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The Hills Party (The Hollywood Twins #1)

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by Amanda White

  “No!” he growled and crossed his arms with irritation. “I’m just,…interested in someone else.”

  Hanna sighed with disappointment. She admired his honesty, but she still thought it was unfair that he was not even giving her a chance. She was sure she could seduce him if he would just stop looking at…

  “Rachel?” she gasped out when she followed his line of sight. He instantly blushed and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Oh good luck,” Hanna laughed and shook her head. “My sister doesn't care about good looks, fame or wealth. She believes in true love,” she laughed and returned to the music she was playing.

  Kyle stared longingly at Rachel as she was kept busy by all the drink orders. He had been keeping a secret for a long time. He believed in true love too.


  As the night wore on, the party grew wilder. Everyone was intoxicated by both the drinks and the music. Soon they began to spill out onto the back deck where a large pool was illuminated. It didn't matter that they had not brought bathing suits. People stripped down to their underwear and jumped right in, some even wearing nothing at all on. Hanna laughed and cheered as she watched the chaos unfold. This was her kind of party. She loved it. Rachel on the other hand, was overwhelmed with drink orders and feeling rather exhausted. She was disappointed after seeing Kyle with his arm around Hanna. She knew it was to be expected considering that her sister was the one who always got the guy, but still, she had thought she felt a connection with Kyle.

  “Can you take a break?” Kyle's voice drifted to her from the side of the bar.

  She glanced up with surprise. “No way,” she smiled. “The orders just keep coming.”

  Kyle frowned nervously. It was hard for him to tell if Rachel liked him or not, as she was so shy.

  “Well, do you mind if I just hang out here for a bit?” he asked as he glanced over his shoulder at the sound of another splash. “It's getting a little crazy out there.”

  Rachel felt her smile grow. Maybe Kyle really was interested after all. “Of course you can,” she offered him a drink. He accepted, but his eyes remained on her. She tended to a few other customers before returning to his side.

  “This is not really my scene,” he admitted as he leaned a little closer to her so that she could hear him. “I'm guessing it's not yours either.”

  Rachel shook her head and scrunched up her nose slightly. “It's a little wild,” she admitted, hoping that would not turn him off.

  “My friend is having a party tomorrow,” he said hopefully. “It will be a lot more laid back than this. We might get a chance to actually talk,” he grimaced as he wondered if he was coming on too strong. “I'd love it if you would join me.”

  Rachel stared at him awkwardly. She was not sure how to say yes without seeming too eager. “I would like that,” she finally said quietly.

  “Really?” he asked, his fingertips lightly brushing against the back of her hand as she took his empty glass. She blushed and nodded, biting into her bottom lip.

  “Can I get your number then?” he asked, meeting her gaze intently. It was the moment of truth. If Rachel didn't like him she would never give him her phone number. He found himself counting his heartbeats.

  Rachel smiled faintly and scribbled her number on a napkin. She pushed it toward him. He accepted it, folded it neatly, and tucked it into his pocket. “I'll pick you up around six then?” he asked. Rachel winced at the idea of him seeing her tiny apartment, but she nodded.

  “Sounds good,” she murmured, still feeling that this must be some kind of dream. A man like Kyle had just asked her out on a date. It was unexpected, and it was thrilling. She did not have too long to dwell on it though, as the drink orders kept coming in. The party ran late into the night, with the last guests straggling it after three in the morning. Hanna and Rachel were exhausted but they managed to make it home, three thousand dollars richer.

  Chapter 6

  “I can't believe you would go for someone like him,” Hanna mumbled as they shared a cup of coffee. It was already past noon the next day and the sisters had slept in to make up for how late they were up the night before.

  “What do you mean?” Rachel countered. “You seemed to think he was pretty hot.”

  Hanna nodded as she sipped her coffee. “Yes of course, but he's not your type.”

  Rachel smirked a little as she studied her sister. She could always tell when Hanna was jealous. “Well, I think he's interesting, and I want to get to know him better.”

  Hanna frowned as she looked up at her sister. “I know, but just be careful,” her frown deepened. “These Hollywood types are usually only looking for one thing.”

  Rachel didn't want to agree with her sister, but she knew that she was right. Most actors wouldn't waste their time getting to know a woman, and maybe Kyle's sweet demeanor was just an act. She would have to be careful.

  "I don't think he's like that," she said quietly. But the truth was, she really couldn't be sure. He was a very wealthy and soon to be very famous person. He could have his pick of any woman he laid eyes on, it didn't make much sense to her that he would be interested in a woman who fumbled over her own words and was not sure if blue shoes matched a black purse. She brushed her worries aside. After all, she was no longer concerned about the finances for the month and she was looking forward to her date with the most interesting guy she had met in months, if not years.


  By the time the afternoon came, Rachel had all of her clothes spread out across her bed. She had no idea what to wear. After what Kyle had seen her in last night, she hoped he would not expect the same revealing style of dress. Since she was going to a party in West Hollywood, she had to at least wear something that wouldn't embarrass him.

  "Hey, you ready?" Hanna asked as she poked her head in the door of Rachel's room. When she saw the pile of clothes scattered across Rachel's bed, and her sister's distraught expression, she smiled. "I have just the thing," she promised. Rachel was wary since most of Hanna's clothes were not a style that Rachel liked.

  Hanna led Rachel to her room and reached into the very back of her closet. She pulled out a light blue dress. It had rounded sleeves that stopped just below the shoulder and a fitted bodice. It flowed loosely from the waist but offered a sleek look, rather than a poofy skirt. It was a deep shade of blue that would enhance the dark shade of Rachel's hair.

  "It's beautiful," she whispered as she looked up at her sister.

  Hanna smiled sadly. "Yes well, you're not the only one that dreams of being a princess," she said mockingly and smoothed down the skirt of the dress. Hanna had bought the dress for a special date that had never happened. It was one of the things she did not like to think about in her past.

  "It'll look wonderful on you," Hanna insisted and handed the dress over to Rachel. Rachel did not notice the slight sadness in Hanna's eyes as she was so dazzled by the sight of the dress.

  Once she had changed, she paused in front of the floor length mirror on the back of her bathroom door. She had to admit that she looked stunning. For once she did not look like the clothes were wearing her. Her figure filled out the curves of the dress nicely, and the skirt fell perfectly, ending just below her knee. She had twisted her dark hair up into a stylish clip at the back of her head, and straw colored tendrils drifted downward from it framing her soft features pleasantly. She smiled at her own reflection. Hanna had been right; she did feel like a princess. She pushed that thought away quickly, not wanting to come across as silly when Kyle arrived.

  "Oh Rachel, you look gorgeous!" Hanna squealed when Rachel stepped out into the living room. She did a little spin for her sister's sake, and they both ended up laughing. Hanna hoped that her sister would have the great time she deserved. She would often mock Rachel for being so shy, but the truth was, she was glad she didn't get mixed up with some of the guys that were out there. She would rather see her sister be alone than hurt.

  A few minutes later the doorbell rang. Rachel's heart was r
acing as she answered it. Hanna made herself scarce, but peeked out through the crack in her bedroom door.

  "Hi," Rachel said awkwardly when she opened the door to find Kyle standing outside of it. He was dressed in a simple black suit with a white shirt underneath. His sandy hair was combed carefully back and he looked as handsome as she remebered.

  "Hi," he replied, his face literally glowing with the smile that spread across it. He kept sweeping his eyes across the dress and back up to hers. "You look amazing," he breathed out, unsure if that was the appropriate thing to say. Rachel could only smile in return.

  He led her down the steps to the parking lot, where he had parked his sleek black motorcycle. It was the type that was low to the ground with a wide seat. A Harley Davidson. Two helmets were perched on the seat. He offered one to Rachel.

  Rachel realized that she was never going to be able to wear it with the fancy clip she had in her hair. So she reached up, released the clip, and let her hair tumble down around her shoulders. Kyle stood back, staring in amazement at how beautiful she was. Rachel did not seem to notice his admiration as she slid the helmet on. He helped her onto the bike and then slid on in front of her. Rachel laid her hands lightly on his hips, afraid to hold too tightly.

  "Like this," he murmured without looking back. He drew one arm around his waist, and then folded the other over it, so that Rachel was laid against his back, feeling the smooth material of his suit jacket against her skin. She was glad that he could not see how deeply she was blushing as she rested her cheek against his back. They roared off out of the parking lot, and Rachel was sure that her heart was pounding louder than the deep low roaring sound of the motorcycle's engine.

  He turned into the parking lot behind Sunset Plaza. "I thought we would have dinner first, if that's okay?" he asked as he helped her off of the motorcycle. Rachel nodded in agreement, still too shy to look directly at him. When she did look up, they were standing in front of a nice French restaurant. She had heard about the restaurant and was sure the food would be delicious. Once they were seated and had ordered, Rachel forgot all about the food. She expected to be so nervous it would be unbearable, but instead the moment Kyle started talking she grew very comfortable with him.

  "I am so glad you agreed to a date," he grinned. "I wasn't sure if you were interested or not."

  Rachel bit her lip to keep from asking who wouldn't be. She smiled at the shimmer in his dark brown eyes. He was not playing it cool like most men did. He was happy to be out with her, and he wanted her to know that.

  "I am glad you asked," she smiled in return.

  “You and your sister did a great job yesterday. Hanna is very entertaining I must admit, jumping around behind that mixing desk.”

  “Well yes, she sure does get out there,” Rachel admitted.

  “Personally I prefer girls who are more relaxed and who show interest in other things, than just being at the best parties or clubs. In this town I find that there are so many small minded people, who couldn’t care less about stepping on their peers, just to get one step closer to the fame they so much desire,” Kyle said seriously and continued. “I’m looking for someone who is genuine and whom I can trust completely.”

  Rachel felt as if he was speaking directly to her heart. He wasn't going on and on about his movie career, or asking her shallow questions. He wanted to know what she cared about, and what her life had been like so far.

  "Oh, you know," she said casually when he asked about her past. "The usual stuff. It was just average. We didn’t have much growing up in Lake Elsinore. Mom and dad were always working.” Rachel’s face saddens a bit as she continued, “You see, they had their own local store, but things got tough when the mall opened and took away most of their business. So it wasn’t always easy."

  "I'm sorry, if I was prying," he said quickly, studying her expression.

  "No, the best part of growing up was Hanna," she grinned, eager to lighten the subject. "She did, and still does, get me in all kinds of trouble."

  Kyle relaxed and laughed as Rachel described some of her sister's antics. She seemed a lot more comfortable talking about her sister than she was talking about herself, but Kyle learned a lot about her from the affection in her tone, and the loyalty she expressed. He knew that Rachel would do anything to protect his sister. It was strange to him, since his own family was not very close. Money had a way of isolating people from one another.

  "She is quite the character," he grinned.

  Chapter 7

  The dinner had been wonderful and they started making their way to the West Hollywood party. Rachel began to grow nervous again. It was easy to talk to Kyle, but she was not sure she would be able to get along as easy with his friends. They would probably not have much in common. She expected them to be an assortment of well off, trust fund, twenty-something’s that would not understand why she did not know about the latest celebrity gossip.

  When they arrived, the house was much smaller than she expected. To her relief no one was half-naked on the front lawn and when he led her inside, the party was intimate with candles lit and only about a dozen people in attendance. She immediately felt comfortable, and Kyle made the introductions quick and painless.

  "This is my friend Miles," he said introducing a handsome young man with dark hair and light blue eyes. He smiled at Rachel.

  "This guy has seriously not stopped talking about you since last night," he laughed, causing Kyle to glare at him.

  "And this," he said with irritation. "Is my best friend, Cindy," he gestured to a woman who was holding a tray of snacks. She was very pretty with curly red hair and bright green eyes. Rachel felt a little intimidated, but Cindy greeted her so warmly that Rachel could not help but feel comfortable. Once she had met all of his other friends, they cranked up the music. Soon Rachel was lost in Kyle's arms dancing to something more soulful than thumping dance music. She loved the way his arms felt around her, and when she glanced up at him, he was always waiting to meet her eyes, as if he would stare at her all night for just one glimpse of her dark green spheres.

  She tried not to let her expectations get too high, but it was hard not to when he was so amazing. Even before the party was over, Rachel felt as if she could walk on air. Her mind was filled with thoughts about what the future would bring. She knew it was too soon to be thinking of such things, but she could not help it. There was no doubt in her mind that she was starting to fall for Kyle. She just hoped it wouldn’t end in heartbreak. She had been in there before and that didn’t end well. However, she also realized that in order to find true love, she would have to risk getting hurt.

  The party wore down and when he drove her home, he walked her up to the apartment door.

  “I hope you didn’t find my friends too crazy,” Kyle said with a smile.

  “Not at all,” she smiled back. “They were wonderful. I had such a great time tonight.”

  There in the shadows of the evening, he leaned just a little closer to her. She looked up at him with her dark green eyes, and opened her mouth slightly as an invitation for him to move forward. He smiled in return and nudged his lips a little closer to hers, until their breath was mingled between them. Rachel could not wait any longer, so she tipped her lips upward and crossed the space between them, caressing the softness of his with a subtle but sultry kiss.

  Kyle sighed sweetly at the connection and eagerly returned the kiss, though he was careful to keep it soft and slow. Rachel's arms slid around his waist, and his hands cupped her lower back, drawing her closer to him. Her mind spun as his tongue brushed across hers and suddenly she knew. It did not matter if they had only been on one date. It did not matter if he was the Hollywood type, she did not want him to go home.

  She reached for the handle on the door, and Kyle took a step back in surprise as she opened the door. He studied her eyes for one hesitant moment, and then swept her along with him inside of her apartment. There was no time to think about what was happening, as the drive that had been se
t loose within each of them, did not speak in words; it spoke in caresses, and passionate kisses.

  The two collapsed onto the couch in the living room. Briefly Rachel thought of Hanna, who most likely was in her room. She wanted to move this into the bedroom so Hanna would not hear what they were up to. But when Kyle's hands slid upward beneath the skirt of her dress, she realized she did not care if her sister heard every moan.

  His touch was confident but gentle. He was savoring the exploration of her body as he pushed her skirt upward and drew down her nylons. Her heart was racing, and her breaths were short. It had been a while since she had last been with anyone. Even though there had been several guys before Kyle, it felt like this was the first time. The way he gazed at her with such intensity made her suspect that the experience was just as powerful for him.

  He lifted her dress up over her head, leaving her sprawled out on the couch before him. She tugged his suit jacket off and unbuttoned his shirt beneath it, her fingers fumbling a little with the small buttons. He loosened it from his pants, while her hand released the belt he wore, and in an instant he was just as exposed as she was. They took some time to experience the sensations of each other’s bodies. The soft slope of Rachel's stomach was feathered with Kyle's gentle kisses. The strong ripple of Kyle's muscular chest was caressed with the softness of Rachel's lips and the warmth of the tip of her tongue.


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