Since all units in the Macro society are multiples of 10, the next unit, called the Beta, is composed of 10 Alphas and consists of 100 members, 50 male and 50 female. These members also elect, annually, a leader, the Betar, to perform the same functions for this larger unit as the Alphar for the smaller unit. In case of a tie election, the leader of the next larger unit casts the tiebreaking vote.
The Beta occupies one whole floor, one hundred and fifty yards square, which contains the ten Alphas.
The next units in order of size are called the Gamma (10 Beta units or 1,000 persons), the Delta (10 Gamma units or 10,000 persons), and the Aton (10 Delta units or 100,000 persons). The leader of the Gamma, called the Gammar, is also elected annually. The leaders of the next two larger units, the Deltar and the Atar, are elected every three years in order to provide them with greater experience in these more responsible positions.
Each Gamma is housed in a building which is one hundred fifty yards square and twelve stories high: ten for the Betas, one for maintenance, and one divided into an auditorium, meeting rooms, and recreation area.
The Delta, which is composed of ten Gamma buildings, is arranged around a man‑made lake which is five miles long by two miles wide with an average depth of thirty feet. The ten Gamma buildings are spaced one mile apart on each side of the lake. At one end of the lake is a building devoted to administration and maintenance, while the central information computer and research center are housed in a building at the other end of the lake. All twelve buildings in the Delta are one hundred fifty yards square and have twelve floors. These buildings and the lake are at the center of a hundred‑square‑mile area of land divided into cultivated park and farmland called a Delta section.
The leaders of the next larger units, the Ztar, Ktar, Mutar, and Maxar, are elected every six years by the leaders of the next smaller units. For example, all Ktars, who are leaders of 10,000,000, are elected by 10 Atars and must have had experience in the positions of Atar and Ztar. The Maxar, as leader of 1,000,000,000 in a Maxon, must have served at least 21 years in the lesser positions of Atar, Ztar, Ktar, and Mutar, and he or she must have been selected four times by his peers as the wisest among them; 2150's Macro society population of 300 million has no Maxars.
When the Macro society was in its early stages the work life of its members was designed to permit and encourage personal evolution. To insure that work periods would not become micro unpleasant or be used as an escape from other self‑development tasks, all workers worked only six hours per day and only five days per week. A one‑week vacation was taken every three months by everyone fifteen years old or older.
Here in the middle of the 22nd century, the early work rules are no longer necessary, since high‑level Macro beings do not divide their lives into work and recreation. They realize that human creativity and productivity are best served by accepting the will of their higher selves. The results of this acceptance can now be seen in the Macro society which has produced the most creative and productive period in the history of this planet.
Since effective personal evolution is the paramount goal of the Macro society, all persons take whatever time they wish to work toward this goal after their formal education has been completed.
Formal education begins at birth and ends at the age of thirty, though informal learning is highly valued at all ages. These first thirty years are divided into ten triads of three years each. The first triad begins at birth and ends at the third birthday. The second triad begins on the third birthday and ends on the sixth birthday. Thus, the end of one triad is always the beginning of the next one. This reinforces the concept that the end of any experience is always the beginning of another.
Triads Age Experiences
While all educational triads provide experiences for love, exploration, and social interaction, the first two triads
receive special attention from ten elder brothers and sisters from the group 21 years of age or older.
Beginning in the 3rd triad, students elect their own Alphar. 3rd through 6th triad
Alphas have only one elder brother and sister from the 15‑to‑30 age group
Beginning in the 6th triad, students elect their own Betar and begin vocational training
7th through 10th triad Alphas have one elder
brother and sister from the 30‑and‑ over age
group, the wisest in the Macro society.
This triad system facilitates concentration on the‑developmental tasks occurring in the first thirty years (covered by the ten triads). It is especially designed to permit the older children within each triad to teach the younger ones. The older students improve their learning of lessons by demonstrating these lessons to the younger students. This also inculcates a strong sense of responsibility for self/others.
The first three years of life are very important in human development, since they contain the greatest number of critical learning periods. If the appropriate development task is not learned during its critical learning period, it will be more difficult to learn the task at a later time. For this reason only persons who have demonstrated outstanding patience, love, and wisdom qualify to work with the first triad children. Each newborn child is placed in an Alpha devoted to 1st triad children and is assigned five older brothers and five older sisters. These older persons will be most carefully selected from the 8th, 9th and 10th triads (twenty‑one to thirty) and from older age groups. One of the problems of micro parents has been the fatigue and frustration brought on by many hours and days of constant interaction with their children. To eliminate this problem, each older brother or sister, like other workers in the Macro society, spends an average of four hours daily on the job. They will rotate this time in order to equally experience both waking and sleeping periods in the child's life.
The second three years of life, from three to six years, is another very important learning period. Again, only those five older brothers and five older sisters who have demonstrated outstanding patience, love, and wisdom will be assigned to each child of this second triad. Older brothers and sisters always work with the triad level they are personally best equipped to work with. The minimum age limit for these second triad candidates is 21. Those who are gifted with exceptional ability in working with these younger children will have an opportunity to practice and demonstrate this ability. Those who have demonstrated outstanding patience, love, and wisdom with the second triad children will go on to work with the first triad, if they prove effective there.
In the third and fourth triad each pair of Alpha mates is assigned an older brother and sister who are also Alpha mates. These older brothers and sisters will be assigned from the sixth through tenth triads.
Members of the third through sixth triads are also assigned Personal Evolution tutors who have specialized in tutoring children from these triads. Because of constant interaction and acceptance, there is no generation gap. All students experience at least five hours of P. E. tutoring per week. This time is devoted to learning to understand self/others/the macrocosm and your relationship to them. Learning to responsibly create your life experiences, accept them as chosen by you and you only; learning to identify the lessons within each experience then applying them to your daily life; learning to take the risks necessary to grow; and learning to accept everything as absolutely perfect for its time and place are some of the areas of concentration during Personal Evolution tutoring.
The seventh through tenth triad students (age eighteen to thirty) are also assigned P. E. tutors. These are selected from the wisest and most
mature persons in the whole Macro society with a minimum age of thirty. These students also experience at least five hours of tutoring per week.
A typical day for triads three through five is:
7‑9 am
Macro contemplation and meditation; statement (or affirmation) of one's life style plan for growing; and breakfast with one's Alpha.
9‑10 am
Study life areas with C.I.
Macro Development: groups of ten students discuss with master tutors life areas they studied with C.I.
12‑1 pm
Lunch and relaxation with Alpha unit.
1‑2 pm
Work with C.I.
2-5 pm
5-7 pm
Macro dance, swim, dinner
7-9 pm
Personal Evolution tutoring and activities; Macro contemplation and meditation; and restatement of one's own lifestyle plan for growing. (The Macro pause is used regularly throughout the day as needed to expand one's immediate perspective.)
Triads six through ten have a similar daily schedule; however, at least three hours per day are scheduled for practicing vocational activities. These activities are in the areas of tutoring, agriculture, and other applied arts and sciences. In addition, these older students are provided more time for solitary contemplation and meditation‑often in the park areas outside.
Beginning in the third triad (ages 6‑9) students elect their own Alphar. A student Beta unit is composed of ten Alphas including triads one through ten (ages 0‑30). However, the student Betar is elected only by students in the last six triads (ages 12‑30).
Since the proportion of the population under thirty is maintained at ten percent of the total population, every Delta unit in the Macro society contains one student Gamma unit and nine adult Gamma units. By the year 2100 computers and servo‑mechanisms performed all the monotonous and heavy labor tasks that contributed to making man's work life so boring throughout ‑recorded history.
It is recognized that there is a time for people to be together and a time for each individual to be alone. Time for solitary contemplation and meditation is provided every day, and each individual has a study and meditation room in which to be alone. In addition to this indoor solitude, the large wooded parks surrounding the living units provide very beautiful walks where one can be alone with nature. Here in 2150 no one who lives in the Macro society fears being alone.
However, no one sleeps alone, either, for each Alpha provides five bedrooms where a male and female always sleep together. In the Macro society sex is not used as a defense or escape mechanism, for there are no hidden, dark, and fearful areas in Macro minds. It is recognized that each person needs a mate to grow with, to check out their perception of reality with, to love and be loved intimately by, and to accelerate evolution. The vow of one Alpha mate to the other is, ". . . to live with, to help, and to honor, as long as is best for our evolution." The goal of the Macro society is always balanced harmonious union.
The oppressive clinging and neurotic dependency of the traditional micro family is now just a historical curiosity and nightmare. Macro man is free to dedicate his life to attaining conscious awareness of the unity of all things. He is able to love all things, both great and small.
For the first time in the history of formal education, learning is always rewarding, practical, and free from intimidation or coercion. No dreary, pointless memorization of facts for regurgitation on competitive examinations. Only practical performance demonstrates degrees of competence or skill in any area of learning. All students are, with the aid of resource persons, tutors, and the learning machine called C.I., free to develop to their own capacity the verbal and numerical skills along with their own special aptitudes or gifts.
With the evolution of Macro awareness, the last great fear of micro man‑death‑has been vanquished, for Macro man has expanded his awareness to the point where he can remember some of his other lives. Thus, the theory of reincarnation (spiritual evolution of the soul through experiencing many human lives) and personal responsibility (what you sow you must reap) is no longer theory, but living conscious truth‑which it always was for those who had a Macro perspective.
Since ever‑expanding awareness is the goal of the Macro society, the greatest cultural rewards are given to those who demonstrate outstanding wisdom and love for others. The 20th century valued its athletes and entertainers far more than its wise and kindly people, and they reaped chaos. The 22nd‑century Macro society does not forget this lesson.
In 2150
Level Composition of Macro Society
127 Level tens
3,306 Level nines
39,710 Level eights
3,000,000 Level sevens
30,000,000 Level sixes
97,000,000 Level fiver
78,000,000 Level fours,
62,000,000 Level threes
20,000,000 Level twos
10,000,000 Level ones
Macro Society Population Distribution
Population Number of
Unit Name per Unit Such Units
Alpha 10 30,000,000
Beta 100 3,000,000
Gamma 1,000 300,000
Delta 10,000 30,000
Aton 100,000 3,000
Zton 1,000,000 300
Kton 10,000,000 30
Muton 100,000,000 3
Macro Society 300,000,000 1
C. I. on Micro Man
For ages micro man; with his extremely limited awareness of himself, has been demonstrating the truth of the saying that he who forgets his past is doomed to repeat it. He has forgotten that he is part of an immortal soul created out of the substance of the macrocosm/universal mind/God and in the image or pattern of this universal mind. He has forgotten that in addition to his physical body in a dense matter body which he can see with vibration which is, therefore, invisible to his physical eyes just as x‑rays are invisible. He has forgotten that he periodically chooses to incarnate his soul, mind, and body in a dense matter body which he can see with micro vision, and, thus, believes to be his only body.
Human souls over eons of time narrowed and limited their awareness from macrocosmic to microscopic. By practicing ever more limited perspectives, they lost their powers of greater awareness much the same as fish living in the lightless depths of the ocean lost their ability to see. Why did this happen? It happened because the souls desired to experience self‑centered micro worlds.
Since micro man can not remember his past, and, thus, his own responsibility for choosing his state of existence, he has been doomed to live many lives filled with fear, anger, conflict, and brutish pain and pleasure. He has been dominated by the ever‑present fear of death, which he desperately tries to deny and repress through all manner of activities designed to provide momentary forgetfulness. Alcohol, drugs, war, and even work, games, and sex have been used to help micro man forget his lonely, alienated existence that will soon be ended "forever" by death. He has even invented mythical gods, heavens, and hells to help him deny his feelings of fear and inadequacy.
Fortunately, there have always been a few beings who have had greater awareness and, thus, could remember more than others. These beings have, too often, been viciously persecuted, jailed, burned, and crucified. However, they have pointed the way to the only real hope of liberation from a micro perspective. Over many ages their cumulative effect has become ever greater.
Micro man has grown weary of micro experiences and is trying to return to his original state of macrocosmic awareness. When each incarnated soul can, at last, remember his oneness with all that is, all that was, and all that ever will be, he will no longer be able to blame others for his own misfortunes. Suffering micro man has long proclaimed his lack of responsibility by wailing that he never asked to be born. When man has expanded his awareness to the point where he can remember his own Macro past, he will know that he alone created it through his own choo
sing. He will then realize that he alone is responsible for all his experiences.
With this macrocosmic awareness man will know that he must inevitably reap what he sows, and all conflict between individuals, races, and nations will be eliminated.
C. I. on Akashic Records
Akashic records is an ancient concept that refers to the macrocosm's memory of its self.
From a Macro perspective all is one infinite mind and all experiences are recorded forever in that mind. Thus, when you attain total Macro awareness you will know and experience all that has happened or will ever happen.
The akashic records refer to that dimension of the mind where, if your level of awareness permits, you can experience any event that has ever happened. For those with less than tenth‑level awareness their own personal akashic record is more like a series of video tapes which present only pictures and sounds of past events.
Every soul has this akashic record of all its experiences since its creation which was the beginning of its devolution from total Macro awareness. Thus, when you examine that portion of your soul or Macro mind in which your memories are stored you are consulting your own personal akashic records. You can relive any past event that your soul has experienced to the extent that you can remember (contact) your akashic records.
2150 AD Page 35