Book Read Free

Breaking Routine

Page 14

by Melissa Tereze

  “They split up.”

  “How? I mean…why?” Harper wasn’t particularly interested in Callie or her life, but she really had to work on her relationship keeping skills. They were piss poor.

  “Someone may or may not have dropped a line or two to Ruby.”

  “About what?”

  Autumn fell silent, telling Harper everything she needed to know.

  “Please tell me you didn’t.”

  “Sorry, but I’m sick to death of seeing that woman come up smelling of roses.”

  Harper dropped to the stairs, pinching the bridge of her nose. Autumn couldn’t help herself at the best of times, but she really hadn’t expected her best friend to send a message to Ruby. In some ways, she was grateful; in other ways, she wished she didn’t have to deal with them again. “Why couldn’t you just leave them alone?”

  “Because Callie walked all over you in her fake Louboutin’s, and I’m more than over seeing her get the girl. She’s full of shit and lost the best thing to ever happen to her when she broke your heart.”

  “But I’m fine. I don’t care what they’re doing. It really doesn’t interest me.”

  “Still, I couldn’t sit back and watch the soppy selfies and the ‘me and my world’ posts on social media. It makes me gag.”

  “What did you actually tell Ruby?” Harper asked, getting back to her feet. She didn’t have time to sit around discussing her ex.

  “That Callie showed up at your place. Asked if you’d take her back. I may have slipped the date in, too. You know, so Ruby was aware of the fact that it happened after she’d proposed.”

  “This better not come back to bite me. I swear to God!”

  Autumn cleared her throat. “Why would it?”

  “Because…I don’t know. But if either of them shows up here, I’m leaving them in the garden until you arrive to explain yourself.”

  “They won’t show up.”

  “Maybe not. But I really don’t need them in my life in any way at all. So, you’d better pray that they leave me alone.”

  “Don’t worry. They will. I told Ruby that you’re involved when she said that Callie was welcome to you. And I must be a mind reader because you are involved now.”

  “Well…” Harper paused. “I’m not sure that’s true just yet, but I’m not going to do anything to mess this up with Cait, so in time…I will be.”

  “Right, well, you should be getting ready to leave. Wouldn’t want to keep Cait waiting.”

  “I have time.”

  “Did you shave your legs? And your lady garden?”

  Harper wrinkled her nose. “My…lady garden?”

  “You never know. It could be your lucky night.”

  “Um, I’m just going to Cait’s for a few hours. Get to know her a little better. There will be no sex, I can promise you.” Plenty of time for that, Harper thought. And what a wonderful thought it was.

  “But she might want a little fondle,” Autumn explained. “You don’t want her to get down there to find she needs a hedge trimmer, love. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  “Okay, I’m hanging up now. We may be best friends, but I’m not discussing my trim with you.”

  Autumn gasped. “So you did check that it wasn’t something that resembled Japanese knotweed?”

  “Goodbye, Autumn.” Harper ended the call, leaning back against the living room wall.

  She couldn’t recall getting from the bedroom to the living room, but she had somehow made it without falling down the stairs. Now, she just had to keep her legs steady and get this show on the road. Cait was waiting.

  And, yes, Harper had been through her beauty regime.

  It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

  Cait wrung her hands, inconspicuously watching the road outside her living room window. Harper was due here at any moment, but something inside Cait told her that she may not show. Cait was sure Harper would contact her if she couldn’t make it, but if that message or call came through, Cait would be hugely disappointed. After spending an hour or so with Harper this afternoon, she really wanted this evening to go ahead.

  When Cait had left Harper at her front door and walked back to the B&B, the smile she wore hurt her face. Once again, Harper was having a positive effect on Cait. She always did, even when Cait felt hopeless in terms of discovering something more, but today, it was heightened. Today, it was different. Harper appeared more determined. More certain of what she wanted.

  Cait turned her watch towards herself; Harper was technically late. She’s not coming. Cait’s shoulders dropped ever so slightly, her evening with Harper probably too good to be true. But then a body trudged up the road, a familiar bobble hat covering beautiful auburn hair. Cait’s belly swirled, those butterflies flitting around so effortlessly. Oh God. Cait couldn’t believe Harper had actually shown.

  She pulled her front door open, rushing down the stairs to meet Harper at the entrance to the B&B. It wasn’t ideal living here, she could be interrupted by a guest at any moment, but Cait had no other choice. She was sure Harper didn’t mind either way since being here meant they couldn’t live any closer to one another.

  Harper lifted her head, her eyes bright as she smiled at Cait through the closed door. Cait’s heart thumped a little bit harder, a shaky hand reaching for the lock of the door. When she opened it, Harper’s light perfume wafted towards her. “Hi. Come in.”

  Harper tugged her hat from her head, slight auburn curls falling loosely around her shoulders. “Sorry I’m a few minutes late. I had a call.”

  “Don’t worry. Just happy you’re here.”

  Harper scuffed her boots against the doormat, squeezing past Cait and into the hallway. “It’s a bit milder out there tonight.”

  “It’s the cloud. Keeps the freezing temperatures away.” Cait locked up before turning back to face Harper. The shy smile she wore had Cait itching to reach out and touch her, but tonight was just some time to get to know one another. “Should we get upstairs before one of the guests seeks me out and finds a reason to talk to me?”

  “If you want, yeah.” Harper stood back against the wall, evidently waiting for Cait to take the lead. “I didn’t bring anything. I wasn’t sure if I should or not.”

  “No need. Just yourself is perfect.” Cait leaned in, placing the slightest of kisses to Harper’s lips. When she pulled back, Harper had her eyes closed and her lips parted. “Come on. No need to give the guests a free show.” She took Harper’s hand, dragging her towards the stairs.

  As they reached Cait’s area of the house, Harper kicked off her boots at the door, shedding her coat before Cait had got the key in the lock.

  That sense of apprehension had left Cait. It had been replaced by appreciation for how comfortable Harper felt being here. Cait knew how hard this must be for Harper, it couldn’t have been easy learning that not every woman was Callie, but Cait hadn’t ever been in that position so she could only be honest and open with Harper and pray the rest followed naturally.

  Tonight was important for them both. Tonight could be the beginning of something incredibly beautiful. God knew Cait was ready.

  “Have you eaten?” Cait asked, inviting Harper inside. “I had some fresh bread delivered a couple of hours ago and got some cheese from the local shop. I thought maybe we could have some grilled cheese.”

  “Where I come from, that’s just cheese on toast, right?”

  “The way I make it…not quite.”

  “Okay, well I’m up for trying it however you make it.” Harper shoved her hands in the pockets of her jeans, smiling. “If it’s anything like your eggy bread, I think I’m in for a treat.”

  “You should come by one morning for breakfast. I’ll rustle us some up.”

  “I think I might take you up on that offer.” Harper followed Cait into her kitchen.

  “Have a seat,” Cait said, the ingredients already sitting on her small kitchen counter. “Sorry about the space. I had to work with what I had when I
was turning this level into my own.”

  “It’s cosy. I love it.”

  “It’s not quite at the standard your place is, but it does me well. It’s a typical single woman half-sized flat.”

  “Well…” Harper cleared her throat. “Are you planning on keeping it that way, or?”

  “Keeping it what way?” Cait turned, wearing a frown.

  “A typical single woman half-sized flat…”

  “Unfortunately, I cannot change the size of it. But a single woman space? I’m hoping not.” Cait’s hands grew clammy as Harper stalked towards her. She couldn’t say she’d ever felt so giddy around another woman, but that could be down to the fact that she often suppressed the feeling. Cait had never wanted to get too deep into a relationship because of the dedication the B&B required. But with Harper, the total opposite had happened. “Harper…”

  “Mm?” Harper took Cait’s hand, backing her up towards the worktop.

  “You’re okay with all of this, right?”

  “You mean, being here with you?” Harper quirked an eyebrow. “Without a doubt.”

  “I mean…” Cait paused, revelling in the sensation of Harper’s hands now on her hips. “I’m not always going to be available. I have to work a lot. I don’t know what’s going to happen from one day to the next. You know?”

  “I’m well aware of the work you put into this place, but that doesn’t mean I’m about to say thanks but no thanks to you, Cait.”

  Cait chewed her lip. “You’re sure?”

  “I’m very sure. I work a lot, too. The only difference is, I can work crazy hours. I can work around you.”

  “I wouldn’t ever ask you to do that.”

  Harper nodded. “I understand that. But if I’m going to sweep you off your feet, I have to be prepared to change things up a bit. Break my own routine, just like you.”

  “Kinda funny if you think about it,” Cait explained. “How we’re about to break our own routines but together.”

  Harper smiled, lowering her eyes as a blush crept up her neck. “I’m sorry for messing you around, Cait. And I know I’ve only been here a month, but I was pretty certain even in the beginning.”

  “I don’t want you to be pretty certain; I want you to be absolutely certain. Meeting you…it means so much to me, Harper. So much that if you’re not sure about this, we shouldn’t continue.”

  “I am.”

  Cait curled two fingers under Harper’s chin, lifting her head. “I know you are. I wouldn’t have you in my home otherwise.”

  “You’re very private, aren’t you?”

  “You’re not?”

  “I am, but it’s different for me. I spend a lot of my life online, and maybe I’ve been foolish to give so much of myself away, but I admire how you can be so discreet with your life. Not many people have that ability anymore. Posting their life online for the world to see.”

  “I don’t have social media. Only an account for the B&B. My life is exactly that. Mine.”

  “I know; I tried to find you. Maybe I’ll take a leaf out of your book.”

  “It certainly makes life easier,” Cait said, turning back to the ingredients and cutting slices from the fresh bread. “But if it’s part of your business, I can understand why you have to be online.”

  Harper shrugged, blowing out a deep breath. “It’s toxic most of the time.”

  “Then you shouldn’t think about it and just spend time with me instead.”

  “Sounds like a much more appealing way to spend my time,” Harper said, clearing her throat. “So, uh, Autumn called me when I was getting ready to leave.”

  “How is she? She’s really nice. I’m glad you have her.” Autumn reminded Cait of Mandy in some ways. Except Autumn seemed to be a less meddling best friend than Cait’s own. She was yet to chastise Mandy for planning a date on her behalf but right now, she had more pressing things to see to.

  “She’s fine. She kinda did something, and I don’t know how it’s going to go for me.”

  Cait lowered the knife, wiping her hands on a towel beside her. “What did she do?”

  “Sent Ruby a message.”


  Harper hopped up onto a kitchen stool, resting an arm against the small breakfast bar across the back wall of the kitchen. “Sorry. Ruby is Callie’s girlfriend. Fiancée. Whatever.”

  “Why did she send her a message?”

  Harper sighed. Cait immediately noted the unease in her eyes.


  “To tell her Callie showed up at mine. And everything else that followed.”

  Cait winced. She could see why Harper didn’t appear to be happy about it. What good would it do any of them in knowing that?

  “And I don’t know.” Harper lifted a shoulder. “I feel like it wasn’t necessary. They’re both as bad as the other, so I’m surprised Ruby ended things with Callie.”

  “They split up?” Cait arched an eyebrow, surprised by that little piece of information Harper had slipped in. “Wow.”

  “Kinda hypocritical if you ask me. Ruby was happy to ruin my life by cheating with Callie. She knew we were together. I don’t see what the issue is in Callie trying it on with me. They’re both guilty of hurting other people at one time or another.”

  “I have to agree.”

  “I just don’t have the energy for whatever may result from it, you know?”

  “I’m sure they’ll let you be. You didn’t do anything wrong. Callie asked you if you would take her back, and thankfully, you said no.”

  “Thankfully?” Harper echoed.

  Cait nodded as she smiled, approaching Harper. She stopped between Harper’s legs; her arms draped over her shoulders. “Thankfully, because now I get you.”

  “You do.” Harper grinned, turning it into a smirk as she leant forward and kissed Cait. “You definitely do.”

  “I wouldn’t worry. So long as you’re happy here, you don’t have to let it concern you.”

  “Oh, it’s not. Not really. I just wish Autumn wouldn’t have got involved. But she has, so she can deal with it herself.”

  “And you? What will you do?”

  Harper narrowed her eyes, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. “Keep kissing you?”

  “That is one hundred percent the right answer.” Cait gripped the back of Harper’s neck, pressing their foreheads together. She wouldn’t get too carried away this evening, but Harper’s lips were quickly becoming her favourite taste of all. “Something you can always do is kiss me.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Harper tapped her foot against the slate floor in the kitchen, blowing out a deep breath. She’d woken this morning feeling a million and one things for Cait, not a single one of them budging from her mind. It seemed as though every time they were together, everything intensified between them. Even just a simple smile from Cait had Harper melting in front of her. So, rather than continuously question it all, Harper was going to embrace it.

  Next week was Valentine’s Day, and Harper had an idea up her sleeve. She would need to speak to Jude before she got overexcited about the prospect of spending it with Cait, but she was sure he wouldn’t mind working. Unless he had plans of his own, and then Harper was in trouble.

  Cait had made it no secret that she wanted to take Harper out on a date, but Harper preferred something a little more…intimate. They could head into town, spend triple what they would any other night of the week, or they could enjoy dinner alone at Harper’s, all the bells and whistles provided.

  Harper gripped her phone, anxiety swirling around in her belly as she brought Cait’s message thread up.

  H: Hey, are you around at all?

  C: Sorry, I’m about to leave for the supplier. I’ll be back in an hour.

  H: That’s fine. Let me know when you’re back, and I’ll call in for a coffee with you.

  C: Well, my day just got significantly better.

  H: Charmer!

  Harper grinned, zipping her coat up as
she took her keys from the table to the side of the door. Cait was gone; the coast was clear. She may have only bumped into Jude once or twice since he almost tore her head off at the B&B, but he seemed friendlier. And right now, that was exactly what Harper needed.

  With the front door slamming shut behind her, Harper jogged up to the next block, relieved when she found no sign of Cait’s car. The main door was open, but Harper wasn’t sure where to look first. So, she stepped inside the warmth and cleared her throat. “Hello?”

  Footsteps came from down the hallway, Jude offering a friendly smile. “Hi, Harper. Cait’s not here.”

  “I know. It’s you I called to see.”

  Jude frowned. “Oh. Well, what can I help you with?”

  “I kinda wanted to do something with Cait next week. I was wondering if you could give her a bit of a kick up the arse when it happens?”

  “I’m fairly certain she’d kick me back ten times harder.” Jude folded his strong arms across his chest, leaning against the doorframe that led to the lounge. “But sure. What day?”

  “It’s the evening, if that’s okay. And it’s totally fine if you have plans…but I was wondering if you could give her the night off next Thursday?”

  Jude nodded. “Sure. I don’t see why not.”


  “Wait. That’s Valentine’s Day…”

  Harper reddened, lowering her eyes. “I know. And it’ll probably end up going completely wrong, but it’s a date. The thing is, Cait doesn’t know about it. I want to surprise her.”

  “You want to surprise my sister.” Jude’s features softened as a smile played on his mouth. “You really like her, don’t you?”

  “I do. And I wish I’d done this sooner, like, the day I arrived here, but I feel like I’m in the right place now. I didn’t want to let her down when we first met. And since that day at the lake, we’ve just been getting to know one another. You know?”

  “How can you be so sure it’s the right thing? You’ve only been here for a month or so.”

  Harper shrugged. “Sometimes we just know, I guess.”

  Jude nodded, pushing off the frame. “Cait means the world to me. And I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I’ve never seen her so happy every morning. More so when she knows she’s spending time with you.”


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