones on it. In blood-red letters it read, “Happy Birthday, Alexander and Raven.”

  It was real y sweet that Jagger had taken the time to decorate this room, get us this cake, and arrange for this party.

  Two candles were burning like tiny torches.

  Alexander and I looked at each other. We both made our separate wishes and blew out the candles.

  “Thanks, Jagger,” I said. I gave him a big hug. He was taken aback by my affection but seemed grateful for it.

  We each took a piece of cake and then headed for the smal dance floor.

  “So it’s just us?” Becky said. “Who are not . . . ?”

  “You, me, Matt, and Trevor. But I stil think Trevor is one, deep down,” I teased.

  “Scarlet and Onyx?”

  “Oh yeah,” I said as I danced.

  “Are we in danger?”

  “No—I carry garlic, just in case.”

  “You do?”

  I shook my head. “You are safe tonight. Nothing is going to happen.”

  Just then Sebastian took a swig from a bottle. His mouth was stained with red liquid that he wiped off with the back of his hand.

  “Is that wine?” Becky asked.

  “I’m afraid not.”

  We continued to dance, and my friend tried to absorb her new reality without passing out.

  It was then she spotted two marks on Luna’s neck.

  “I think I have to go to the bathroom,” Becky said.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she said, starting for the door.

  “I’l go with you,” I said, and fol owed her up the stairs and into the girl’s bathroom.

  She splashed water on her face. “When did you know?” she asked.

  “After Alexander’s Welcome to the Neighborhood party. I was using Ruby’s compact and he didn’t show up in the reflection.”

  “That was months ago.”

  “I know.”

  “And you held this secret inside you for that long?”

  “I had to. For everyone’s sake.”

  “Who else knows?”

  “No one. It’s so important that no one else know.”

  “I’m not going to tel anyone. Who’d believe me? But I have to tel Matt.”

  “He’l have to swear to secrecy.”

  “He wil ,” she assured me.

  She dotted her face and neck with a paper towel. “I know this is a dream come true for you. But for me—”

  “A nightmare?”

  “Pretty much. Your boyfriend and al these people I’ve come to know are vampires.”

  “Can you believe it?”

  “And they sleep here?”

  “Yes, isn’t that cool?” I said with a smile.

  “In coffins?”

  “Yes, you want to see?”

  “You are joking.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  We left the restroom and I pushed through the crowd of clubsters, Becky trailing close behind.

  “I’m not sure I’m ready for this,” she said when we reached the spiral staircase. “I almost fainted once. And these stairs are spooky enough.”

  “It’s just down here.”

  “Besides, don’t you want to get back to the party? Matt is by himself.”

  “Alexander is with him.” I’m not sure if that was comforting to Becky anymore. I, too, wanted to return to the party.

  I’d been waiting to celebrate for days, and in such a cool vampire way. But I’d also been waiting to share this secret with someone—anyone, especial y my best friend—for so long now, it was comforting being able to reveal the load I’d been carrying alone.

  “Al right,” I said. “I can show you later.”

  Just then Scarlet arrived behind us. “What are you girls up to?”

  “Uh . . . I had to get something in Jagger’s office,” I said.

  I didn’t have to lie anymore, but I was so used to it, I wasn’t sure what to say. Besides, I wasn’t sure how Scarlet felt about Becky knowing she was a vampire.

  “Cool. I have to go to our room, so we can walk together.” She stepped around us and we fol owed her down the hal . “I just need to grab some fresh lipstick. Trevor rubbed it al off.”

  Becky hung back as Scarlet opened the door and popped inside.

  “Do you guys mind if I take off?” Scarlet asked when she came back out. “I want to head back to the party.

  Sebastian and Luna are going to have their mock covenant ceremony. You don’t want to miss it.”

  “We’l only be a sec,” I said. “Are you feeling faint?” I said to Becky when Scarlet had gone.

  “Sort of.”

  “Then we’l stop.”

  “I think this might be a dream,” she said. “Hopeful y I’l wake up any minute.”

  “Okay, but don’t freak out if you don’t.” I opened the coffin room door wider so she could see in. There they were, five coffins in a row.

  Becky screamed. Fortunately we were too far away from the Crypt for anyone to hear.

  “That’s how they sleep?” she asked.


  “And Alexander, too?”

  “His is black and it’s at the Mansion.”

  Becky didn’t move but remained fixed in the hal way. It was as if she expected one of the coffins to open and a dead person to jump out.

  “No one is in them,” I assured her. “They are al at the party.”

  “They real y sleep here? Even Sebastian?” she wondered aloud.

  “Yes, his is the one with stickers from different countries on it.”

  “A vampire was interested in me?” It was too much for her to take in on one night.

  “Yes, he was.”

  “I feel woozy again.”

  She began to get weak-kneed, so I pul ed her into Jagger’s office.

  “A tarantula?” she said nervously. “And gravestone etchings on the wal s?”

  “Maybe this wasn’t the best place for you to sit down. But you should real y catch your breath.”

  It was then I spotted the blueprints for the Covenant lying out on the table. On closer inspection I noticed something I hadn’t seen before. These plans were old and weathered.

  They were the original factory plans. In the margin, written in pencil, was a smal area that remained untouched.

  When I looked closer, it said, “tomb.” Now I was ready to faint. It appeared to be a smal burial site for soldiers.

  Part of the factory had been built over sacred ground—the part that Jagger now cal ed the Covenant.

  And any minute, Sebastian and Luna were going to have a real covenant ceremony. And unbeknownst to Alexander’s best friend, it wasn’t going to be “just for fun.”

  “Oh no!” I said.

  “What?” Becky asked.

  “We have to get upstairs!”

  “I stil feel woozy.”

  “Do you want me to leave you here?”

  Becky recovered lightning fast. Before I could move, she was standing at the door.

  I grabbed the original blueprints and we raced through the hal way and up the rickety spiral staircase. We squeezed through the crowd and scurried down the Covenant stairs.

  When we reached the underground club, Sebastian and Luna were standing over a coffin on the covenant stage.

  “Where were you?” Alexander said. “Sebastian and Luna are doing their ceremony. And we’re next.”

  Trevor, Scarlet, Jagger, and Onyx were watching from the sidelines.

  “I have to talk to you,” I whispered.

  “Shh!” Jagger scolded.

  Sebastian held up a goblet and recited some words I couldn’t understand.

  “I have to talk to you—it can’t wait any longer!”

  “It wil have to wait until after the ceremony,” Alexander said.


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