A Hunted Man (The Men of Halfway House)

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A Hunted Man (The Men of Halfway House) Page 23

by Reese, Jaime

  Hunter cringed. "He's older than he looks."

  Aidan huffed one of his rare laughs. "I think you've developed a complex since your birthday. He's obviously crazy about you."

  Hunter eased back into the seat and smiled. "He's a great guy who's been dealt a shitty hand."

  "I did some poking around. You do realize some of this shitty hand he's been dealt is going to rub off on you, right?"

  Hunter rested his head back and sighed. His friend knew him well enough to know he'd do anything for Cam if the situation called for it. "Yeah, I know. I accepted the consequences the moment I set foot in the halfway house to see him. At the end of all this, I really can't see myself doing this anymore anyway."

  "Have you thought about what you want to do?"

  "That seems to be the question of the day." He laughed sardonically then told Aidan about his meeting with the mayor earlier that day. "So I'm thinking when all this is over, I'll take the money I've been stashing for years, retire, and go fishing or something."

  "That's what old people do."

  "Fuck you."

  Aidan chuckled as he looked over to the house.

  "Let's take turns, one of us naps while the other is on watch then we switch off. No sense in both of us missing out on some sleep," Hunter suggested.

  "I call dibs on the first sleep shift." Aidan adjusted his seat back and closed his eyes.

  "Damn, man, at least give me a chance to respond," Hunter grumbled.

  "You're too slow at your age," Aidan said with a hint of a smile.

  "Fuck you."

  * * * *

  "Heads up!" Hunter nudged Aidan's shoulder to wake him.

  "What is it?" Aidan asked, immediately alert.

  "A car just pulled up over there," Hunter said as he pointed to the back of the house.

  Aidan looked at his watch. "It's two in the morning." He grabbed the camera with the telephoto lens from his bag as another car pulled up the side of the house.

  "The mayor just drove up." Aidan clicked shots of the man who exited the third vehicle.

  Hunter shifted his view and confirmed the man who had arrived was Frank. "What the fuck is going on here?"

  "It looks like a meeting, it's too perfectly timed. Can you make out any of the other three people?" Aidan asked.

  "Not with this shit," he said, handing over the binoculars. "Is this police issued? We should have brought our service ones. Give me the camera."

  Aidan handed over the camera and took the binoculars. "Anything you see, you click a shot, we can figure things out later when we see it on the monitor."

  One of the people took out a paper and waved it to the others. The larger figure then corralled everyone into the house.


  "What?" Aidan said.

  Hunter clicked a series of images as the other three people entered the house.

  "What is it?"

  "Hold on, I need a second look to be sure," he said, patiently waiting for the people to become visible again.

  After a few moments, the four individuals emerged from the house. Hunter continued to click off more photos.

  "That was quick and it looks like they're pissed," Hunter said, observing the stabbing hand gestures of one of the smaller shadows toward one of the bulkier figures. He waited anxiously for them to enter the cars. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon."

  "Mayor's gone," Aidan announced as one of the vehicles drove away.

  "Bingo." Hunter clicked off the images he needed when the remaining three people were exposed by the interior car lights. He sighed, returned the camera to Aidan, then leaned back in his seat. The beginnings of one hell of a headache formed behind his eyes.

  "Talk to me. I know that we're fucked look. What did you see?"

  Hunter turned his head and saw Aidan reviewing the images in the camera's LCD display. He took the camera from him and fast forwarded to select the image where the faces were visible.

  "The large guy, that's Anthony Sprinter, he's one of the attorneys who defended Carlos Ortega in that case that got thrown out by Mackler. He's also one of the guys who was at the diner looking for Cam that morning."

  Aidan's jaw muscles clenched. "You sure?"


  "Do you know the other two?"

  "Yeah," Hunter confirmed.

  "I think the pissed off guy poking Sprinter was probably one of the bosses—if not the boss," Aidan assessed.

  "That's what I'm afraid of."

  "Why?" Aidan asked, still scanning the images.

  "If that's the case, then his name is Rick."

  "How do you know him?"

  "Because the person next to him, holding his hand, is Mel."

  Cameron was having breakfast in the kitchen with Matt and Julian before heading into the diner. Luke's girlfriend had picked him up early at the halfway house to take him to work and Cole was on another job interview.

  He heard a knock at the rear door that startled a jump in response.

  "Stay here," Julian instructed as he walked to the back of the house.

  Moments later, Hunter joined them in the kitchen. Hunter immediately pulled him into an embrace, his shaky breath warming Cam's ear.

  Cam tightened his hold on him. "You look tired, you okay?"

  Hunter shook his head as he released Cam. "We've got a problem."

  "What's going on?" Julian asked.

  "The shit is a bit deeper than I think any of us had guessed."

  "Who's involved?" Matt asked.


  "Hunter?" Julian asked, prompting him to continue.

  Cam wrapped his arm around Hunter's waist to offer the same support he'd received from this man on several occasions.

  Hunter looked to Cam and cupped his face as he delivered a gentle kiss. "I need you to sit down for this."

  After grabbing one of the chairs and taking a seat next to Cam, Hunter let out a long sigh then told them about the meeting with the mayor and the career bribe. After another pause, he finally revealed who he and Aidan had seen last night at the house.

  Cameron reached out and placed his hand behind Hunter's neck. "I'm sorry."

  "Don't be, I just need you to hang in there. Julian, I need you to be extra vigilant the next few days."

  "What else is going on outside of this clusterfuck?" Julian asked.

  Hunter looked over to Cam and grabbed his hand. Cam entwined his fingers into Hunter's and squeezed tighter, the worry in Hunter's eyes triggering his pulse to speed.

  "Seems they're not happy about Cam's early release."

  "I figured they didn't want me getting out early," Cam said, perplexed.

  Hunter held Cam's gaze steadily. "The plan was for you to not get out at all."

  Cam tried to put up a strong front but he was slipping. "What do you mean?" he asked quietly.

  Hunter squeezed his hand tighter. "They're scared of what you know. They haven't been able to find where you're staying, but I'm guessing that's just a matter of time at this point since they know where you work."

  "Everything is running a little slow," Matt clarified. "Cam's record was just updated with employment information, but this house is still not showing. I'm guessing it's because it's so new we're still not coming up in the search results in the BOP housing system. Sam had a hell of a time getting the guys scheduled to come here."

  "Let's work on the assumption that they know since he got the job the day after getting here. Matt, you don't accept any deliveries from anyone. Have them leave that shit outside. No government staff unless there's an appointment. I don't care who it is, no one."

  Matt instantly nodded at Julian's instructions.

  Cam wasn't sure when or if any additional discussions happened after that point. The voices around him began to fade into a hum. All he remembered was Matt and Julian leaving the kitchen.

  He was still in a daze when Hunter pulled him up from the chair. "Hey, you're going to be fine."

  Cam's head was spinning, still trying to pro
cess all the information. His arms instinctively found their way around Hunter's shoulders for support.

  Hunter whispered in his ear. "I'm not giving up on you. I just need you to hang in there. Besides, we've got another weekend coming up," he finished in a more playful tone.

  Cam rested his head on Hunter's shoulder and sighed. "That's what's gotten me through most of this week," he finished with a smile as he withdrew.

  Hunter held him closely and gently placed a kiss on his lips. He searched Cameron's face, the worry still etched in his expression.

  "It feels as if I've been fighting for so long, I just get tired of it, you know?" He smiled weakly. "I'll be okay."

  Hunter rubbed Cam's cheek with his thumb. "I know you will. You're tougher than you know and a lot tougher than they expected you to be. Just a little while longer and this will be all over."

  "You think so?" he asked hopefully.

  Hunter chuckled. "It better. I think I've gotten a gray hair or two in the last few weeks so we've got to wrap this up before you start to think I'm getting too old for you."

  "I don't think you're old," Cam smiled. "Sir."

  As expected, the color began to creep into Hunter's face.

  Cam's smile grew and he pulled Hunter in for a quick kiss. Hunter's hands spread around his waist to the small of his back.

  Cam brushed his cheek against the side of Hunter's neck and inhaled the scent he had come to associate with peace and safety. He let Hunter's heat and strength envelop him in a protective shell. He leaned into Hunter and closed his eyes, enjoying the last few moments before Hunter left.

  * * * *

  Cam heard a faint noise. He sprang from the bed and neared the doorway to listen more closely. He quietly opened the door to find a barefoot Julian in the hallway wearing his sleep pants with a bat in hand. He looked over to Cam and signaled him to go to Cole's room. Cam shook his head with determination, willing to stay and fight if needed. Julian gave him a piercing stare, pointed the bat at him, and then pointed the bat at Cole's room, not leaving any room for discussion.

  Cam knew this look in Julian. It was pointless to argue. He made his way quietly to Cole's room.

  "I want to help Julian," Cole complained in a hushed tone as Matt spoke to the police on the phone.

  "Shut the hell up," Luke said.

  Cam shushed them both and listened for any noises in the hallway. One thing he'd learned about fights was the value of the element of surprise. With a stampede of guys, it was too easy to reveal where they were. He peered out of Cole's room into the hallway. He saw Julian slowly take a few steps forward and look between the balusters of the stairwell. Then, within seconds, Julian jumped over the railing and a fight broke out. Cam immediately sprinted out of the room with the others following closely behind.

  He was able to make it downstairs within seconds to find Julian lifting a screaming, large man by the throat with the bat. Even though the man was both tall and wide, Julian held him up off the floor where the man was practically on his tippy toes to avoid choking.

  A small trickle of blood stained Julian's temple.

  Cam looked over and saw the gun thrown on the floor.

  Julian looked at him and followed his line of sight. "Don't touch that," he said firmly.

  Cam nodded then ran to the back closet and grabbed the sledgehammer he'd used to break the concrete out back. When he reappeared, sledgehammer in hand, Julian arched an eyebrow.

  Julian looked back at the man he was holding against the wall and sneered in his face. "You know, if you think you can get through me, you're still going to have to get through him. And he's not too happy right now that you guys keep fucking with him."

  The big guy looked over to Cam and smiled. His face reddened and strained. "Hi, Ken. You're prettier than I remember."

  A wave of rage surged in Cam. Everything dimmed except the pounding in his ears and the son of a bitch who had just spoken. A veil of red blinded him and launched him forward with the sledgehammer in hand.

  A force pulled him by the waist and threw him to the ground. His limbs were stretched and held. His vision still blurred from the anger.

  Just like before…when the guards held me down to beat me.

  "Get off me!" Cam struggled to break free. His neck corded with the yell. His veins were ready to burst. He writhed, pushed, pulled. It was useless. He yelled again and grunted, forcing his weight against the hold on him.

  "Cameron!" Julian yelled. "Snap out of it!"

  His face was slapped. His chin gripped tightly. "Dude, snap out of it."

  Cameron's chest heaved with each breath. His vision focused on mismatched eyes staring at him. "Get off me," Cam yelled at Cole who straddled his chest. His face heated and the thumping in his head needed release. He pushed his head back to see Luke pinning his hands. "Let go of me, right fuckin' now!"

  "You want to go back inside for this piece of shit? I don't think so. Chill, man. Julian's got this," Luke said, tightening his hold on Cam's wrists.

  "Aidan's on his way." Matt knelt by Cam. "Cam, J has this guy and he's not going to let him go until Aidan gets here."

  Cam's gaze shifted from Matt to Cole. "Get the hell off me, now," he yelled again as he fought the tight wrestle-like hold Cole had on his body and legs.

  "Dude, I'm an Italian who was raised with big brothers. Stop fighting."

  The big guy managed to chuckle.

  Julian's muscles flexed as he pushed the bat deeper into the man's throat. "You're begging for me to break your other knee cap. Shut the fuck up," he warned through gritted teeth.

  Matt gently placed his hand on Cam's forearm drawing his attention. "Cam, please…you're safe here. I need you to try to calm down. I know you're angry, but don't let this guy screw up all the progress you've made."

  Cam looked up at Matt and saw the concern. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his breathing. His mind drifted to Hunter, his touch, the sound of his voice. He imagined Hunter's fingers at the base of his spine, caressing him with his fingertips. His breathing began to level and his pulse began to slow to a normal rate. He took a deep breath then opened his eyes to look over at Julian. Yeah, he's got it under control.

  "Guys, please let me go." He looked up at Luke.

  Luke peered at him for a second, nodded, and then freed Cam's wrists.

  Cole looked at him. After assessing him, he finally released his grip and slowly stood then reached out a hand to help Cam stand.

  Cam took the offered hand and stood. He rubbed his wrists and flexed his fingers, trying to get some feeling back into them. Damn Luke was a brute bear. He looked over to the man who was reddening under Julian's bat-lock hold. The same man he had seen at the house that night. The same man who had reported back about seeing Brad's boyfriend and ultimately affected almost a third of his life. He closed his eyes, bent over, and rested his hands on his knees. He took a few deep breaths and tried to control the anger that threatened to take over again.

  His thoughts returned to Hunter, and how this could potentially be another step closer to ending all this bullshit. Being together with Hunter, alone, without all this drama…that was enough to bring him to the point of serenity. He opened his eyes and found himself more relaxed. He straightened and took a deep breath.

  "You think this is all—"

  "Shut the fuck up, asshole," Cole said, stuffing the sock he had just removed from his foot into the goon's mouth. "I've got another one ready if you think you can talk through that."

  Cam gave Cole a wry grin. Cole grabbed the sledgehammer off the floor and stood quietly next to Julian's left side while Luke stood on his right holding a PVC pipe. They guarded him like watch dogs, waiting for their command to attack.

  These guys were there for him and had the situation under control. Cam did what he had never felt comfortable doing…he turned his back and walked away.

  Matt followed him into the kitchen and silently started a fresh pot of coffee. Cam pulled out a chair and took a seat. He
crossed his arms on the table then hunched over to rest his chin on them.

  He didn't move from this position until Aidan arrived at the scene about five minutes later.

  "You okay?" Aidan asked, taking a seat next to him.

  Cam nodded, still resting his chin on his crossed arms.

  "I called Hunter on the way here. He should be arriving any minute."

  Cam nodded again, not saying a word.

  Aidan patted him on the shoulder then returned to the living room to rejoin the police officers who had arrived.

  Moments later, Hunter raced into the kitchen. "Cam?" he asked with the worry crease evident between his brows.

  Cam slowly stood. "I'm okay."

  Hunter took the few steps to reach him and scooped him up, almost lifting him off his feet into one of the tightest embraces Cam had ever felt. He wrapped his arms around Hunter's shoulders and simply held on. Cam didn't panic, he wasn't freaking out, he wasn't dazed. Clearer than he had been for some time, he realized that, finally, he had a few people around him who cared. For the first time, he thought maybe there would be a life for him after all this was over.

  Hunter's body shook in his arms. He tightened his hold on Hunter. He couldn't remember what life was like when he didn't have to look over his shoulder every moment. But somehow, hope had bloomed within him that it was a possibility, and it was simply because of this man who held him so tightly.

  Hunter loosened his hold on Cam and searched his face.

  Cam smiled and stroked Hunter's cheek. "I'm okay and I'm hanging in there. How about you do the same?"

  Hunter exhaled and chuckled. "You never cease to amaze me."

  Cam's smile grew even more as he reached for Hunter again. He tightened his hold on this man, never wanting to let him go.

  * * * *

  "You're good for him, you know," Matt casually said, walking up to Hunter.

  "He's good for me, too," Hunter responded, intently watching Cam as he spoke with the police about the break-in. "I just want to see him happy and at peace."

  Matt looked at Hunter appraisingly. "As long as you're a part of that, I think he can be." He patted Hunter on the shoulder then walked off to sit with Julian who was still being interviewed by another officer.


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