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Belong Together

Page 7

by Goode, Ella

  I’ve always done what was expected of me. I never wanted to make anything hard because my mom was a great mom and I wasn’t going to make life difficult, even when I didn’t agree with something she said. Life was tricky enough without added complications. I learned that since leaving home.

  I look at her face, so much like my own. “I’m not going to fight you, too, Mom.” I watch as her eyes widen for a moment. “We’ll have enough of our own battles in life. You’re my mom. My team Wonder Women,” I remind her. It’s a silly thing we used to call ourselves. We’d grown up as just that, a team. I want us to always be like that, but I’m no longer willing to sacrifice my happiness for it. Gosh, it’s been a few years since we called ourselves that silly but significant name. My eyes flick over to my men and my heart squeezes. I’m now a part of another team with my men, but I still want the Wonder Women. My mom brought me up to be who I am today and I need her support now more than ever.

  When I look back to the screen, her eyes are brimming with tears. “Mom, don’t cry.” My own eyes fill, too. I try to fight it, knowing it will get everyone worked up. “We’ll always be our team, but I’m not a little girl anymore. You wanted me to find myself. Here I am, telling you I found it.”

  Her shoulders drop. She’s taking in what I’m saying. “You are the best mom I could have asked for. Scratch that, you were the best mom and dad I could’ve asked for. You made me strong. You should not only have faith in my ability to make the right choice but believe that you raised me right. You should know that I’m picking what I want because you’ve crafted me into a strong woman.” I want her to see that she is a part of this. I need her at my side and don’t want to go through life without her approving of one of the most important journeys I will undertake. I will do it without her blessing if I have to, but I don’t want it to be that way between us.

  “We stand together, Mom,” I remind her.

  “Always together.” She nods in agreement. She lets out a long sigh and I know she’s finally getting it. “I know you’re right, Livvie Bell. I also know those men will take care of you. Sometimes I forget you’re not a girl anymore. Looking at you right now reminds me you’re a woman now. You haven’t been gone long, but you have blossomed so much. I see it all over your face.” She smiles. “You’ll still always be my little girl.”

  “Always plan to be,” I respond instantly. “I’ll always need my mom.”

  “And I’ll always be here.” This time I can’t fight the tear that slips free. I go to wipe it away, but Levi beats me to it as Zeke pulls me into his lap and kisses my neck.

  “Baby.” Levi leans over, kissing the remainder of my tears away. I forget for a moment our moms are watching us. My eyes fly back to the screen and they’re smiling.

  “You’re living there, aren’t you?” Mom raises her eyebrow at me. My cheeks warm. Not only because of what that implies but because I feel Zeke’s hard cock pressed against my ass. I fight the urge to shift in his lap. Levi pulls back from nuzzling me like he also forgot that our moms are watching us.

  “Kinda,” I admit. I’m not telling her about my dorm room. It would only worry her, and besides I’m choosing to stay here. I was going to start staying there even before the room was destroyed. I make my own choices and rules now. Others can try and enforce and say what they want, but I’m not letting that affect my happiness anymore.

  I’ve found myself. I see that the world can be a mean place, but it’s a whole lot easier when you have the people you love around you. The world is also a wonderful place that gave me a great mom, two men to love me and a new friend in Erika.

  “And they haven’t asked you to marry them? Do those boys not realize what they have?”

  I laugh. Her teasing breaks all the tension in the room. She was always good at making me feel lighter and loved.

  Both Levi and Zeke act offended at my mom’s joke. I’m pretty sure it’s not an act, though. I raise my chin smugly. “Nope.” I scrunch my nose in contemplation. “Does that make me single?” I smirk, confident in the knowledge that I know every single one of my men’s buttons and when to push them.


  “Ezekiel!” Christina yells at Zeke, cutting off his curse. I shake with barely restrained laughter. Zeke tightens his grip on my hip because I’m now bouncing on his hard-on. He better get used to it, now that I know why we had the sex marathon. They were trying to knock me out. Two can play this game.

  “Sorry, Ma,” Zeke says in a cross between a mumble and a growl. Levi snickers at his tone.

  “I think you boys know what she needs,” my mom says, making me smile. “Bring her home to see me soon. I miss my girl.”

  “Will do, Ms. Moore.” Levi nods.

  “I think we’re past the Ms. Moore,” she adds with a wink. The wink makes me think that I missed some of what was said on the phone before I busted in on their conversation. I’ll let it go for now. I actually like the fact that they have a secret with my mom. It just shows me how much they all get along and love each other.

  “I’m going back to sleep.” I try and get up, but Zeke’s grip on me is too firm. I turn to glare at him.

  “You wanna say that shit again?” He cocks an eyebrow at me.

  “What?” I pretend not to know what he’s talking about. Levi shifts, sliding in between my legs, but I keep my eyes trained on Zeke’s challenging stare. “That I’m sing—” Levi’s mouth shuts me up before I can get the rest of the words out. Who am I kidding? Two can’t play this game. I’ll always give in when they have their hands on me.

  I open my mouth, letting Zeke’s tongue slip in as Levi removes my robe. We all win really. Because this isn't a game. It’s the three of us.



  I wake up the morning of my wedding before dawn. Even though my season ended in January with a win at the National Championship, my body thinks it should still be training. I debate trying to convince myself to go back to sleep, but small, muted clinks in the kitchen have me searching for a shirt and sweats.

  I tiptoe out of the bedroom, leaving my brother face down in his bed. His long legs dangle off the ends and the blankets are mostly on the floor. He had a hard time getting to sleep with Livvie tucked into her childhood bedroom next door.

  Our moms separated us the minute we arrived home. Mama Moore declared that until we were married, there was no sleeping in the same bed. She also wanted us to wait until Livvie graduated, but we all put our foot down. Some things weren’t negotiable and finally being a unit was one of them.

  In the kitchen, Mom is rolling out dough. A vague memory of her announcing that she was going to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast skips through my mind. I go over and give her a back hug.

  “What are you doing up?” She says, patting my hand with her wrist. Her fingers are all full of flour and dough.

  “I run every morning before practice. It’s good for my cardiovascular system.” I pinch off a piece of dough and pop it into my mouth. “Plus, you know,” I give her a wink and lean back against the counter, “it’s my wedding day.”

  A smile tips up the corners of her lips. “So it is. I can’t believe my boys are getting married.”

  I sneak another piece of dough. “You’re finally getting that daughter you always wanted.”

  Mom slaps my hand lightly. “Go grease the cookie sheet over there before you eat all of this,” she orders. “And yes, I’m thrilled about Livvie being my daughter. I’ve always thought of her as mine,” Mom confides as if we all didn’t know this already.

  I find a stick of butter next to the cookie sheet and unwrap the top and get to work. “No one would’ve guessed that by the way you bought her gifts nearly every week.”

  “As if the two of you weren’t always egging me on,” Mom retorts.

  I say nothing because we are guilty as charged. “Everything else ready?”

  “Yes. Although, we won’t have as many people as I expected. A few decided not to come at the
last minute.”

  That was my dad’s side of the family. Dad’s mother thinks that homosexuality is a sin and women belong in the kitchen. No doubt she thinks the union between Zeke and Livvie and I is abomination. “I’d rather have no people than one’s who are going to make Livvie feel bad.”

  “I agree, dear.” She sprinkles cinnamon and sugar on the flattened dough and then rolls the whole thing into a tight tube. “I just hate that you have to deal with this.” She saws at the dough. I reach out and liberate the knife before she mutilates the cinnamon rolls. Gently, I push her aside and slice the dough log into smaller circles.

  “It’s okay. We know that not everyone’s open-minded, but surprisingly a lot are.” My teammates on the Leopards have been mostly supportive but that may be because I’m the best pass rusher in the nation and none of them want to piss me off.

  We both load up the greased cookie sheet. “I worry about you, Levi. You more than your brother. I know that this ceremony is for all three of you, but only one is legally bound to Olivia.”

  “I know.”

  “You’re not demanding enough.”

  I hold back a smile. If she knew what I did in the bedroom, she wouldn’t say that.

  “If it’s something I want, I’m asking for it, but she’s going to have my name, will be wearing my jersey, will be wearing my rock,” we got her a three stone engagement ring to represent all of us, “and will be calling my name out—“


  “—when she gets mad.” I blink innocently. “What did you think I was going to say? Gosh, Mom, get your head out of the gutter.” As she sputters, I stick the rolls inside the oven. I set the timer and turn back. “Don’t worry about it. We’ve got this all figured out. It’s easier for Zeke to be the one married to Livvie. I’m in the public eye and if she were married to me, there’d be a lot of gossip and shit. We’re protecting her this way. Besides, I don’t care about what’s on a piece of paper. I know what’s in Livvie’s heart.”

  Me. I’m in there. Along with Zeke. Her heart’s big enough for the two of us.


  “My hands are sweating,” I whisper to my brother. “Am I nervous? Why am I nervous?”

  His eyes stay glued to the door that Olivia will walk down. “I dunno, bro. Why are you nervous? You think she’s not coming out? You think she’s in a car fleeing us?” He smirks. The asshole smirks.

  If we weren’t standing in front of a hundred people and a minister, I might have reached over and tried to strangle him. Ever since he’s had Olivia in his bed, he’s gained new confidence and it shows in every aspect of his life. He was good on the field and now he’s great. It takes him no time to do his schoolwork. And, he’s gotten extra demanding in the bedroom which Olivia is really working for her and whatever works for her, gets me off. Our sex life has never been more explosive.

  On the other hand, ever since we set the wedding date, I’ve been losing my mind, making sure we have the license, buying the ring, getting our tuxes. I’ve had to take care of the details since Levi was busy with football. Now that the actual event is here, you’d think I could relax, but I’m wound up tight as a clock. Would Olivia just get her sweet ass out the door so we can say our vows and then be done with this circus? I tug at my tie. Next to me, my sadistic brother laughs quietly.

  The music changes and everyone rises as if they’re on strings. The doors at the back open and the vision that appears in front of me is so blindingly beautiful, I reach up and shade my eyes.

  Olivia is dressed in a white princess gown. A filmy veil covers her face but I can see her bold smile underneath. The anxiety that had filled me before she appeared suddenly disappears.

  She’s here. She’s finally fucking here. We’re going to say our vows, all three of us, in front of our friends and family. On Monday, Olivia and I will go to the courthouse and sign some paper that the government needs but today’s the day that matters. Today is the only day that matters as it is the day we make our vows to love and cherish each other until we die.

  The two Moore ladies arrive in front of us. Then, as we practiced, Olivia lifts her veil and steps between my brother and me. Together, we face the crowd. Mama Moore joins our mother and behind us the minister raises his hands.

  “To our beloved friends and family who have gathered here today to witness the binding of these two men and this woman, will you support and protect and love the marriage of these three?”

  “We will,” replies the crowd without hesitation. There’s even clapping that breaks out in the back. Levi raises his fist and an echoing holler goes up. I’ll say this about the football team, they came through in a big way. The seats are full because of them and I know seeing all these faces of support is filling Olivia’s heart with joy in a big way.

  “Then let us begin. Leviticus, Ezekiel, Olivia, please face me and prepare to say your vows.”

  We do as he asks. Olivia places one of her hands in each of ours.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the sacred union between Leviticus Audley, Ezekiel Audley, and Olivia Moore. This is an honorable event, one that is entered into with a serious heart and a sober mind.”

  Dude, how did we get so lucky? Levi asks. I mean, look at her. She’s so fucking gorgeous. We do not deserve.

  Fuck if I know. I’m not questioning it.

  “Guys, can you not? We’re in the middle of our wedding,” Olivia hisses. “I can hear you talking in my head, and it’s super distracting.”

  “Sorry,” Levi mumbles.

  “Sorry,” I reply.

  The minister looks from one to the other and the other and then laughs heartily. “I can tell Olivia already has you two under control. Good thing we left out the obey portion.”

  The crowd cracks up and so do we. I squeeze Olivia’s hand tight. It is a miracle that we found each other. It’s a miracle, but it’s also meant to be. The three of us belong together. Forever and amen.

  Epilogue, The Second


  Three and a half years later

  I peek at my phone, which I’ve kept hidden in the sleeve of my oversized gown. This thing is a furnace out here in the May heat. I swear this is the hottest May in history. I stifle a yawn as I glance down at my phone screen. I almost drop my phone in the process but somehow manage to grab it before it hits the ground.

  There seem to be a million texts, all of them from my husbands and Erika. I don’t click the hubs’ group text. I just go straight to Erika’s messages. I’m still pretending to be annoyed with them. They weren’t down for me wearing nothing under the gown, but it’s crazy hot out here. It could also be my hormones causing me to feel like I’m in an oven. I’m going to blame it on that while I can. The two of them have been all over me today and not in a sexy way either. Maybe they are onto me.

  Either way, between the heat and how boring this ceremony is, I want to lie down and take a nap. The sound of the woman speaking at the podium is so repetitive that it’s putting me to sleep. Hopefully she’ll stop talking soon. If not, I’m going to be a goner. I should be listening, but my mind is elsewhere. I’d been so excited for today, but not because I’m graduating. I have a secret I want to share with my husbands.

  I’ve been keeping this secret for over two days already. I’m bursting at the seams to spill the beans. My tongue has almost slipped twenty times in twenty-four hours. I can’t imagine trying to hold onto it any longer. I was never good at hiding things from the twins. I know if I keep it up much longer that they will figure out something’s going on.

  Erika: Look alive up there. Tank and I are barely holding these two back!

  I sit up straighter in my seat. I don’t want them to come barging through the throngs of people I’m sitting among. Everyone knows how pushy those two giants can be when it comes to me. Neither of them gives a shit who they have to step on to get to me. I laugh at the thought. They wouldn’t even fit if they tried to come into the rows of people. They would
also be bombarded by people asking for autographs. Levi’s face is so well known now and Zeke has to suffer the consequences just for having identical DNA. He even signs autographs for Levi when people mistake him for his twin. It’s easier to pretend than to explain that, yes, he’s not Levi but just looks exactly like him.

  The fame is simultaneously annoying and awesome. I’m so proud of Levi for his success, but sometimes it slows us down. It does have its perks, though. Levi’s fame has gotten me to the front of the line many times. Last night it was awesome because I got to jump the line at the bakery and snagged a cupcake. I told myself I didn’t have to feel guilty about it because I was eating for two. My stomach rumbles loudly, drawing glances from the girl beside me.

  “I’m not going to throw up,” I try to reassure her. I already did that this morning. I’m just glad my appetite is back for the day. I got busted throwing up, though. I vomit one time and my husbands act like the world is ending. They were so worked up about me being sick. I tried to play it off, but they were all over me. I was relieved when there was no other choice but for us to part ways. I had to take my seat at graduation, but I knew they were going to worry the entire ceremony. I gave Zeke a warning stare, reminding him not to pull any crap. If I hadn’t I’d probably be sandwiched between the two of them right now. Zeke would have probably gone into the school’s system and changed the seating chart. I could see him adding names so that his and Levi’s just happened to be on the seats on either side of me.

  I knew I had to divert their attention elsewhere, so I suggested wearing nothing under my gown. That was the only idea I could think of to distract them. It wasn’t the best idea I’d ever had in my life, but it worked. They immediately scowled and forgot all about the vomiting.


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