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Robin and Her Merry Men

Page 7

by Willow Brooke

  “Yes! God please, John, fuck me hard!” Robin lifted her pelvis off the floor and pushed the tip of his dick inside her. Her move was what snapped the shred of humanity he had left. In one hard push, John rammed deep into her channel, slamming against her cervix. Her body pushed against him, engulfing his dick in a tight vice. Robin almost came again. She clenched around him, milking him hard. Tingles exploded outwards, signaling another orgasmic eruption was near. “Fuck! John! Yes-s-s-s-s!” Robin’s voice cracked.

  John fisted his hand in her hair to anchor her in place while he ravished her mouth once more. His tongue matched the pace of his cock, moving in and out of her body. John struggled to hold back. After all these years, there was no way in hell he was going to prematurely blow his wad.

  “Fuck, you’re tight, baby. I can feel you stretching around me. So good,” he whispered into her mouth. He moved his hips and flexed his ass, angling just right that with the next hard dip he slammed against that special spot inside her cunt. Robin screamed. With one final kiss John reluctantly pushed up off her on to his knees and grabbed her hips up off the hard floor to give her all of his length. In two thrusts, Robin came. Over and over her body rolled, lost in another place where only they existed. John didn’t slow. His fingers dug into her flesh, adding a controlling nip of pain that heightened the sensations. Faster and harder he took her, continuing her orgasm in waves until he joined her. “Booyah! Aaaaaaaaaah!” he hollered. If Robin’s body hadn’t been spasming uncontrollably, she would have laughed her ass off.

  John fell on top of her, totally drained. Their frantic breaths slowed as the world began to come back to them. “Wow.” He rolled to the side and scooped her against him while they both still gasped for air. Her gorgeous blue-green eyes sparkled under heavy lids. Her cheeks were flushed, her smile intoxicating. John had never seen someone so beautiful. “You look gorgeous when you’ve been fucked good.”

  He grinned, showing off his perfect Colgate grin. “Mmm. Not bad yourself, John.” Her eyebrow arched with a devious smile. “Booyah?”

  John chuckled. “What can I say? You are even better than I dreamed.” His words filled her heart. He had dreamt of her? The idea of this being more than a one-time thing tugged her heart. She had always liked Little John growing up. For one, he never saw her as an unruly girl in need of reform like the others in their family social circles. He had joined her and Mary in most of their wild rebellion. But that wasn’t the dorky awkward kid that lay next to her. There was nothing dorky or awkward about this man. He was a work of pure male perfection. Robin wanted to voice her feelings and see if there would ever be something between them but couldn’t. She didn’t want him to be like the others. For the first time, she truly wanted more. Was it too much to hope for?

  John rose and scooped her up in his arms, distracting her thoughts. “Where are we going?” Not that she really cared. Being locked in his arms was the best feeling she had ever felt.

  “To bed.” Robin didn’t know what to say, so she didn’t. Her arms wrapped around his neck and for once she just enjoyed the moment. He sat her gently on the bed and tucked her under the covers without a word. Robin felt the loss of his presence in a hollowness inside her. She watched as he turned away, too scared to ask. Was he leaving? Her heart sank.

  John watched her closely as he put her to bed. There was no denying the question etched across her features, and deep down it made his heart jump. She wanted him to stay. After all these years, Robin the mighty, hard-as-stone wanted him. Her look of relief when he walked to the other side and climbed in beside her was worth more than gold. A small, satisfied smile tugged at his mouth. Robin didn’t know it yet, but she was his.

  John wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. Robin sighed in contentment. Being locked in his embrace felt like the safest place in the world. She fought the sleep that threatened to consume her. “John?”


  Robin hesitated, unsure what to say. She didn’t want to be one of those women who pathetically poured out confessions of true love and forever, but wanted him to know she was having feelings none the same. Finally she spit it out. “I’m glad you are here.” There. Safe, but still gave him an option to continue things and see where they went. The ball was in his court…now only time would tell if he would bolt like all the others had in the past.

  “There’s no place I’d rather be, love.” His words slurred in a half-asleep mumble. Robin fell asleep smiling, fading off during a silent prayer of hope and love.

  Chapter Seven

  The next morning, John woke to the sweet aroma of breakfast, making his stomach rumble. It had been awhile since a woman had cooked for him, but he couldn’t remember the last time the meal was breakfast. He hadn’t been in a serious relationship since his sophomore year in college. Amy Burnheart had done just as her name suggested, two days before he was to propose. In a romantic attempt to surprise her with dinner from her favorite restaurant, complete with two dozen roses, John had quietly snuck into her apartment with his key. The last thing he expected for their romantic evening was to share it with one of his best friends, Mike Guyer. Finding Mike balls deep with Amy bent over the kitchen table wasn’t exactly on the itinerary. Amy obviously hadn’t expected him to show up either. After Mike was beat black and blue with blood seeping out of random orifices and Amy bawling at his side curled up in the floor, John had locked his heart up tight…until now. Little by little his childhood crush warmed an emotion he never thought would be useful again.

  The sun peaked through the lace curtains, reminding him of where he was. Memories of the night before flooded his thoughts and awakened other parts that strained his already rock solid morning wood. With a huff, he got up and headed to the bathroom to attempt a morning piss without spraying the celling. By the way his dick stood at attention, he thought it best to just sit and forget trying to aim. Ten minutes later, he washed his hands and tugged on his boxers and clothing that had been neatly folded and laid out on the sink.

  Robin hadn’t heard John walk up beside her. She was busy getting the biscuits out of the oven when he spoke and scared the shit out of her. “Mmm, that looks delicious.”

  She jumped, bumping the hot pan against her forearm searing a deep red strip. “Ouch!” she yelped. John snatched up a towel and took the pan from her, setting it on the stovetop.

  “Shit! Robin—I’m sorry!” He jerked her arm under the faucet and ran cold water over the already blistering streak. She sucked air in between her teeth in protest, pulling away.

  “That stings!”

  “I know. Keep it under the water while I get ice.” He turned and pressed the ice machine lever in the fridge door, palming a few chunks that fell out. “Here. Keep this on it.” The cold numbed the wound some, easing the pain. She looked up, noticing how he watched her intently for the first time. Concern wrinkled his brow, tugging his normally full lips into a thin line.

  “It’s just a little burn… I’m fine. I gotta stir the gravy.” She tried to pull away but he grasped her waist, leading her over to the barstool.

  “You sit and ice that down. I can manage the rest without screwing it up, I think. Grilled cheese sandwiches are about the extent of my culinary capabilities, but since you have everything almost done, let’s hope I can handle it,” he snickered, relieved to hear her giggles.

  Ten minutes later, John set a heaping plate of cheesy scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, bacon, and hash browns in front of her. She couldn’t help but grin. He had taken it upon himself to add shredded cheddar cheese to the almost cooked eggs. Without realizing what she was doing, she made a mental note to remember his egg preferences before scolding herself for looking too far in to what was going on. As much as she didn’t want this to be a one-time thing, it still topped her list of dating experiences by a mile. It was almost too easy to see them doing this every morning.

  “Thank you… I wanted to cook for you, not make you do all the work.” She piled her fork full a
nd took a bite, humming approval. “Mmm. Food is so much better when I don’t cook it myself.”

  He had shoveled four bites in to her one, and could only nod around the mouth full. When he finally managed to chew and swallow, he agreed. “Yeah, nothing I cook tastes worth a damn. If you wouldn’t have had this almost done, I guarantee your opinion would be different,” he snickered.

  “Oh now, you did the cheese all by yourself. I never remember to put it in my eggs. Most of the time I am just hurrying to get something in my belly so I can get out the door.” She took another bite, realizing neither of them had anything to drink and stood to go get it. “Coffee or O.J.?”

  “Coffee, please, thanks. Here I got it.” He felt somewhat guilty for her waiting on him, especially since he was the reason she now would more than likely have a scar lining across the inside of her arm.

  “Oh please, it’s a burn, not a broken bone.” She waved him off, pouring them both a cup and grabbing the cream and sugar before juggling them back to the table.

  “Thanks.” He reached for the cup of black Joe and took a swig. “Mmm. Now that’ll put hair on your chest. Most people make it too weak. Coffee is meant to be strong.”

  “Yep. Not that I want hair on my chest…but it is the only way I function. I’ve already drank a pot and made a fresh one before you got up.” He eyed her, shaking his head.

  “Ever think to just save time and pump it in intravenously?” he joked.

  “Yeah, but I hate needles.” She winked, turning her attention back to her plate. They spent the rest of the morning chatting casually over breakfast. After the dishes were put away, Robin’s phone rang. She answered without looking to see who it was and wanted to kick herself in the ass when Mary’s voice cut through the line. Knowing the questions were coming, Robin cut her off before she could end up wrapped in a one sided conversation about John that would lead to her answering simple suspicious yes and no’s.

  “Is he still there?” Mary asked, not ready to drop the subject until she got a few juicy details first.

  “Yeah. Mary, listen, I’ll give you a call later. I need to get down to the office and turn in my last article before the editor has my ass.” Yes, she had dropped Mary’s name on purpose, and her best friend picked up on it.

  “Oh hell. You like him! So, are you seeing him again then I take it?”

  “Yes and I don’t know. I gotta go. Call ya later.” Before Mary could trap her in a two-hour interrogation, she hung up. John sat lounging on the couch, smiling at her. Shit. Too obvious, Robin. Way to look like a total looser.

  After an embarrassing long silence, he spoke, “So, you have to go in today?”

  “Huh?” She wracked her brain, trying to figure out what he meant when it dinged. “Oh! Um, yeah. I have an article due about the new Elementary school they are building. I interviewed the school superintendent and the architect who planned the first ever modernized ‘green’ public school. It’s set to hit the front page Monday morning.”

  “Wow, that’s cool. I haven’t heard anything about it.”

  Robin smiled, unable to hide her excitement. “I know. That’s because I’m the only reporter who was lucky enough to be granted interviews. Anyone else who covers it will be getting their information from me until after it is completed.” It was no secret that Robin had a way with people, nor that she used it to her advantage. The city and officials had been closed lips about the whole project until she charmed her way in. It was a pretty big step in her career, even if said career was going to be shorter than she originally had hoped. With the way things were going, she was almost convinced that her night job would become her only job, which meant her giving up her apartment and technology for a tree fort with Franny and the others. The only question was, would they still want her out there? What about Mary? And John? There was no way either of them could ever visit. It was too risky. If she didn’t hurry and figure something out, it was inevitable that the law would be banging down her door someday also. As it was now, her family never visited her home, and as far as she knew, didn’t even know where it was. They had made it perfectly clear of their disapproval of her lifestyle and until she fell back into the recesses of social status and riches, they wanted nothing to do with her. Even now when she dropped by to visit, they made sure to lecture her and turn every family dinner into the most painful two hours of her life. By cocktail hour, she was slamming drinks to prevent voicing her true feelings and possibly blowing her cover.

  “I need to be going too.” He stood and walked toward her. Robin held her breath, waiting for the moment of truth. Either he would blow her off, or make plans. Either way, she didn’t know what she wanted. True, she liked him…a lot. The timing was just horrible. Two months ago she would be jumping at a chance to see where things could go between them, but now her main focus needed to be on what mattered—helping those who couldn’t help themselves. “But I want to see you tonight. What time will you be done?”

  Robin froze. For someone who was independently self-sufficient and a badass ninja thief by night, she felt like a giddy schoolgirl. No. There was no room for…this. It would only end badly. “John, I—”

  John reached up and tilted her chin up to meet his gaze. “No, Robin. I told you, I’m going to help. Being a part of the family business requires my name, not my brains. I show up for a meeting here or there. That’s it. I have no purpose. If I could get away with skimming money to help the people you take care of, I would. You can’t keep flying solo, Robin. Sooner or later it’s going to catch up to you.” She absorbed his words, hating that he was right. Mary helped drive the getaway car from time to time, and was the occasional decoy. With the robberies becoming more frequent, she needed a partner. Time to put him to the test.

  “I have a lead I’m going to check out tonight. We had a report come through that a very rare art collection has been purchased by one of Seattle’s founding families.” Since there are only three left, it wasn’t rocket science, narrowing it down to the mayor himself. Edward Nottingham took his position as the mayor of their city as all of his ancestors before him. They had an election, but as the entire population knew, it was total bogus horseshit. If her plan went the way she hoped, the overtaxing prick would get a taste of his own handiwork.

  “Shit, Robin. You’re serious?”

  “As a heart attack.” John paced a few steps back and forth, rubbing his chin with his index finger and thumb. After a brief pause, he nodded.

  “This could be a make it or break it heist. Either we get the message through that he lowers taxes and stops stripping the general population, or we get caught and the lesson is turned against us. We can’t rush into this one, Robin. One mistake and there is no doubt he will see to it that we rot in a maximum security prison for triple the normal sentence.” He loved how enthusiastic and genuine she was about making a difference, but the idea of harm coming to her made his gut twist in knots. He was finally getting a chance with the one woman he had been in love with for over half of his life. There was no way in hell he could lose her now, not after all these years.

  Robin waved him off with a flick of her wrist. “Don’t be so dramatic. I won’t get caught. If you’re afraid, I’m not making you. Either way, I’m getting revenge on that succubant asshole.”

  “What kind of art are we talking about?”

  “The Portrait de l’Artiste sans Barbe.” Her mouth curved up into a wicked grin. John’s jaw hit the floor.

  “As in, Van Gogh?” He swore his heart stopped. Robin slowly nodded, walking up in front of him, taking his hands in hers. “Fuck! Robin… Do you have any idea how much that painting is worth?”

  “Actually, I do. The last publicized listing price at auction was said to be over seventy-one and a half million dollars. This will change everything.”

  “Yeah, it will.” He huffed a deep breath out of his inflated cheeks, still lost in a state of shock. “What’s the plan?” As dangerous as it was, she had a point. It was time to take a stand aga
inst the man who had destroyed their city without a shred of compassion for those who were caught in the crosshairs. His riches were the fruit of other’s hard labor.

  “Tonight, we go to observe and take notes. We have a lot of recon to do before his shiny new picture arrives in two months.”

  “So that’s it? A few nights of watching before we walk out the front door lugging a century and a half old priceless piece of art?” Disbelief peppered his words.

  Robin rolled her eyes over dramatically. “And this is why I work alone. No, Einstein, there is a complex process that involves a more complex system. We watch. We research: blue prints, security companies, phone bills. You get the picture. Then, we observe his schedule. Where he goes, what he eats, that kind of thing. The one thing besides money all of these rich bastards have in common is routine. Lastly, we plan. And re-plan. And plan again. I won’t go in without at least five different backup escape routes.”

  “How are you getting the supplies you need without drawing a huge red circle around your name for the cops?”

  Robin shook her head. If he wanted to help, fine. Her suppliers and resources were confidential. “That’s on a need to know basis.”

  John’s features twisted sarcastically. “And, I don’t need to know. Got it.”

  “Glad to see you’re catching up. Can you meet me back here at dusk?”

  “Yep. I have a few meetings today, but after that, I’m free. It’ll give me time to do a perimeter check to make sure there aren’t any more rent-a-pigs watching your apartment. Just shoot me a text when you are on your way?” His eyes danced flirtatiously over her, heating her core and sending a chill up the back of her neck. Damn, he was sexy.

  “I…um, you’re number. I need your number.” Way to keep it cool, Robin.

  Like the gentleman he was, only the small smile that twerked up the corners of his mouth gave his satisfaction away. He knew he got to her. She knew he got to her. So, now what?


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