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The Yeah, Baby Series: Limited Edition 9 Book Set

Page 25

by Fiona Davenport

  “Keep holding the barre, Juliette, and lock your knee, so it doesn’t buckle.” With both hands on her hips, I drove into her over and over, staring at the picture we made in the floor to ceiling reflective glass.

  Juliette cried out with each plunge inside her and her head dropped back, her eyes closed. “Open your eyes, baby,” I demanded softly. “I want you to see what we look like, how perfect we are together. Let me see your beautiful eyes while I fuck you from behind. I want to see you come in this position.”

  She dragged her lids up and met my gaze, fire swirling in their depths. “I want,” she panted, “to see you too.”

  “You will, baby,” I grunted. “But first, I’m going to make you come so fucking hard. Starting tonight, I get you all to myself for a week and I’m going to make sure you feel me every time you move when the week is over.”

  My words sent her skyrocketing up, reaching for her orgasm, and her eyes began to close. I released one hip and slapped her ass before I growled, “Eyes!”

  They flung open and I bent my knees for a deeper angle, reaching around to pinch her clit. She screamed my name as she shattered and her walls squeezed my cock in a death grip, milking my orgasm along with hers. I shuddered violently, dizzy with the force of it. But, I held tight to her, keeping her steady and safe.

  When both our bodies were nearer to calm, I righted our clothes, well as best I could for her, and swept her up into my arms. I strode over and set her on the table while I hefted her small duffle bag up off the ground and set it next to her.

  Unzipping it, I pulled out sweat pants and a hoodie, then helped her into them while she stared dreamily at me with a loopy smile. I shook my head and chuckled. “You’re fucking adorable, you know that?”

  She grinned, shut off the sound system, and hopped off the table to fling her arms around my neck and kiss me. I was tempted to go for round two, but I wanted to get my girls home. I had a sneaking suspicion Juliette had forgotten to eat. She was pretty good about it, but sometimes she got caught up in her work and didn’t remember food.

  “Let’s get home, baby. Then you can ravish me all you want.” The sweet sound of her laughter echoed in the room and warmed every inch of me. I unwound her arms and drew one around my waist as I draped mine over her shoulders. I grabbed the duffle and we headed for the door. After unlocking it, we stepped into the hall and started for the exit.

  The room next door was open and a woman with black hair and striking green eyes was just shutting off the light and closing the door. She looked us over, her darkly painted lips twisting as though she’d been sucking on lemons.

  Both women paused and I glanced down at Juliette. Her spine was ram-rod straight, and her chin raised stubbornly, but she was blushing fire-engine red and I had to stifle a laugh at the sight.

  “Juliette,” the woman greeted stiffly.

  “Hello, Irina,” Juliette responded in kind. “Have a pleasant evening.” Then she gripped my waist tighter and urged me forward. We walked out into the night, relatively quiet for New York, but then Lincoln Center wasn’t a place for nightlife in the off season. I cuddled Juliette close as we took the red line to our apartment in Chelsea. Then I spent the night working on my goal to brand her body and make sure there was no question who she belonged to.

  “Fucking hell,” I breathed, completely stunned. Much to my delight, Juliette wasn’t very traditional and had allowed me to accompany her to help pick out a wedding dress.

  She’d tried on four dresses and as she walked out of the dressing room in the fifth, I was blown away. She was so beautiful it almost hurt. Well, actually, it did hurt because my groin was stiff and ready for me to rip the dress right off of her.

  It was strapless, the top made of a rich, black velvet, made up of diagonal folds all the way around. It hugged her breasts and with the dipped neckline, it gave her sexy as fuck cleavage. A wide, satiny black sash settled just above her bump with a matching flower attached at the right side. My eyes continued downward, following an airy, flowing, white fabric all the way to the floor. Doing a second perusal back up, I went all the way to her head where she’d put on a headband that mirrored the sash, with white netting covering a portion of her face.

  “Do you like it?” she asked hesitantly. “I know it’s not the traditional all white, but—l—”

  I stood and swiftly approached her, pulling her into my arms and kissed her senseless. “It’s perfect,” I whispered when I pulled away. “Now go change before I accidentally rip it while I fuck you in the dressing room.”

  Her skin turned a charming shade of pink but her eyes flared with desire. It took all of my strength to turn her around and urge her back into the dressing room with a light smack on her ass.

  I sat down to wait, more than ready to get my girl home and in bed. Although, we had one more stop to make, the stop I’d earned in the bargain when she convinced me to participate in all of the wedding prep over the week we had off together. Juliette was a no-nonsense kind of woman and she’d been quick and decisive with all of the decisions she’d had to make. In the end, I really hadn’t minded being dragged along to all of the appointments. But, I was still going to make her hold up her end of the deal.

  She emerged from the changing room, back in her street clothes and spoke with the clerk for a few minutes. The other woman took the dress and went through a door at the back of the store. With my hand on her lower back, I guided Juliette to the front and pulled out my wallet to pay for the garment.

  “No, Declan,” she protested. “I’ve let you pay for everything else.” Only after I’d used my powers of persuasion to convince her to stop arguing with me about it. “But, if my parents were alive, they would be paying for my dress. It’s the bride’s responsibility!”

  I tugged her into the circle of my arms and kissed the tip of her nose. “Baby, I would have convinced them to let me pay for everything, so you might as well stop fighting it. Besides, how many times do I have to explain how this works? We’re getting married. What’s mine is yours and”—I surreptitiously slid a hand between us and cupped her pussy, grinning when she gasped—“what’s yours is mine.”

  “Declan!” she hissed, looking around frantically. I kissed her nose again and took advantage of her distracted state to whip out my credit card and pay for the dress.

  She grumbled all the way to our next stop, causing the cab driver to throw me looks of pity, to which I responded with a wide, satisfied smile. He then looked at me like I’d lost my mind. I could only assume the man had never had a woman like Juliette, or he would have understood. His look of envy when we pulled up to the exclusive lingerie boutique was icing on the cake. Until he stared at Juliette’s ass as she climbed out of the car. I growled in warning and lowered his tip to almost non-existent. Bastard.

  We left the store with two large, red shopping bags and hailed another cab. I glared at the driver from the moment he pulled up and he wisely averted his eyes. Juliette noticed this time and rolled her eyes before sliding across the bench seat. But her cheeks were a little pink and a smile was playing around the corners of her lips.

  Despite her vocal denials to the contrary, she loved how possessive I was of her. I hauled her across the seat and snuggled her into my side. I couldn’t wait to get home and dig through the bags of new treasures.

  But, when we finally got home, Juliette burst my bubble by informing me that the bags were for the honeymoon and proceeded to store them away in the closet while I stood back, mouth hanging open in shock.



  Whoever it was who said ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ sure knew what they were talking about. The week I spent with Declan getting everything ready for the wedding was one of the best of my life. Unfortunately, it felt like it flew by in the blink of an eye. If Declan hadn’t been up and out the door at the butt crack of dawn, I wasn’t sure I’d have been able to drag mine out of bed to leave for the studio on time. I’d quickly become addicted to lazy
mornings spent in bed with him.

  Although, I’m not sure lazy was quite the right word for it. Declan had decided the best exercise routine during my time off was one which included a whole lot of horizontal action—with him as my very own personal trainer. I wasn’t about to argue, not when it meant I was able to stay in shape while enjoying tons of orgasms. It was the best kind of win-win situation for me, but it had come to an end and I was ready to make the most of the next few months in the studio before the baby came.

  Serena had suggested I try my hand at choreography since my practice hours were limited by my pregnancy. I’d been hesitant at first, but I’d quickly fallen in love with my new creative outlet. There was one particular piece I was excited to show her and our artistic director today. I’d had a breakthrough in my composition that last night at the studio. After running through it in my head over and over again during my time away, I was certain it was exactly the way I wanted it.

  The first thing I did when I arrived was to find Serena. “Hey,” I greeted her when I peeked my head into her office.

  “Welcome back.” Her eyes drifted down to my belly and a big grin split her face. “You look amazing. Your time off must have been exactly what you needed.”

  “It was perfect,” I agreed. “So much so that I think the piece I’ve been working on the last couple months is done.”

  “You have fantastic timing!” She jumped up from her seat and hurried towards me, grabbing my hand and leading me down the hall to the largest studio. “Hayes is running through a couple new pieces today, so you can show both of us at the same time. He has a nice selection of dancers in there for you to pick from, and it should only take them a few run-throughs before they’ll be ready to show us what you’ve got.”

  Butterflies took flight in my stomach at the thought of watching my fellow dancers performing the first piece I’d choreographed on my own in front of our artistic director, Leonard Hayes. I was already nervous about Serena’s feedback, but I knew she wouldn’t be too harsh. She would be constructive rather than harsh, even if she hated it. Plus, she’d liked the parts I’d already shown her. Hayes was a whole different story since he could be a bit of a jerk about other people’s choreography at times.

  Apparently, this wasn’t one of those days since he was raptly watching several of the corps members perform. The piece was beautiful, undeniably so . . . it was also hauntingly familiar. It was the same exact one I’d been working to perfect during my last night at the studio a week ago! I hadn’t thought anyone had seen me. I hadn’t even known any other dancers were in the building at the time, not until we’d bumped into Irina in the hallway on our way out.

  Irina! I searched the room for that black-haired bitch, and there she was—standing in the corner of the room next to Hayes with a smug smirk on her face. Why that little... It was terribly difficult to resist marching my pregnant self over there and punching her right in the face. She’d stolen my choreography! Down to every little step, without even bothering to change a single move. The gall of that woman never ceased to amaze me.

  “She’s got balls. Giant, brass ones. I’ll give her that but not much else,” I muttered.

  “Oh, I’ve got something to give her all right,” Serena snarled from behind me. “A swift kick on her behind on her way out the door.”

  My dance mistress marched over to where Irina stood and flashed her a smile which looked obviously fake to me.

  “Such magnificent choreography,” she cooed.

  Irina’s face lit up with pride. “Thank you, Mistress.”

  “And so different from your usual style.”

  “You’ve always encouraged us to push our own boundaries,” Irina explained.

  “It really is a major accomplishment,” Serena offered, and Irina practically preened with excitement at the compliment—only to find herself crashing back to reality when Serena continued. “For the dancer who actually choreographed the piece, who we both know was most definitely not you.”

  You could have heard a pin drop in the silence following her announcement before Irina started to sputter. “What? Why would you even suggest such a thing? Of course I did!”

  Serena switched her focus to Hayes. “The girl is lying.”

  “I am not!” Irina screeched.

  “I’m not sure how you thought you’d get away with stealing Juliette’s work, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is her piece.”

  “Why? Did your little teacher’s pet tell you it’s hers in a desperate attempt to remain relevant since she can’t dance anymore?” Irina hissed.

  “No, Irina. Because I’ve seen part of this dance as she’s worked on it over the last two months. She’s come to me for advice and asked for my feedback, just like I’d expect any dancer new to choreography to do. Can you say the same? Is there anyone who’s seen you work on this piece?”

  “Yes, just this past week—“

  Serena didn’t let her finish. “Do you think I’m dumb? That I don’t know a dance I’ve already seen? That it’s purely coincidence you worked on this piece during the one week when Juliette was absent?”

  “Is this true, Irina?” Hayes asked.

  “I—I—I don’t—” she stammered.

  “Leave,” he ordered, pointing one long finger towards the door.

  “And take your things with you because we have no room for a dancer capable of such duplicity in our company,” Serena added.

  “My notebook,” I interjected, realizing that’s why it hadn’t been in the lost and found when I’d called. “Please make sure she doesn’t pack it along with her stuff. I’d like to get it back.”

  Irina stormed towards the door, and I barely managed to get out of her path before she passed me.

  “Fifteen-minute break, everyone,” Hayes called out, drawing my attention away from the door. “Juliette, please schedule an appointment with me for this week to discuss possibly using your piece in an upcoming show.”

  The dancers filed out of the room, whispering about the drama amongst themselves.

  “Wow,” Lisa murmured as she sidled up next to me, apparently headed in the same direction. “I don’t know whether to say congratulations or I’m sorry for all the drama. Are you okay? I mean, I know we haven’t really gotten the chance to get to know each other very well, but you are pregnant with my friend’s husband’s best friend’s baby. That sounded way less weird in my head than it did out loud.”

  A giggle bubbled up my throat, breaking off when I let out a startled yelp at the sound of another voice behind us.

  “No wonder my ears were ringing,” Nancy joked. “I thought I was going to surprise my friend and see if she could maybe do lunch today, but lunch for three sounds even better.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude,” I tried to decline.

  “You could never be an intrusion,” Nancy assured me. “Not when Kevin and I are thrilled to see Declan head over heels in love with you and so excited for the baby.”

  “Head over heels in love?”

  “Yeah,” she sighed, with a dreamy look in her eyes. “Kevin and I were talking about it the other day while we were shopping for your wedding gift. He told me the first time he saw the two of you together, he finally understood why Declan had been such an antisocial grouch for so long. Kevin isn’t exactly the most insightful person ever—I mean, well, he is a guy after all—but even he said it was nice to see his best friend finally meet his perfect match.”

  “I’m such an idiot,” I murmured, my head swirling with all the memories of my time with Declan. His gentleness and protectiveness. How possessive he was of me when we were around other men. The time he’d mentioned waiting four months for me while I’d been gone on my international tour. The look in his eyes when we made love. The proud way he’d slid his grandmother’s ring onto my finger when he’d proposed. It was all because he loved me.

  “Lisa, can you do me a huge favor and make sure Serena gets my notebook from Irina? And tell her I’m s
orry but I had to leave unexpectedly?” I asked. She nodded, and I pulled Nancy to me for a quick hug. “I’d love to do lunch with you, just not today.”

  I barely took the time to grab my purse before I raced out of the building and hopped into the first cab I found. A quick text to Declan confirmed he was in his office, so I headed straight there as soon as the cab dropped me off at the hospital entrance. I didn’t bother knocking, just stormed in and threw myself into Declan’s lap when I found him in his chair behind his desk.

  “Jules, baby, is everything okay?”

  “More than okay,” I assured him, peppering his face with kisses. “Amazing. Astounding. Wonderful. I can’t even come up with a word good enough to explain how okay everything is.”

  “Good morning at the dance studio?”

  “You love me,” I breathed out.

  “Of course I do.” He looked at me curiously, one eyebrow raised and his head tilted to the side.

  “And I love you.”

  “Damn straight you do.”

  “I love you,” I repeated, enjoying how the phrase rolled off my tongue. “So very much, but I’d love you even more if you could say those three little words back to me.”

  His eyes widened with surprise. “I’ve never actually said it, have I?” His arms tightened around me. “Fuck, how is that possible when I love you so damn much? From the moment I saw you on stage that first night, I’ve known you were meant to be mine, Juliette. I’m the luckiest bastard alive because here you are, expecting my baby and with my ring on your finger. I can’t wait for our wedding day, for you to become my wife. It’s all I’ve wanted from the beginning, as crazy as it sounds.”

  “Oh, Declan,” I sighed, tears streaming down my face.

  “I love you, Juliette Moureaux soon-to-be-McGowan.”

  His speech was beautiful, but he’d gotten one thing wrong—I was the lucky one.




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