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The Revelation: A New Revolution Series Book 2 (The New Revolution Series)

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by Keegan Long

  McKenna began to roll her eyes when I said this, “it hasn’t been that long Delaney. But if you say so.”

  “When you’re in a relationship one day you’ll understand,” I responded.

  “Ok, Delaney,” she responded with her sarcastic voice as she rolled her eyes.

  I hate it when she makes that voice.

  “Well, just get ready,” she told me. “I’ll meet you up there.”

  “Sounds good,” I told her as she left my room and closed the door behind me.

  As soon as she left I got up from my desk and made my way over to where I kept all my clothes. I didn’t have much but a couple of shirts and pants but was grateful for what I had.

  I changed into a new shirt and a new pair of jeans and fixed up my long hair to look a little more presentable but didn’t really care too much about it. I strapped on my boots and was ready to conquer whatever came my way. As I finished getting ready for the day I then made my way out the door and towards the command center on the other side of the base.

  As I walked down the resident halls I bumped into some people doing their daily chores and exchanged smiles with everybody I passed. Unlike the Cerberus states everybody is happy here even though they don’t have much but they still have hope.

  I soon later made my way out of the residential part of the base and was now in the main lobby of the movie theatre which was flooded with many people walking about to different places.

  As I continued walking towards the other side of base I was soon stopped by a familiar voice behind me.

  “Well look who it is,” the male voice said behind me.

  I quickly turned around to see it was Joe who now was carrying a big bag around his shoulders.

  “Hey, Joe,” I responded with a smile. “What are you up to?”

  “I just got done doing some surveillance around the base,” he replied. “Where are you off to?”

  “I’m off to the command center,” I told him. “Jill is due to come in soon and Kevin wants me there.”

  “No kidding,” Joe said. “I’m headed up there too. Let’s walk together.”

  Joe and I began our long walk towards the command center where Kevin waited for us but on our way, it didn’t stop us from catching up.

  “I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while,” I began to talk. “What have you been up to Joe?”

  “Recently I’ve been travelling around doing some missions for Jill,” Joe answered. “I got back last night actually and now here I am.”

  “How did your missions go?” I asked.

  “Not too bad,” he told me. “They were mostly just some recruitment missions and some gathering intel. Nothing too wild.”

  “That’s good,” I responded. “Well, I’m glad you’re back.”

  “Me too,” he said. “I’m ready to catch up on some sleep but I feel like that’s not going to happen anytime soon. I mean we are fighting a war so there is really no such thing.”

  “True,” I agreed. “Even when I’m not busy doing things I still feel like I don’t get that much sleep.”

  “Soon later we’ll win this war,” Joe said. “Then life can go back to the way it used to be.”

  “I look forward to it,” I told him.

  We had finally made our way to the Command Centre’s doors that were guarded by two men armed with guns. We both showed them our id badges and were allowed in.

  As we made our way in the first thing you notice is the massive size of the room. The room probably fit at least 100 people who were all sitting at computers with headsets as they monitored radars, maps, communications, and more. Some were running around the room as well with papers and files in hand. Huge monitors and screens filled the walls too with each one displaying something different.

  We continued our way deeper into the room where we soon saw Kevin waiting for us in the center.

  “Delaney and Joe,” Kevin said as he came towards us. “Just in time too.”

  “In time for what?” I asked.

  “Our meeting of course,” he answered as he began to usher us to the conference room in the back of the command center.

  As we made our way into the room I noticed that Bekah, Nicole, Sarah, Lindsay, Mitch, and McKenna were sitting at the table waiting for us. Lee was also present but was standing in the back corner of the room.

  We took our seats as we were told but couldn’t help finding myself smiling as I looked at everybody around the table.

  “I didn’t know Joe was back,” Sarah said to spark the beginning of the conversation.

  “Just got back last night,” he replied.

  “Go on any daring missions?” Nicole asked.

  “Not really,” he said. “It was all boring don’t worry.”

  “I’m sure they were,” Nicole grinned with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

  Kevin broke the conversation as he took his seat at the table, “enough talk now let’s talk some business.”

  “What do you have in mind Kevin?” Lindsay asked. “It’s about time you get me out of this base and back on the field.”

  “She does have a point,” Bekah commented. “It has been pretty boring here lately.”

  “Jill is on her way back here as we speak,” Kevin began to explain. “When she gets here she’ll fill us in with her intel she’s been gathering for the past four months. From there we’ll create a new strategy to use against Cerberus.”

  “What we need to is launch some kind of attack,” I began to explain. “If we continue to launch attacks I think more people will come join us. Look at New York for example. Even though it was a defeat people saw and learned that we now have a chance we just lack the numbers. If we do this more people will come.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Mitch expressed his support.

  “I agree too,” Kevin said. “But we can’t just go out attacking random targets. These things take time to plan out if we want them to work.”

  “He does have a point there,” Joe commented.

  “Then let’s start working on something,” I said. “Everyone is tired of just sitting around here.”

  “I know you are,” Kevin explained. “But trust me. Jill says she’s gathered so much needed information that she’s going to tell us when she gets here.”

  Soon later the meeting was interrupted by a knock on the door.

  “Enter,” Kevin said to the person.

  The door opened to reveal that it was Greg who made his way in the room towards Kevin.

  “Marine One is five minutes out,” Greg told him.

  “Thank god,” Kevin said as he got up from his chair. “Finally.”

  “Let’s all go to the back and greet her when she comes,” Joe suggested to the group.

  The group all agreed and made their way out of the command center and towards the back of the base. As we went through the back doors of the base we made our way into the transportation unit of the facility. This is where we kept our helicopters and trucks for our missions.

  Soon later a helicopter came into our view and made our way towards us and slowly descended for its landing. As it came closer and closer the wind it propelled became stronger and stronger and it felt like it might have me go flying up in the air at any moment.

  “Damn!” Sarah yelled over the helicopter. “That thing sure is powerful.”

  Moments later Jill stepped out of the helicopter and started making her way towards us.

  “Well long time no see!” Jill yelled over the helicopter as she approached the group. “Let’s make our way inside so we can talk!”

  We all did as Jill suggested and were soon back inside the base where it was more quiet and peaceful than outside.

  “Now that’s better,” Jill said with a smile. “It’s good to see you all again.”

  Jill made her way towards Kevin and gave him a big lovingly hug.

  “It’s been too long,” she said.

  “It sure has been,” he replied.

  “What news do you
bring us?” Mitch asked Jill.

  “Well there’s definitely a lot more resistance groups than before,” she answered. “I’ve made some friends that will be sending us some intel whenever they see some Cerberus activity. I got some groups to join us but I have them staying put for now until we have an opportunity to strike.”

  “Do you have any plans yet?” I asked her.

  “I do have a couple of ideas,” Jill replied. “But it’s best we talk those over in much detail later.”

  The conversation was soon interrupted by someone yelling as they ran down the hallway and towards us. As the person got closer I could see it was Greg coming towards us with a piece of paper in his hand.

  “MADAM PRESIDENT!” he yelled as he approached Jill and was soon out of breath.

  “What is it, Greg?” Jill asked him.

  “We have an incoming transmission ma’am,” he replied.

  “Yeah, we get hundreds of transmissions everyday Greg,” Jill said. “What’s so important about this one?”

  “This one came from outside the country,” Greg answered.

  Jill’s face dropped in shock alongside everybody else’s, “that’s impossible Greg.”

  “That’s what I thought too,” Greg replied as he was still trying to catch his breath. “But we got one.”

  “Where did it come from Greg?” Jill asked.



  The Transmission

  “Talk to me Greg,” Jill demanded as she fiercely made her way into the command center with us following close behind her. “Where’s the signal coming from?”

  “Edinburgh,” Greg replied as he was looking down and checking several of the computer monitors. “Scotland, Madam President.”

  “Do we have any records showing Cerberus presence in Scotland Jill?” Kevin asked. “If this is Cerberus we can’t afford to be played by them. Not now.”

  “I’m not sure,” Jill replied. “There’s always a possibility. We know there are high chances since Cerberus controlled the same technology we gave to our allies we just don’t have an accurate account of where they established territories.”

  “I got something!” Greg announced as he continued using the computer. “I got the building they are broadcasting from.”

  “Put it on the big screen,” Kevin ordered. “Let’s see what we got.”

  Greg did what he was told and projected his computer screen on the main one in the room. He was able to pull up a three-dimensional map of the area of where the signal was coming from.

  “This map represents approximately the area where we are receiving the broadcast,” Greg began to explain to everyone. “Our best bet is that the signal is coming from this radio station.”

  Greg then highlighted the building on the map to show everyone. It was a taller looking building surrounded by antennas and big equipment by the looks on the map.

  “The only problem is that on here we do have it registered as a Cerberus command center,” Greg informed the room. “This is where Cerberus usually commands their troops for a particular region but by the looks on the map this is definitely one of their smaller ones.”

  “Well, this sucks,” Sarah commented on the new news we were given. “This could definitely mean they are trying to lure us into a trap.”

  “Is there any way of us hearing this transmission?” I asked the group. “Let’s see what these people have to say.”

  “We could,” Greg answered. “If you just give me a couple seconds to get it up and running.”

  Greg began to continue clicking away and typing on the keyboard of the computer until not soon later it was ready to be played.

  “It’s all good to go,” he said.

  “Let’s give it a listen,” Jill replied. “Play it.”

  Greg followed Jill’s request and the broadcast began streaming into the room for everyone to hear.

  “Hello?” a woman’s voice with a Scottish accent said as it came alive through the speakers of the room. “Is anyone there?”

  “Is there any way of sending a transmission back?” Jill asked Greg.

  “I’m afraid not,” Greg replied. “All we can do is listen.”

  “That voice sounds oddly familiar,” Jill commented.

  “I recognize it too,” Kevin added.

  The voice went silent for a few moments but then came back on and began transmitting again.

  “If anyone can hear us please come help us,” the woman began to talk. “My name is Susan and I’m a member of the Scotland resistance force. My group has currently taken over this Cerberus command center but I know it will only be temporarily.”

  “My god,” Jill mumbled to herself in shock. “It’s Susan.”

  I was in shock to myself too hearing that there was more resistance outside of the United States. I had lost hope in ever coming into contact with the outside world but it was happening right around me.

  Susan continued her transmission, “I’m afraid the Cerberus presence has only grown here over the past few months. My group has continued to fight them off but our numbers are beginning to dwindle as theirs continues to rise. Please, if anyone is receiving this transmission by some miracle come help us. Save the revolution before it’s too late. And Jill, I pray to God every day you’re still alive. God save us all.”

  The amount of gunfire noise is the background began to grow louder and then soon later the transmission was cut off. We are not alone any longer.

  We all decided to settle down and take a seat at where we were to let things soak in. Everyone I think was just as shocked as Jill was at what we had just heard. The room remained dead silent for a good while until Jill got up from sitting and began addressing the room full of people.

  Jill then turned so she was facing all the technicians who worked on the computers all day long, “I want to thank everyone for their great and hard work today but I’m going to call it a day. If you could please give us the room that would be much appreciated.”

  The workers followed Jill’s order and got up from their stations and left the command center so there were no extra ears around.

  Jill then turned to Greg and began speaking to him,” Greg, if you would please go to Frank’s room and tell him I need him to get the Roosevelt ready that would be much appreciated.”

  “Of course, Madam President,” Greg answered as he turned around and rushed out of the room.

  “This is a big risk Jill,” Kevin told her. “We don’t even know if she’ll still be alive by the time we get there.”

  “She will be,” Jill replied. “Susan’s one of the toughest people I know. We have to at least try.”

  “Who even is this Susan?” Bekah asked.

  “Susan and I are really good and old friends,” Jill began to explain. “Funny thing is she’s the one who actually recommended me to run for president. Susan is originally from Scotland but was living here in the United States. Soon after I took office I asked her to become my ambassador to Scotland and of course, she was more than up for the task so she moved there to help me with foreign relations. Then all hell broke loose and I lost contact with her and would never hear from her again until today.

  “Well then, let’s go get here,” I said. “She may have even recovered valuable information at that Cerberus command center she was transmitting from. This is the opportunity we’ve been waiting for.”

  “The mission will be risky,” Jill explained. “Cerberus will probably even be waiting for us but my gut is telling me we have to at least try.”

  “Nothing we can’t handle,” Joe replied with a grin. “Plus, I haven’t been outside the country for a long while.”

  “I’ve never even have been outside the country in my life,” Sarah commented. “But I guess it’s better now than never.”

  “Might as well travel today when you’re still alive,” Lindsay joked. “Because you could be dead tomorrow.”

  Everyone laughed a little at this joke.

  “I know I�
��m asking all of you a lot,” Jill spoke. “But I can’t do this without you. So, who’s in?”

  “You know I’m in,” I said as I rushed to be the first one to say it.

  “You had to be the first, didn’t you?” McKenna said as she rolled her eyes at me. “You know I’m in as well.”

  “I’ve been waiting to do some traveling,” Nicole commented. “So, I’m in too.”

  “You know if Nicole is going I’ll be there with her,” Bekah said. “I’m in too.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Joe said. “Should be fun. Lee would like to get out as well.”

  “You know if it involves taking some Cerberus servants out then I’m in,” Sarah answered.

  “Well, I’m not staying at the base by myself,” Mitch commented. “I’ll be there too.”

  “That makes two of us,” Lindsay replied. “I’m in.”

  “You don’t even have to ask,” Kevin answered. “Let’s go get Susan.”

  “It’s so great to hear that from all of you,” Jill said. “We don’t have the numbers to spare so it’s going to be a small mission. We’re going in to save Susan and anyone we can help and then getting out of there.”

  “Sounds good enough to me,” Mitch replied.

  “So, everyone got get your things packed and ready,” Jill said. “We leave in an hour. Meet in the main lobby when you’re ready.”

  With the finishing words being said everyone began to make their way out of the command center and towards their rooms to get their things ready. We had a very long flight ahead of us.

  As I walked towards my room McKenna decided to walk with me as we walked down the hall towards our rooms.

  “So, we finally get to leave the country,” she said as she decided to break the silence. “Isn’t this exciting.”

  “Should be fun,” I replied. “Let’s just hope everything goes smooth and we don’t run into any trouble. That’s the last thing we need going on.”

  “Well, trouble always seems to follow us though,” she countered.

  “Very true,” I agreed with her.

  Moments later I reached the door of my room but McKenna stopped me as I reached for the handle.

  “Remember to pack light,” she reminded me.


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