A Hunted Man (The Men of Halfway House)

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A Hunted Man (The Men of Halfway House) Page 24

by Reese, Jaime

  Hunter stayed with Cam until the police finished their questioning. He'd occasionally observe him as he answered each question, checking his tone of voice, body language, gestures. Hunter didn't detect any panic or worry. Cam was composed and responded to each question as thoroughly as possible without letting his emotions take control.

  Hunter was a strong man, but didn't know if he could live life completely isolated from friends and family and always on guard. It was the kind of thing that totally screwed with a person's head. He remembered one of the many times he went on a mission with a skeleton crew, isolated for twelve weeks in a foreign country with no contact outside of his small team—always on guard, watching over his shoulder, their shoulders. Adrenaline would pump in his body at will, endlessly, keeping him focused, in charge. His leadership never wavered, his steadiness never in question. He did what he had to do to protect his crew, but the undercurrent of fear and panic wore away at him. When he returned home, the slightest sound or quick movement would set him off balance, push him into a tailspin of anxiety and dread. He hated the loss of control, which ultimately drove him to leave the service after eight years.

  He didn't know how Cam was able to maintain his sanity and handle this for almost a decade.

  He reached out and grabbed Cam's hand. Fingers entwined, he didn't care about the looks of the remaining police officers in the room. He needed the contact. To know Cam was still with him and to let Cam know he was there for him.

  Cam responded to the questions without chancing a look at Hunter. He squeezed Hunter's hand in acknowledgement.

  Hunter sat quietly for the remaining ten minutes of questioning until the last officer left.

  "Thanks," Cam said.

  "I didn't do anything." Hunter raised their clasped hands and kissed Cam's knuckles.

  Cam smiled. "For that. For knowing exactly when I needed you." He leaned into Hunter and pressed his nose against the crook of Hunter's neck.

  Hunter chuckled and wrapped his arm around Cam's shoulder. "I just wanted to hold your hand. I'm not psychic or anything like that."

  "Just take a damn compliment. You're my hero so you're just going to have to deal with it."

  Hunter smiled, kissed Cam's forehead then tugged him closer.

  "That's it, everyone's gone," Matt said after closing the back door behind the last of the investigators.

  "Well, that's my cue to leave." Hunter looked at his watch before standing. He'd be lucky to get a few hours' sleep before heading into the office in the morning.

  "Do I go to work tomorrow as if nothing happened?" Cam looked at Hunter expectantly.

  "Yeah, don't raise any additional red flags. I'll pick you up at five from here after work."

  "Is that still okay?" Cam asked Matt.

  "I've got you guys already set up with the weekend pass before all this happened. Besides, you're still local so this shouldn't be an issue," Matt said.

  Cam sighed and smiled at Hunter.

  "C'mon, kid. Get your ass upstairs," Luke said as he herded Cole up the stairs.

  "Hunter, I want a ride in that baby one of these days," Cole yelled before disappearing.

  "I swear that guy is obsessed with my car," Hunter said before wrapping his arms around Cam from behind.

  "You have no idea," Cam said with a chuckle.

  "We're heading off to bed. Cam, lock up, okay?" Matt asked with a yawn as Julian guided him up the stairs.

  "No problem, and hey, Julian?"

  Julian stopped midway and looked over to Cam.


  Julian half smiled in response before nudging Matt up the remaining steps.

  Cam rubbed Hunter's arms and pulled on the blue bracelet.

  "Don't pick at it," Hunter said, kissing Cam's cheek.

  Cam looked up and over his shoulder. "I can't believe you never take it off."

  "I like it. It reminds me of you."

  "Cheap, ragged, and twisted."

  Hunter turned Cam in his arms. "Unique and thoughtful."

  "You're reading too much into it." Cam wrapped his arms around Hunter's neck and rested his head on Hunter's shoulder.

  "Bullshit. You're an undercover romantic, admit it."

  "Shh. I'm trying to have a moment here before you leave. Don't ruin it," Cam said. Hunter could swear he heard the words said through a smile.

  Hunter loved to tease Cam but secretly craved the day when Cam would just open up and voice his emotions. He lost his train of thought as Cam alternated between kisses and bites along Hunter's jaw.

  "Mmm. I might not want to leave if you keep doing that," Hunter said.

  "Might? Shit, we're out of the honeymoon phase already?"

  Cam's throaty laugh, the soft kisses, the gentle bites, and…oh fuck…the lick up the side of his neck, were wreaking havoc on Hunter's control.

  "Promise me something," Cam said.


  "We'll do some wall slamming tomorrow night," Cam said as he continued his torture.

  "You keep this up I won't make it to a wall."

  Cam placed a last kiss on Hunter's lips before retreating. "Then I guess I'll stop…for now," he finished with a wicked grin.

  "Evil man."

  Hunter didn't see the usual tells and quick shifts in expressions to indicate Cam was freaking out. He couldn't imagine Cam had been unscathed after what had happened. "You sure you're okay?"

  Cam shrugged and quieted for a few moments. He bit his lower lip and shuffled his feet. "I lost it earlier."

  "Panic attack?"

  Cam ducked his head.

  Hunter cupped Cam's face and gave him a gentle kiss. "Are you okay now?"

  Cam nodded. "I thought of you. That kinda grounded me."

  Hunter's chest tightened and his breath caught in his throat. "You thought of me?" he said with a grin.

  Cam shook his finger at him. "Don't get sappy on me. You need to go and get some sleep before work so you're well-rested for our weekend." He waggled his eyebrows.

  Hunter laughed. "You too, lock the door behind me."

  "Yes, sir."

  The heat spread across Hunter's face. He looked at Cam from the corner of his eye, knowing he'd see a smiling Cam waiting for his reaction.

  "I'll see you later."

  Yup. Wall slamming weekend was definitely in order just to prove he wasn't an old fart after all.

  This was pure bliss. Cam would forgo the sunrise in the morning for a repeat of this. Waking in Hunter's bed, encased in his protective embrace with their legs tangled. Cam took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he gently rubbed the arms that held him. He exhaled and nestled a little closer to the warm, hard chest against his back, wrapping his arms around Hunter's hold. He had never felt freer in his life.

  He had eagerly waited for Hunter to pick him up at exactly five in the afternoon the day before. They drove to his house for their weekend getaway, but after only one quick romp on the couch immediately after entering the home, they crashed. He was exhausted, they both were. The stress and anxiety of it all coupled with the lack of sleep finally wore him down. Cam couldn't even remember making it to the bedroom.

  "Good morning," Hunter mumbled, in a still sleepy voice.



  "Not yet," Cam answered, turning in the embrace then resting his head on Hunter's chest. He softly stroked the sprinkle of hair. "Can we just stay like this for a bit?"

  Hunter tightened his hold on Cam and grunted an approval before drifting off again.

  They woke mid-afternoon and decided to stay in for the weekend. They ordered pizza and managed to squeeze themselves on the couch together for hours as they watched movies Cam had missed during his time inside—a movie marathon with plenty of exploratory intermissions. Cam loved the quiet time with Hunter. He could stay nestled between those strong legs with his head resting against the muscled chest all weekend. He was safe in Hunter's arms and with an inner peace he hadn't experienced before.
r />   Cam had lost count of how many movies they watched but knew he was too tired to watch another. They retreated to the bedroom and Cam eyed Hunter's desk area in the corner.

  "What are you thinking?" Hunter asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Cam bent his finger in a 'come here' motion.

  Hunter obviously didn't need to be asked twice. He immediately pulled off his sleep pants and placed them at the foot of the bed. Cam quickly removed his pants and threw them to the side.

  Hunter walked up to him and slowly snaked his arms around Cam's waist. "What's on your mind, Mr. Pierce?" Hunter said as he kissed Cam's jaw.

  That seductive way Hunter huskily whispered and slowed certain words always seemed to make him shiver. He couldn't think between the nibbles, licks, and kisses. Each brush against his skin left him craving more.

  They'd christened most areas of the house during their weekends, but Hunter's work area—desk, chair, and small sofa—had been almost sacred. He lured Hunter to the couch in the corner of the bedroom and pushed him down.

  Hunter landed on the couch with a bounce, looked up at him, smiled, and played along. Cam walked over to the dresser and grabbed the lube and condoms. He returned to Hunter and straddled him, resting his weight on Hunter's lap.

  "What are you up to, Mr. Pierce?"

  A shiver traveled Cam's body at the sound of Hunter's tone.

  A slow smile spread across Hunter's face.

  Fucking tease.

  "We haven't done it like this yet."

  "Did you want to switch it up?" Hunter asked.

  Cam dipped his head and traced Hunter's lips with the tip of his tongue. He retreated slowly then placed a few unhurried open-mouth kisses along Hunter's jawline, working his way up to Hunter's ear. "I like the way you feel inside me."

  Hunter moaned and turned his head to capture Cam's mouth. Cam gasped when the whisper graze of Hunter's fingers traveled his body, down his spine. He closed his eyes and arched into Hunter's touch. He wanted to extend this, enjoy every second of pleasure Hunter always gave him, but the need to have Hunter overpowered him. He dove down for a frenzied kiss when Hunter's slick fingers began to prepare him. The slight burn, the stretch, it was exactly what he needed yet not enough. He pushed back and dug his fingers into Hunter's hard-muscled shoulders and pulled him closer, demanding more.

  He ran his fingers up Hunter's neck into his hair and gripped tightly as he tried to steady the ravenous wave of desperation. He heard the rip of the packet and his pulse quickened with anticipation. Cam leaned forward and rested his forehead against Hunter's, trying to level his breathing.

  He heard the snap of the cap. A slight whimper escaped and his grip in Hunter's hair tightened. Hunter lifted him and pulled him forward.

  His heart beat madly.

  He couldn't wait anymore.

  He needed…wanted…

  He threw his head back and moaned, relishing the sensation when Hunter finally entered him.

  Hunter reached for him. Cam immediately grabbed Hunter's hands to stop him. He pushed the held hands above Hunter's head against the back of the couch. Cam watched Hunter's chest heave with each breath. He stared at Hunter and tried to telepath his desire, want, and need for him. Hunter closed his eyes and let out a moan as Cam sank deeper onto him. Hunter's head lolled to the side, his eyes lazily opened in a drunken stare.

  Cam entwined his fingers with Hunter's and reached down for another kiss as he slowed the pace, pushing back, binding them closer, inch by inch. The muscles of his thighs burned from the forced tension as he moved slowly, sinuously, enjoying the rise and fall and fullness of Hunter filling him.

  Hunter gasped and arched his body as he squeezed their hands tighter. He bit his lower lip and pushed his head back farther into the couch.

  Cameron latched onto Hunter's neck and licked, kissed, and sucked, renewing one of his marks that dared to fade this past week. He continued to tug and pull at the sensitive skin until Hunter hissed under the pressure.

  "I'm close," Hunter said, spellbound, his pupils dilated and his eyes colored in that shade of molten silver Cam loved so much.

  "Wait for me," Cam commanded. He slowed the pace, wanting to extend their lovemaking as much as possible.

  Hunter groaned with each slow grind. He could see the tension in Hunter, obvious restraint in every inch of his body. He heard a low rumble escape Hunter like the growl of a predator, the sound further igniting Cam's desire.

  He released their hands and sat up. He grabbed Hunter's thighs as sparks of white light invaded his now blurred vision. Shocks of electricity began to travel up his spine and spread through his body—every muscle hypersensitive to the slightest movement, to the barest touch.

  He wouldn't last long.

  "Finish us off," he said weakly, unable to control the shudders that began to ripple within.

  Hunter straightened and took control. He grabbed Cam's hips and bucked up repeatedly, unleashing the desire he had kept restrained. Cam was numb to everything but the feeling of Hunter inside him, the friction of his skin, the pressure of the grip on his hips. The spring that had coiled in his body finally snapped with one last powerful thrust and pushed him off the ledge. He gave in to each shudder and every pulse until he finally heard Hunter reach his peak.

  Strong arms pulled Cam down moments later. He fell onto Hunter, still straddling him. He rested his head on Hunter's shoulder. Their shaky breaths mingled, their bodies quivered. Hunter held him tight until their breathing settled to their usual rhythm.

  Cam smiled when Hunter's fingers trailed along the curve of his back until they reached the dip. The soothing circular patterns he traced on his skin always felt like an intimate caress. He sighed, his body melting onto Hunter's.

  "I like this couch," Cam mumbled against Hunter's neck.

  Hunter chuckled. "I think you like being in control."

  "Sometimes," he said absently. "Does that bother you?"

  "Not in the least. I like everything you do to me."

  Cam stroked a single finger along Hunter's neck, smiling as he circled the mark he had renewed on him. "So if I wanted to blindfold you, make you beg, and have you at my mercy while I bend you over your desk—"

  "I trust you. If I'm going to let anyone top me, it's you. No one's ever dared manhandle me the way you do and I fucking love it." Hunter nuzzled Cam's cheek and kissed him below the ear.

  A chill traveled Cam's body. "Even though I've got you all bruised and marked," Cam said. He looked at Hunter and stroked a teasing finger along Hunter's full lips.

  Hunter grabbed his exploratory finger and gave Cam a fierce glare. "I'm game for anything as long as it's you and only you. I don't fucking share."

  Cam groaned as he delivered a lazy kiss. He was possessive of Hunter and tried not to linger on the reasons why but was happy to hear the territorial streak ran both ways. He sighed with contentment, glad to stay exactly where he was, brushing his lips against Hunter's and tracing each slope and curve, enjoying each twitch of Hunter's muscles under his touch.

  Hunter wrapped his arms around Cam tightly and rose from the couch, taking Cam with him. He encircled his arms around Hunter's neck, never wanting to let go. He rested his head on Hunter's shoulder as he was hauled to the bed. The exhaustion overtook his body when he pressed against the soft mattress.

  "I'll be right back," he heard Hunter say in a hushed tone.

  A cool towel gently pressed against his skin before he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.

  "Where are you going?" Hunter mumbled as he reached for Cam.

  "I'm going to get something to drink, I'm thirsty as hell. Go back to sleep," he said, finally freeing himself from Hunter's hold. He loved how Hunter always seemed to have either an arm or a leg wrapped around him to keep him close in bed.

  "I'll be right back." He grabbed the sleep pants at the foot of the bed.

  Hunter groaned then shifted before settling back to sleep.

  Cameron quietly s
hut the door when he walked out of the room. He knew his way around Hunter's place and exactly how many steps were needed in between rooms to avoid stubbing a toe. He walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He scanned the contents then decided on the juice at the back of the shelf. He closed the door and saw the looming shadow of a man waiting in the darkness.

  He grabbed Cam by the throat with one hand and the bottle of juice in the other. The large man casually placed the bottle on the counter as he effortlessly held Cam by the throat. With his other hand now free, the man grabbed Cam's throat with twice the force. Cam reached for the grip around his neck and desperately clawed at the hands and fingers. His face burned and his vision began to blur. He kicked viciously when he was lifted off the ground, held only by the suffocating hold.

  Save Hunter.

  His heart raced, and he kicked, punched, and thrashed, trying to break free. The grip on his neck tightened and the heat and pressure in his face intensified. He had to fight, he had to break free.



  Save Hunter.

  He gasped. He couldn't breathe. He could barely see.

  His hands were roughly tied behind his back while another shadow taped his mouth. The tape would have stopped any screams if the suffocating pressure at his throat hadn't.

  The breath-stealing grip around his neck stopped. The hold on his arms held him up as his body slumped.

  "You're a little fucking troublemaker," the large man in front of him growled once he released Cam.

  "Be quiet, Joe," the man behind him whispered with commanding authority. "Grab his feet."

  Additional figures emerged from darkness like an army of ants. They came from the dining area off to the side and around back. They hid well in the shadows in their dark clothing and moved around silently with practiced barely-there shifts in movement.

  Save Hunter.

  His heart raced as panic surged throughout his body, awakening his limbs. He fought the hold on his arms. He didn't care what happened to him. Hunter. Warn him, get to him, protect him, and make sure nothing happened to Hunter were the only things that mattered.


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