All that Matters (Family Matters Book 2)
Page 10
"Fuck you Cash," he'd said.
"Fuck you Jakey," I retaliated. "Say you're fucking sorry." And I meant it. For some reason he'd hit a raw nerve. I held my knee over his upper arm, my other hand pinning down his shoulder. "Fucking apologize," I demanded.
"You're over your fuck quota for the day," he said smoothly, "way over." He knew I never swore, that I joked that I allowed myself a maximum of two words a day, that I had to be pretty pissed to swear so much. My hand drew closer to his throat, threatening to choke him. But I knew he was thinking of flipping me again. Jakey had tried every contact sport out, tae kwon do, judo, wrestling, Kung fu. He'd last a term or so and try something else, he lacked stickability, commitment. I moved my hand right up to his throat, pressed my knee in firmer, but he never flinched. It was like a stare down, with neither of us backing down.
"You wanna know how many times she fucks me a day?" I asked, my face getting closer, my teeth clenched. I almost felt like a wild animal, it was so not me, but him mentioning my mother like that, that had somehow affected a part of me I'd never known existed. My question took him by surprise, well it had taken me by surprise.
"Why don't you fucking tell me?" he mocked, and I saw his eyes flick to the side and the next second he was out from under me and we'd crashed back into the table and wall, the guitar and a tin of something sliding across the floor. Voices shouting again, footsteps on the stairs. He was half lying over me now, my left knee though had his knee caught under it. Connor's face appeared at the door, "What the fuck's going on?" He looked perplexed to see the position we were in. Raff appeared next, laughing, "What are you two fighting about?"
"Fuck off," Jakey said vehemently. The stare down was back.
Connor walked in, he kind of looked awkward, like he didn't know if we were mucking around or about to kill each other. Raff had stopped laughing too and was just staring.
"Break it off guys," Connor said calmly. "Come on."
But I wasn't going to back down, not after what he'd said about my mother. "You fucking apologize," I hissed at Jakey. My quad was tightening, but there was no way I was going to let up the pressure.
"Guys, sort it out will you," Connor said anxiously, "Come on, you're not kids."
"Jakey, Cash? What's this about?" Raff said, trying to pacify us. "Come on you two." He'd never seen us like this, and I don't think I'd ever sworn in front of him. It seemed like we were paused in a video. There was silence. The two of us sizing each other up, the onlookers unsure of our next move.
Connor spoke again, "Get up guys," he said, his hands now on his hips, but he extended one out, not sure who for. We both ignored him.
"Apologize," I hissed again, my jaw tight, my hand pushing into his ribs.
"Jakey just apologize," Raff begged. Jakey's eyes flicked up to Raff and in that moment I pushed myself back over him, trying to go with momentum, but Connor stepped in and stood between us. Raff was pulling me by my shirt, both Jakey and I were breathing hard.
"That's enough you two," Connor shouted, "just back off." We still stared at each other, both of us staggered to our feet. Connor was looking from one to the other. I scouted around for my phone. It was on his bed.
"You all right?" Raff said to me. I nodded, pulling down my t-shirt.
"Are you two good?" Connor said, glancing again at us. We still stared. He wouldn't fucking apologize, that's all I wanted, but his mouth was glued. "Are you two good?" Connor shouted this time. We both just nodded.
I looked at the bed. "Can you pass my phone please?" I said to Connor, he was standing right near it. He picked it up and handed it to me.
"Fuck you Jakey," I said, still staring at him, and I turned and left, running down the stairs. Raff followed me, calling to me, all the way out to the car.
"Cash, are you okay?" he asked as I opened my door.
I just nodded, but my hands felt like they were trembling. Fuck Jakey. "I'll see you later," I said and quickly got in and drove off. I almost felt like I wanted to cry, but I wouldn't allow myself to. No way. I didn't go straight home, my car needed gas, so I pulled into a gas station, then went and bought myself a bottle of Coke. I sat in the car drinking it, thinking about the craziness of what happened. Jakey and I never argued, certainly never fought, and he had never, ever mentioned my mother before. Never. I couldn't understand why I was so sensitive about it and I didn't know if I could ever forgive him.
When I got home Dad and Magdala were waiting for me in the lounge. I hadn't expected it, but I guess I should have. Magdala said Raff had called, Connor had called, Dad asked what was up. I said I didn't want to talk about it, that I was fine, it was nothing.
"Raff said you were really upset," Magdala said, taking my hand. "What did you two fight about?"
"Its nothing," I said, shaking my head. Dad's phone rang. It was Aunt Kate calling.
"Cash, talk to me," Magdala said. "Raff said you two just about killed each other."
I faked a laugh. "Hardly," I said, "just a bit of wrestling. I'm fine, really." Shit I needed to get myself under control, I'd never been so volatile before, what the hell had stirred it up.
Antonia came into the room, Jakey was behind her.
"Okay," Dad said, and he looked from Jakey to me, "sort this out now." It was a tone Dad didn't use much, a tone neither of us could ignore. Magdala squeezed my hand, then went with Dad. He closed the door behind him. I went and sat down on the sofa, I felt somewhat calmer.
"Mom sent me over," he said, and I should have known, Aunt Kate fixes everything. I didn't look at him. I rested my elbows on my knees and looked at the floor. "I'm sorry," he said, and paused, but I still didn't look up. "Sorry for talking about your mother like that. I don't know why I said it." He came over to me, sat on the opposite sofa. "Cash?" I looked up. There was only a coffee table between us. "Cash, say it's okay. I am sorry."
"Why couldn't you say it back at your house then?" I said viciously, fidgeting with the ring I wear on my right hand. I was twisting it round and round.
"I don't know," he admitted. "Cash, we're like brothers, yeah?" He reached his knuckles towards me, and I hesitated, but then bumped him. "So much has been fucked up this year," he continued, "with Magdala, with you guys about to move, and now you and your boss." He looked up at me. "Everything's changing."
Right then, I understood, it was all making sense. Jakey was in as much pain as I was about Magdala, Jakey was worried he was going to lose me as his best school mate and he was worried that Paola was going to change everything between us, change me even.
"I know what you're saying," I said, "and you probably know me better than anyone, but never, ever fucking talk about my mother again." For a moment he appeared shocked, and then a grin spread on his face, and we both stood and we embraced. He slapped me on the back and we laughed.
"You know?" he said cockily, "I reckon I could have broken your arm if I really wanted to."
"Whatever," I retorted, "I could have strangled you if I didn't mind spending the next twenty years in prison."
"You were barely touching me," he said, "you couldn't hurt me if you tried!" We started to walk towards the door. "Cash? I am sorry," he said, stopping us, his head was hanging in shame, "really. Your mom was beautiful."
"Thanks," I said.
"We're good?"
"All good," I confirmed. And from that day on, Raff referred to that day as Battle in the Bedroom.
I introduced them to Paola, but only Jakey took any real notice, I could see him appraising her. Magdala seemed so excited about surprising me that she gave little indication of checking her out and Raff was usually quiet, but I think he takes more in than he lets on. Having them there wasn't the nightmare I might have envisioned, Paola stayed in the background, in fact she was behind the bar for most of the time, though Caroline was overly interested in hearing about my sister and cousins. It couldn't hurt to share with her, I found her harmless. A pain in the neck sometimes, but it was best to have her as an ally. I had learnt th
at she and her husband Simon owned over a dozen funeral homes in the city. Who knew?
Paola knew I couldn't hang around after work, so she ushered me into her office before I left, locked the door and turned out the lights.
"Just a kiss to keep me going," she begged of me, "seeing your family comes first tonight."
"Well it is my Grandad's birthday," I said, hoping she knew it was a legitimate reason.
"I know," she smiled, her lips all over my face. "That was charming, meeting your family." I wasn't sure if it was sarcasm or not. "Your sister is stunning."
"And Jakey?" She unbuttoned the top of my shirt, her mouth searching.
"Interesting," she said, then she paused for a moment and undid the next few buttons.
"He's a bit protective of you, is Jakey."
"We look out for each other," I said matter-of-factly. Though I'd never told her about the Battle in the Bedroom, never would.
"I know you do," she smiled, ruffling my hair. "Oh my god," she sighed, "I want you, but I can't have you till tomorrow." She gave one final long kiss on the lips, then sent me on my way.
He had quite a full schedule for awhile, with school and tennis, and there were some Friday nights where he couldn't work because of tennis the next day, and even a Sunday when he had more tennis. Caroline had been very disappointed he hadn't been there, almost as much as me. There was little I could do about it, except change the rosters to suit him, though it must be pointed out I liked to accommodate all my staff if they had specific events they needed to attend. I endeavored to turn my attention to work, what else was there?
His casual remark about an express menu had stuck in my mind, and I mulled it over, drawing up plans, discussing it with Daddy, Eddie and Belinda, our head chef. Ideas were tossed back and forth and a menu came to fruition. We would start to offer it at lunches, and all going well, even early evenings, for those who had theatre or cinema tickets. It gave me something to focus on if nothing else.
Then out of the blue, my brother Stefan invited me to a dinner party. Initially I refused, but he was insistent and because he had given me two weeks warning there was no reason that I couldn't organize Eddie or Jenny to close up that night. It was at his house and I was told the occasion was his girlfriend, Kayla's promotion. I congratulated her and then had promptly declined saying I was way too busy. He shot me down in a minute, telling me that he knew I was working all hours under the sun and that one night off would not warrant the collapse of the business. Unless I was an incompetent manager. I had no choice but to accept.
The dinner party was my worst nightmare. Four couples and four singles, conveniently two female, two male. I assumed he expected us to pair up in a civilized fashion. I was in no mood to comply, and tried to engage the other lone female in conversation. Unfortunately for me she did fancy one of the single men. I could foresee a long, anguished evening ahead of me.
Stefan sensed my annoyance at his matchmaking ploy and sidled up to me, urging me to be "open minded." I nearly spat my cocktail at him. He thought Gareth, a roading engineer and I had a host of common interests, though his examples of reading, music and cooking were flimsy to say the least. Gareth, it seemed was more open minded than me and found anything I said about the restaurant to be enthralling. He was a handsome man by all standards, but even if he were George Clooney I would not have given him a second glance. I engaged in polite conversation but was bored to tears. After failing to stifle any attempts at yawning, I made my departure hastily and without fanfare. I'd only sipped that one cocktail so was quite all right to drive, and it did seem a waste that I was dressed to the nines but heading back to my apartment alone.
I impulsively rang Cassian, it was a Saturday night, almost eleven. He'd said he was going to his friend's house tonight, a sort of party, he had said vaguely.
"Where are you?" I asked him, hoping it didn't sound like I was checking up on him. The noise in the background definitely indicated a party, music, laughter, talking. I felt old.
"I'm still at Liam's," he said and I got the sense he was walking away, the background noise fading until all I could hear was his voice, clear and strong. "How's your party going?"
"I left," I said, "I was bored." He laughed loudly. "You don't sound bored," I remarked, my voice probably more sarcastic than I had intended.
"Oh, I would have left hours ago," he said, "if I'd had anywhere to go."
A smile crept onto my face. "I'm driving home as we speak," I said.
"I'll race you there," he said, and I hung up. In my excitement I didn't check my rear view mirror, almost pulling out straight in front of a car. It tooted and a bad kind of adrenaline coursed through my veins. Damn, I had to be more level headed, or else I'd be dead. I kept a steady pace all the way home, terrified of not concentrating. He was there before me, and the look on his face when he saw me emerge from the car in my tight red dress with my Jimmy Choo shoes made me stop in my tracks. His look was one of wonderment, as if he was seeing me for the first time. And I felt a sort of embarrassment, that I had made this extreme effort to look good for Stefan's party, but had never dressed like this for him.
"Oh my god," is all he said, and his eyes devoured me. I was still frozen in that position, reveling in his attention. "I think I'm a little underdressed," he laughed. He was in skinny black jeans with a black hoodie over a long white t-shirt, a street look that oozed cool, confidence, way sexier than the suit and tie Gareth had been wearing.
"I'll underdress you even more in a few minutes," I said huskily, though what the hell that meant I'll never know.
"You look amazing," he said, stepping towards me, grinning. "I think I'm scared to touch you."
"Let's get inside," I whispered, "and you can touch me all you want." I took hold of his hand and I wobbled beside him in my ridiculously high heels, though still only coming up to his chin level.
He sat on the bed watching as I removed my dress carefully, hanging it back up in my walk-in closet. He raised his brow, admiring my matching red lace bra and panties.
"Oh wow, you're dressed to kill," he laughed. "Who was your date?"
"I had no such date," I protested, "though not for want of trying by my brother." And I told him about the carefully crafted dinner table and the attempt to mingle me with Gareth. "I had to fake several yawns and yawning is so unattractive," I said, "but I did what I had to to get out of the place." He seemed to find that hysterical. My phone started to ring, and it startled me. It was Stefan calling. What the hell did he want?
"Are you okay?" he asked. Was this just brotherly concern? "You left quite quickly."
"I'm exhausted," I said, "I'm just about to jump into bed." Well, that part wasn't a lie.
"Gareth was definitely interested," he said, "but he said you left before he could get your number. Is it okay to give it to him?"
"No it is not," I said so loudly that even Cassian looked stunned. "Please do not give my number out," I said tersely, looking away from Cassian. I felt like strangling Stefan, how dare he interfere in my love life.
"Hey I'm only trying to help," Stefan placated.
"I really don't need your help," I said, exasperated by his attitude. "Now get back to your party and leave me be please," I said as if I was giving orders in the restaurant. I saw Cassian snigger, said goodnight to Stefan and hung up.
"You're quite bossy," he remarked with a smirk.
I let out a frustrated sigh. "Everybody wants to be a matchmaker," I said, walking to him, placing my hands around his shoulders and sitting on his knees, "when I have everything I want right here." I was slightly surprised that he hadn't started undressing, but I didn't say anything and didn't mind if I had to do it. I peeled back his jacket and he shrugged himself from the sleeves. I absently looked at the brand, one I didn't recognize, a sign of my age perhaps. I pulled his t-shirt over his head, and detected a familiar scent, but couldn't name it. I prided myself in knowing my designer perfumes and colognes, an absolutely use
less skill unless I was looking for a job in duty free shopping. Paco Rabanne? I thought. My lips caressed his neck, my tongue teasing at his earlobe. He giggled, he had various ticklish areas, some where he would laugh uncontrollably. His hands were now at my bra, he expertly unclasped it, freeing my breasts right into the palms of his hands. He gently squeezed, a moan escaping his lips. I smiled to see him smiling. I clamored off him onto the bed, laying myself on my back. He came and knelt over me, still wearing his jeans and boots. I wondered why he hadn't kicked them off yet. His nose rubbed along my neck, lingering there, amongst my curls.
"You smell so good," he murmured, and it was like he didn't want to move. I arched my neck and he let his lips trail down the length of it. He dropped his knees, covering me. I could feel his hardness beneath his jeans. I reached for the button, undid it. The zipper fell apart without much effort required, though his pants were skin tight and I struggled to remove them, my thumbs tugging at his hips on both sides. "How did you get into these?" I asked, laughing hopelessly.
He rolled off me, pulling at them, getting them to his knees, then realized he needed to take off his boots first. He apologized, sitting up and unlacing them.
"You're not so with it," I remarked, sounding more impatient than I had intended.
"I thought you were going to undress me," he replied, a tad abrupt. And he was right.
I sat up, wrapped my arms around him, kissed the back of his neck. "Yes, I'm sorry," I admitted, "I said I would." I made him maneuver himself back on to the bed. I semi-crawled to the end of the bed, removing the boots, pulling off his socks, unpeeling his jeans so they ended up inside out. "Oh my," I drawled, admiring him now lying there in his Calvins, "you beautiful boy." I writhed my way back up the bed, settling my head on his shoulder, his arm curling around me, going beneath my panties. He promptly flipped me onto my back, and then we both simultaneously pulled at our own underwear. "Synchronized underwear removal," I commented and he laughed.
"Do we score ten out of ten?" he asked.