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Betsy: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 6)

Page 3

by M. Merin

  We stare into each other’s eyes and his words crack my heart open.

  “I’m not your mother, Russian,” I firmly state. “I’m not a helpless girl you need to give a ‘do over’ to. If that’s why…”

  My words are cut off by his lips. I keep mine pressed together until I realize my willpower doesn’t match his attack. At my surrender, he growls in relief. “Baba made sure I heard about my mother’s good heart. Parts of your stories are similar, yes. But you are not her. They tried to break you down but you’re stronger now, Little Bit. You’re strong in a way that you could never have been without pain.”

  “Ru…fuck, I have to get used to Artem…”

  “Just when it’s us,” he caresses my cheek.

  “I want a child. It doesn’t have to be immediately, but if you’re serious about us, I need you to understand I want a chance to be a mother. I mean, if we can.”


  The thought of a child terrifies me. I’ve been around Wrench, Hawk, and Jasper’s kids but that’s about the only contact I’ve had with those things. Seeing the uncertainty in Betsy’s eyes as she asks for something she craves more than she wants to let on, I only see one way forward.

  Standing, I walk back towards the master bath. Sure enough, Betsy has all of her things laid out in a neat little square. Picking up her birth control pills, I start to head back out. But it’s Betsy, so I check her little bag and pick up the pack for next month.

  Walking past where she’s now standing between the dining and living room, I wave them at her as I continue to the kitchen. She follows behind me, her jaw hanging slack as I shove them in the garbage disposal, blast the water on high and turn the machine on. I turn to smile at her as the awful noise fills the space between us.

  Shutting it down, I walk towards Betsy, holding her upper arms to secure her to me. “Let’s get to it.”

  “’Let’s get to it’? Did you really just say…hey!” Little Bit is sputtering when I bend over, getting her over my shoulder, I walk off to the bedroom. Well, the bathroom actually.

  “Get in the shower, then we’ll talk.” I smile down on her.

  “Are you ever going to explain your shower fascination to me?” she asks me again as I pull my T-shirt off of her and adjust the water.

  “Yeah. Watching you shower turns me the fuck on.” My answer gets a snort from her but I just lean against the counter and watch her. Water sliding over her smooth skin as she moves away from the shower head, she pours her vanilla scented body wash onto her breasts and starts to massage it all over herself. Betsy’s cheeks still turn pink, no matter that I’ve watched her do this for a couple years now. “Turn around, hands against the wall. Don’t rinse yet.”

  She does as I say while I slowly undress. Watching her stretch a leg back, I can tell she’s uncomfortable but still so goddamn obedient. Grabbing the bottle, I let the liquid drip down her back until I’m ready to start rubbing it in. Massaging her shoulders pulls a groan from her – she always carries so much stress there – smoothing the rest of the soap down her until I’m cupping her ass cheeks and swiping my finger through the crack. I lightly kick her ankle to get her to spread her legs wider. Bending my knees, I let my dick slide between her legs as I move my hands over her hips and up to her breasts.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Betsy. Such a good girl, always doing what I tell you to. I don’t know shit about kids, but that’s when I’ll do what you tell ME to do. That and protect you. Protect our family. I’ll always protect what’s mine.” Cupping the small curve of her stomach. “I’ll keep filling you up till you beg me to stop.”

  Keeping her hands against the tile wall, she leans her head back against me for a kiss. I slide my bare dick up into her at the same time my lips meet hers. I know she’s mine now. Betsy is as OCD about condoms as she is about being neat. I don’t think she realizes it yet, but I’m every bit as much hers.

  Pulling her hips further away from the wall gives me a better position to piston my dick into her sheath. She loves to take it as hard as I love to give it to her. I meant what I said earlier, I want more meat on these bony ass hips I’m holding onto. She always feels so fragile to me, so some part of my mind always worries about hurting her and I’ve seen the bruises my hands have accidently left in the past.

  Her cries grow louder, so I shift my dick – knowing exactly where to hit her to make her cum. Moments later I feel her pussy start to squeeze my cock, her walls pulsing around me. Reaching my arm across her stomach. I secure her, knowing her legs get weak during her orgasm. “Gonna give you that baby you want, Little Bit. Giving it to you right now.”

  “Please, Russian!” She gets a smack on her ass for that slip. “Artem! Artem, yes, oh God.”

  I grip her breasts in my hands as I feel my balls tighten up, ready to explode into Betsy. Into my woman. At. Fucking. Last.

  Moments, later, I’m still holding her tight to me as I feel a shudder go through her. Reaching over I turn off the water and grab a towel to dry her off.

  “’Let’s get to it’?” she repeats with a snort, raising an eyebrow at me as I kneel in front of her. Smiling up at her I shake my hair back and forth like a dog, getting the laugh I love to hear.

  Soon enough we’re curling into each other on the large bed, gently kissing one another until I hear her breathing even out. Before sleep claims me, I hope that this peacefulness can last. That my past has no interest in me.


  “Hurry up!” I call out to him. I want to get out on the boat while the sun is still shining. This is too early in the year to swim in the lake, so we’ve been soaking in the hot tub instead. I want to pinch myself. In the days since Artem asked me to be his Ol’ Lady, we’ve barely worn clothes. I know he’s still watchful about a potential visit from Russia and doesn’t like to be away from the landline in the cabin, worried about missing an update from Wrench.

  The thought that someone would fly halfway around the world to kill a sibling sounds crazy to me…at least until I think about my step-brother. If that was the type of person I was, he’d top my list.

  “All set,” he joins me on the dock. “Just talked to Wrench but I want to be back in a couple hours, alright?” I pout but nod along with him.

  “Bree really said that?” I bring up their Christmas conversation that he repeated to me after breakfast. “So she’ll be ok with us,” I say more to myself than him.

  “No one’s gonna have a problem with us, Little Bit. And fuck ‘em if they do,” he announces before starting the boat. I grin over at him and do give myself a little pinch this time.

  Chapter 5


  “How was I supposed to know it was going to rain?” I laugh at the wet dog expression on Russian’s face as we’re docking the boat. “Someone rendered my phone useless.”

  When we were at the furthest point of the lake, the storm rolled in quickly. With no canopy, Russian decided to travel back along the shore line rather than risk the open water. Once he helps me off the boat and starts toward the cabin, I decide to have some fun with him out here – after all, he’s the one who enjoys watching me shower so much.

  “Ouch!” OK, I’m no actress, but I pretend to twist my ankle and go down. Dropping the cooler, he immediately turns back to me.

  “You alright, Little Bit?” he asks as he gently helps me stand up.

  Wrapping my arms around him, I pull his head down for a kiss. Growling, and guessing he’s been had, Russian holds me tighter and prods at my lips with his tongue. “It’s awful out here, Betsy,” he tugs back from me after a moment.

  “I love the rain,” I smooth my fingers through his shoulder length light brown hair, his dark blue eyes seem to lighten when he finally returns my smile. “When I was young, I would sneak out of the trailer and go for walks in it.”

  “I prefer showers with rain heads, but I can make an exception. Today, at least,” carrying me over to the picnic table, he sits me down and lifts the edge of the cover-up
I’m wearing. “Fucking mud everywhere,” he grumbles before kneeling between my thighs and shifting aside my bikini bottom. I don’t hear the next comment he makes as he kneels in the mud, a thunder clap drowns out his words before he attaches his mouth to my pussy.

  Sweet God. The talent this man has. I keep my legs spread wide as he extends his tongue in and out of me as if fucking me. I lean back and arch my center up to meet him, lifting my feet up I perch my heels on the edge of the table. At some point he slides his tongue up to my clit, slowly circling it and building my orgasm up faster and faster.

  “Ouch!” I moan more than yell when he gentle nips my throbbing clit.

  “You’re not getting off without me buried in you, Little Bit,” he grunts. Standing up he fights with his belt and pants one handed, while finger fucking me with two fingers on his other hand.

  “I need it, Russian! Oh, fuck…” I squeal when he slaps my clit.

  “So demanding, Betsy,” he lightly slaps me again, palming his dick and teasing my pussy with its crown. “I make you my Ol’ Lady and you think you call all the shots now?”

  “Please, Russian?” I beg but he pulls away from me, pressing a hand on my stomach so I don’t follow him.

  “What’s my name? What’s your Ol’ Man’s name, Little Bit?”

  “Artem! Artem,” I scream out and he rams his dick right into my welcoming cunt. “I need you, Artem.”

  “Lay back, Little Bit,” he smiles down on me. “I got you now.”

  Doing as he says, I lay flat and look up into his blazing blue eyes, wrapping my legs around his hips when he starts slowly but steadily thrusting into me. “Who do you belong too?”

  “Artem Rusanov,” I moan, smiling up at him. “Who do you belong too?”

  He stills his movements to lean down and cover my body with his, “You’ve owned me for the longest time, Little Bit. The longest time.” Holding my shoulders he thrusts furiously into me, never breaking eye contact.


  “I don’t know what to tell you, Brother,” Wrench’s voice sounds hollow over speakerphone. Jasper, Gunner, and Flint are in the office with him as we try to figure this out. “You know your family operates like ghosts. I don’t have a photograph of your half-brother since last year in St. Petersburg, but the family jet headed to the States five days ago. He could be sending men or he could be coming here himself.

  “They’ve got someone cleaning up their records minute by minute, I swear to fucking God,” Wrench sounds pissed. “I was literally staring at the screen watching the flight history of your father’s jet disappear as I sat there. It’s been to California at least three times in the past two years but those records are erased now.”

  “We need Betsy back here,” Jasper cuts in. “I’m trying to figure out all the crap she deals with and I’m gonna burn this place down if you don’t let her come back.” His voice is at a near roar by the end of his thought.

  “We’ll come back this afternoon,” I say, watching over her sleeping form from the doorway of the room we’ve shared the past few weeks. “Some changes are coming though, Brothers.

  Disconnecting, I start cleaning out the kitchen. I know my woman needs her sleep and that once I wake her, she’ll be a blur of energy.


  “Are you sure…”

  I try to assure her that the cabin’s neat enough for the next occupants. “Betsy, don’t worry. The next person there will deal. Besides, Jasper’s gonna lose his shit if I don’t get you back to the clubhouse.” My bike was picked up from the impound lot and was brought to the clubhouse, so I’m squeezed into Betsy’s car for the ride home.

  Desperate to distract her, I start passing on the news that Wrench mentioned.

  “Frank tried to claim Diamond.”

  “What? Tried? Shit! They won’t accept me, will they?”

  “Fuck. Don’t go there. Diamond’s grasping on to him for status and he’s, well…”

  “He wanted Deb but she lost it after trying to twist shit to become Gunner’s Ol’ Lady.”

  “You make it pretty fucking easy to be with,” I laugh. “You probably know more about the background of this crap than I do. Flint and Bree’s wedding is coming up, and then the new mechanic that Connal hired? Turns out that it was a woman!” I snort at that.

  “What’s wrong with that?” Betsy gives me side eye.

  “Uh, Mack, he lives in Boise. He suggested this Charlie and it didn’t occur to Connal that Charlie was a girl.” I try to dig myself out. “Royce hates her. Oh, but she’s with both Connal and Jake now, I guess.”

  Betsy grips my hand and I really do appreciate that she knows the guys and I don’t have to explain all this to a newcomer. Don’t envy my Brothers’ that at all. I wince, thinking of Connal and Jake. I think Betsy might have hooked up with them a while back. My woman tested the waters a little when Vice first brought her around but she wasn’t mine. Barely on my radar back then, she dabbled with a handful of the guys but seemed to be happiest when she was active handling things around the clubhouse.

  I was using women at the resorts, letting them size me up when I was working as a bouncer at the clubs or standing near the elevators as security. I’d get a handful of numbers or room keys a night, tossing the ones that didn’t interest me, then playing roulette with ones I deemed potentials. Going room to room on nights I was bored.

  Life was pretty simple until I found my eyes following Betsy around the clubhouse more and more often. Until every woman who hit on me seemed dull compared to my Little Bit. There wasn’t anything she could do wrong in my eyes, except stick with Vice. I decided she needed a better option, so I became that.

  “What?” she asks and I realize I’m grinning to myself.

  “Thinking of that first time I had you shower for me. Your blush covered all of this sweet body.” I reach a hand out and rub her stomach, wondering if I did get her pregnant already.

  “Why did you walk away that day? I mean, after you dried me off?”

  “Part of my genius plan to keep you wanting more,” I smirk at her and get a giggle for my efforts.

  “I think I stood there for ten minutes after you left. Shade tried to get in the bathroom from his side and that finally got me moving.” She smiles sweetly at me. “I hear things about him, you know? That he works for all the chapters but wanted to be based here – what he does…”

  “He does what needs doing, Betsy. Not talking about, OK?”

  “I don’t mean to ask for details. I hear things and they don’t match how he’s been to me. I know some of the girls avoid him and all. You two get along though, right?”

  “How’s he been to you?” I ask harsher than needed.

  “Not that, Artem. Shade and I never hooked up, we dance sometimes – he does like to dance. But when it’s slow around the clubhouse, he’ll sit around and just shoot the shit with me. Hell, one time I went to movies by myself and saw him there alone. We sat together and talked before the movie started, like I was his sister or something.”

  “Smart, Little Bit. That’s what Shade needs in his life, someone who treats him like he’s just a normal guy.” At the look she throws me, I add. “He’s not wired right but he knows how to act the part. Most days.”

  “Is that why he spends so much time at that place he bought?”

  “The guys don’t mean it but after some of his jobs, well, they’re not always comfortable around him. The Girlies and honey holes see that and avoid him, too,” I shrug. Shade and I get along fine. I understand what he does, though I wouldn’t have the stomach for it myself.


  My hands are sweating as we pull up to the clubhouse. This has been my home for years but now the man by my side is going to give me a status I’ve never had here. I’m freaking out a bit, hoping that no one minds the thought of me being an Ol’ Lady. Walking in, all I can see is how much work there’ll be for me to do in the coming days and that takes my mind off the butterfly explosion in my stomach.

sp; Looking around, I see that a lot of the MC is here. Over near the back, Riley is sitting on Gunner’s lap and Connal is across from him with his arm wrapped around a woman I’ve never seen before – so I’m guessing that’s his new mechanic. She’s pretty, with light brown hair in a braid over her shoulder, and a thin frame but with a large chest. The new girl and Riley have an animated conversation going until Gunner waves at Russian then Riley stands and pulls her over towards us.

  “Hi Russian, Betsy, this is Charlie. She’s, um, dating Jake and Connal,” Riley introduces us and while Russian keeps his arm around my waist. I stay there, letting Riley do most of the talking, while I focus on scanning the room over their heads, trying to see who else is around.

  Shade is towards the back, playing cards with some of the older guys. Diamond nods at me from where she’s drinking, and I can see the red bottom of one of the shoes that Stacy’s so proud of sticking out from a booth as she gives someone a ride.

  Jasper walks into the bar area from the hallway and Russian turns us towards him.

  “Pres, Brothers,” his deep voice rumbles. “I’m claiming Betsy as my Ol’ Lady. We all good?”

  “What the fuck?” Vice roars. Pushing Stacy off his lap as I retreat into Artem’s side at the tone of his voice. He almost sounds territorial. “Betsy?”

  I turn away from Riley and Charlie, wrapping my arm tightly around Russian’s waist.

  “We good, Jasper?” I ask, hating that my voice trembles as I ignore Vice’s outburst. He stops walking toward me mid-stride, realizing his zipper is still down and he starts shoving his dick back in even as he glares between Russian and Jasper.

  “I got no problem with that. Anyone else speak now.” Jasper looks around the room. Silence prevails for a moment and all eyes are darting between Vice and Russian.

  “What the FUCK, is right?!” Diamond hollers, nearly falling off the stool she was on. “You won’t accept Frank’s claim on me but BETSY gets a pass? That bitch has fucked as many of you as I have!” Russian snorts at that comment.


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