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A Hunted Man (The Men of Halfway House)

Page 29

by Reese, Jaime

  He was in his, as Aidan had coined during the service, itchy and twitchy mode. His senses were heightened and he was jittery. The faint creaking of his chair echoed loudly like an opening door in a horror movie, the hum of the chatter outside his office sounded as if he were in the middle of a screaming crowd, and the honking horns of the outside traffic were trumpets blowing in his ear. He opened his eyes and took a deep breath. This was how he had been after quitting the service. In the field, acute senses made the difference between life and death, but in everyday life, it could drive someone to madness.

  His phone chirped, and he nearly fell out of his chair from the reflexive jump. "Fuck," he said, aggravated with himself. God help the poor bastard who attempted to attack him in this state. He was more than capable of snapping someone's head off with the level of energy charging through his body. What the fuck was he thinking when he had promised to carry his gun on him. He was dangerous in this state of mind and with an itchy trigger finger. He blew out a frustrated breath and ran his fingers through his hair.

  He looked at the display and smiled.

  Hoping you're OK. – C

  He immediately responded…

  Need 2 see u

  For some reason, the keys were especially tiny today and he couldn't seem to settle his fingers enough to type more.

  Hunter quickly launched from his chair when he received Cam's response…

  Come on over.

  "Jess, I'll be back in a few minutes," he said in passing as he raced by his assistant's desk.

  He arrived at the diner in record time and stood in line behind several customers. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, waiting to catch a glimpse of Cameron. Lucy saw him, whispered something to Bill then walked around the counter to where Hunter stood.

  "We were worried about you." She reached up and placed her hands on his face and gently rubbed his cheeks with her thumbs.

  Hunter nearly broken down from that simple gesture, the same his mother always seemed to do when he'd come home from a tour of duty.

  "Sweetie, come to the back room. Cam is sorting a supply delivery."

  He didn't need to be told twice. He didn't trust himself to speak, so he nodded and headed to the back room. Arriving within seconds, he saw Cam reaching over, placing one of the boxes in the storage closet. Cam immediately turned and barely had a chance to react before Hunter reached him and lifted him off the ground in a bone-crushing embrace.

  Hunter released a shaky breath and held Cam even tighter. He rested his head in the crook of Cam's neck and inhaled deeply the soothing scent of the man he desperately needed. Cam wrapped his legs around Hunter's waist and tightened his arms around his neck.

  "You're shaking," Cam said, muffled against Hunter's neck.

  Hunter shifted a hand below Cam's ass to hold him in the carrying embrace. He didn't want to say anything, he just needed to hold Cam and know he was safe and near him.

  Cam stroked the back of Hunter's head. "I'm okay."

  After a few moments of silence, Cam inched back and cupped Hunter's face to make eye contact. He gently stroked Hunter's bruised cheeks. "I'm okay," Cam repeated.

  Hunter rested his forehead against Cam's. His body began to settle. His skin no longer itched like a drug addict looking for a fix. The exterior sounds of the cash register opening and closing no longer sounded like crashing cymbals in his ear.

  "You know, you can put me down anytime you want," Cam said with a teasing smile.

  "Not yet," Hunter said in a gravelly voice. He didn't want to let Cam go, ever, but at least needed to wait until his body was semi normal again. He held him tighter and returned to the crook of Cam's neck to deliver a ghost of a kiss.

  "I needed this," Hunter said quietly.

  Cam's arms tightened around him in response. They held each other for a few more moments until Hunter reluctantly set Cam down on the floor.

  "Sorry about that," Hunter mumbled.

  Cam reached up and firmly gripped Hunter's jaw. "Don't you ever apologize for that," he said with fire in his eyes. "Are we clear?"

  Hunter nodded and inhaled a shaky breath. He's fine. He's safe here.

  "Have you eaten anything? I'd offer you a coffee but I don't want you to spontaneously combust."

  Hunter chuckled. "I'm okay now. I grabbed something to eat when I left the courthouse."

  Cam searched his face, worry clearly evident in his lowered brow and tightened lips. "How about a cookie?" he asked slowly.

  Hunter couldn't control the burst of laughter.

  "What?" Cam said, laughing, his features relaxing.

  "For some reason, the way you said that sounded so twisted," he said with a smile, finally starting to return to his usual self.

  "'Cause you're a perv and I'm a cookie tease, I can't help myself," Cam said as he grabbed Hunter by the waist and pulled him closer.

  Hunter pushed the hair out of Cam's eyes. Cam reached up and placed a soft kiss on Hunter's lips.

  "I hate being away from you," Hunter said, running his hand along Cam's face then down his neck.

  "'Cause you're a helpless romantic underneath that growly strong-armed exterior."

  The heat rushed to Hunter's cheeks.

  "You're humble, too," Cam whispered as he leaned up to bite Hunter's ear. "And you're mine."

  Hunter closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm puffs of breath against his ear as Cam spoke. He couldn't control the groan that escaped as Cam continued to bite and kiss along his jaw. "Fuck, I can't wait for the weekend," he said on a moan.

  Cam chuckled.

  "You're a fucking cock tease."

  Cam smiled wickedly. "Oh, I can guarantee you I have no intention of teasing. I'll have my way with you this weekend."

  Hunter cupped Cam's face and gave him a chaste kiss.

  "Who's the tease now?" Cam retorted.

  Hunter smiled at the mischief in Cam's eyes, diverting his focus for a moment from the bruises coloring Cam's skin and the cuts still bandaged on his arms.

  "We're still on for the weekend right?" Cam asked.

  "Yup. I'm going to be busy this week so I might not be able to come around as much." Hunter pulled Cam into another embrace.

  "Is it anything I can help with? I get the feeling it has to do with me," Cam said, nuzzling closer to Hunter's neck.

  "I'm not sure yet. I've already asked my assistant, Jessie, for help. I don't even know what we're getting so I'm not sure if I can go through it at the office but I'm guessing it would be safer to do it at my house."

  "You do realize it's taking every ounce of energy right now to not freak out about this Jessie person, right? The woman you worked with mentioned him."

  "You have nothing to worry about. I'm yours."

  "It's not you I'm worried about. It's that Jessie dude," Cam said as he separated from the embrace to make eye contact with Hunter.

  "He's not my type. So don't worry. You're not going to have to pee in a circle around me," Hunter said with a grin.

  "Why is he not your type?" Cam said, firmly pulling Hunter by the waist until their bodies were flush against each other.

  Hunter groaned. "Because he can't do that," he said before delivering a heated kiss.

  Cam chuckled. "I think you're a glutton for punishment."

  "Only for you."

  Cam laughed and pushed Hunter out of the back room. "Text me in a little bit so I know you're okay."

  Hunter exited with a huge silly grin on his face. Lucy was wiping down a table and turned toward him, a look of relief washed over her features. Hunter walked over to her and engulfed her in a hug.

  "What was that for?" she asked, patting his back. When she withdrew, she had tears in her eyes and a huge smile.

  "Just for being you," Hunter said before giving her a peck on the cheek. "Thank you."

  He walked out of the diner still wearing the ridiculous grin on his face. The city sounds were now a tolerable hum, making him acutely aware of his surroundings but not enough t
o drive him to wear a white jacket.

  Those few minutes with Cam would hold him over for now.

  Hunter returned to the office a little calmer. When he arrived, he was greeted by a stack of red files on his desk. He turned and saw his assistant standing in the doorway.

  "That was fast," Hunter commented.

  Jessie shrugged casually with a smile. "I can be a charmer when I need to be."

  Hunter chuckled. "She just gave them to you?"

  "She's a bit distraught with everything going on. I, being the wonderfully supportive and humble public servant," he said in an overly dramatic tone with his hand on his chest, "offered to help and suggested I'd take care of any pending case files she had. She let me into Mel's office and I grabbed all the red files I saw plus a stack of regular ones so it wasn't too obvious. Easy peasy."

  Hunter smiled. "I would have just charged right in there."

  "Like a bull, I know. That's the phone, I'll be right back," he said before darting out of the office.

  Hunter looked at the stack of folders, easily totaling over fifty files in addition to the red files he had received over the course of eight months.

  He reached for his ringing office phone. "Yeah?"

  "It's the mayor's office on the line. Mr. Weston would like to speak with you," Jessie responded.

  The color drained from his face and his blood ran cold. "Put him through."

  "Mr. Donovan, how are you?" the mayor asked.

  "I'm fine, Frank," he said hesitantly, unsure of what the mayor actually knew.

  "I heard the report that you were attacked. I've been trying to get more information but everything is tighter than a frog's ass. Do you know who it was? Why they attacked you?" the mayor said with both urgency and desperation in his voice.

  "I don't have a clue. I was taken by surprise and the guy managed to get away. Mel wasn't so lucky."

  "Yes, I heard. It is truly a shame, such a young life. How are you holding up at the office?"

  "Trying to get caught up with the case work and seeing what else Mel had pending that needs attention."

  "Well, you shouldn't have to worry about that stuff. I'm sure most things can get rescheduled without much of a fight considering what you went through. You focus on getting better and taking it easy. It might be best to take a few days off and recover. It's not every day someone gets attacked and makes it out alive."

  "Thanks for your concern. You're right, it might be best if I took some time off," Hunter said. He could use the time to go through Lydia's information without worrying about the office.

  "It's more than concern, Hunter. You're next in line for a promotion. You just need to tell me which position you'd like. Mel's no longer with us, so your options just expanded a bit more."


  Hunter cringed. He hated being a hypocrite and dishing out so much bullshit. "Thanks, Frank. I'll let you know. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around Mel not being here, so I'll need some time."

  "Of course, of course. Anything you need, just give my office a call," he said before disconnecting the call.

  Hunter turned to his computer and entered his password to access his desktop. He logged in to the county court site to check the docket. Jessie entered his office just as Hunter had confirmed that Mackler was still scheduled for trial all week. Good, he hadn't fled.

  "This just arrived. It has my name on the delivery slip but it's got a file with your name on it," his assistant said as he handed over the envelope.

  "Hold on a sec," Hunter said as he opened the envelope to discover a single sheet of paper and a key. He read the few lines printed on the letter informing him of the basic organization used to sort the information, the address for the storage facility, and passcodes for entry.

  He looked up at his assistant who patiently waited.

  "Are you up for a field trip?"

  Hunter anxiously turned the corner only blocks away from the diner.

  "We really don't need a break," Jessie said from the passenger seat as he tried to stifle a yawn.

  They had spent hours going through paperwork and audio for the past three days. Jessie had nodded off at the table or had crashed in the guest room for short bursts but continued to work through the evening hours alongside Hunter. Aidan had helped bring the two stacks of boxes with documented telephone conversations, office memos, emails, and more from Lydia's storage room to Hunter's house and had helped in the evening hours each night, sneaking a few hours' sleep on Hunter's bedroom couch before going in to the station.

  "We're taking a break while Aidan supervises the crime scene cleanup crew at the house. Besides, I want you to meet someone."

  "Cameron?" Jessie asked with a smile.

  "Yup," Hunter said as they drove into the parking lot.

  They entered the diner and stood by the sandwich area. Hunter anxiously looked around, hoping to get a glimpse of Cam. Phone calls and texts just weren't enough.

  Hunter's phone chirped and he looked at the display to get an update from Aidan on the cleanup progress. The cleanup service he hired was working on getting the blood stains out of the living and bedroom flooring that wouldn't budge.

  "Is that him?" Jessie asked quietly with a gentle touch to Hunter's arm to get his attention.

  Hunter looked up and saw Cam exiting the back room and smiled. When Cam looked over and saw him, his eyebrows arched downward. He yanked off his apron and threw it on the table before stalking over to Hunter.

  Jessie visibly cringed and took a few steps back until he stood behind Hunter.

  The fire in Cam's eyes shot a jolt of lust through Hunter's body. He'd missed Cam, that fire, that territorial streak. His body itched for Cam's touch as he approached. He imagined this was what a helpless animal was like at the mercy of a lion, and he was damn ready for that type of attack.

  * * * *

  Cam tried to not think about the billion different ways he wanted to rip apart that smaller man who felt the need to touch Hunter. He was obviously terrified.


  And what the hell was Hunter thinking, bringing some guy into the diner and getting chummy with him. His blood ran so fucking hot he just wanted to grab Hunter, throw him over the counter, and completely, totally, absolutely claim him so it was unmistakable who Hunter belonged to.

  Hunter had this silly grin on his face as Cam approached.

  Cam reached Hunter, grabbed the back of his neck forcefully, and pulled him down for a branding kiss. Hunter moaned and reached for Cam's waist, pulling him flush against his body. Hunter broke the kiss, gasping for air.

  "Who the fuck is this?" Cam snarled at the small shaking man.

  Hunter worked his hand under Cam's shirt to his lower back and touched his skin in that rhythmic way he always did to soothe him. He didn't need soothing, he wanted to know who the fuck this guy was standing so damn close to his Hunter.

  "This is Jessie, my assistant." He then looked over his shoulder. "Jess, this is Cam," Hunter said with a smile.

  The color drained from Cam's face. He looked up at Hunter who still wore this silly grin.

  "I totally hate you right now. You could have warned me," Cam mumbled, trying to hide his face at the side of Hunter's neck.

  Hunter chuckled. "And miss this? No way."

  "Hi, Jessie," Cam finally said with a wave, his face still buried at the side of Hunter's neck.

  "Hi," Jessie said quietly, still standing behind Hunter.

  "I'm so sorry. Shit. I just wasn't thinking when I saw you walk in here with Hunter."

  Jessie's eyes rounded. "You thought me and Hunter—"

  "Sorry," Cam responded. He looked up to Hunter who wore an even wider smile. "I swear, if you don't wipe that grin off your face—"

  Hunter chuckled and kissed Cam's neck, cutting off his train of thought.

  Cam looked over to Bill. "Sorry," he mouthed to the older man. Bill simply waved him off and laughed.

  He was so going to rip into Hunter about this
later. "Have you guys eaten yet?" Cam asked.

  "Not yet. They're cleaning up the house so we figured we'd get a break and pick things up later on today," Hunter said with his arm still wrapped around Cam's waist.

  Cam nodded and looked over at Bill.

  "Son, I'm already on top of it," Bill responded then asked Jessie about his sandwich preferences. "Do you want some coffee to go with this?"

  "Or a latte," Hunter added. "Cam makes an awesome latte." He circled his fingers on Cam's lower back. Cameron leaned into the touch, enjoying the contact he had missed for the past few days.

  Jessie hesitantly looked over to Cam.

  Great, the guy probably thinks I'm going to poison him.

  "Um, okay," Jessie responded quietly.

  Cam nodded in response, gave Hunter a quick peck, then walked behind the counter area.

  As he heated the milk, he was still kicking himself in the ass about the way he had reacted. He seriously needed to get a grip on himself. Hunter wasn't going anywhere. He'd made that crystal clear, he just needed to let it sink in. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his shaking hands. There was no way in hell he would be able to make one of his designs if he wasn't a bit more steady.

  "Go ahead and take your break, hun," Lucy said.

  What the heck was he supposed to do? Sit with them and torture the poor man further? It was obvious the guy wasn't comfortable around him. "Nah, that's okay."

  Lucy placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sweetie, take your break. Hunter's obviously here to see you, and regardless of what happened, I'm sure he'd like to spend a little time with you while he's here. Besides, I think he rather enjoyed your protectiveness," she said with a shy smile.

  "Protectiveness?" Cam shook his head. "Lucy, I wouldn't call it that. It was embarrassing," he mumbled.

  Lucy rubbed a circle on his back. "It was an instinct to protect what the two of you have. I've known him for years, and never, ever, have I seen him this happy. Even with everything going on."

  "That's what he tells me," Cam said on a sigh.

  Lucy squeezed his shoulders in a half hug. "You haven't had it easy, sweetie. So I'm sure he understands why you get territorial. Besides," she inched a little closer and whispered, "I think he enjoys being the center of such devotion."


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