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The Dragon Guardian

Page 6

by Jessie Donovan

  Maybe. But it won’t matter because then she will be ours.

  Not quite, dragon. Protecting her and winning her over are two different things.

  If you say so.

  Despite the possible danger to his clan and the very real chance Gina would tell him to fuck off instead of agreeing to his being her Guardian, there was a small flicker of hope in his chest. The thought of waking up next to Gina in his bed and feeling the kick of a child under his palm sent a rush of warmth through his body. He’d nearly given up hope he’d ever have a family of his own. And now, he might have one.

  The trick would be in convincing the headstrong American to stay with him.

  Chapter Six

  Gina waited inside the Protector’s security building at the main gate and willed herself to sit still.

  Yes, she was a tad nervous about meeting Lochguard’s clan leader, Finlay Stewart. But being surrounded by the well-toned, imposing forms of Lochguard’s Protectors made her want to run out the door and never look back. Not because they could snap her in two without breaking a sweat. No, it was because it reminded her of Travis and his buddies back in the US.

  No. Forget about him.

  If only Fergus had made an appearance, she might be able to do that. Yet the dragonman had yet to walk through the door and she doubted if he ever would or not. She was still torn between her fear of him using her and being interested in the dragonman who was able to coax her kitty into the house.

  Flexing her fingers, Gina wished she had her pet right now. She’d adopted Coal from a neighbor shortly after arriving in Scotland, but the large black cat with golden eyes had won her heart quickly. The very first night, he had cuddled at her back as she fell asleep and purred. Her hormones had made her cry and snuggle with the cat for comfort. With Coal, she’d never be completely alone in Scotland.

  Since one of the Protectors in the room was allergic to cats, her pet was at home with Fraser. However, Holly hovered at her shoulder. Looking up, Gina smiled. “It’s okay. I haven’t had another contraction. I think I can handle sitting in a chair.”

  Holly frowned. “It’s not the sitting I’m worried about. Keeping you here is causing unnecessary stress. I’m going to have a word with Finn later. Failing that, with Arabella.”

  Lowering her voice, Gina whispered, “But can you do that? If anyone had challenged Steven Roberts, the dragon leader back in Virginia, they would’ve been punished accordingly.”

  One of the Protectors stopped studying his tablet and met her gaze. The dragonman’s dark brown eyes were full of hatred. “Roberts is a right bastard and gives dragon-shifters a bad name. Don’t ever compare Finn to him.”

  Gina blinked. “Okay.”

  Holly squeezed her shoulder and glared at the black-haired dragonman. “Leave her alone, Shay. If BroadBay is all she’s known, then we should do everything in our power to change her opinion. Barking at her isn’t going to help.”

  Before the dragonman could reply, a tall, blond dragon-shifter walked into the room and everyone fell silent. Gina debated standing up or not when the man smiled at her. The kindness in his eyes helped to ease her tension. There was something familiar about him, but she couldn’t place it.

  The blond dragonman stopped in front of her. “Sorry to keep you waiting, lass. How about you come with me and we can chat a bit?”

  “You’re the clan leader?” Gina blurted out.

  “Aye, although you don’t have to sound so surprised about it.” He lowered his voice. “After all, attracting flies with honey is far easier than with vinegar.”

  Before she could stop herself, Gina asked, “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Slapping a hand over her mouth, she held her breath. If she’d done the same back in Virginia, she would’ve been reprimanded or banished from the clan’s lands. Would the Scottish leader do the same?

  Then Finn winked at her and put out a hand. “I prefer not to dance around an issue, and I admire the Americans for doing the same. Come, lass. We’ll talk in private.”

  Holly spoke up. “I want to come with you.”

  Finn shook his head. Holly opened her mouth, but he beat her to it. “You can sit outside the door, Holly. If anything happens, I’ll shout for you, aye?”

  Holly looked about ready to argue and Gina didn’t want to risk upsetting Finn.

  Standing up, Gina turned toward the midwife. “It’s okay, Holly. If Finn tries to harm me in any way, I have a few moves to stop him.”

  Amusement danced in Holly’s eyes. “Oh, aye? Someday, I’d love to see them.”

  Finn muttered, “What is with the females tossed my way over the last year?”

  Holly flashed a grin at him. “You love a challenge and I think the universe is testing you.”

  “Aye, well, let’s see if I pass this test.” Finn offered his arm. “Come, Gina. The sooner we chat, the sooner we can decide your future.”

  As she took the proffered arm, Gina held her tongue. There was no reason to risk blurting out something that could ruin her chances.

  Finn guided her out of the room and Gina made sure to keep her chin high the whole way. While she didn’t have a churning stomach as she’d done with Steven Roberts in Virginia, she no longer trusted her own gut. Travis had been a good actor and she wasn’t about to be duped again.

  Once she and Finn finally entered a small office at the end of the hall, Finn released her arm. He motioned to a chair and she took a seat. Finn propped his hip on the desk before he spoke up. “So, Gina MacDonald. Tell me why I should allow you to stay here despite the risk to my clan.”

  Clenching the material of her stretchy, tunic-style shirt, she kept her voice even as she explained her situation to Finn. “I slept with a dragon-shifter and ended up pregnant. Afterward, he reported the pregnancy to the DDA in Washington, D.C. I was required to give up my child willingly or by force; I couldn’t keep him. Not liking those options, I fled.”

  “Which means you can never return to America. At least, if you want to return with your son in tow.”

  She nodded, not trusting her voice to remain steady. Just thinking about how she’d never see the Virginia coastline or William and Mary’s campus ever again made her heart ache.

  Finn sighed. “I’m truly sorry for what happened to you, lass. If any Lochguard dragonman acted that way and took advantage of a female, he’d be exiled or worse.”

  Gina wanted to believe Finn’s kind eyes, but she needed much more than that to secure her future. “The past doesn’t matter. I need to know if my son and I are welcome here.”

  “Aye, I know you do. Your preliminary background check came back clean. Provided the rest of your story checks out, you need to prove yourself and contribute to the clan before I can guarantee any long-term future here.”

  She frowned. “But I’m not a dragon. How can I contribute to a dragon-shifter clan?”

  Amusement tinged Finn’s reply. “Humans have their uses, too. Holly is human and she nearly runs the show when it comes to pregnancies and deliveries. I’m sure we can think of something.”

  She bobbed her head. “And? What else? News of the attacks on Lochguard last year made it to the US and I imagine you don’t trust someone that easily, even if she’s a pregnant woman.”

  Finn chuckled. “Clever lass. That will be helpful too.” The dragonman’s expression turned serious. “Trust takes time, as I’m sure you well know.” Gina nodded, not expecting anything less. “Good, because it might make this next part easier to accept.”

  Dread pooled in her stomach. “What does the next part entail?”

  “If you wish to stay, then you must accept Fergus MacKenzie as your Guardian.”

  She frowned. “What? Like an adopted father?”

  Finn snorted. “No, not in the human way. He will watch over and protect you. For the most part, you will become his responsibility.”

  “Like a bodyguard? If it means I have to follow his every order, then I might take my chances back at Loch

  Finn shook his head. “It’s not safe for you there. And trust me, if BroadBay’s leader is determined to have your child, then he’ll find a way. I’ve never met Roberts in person, but I’ve heard enough to appreciate the ocean between us.”

  “How do you know about BroadBay? I never mentioned the American clan by name.”


  Placing her hands over her stomach, Gina leaned back in her chair. If she were back in the US, she would merely agree to the clan leader’s words rather than risk a backlash. Yet as she studied the kind yet steely Scottish leader, Gina decided to roll the dice and speak her mind. “Assure me that I don’t have to obey every word he says, and I’ll agree to it for now.”

  Finn raised an eyebrow. “For now?”

  She smiled slowly. “Fergus may just have a change of heart after a few days with me.”

  Chuckling, Finn put out a hand to shake and she took it. He added, “Give him hell, Gina MacDonald. But I warn you, Fergus is one of the most stubborn, patient males I know. He most likely won’t give up unless he’s dead.”

  “Well, that makes it all the more fun. I always did like a challenge.”

  Finn barked out a laugh. “I hope everything works out with you, lass, because I think my mate might like you.”

  The word “mate” sobered her up. But she quickly hid it with a smile. “Then what’s next, Mr. Stewart?”

  “Call me Finn, lass.” He motioned toward the door. “It’s time to meet with Fergus. He’ll take you to your new home and you two can settle in.”

  Her heart thumped harder. “I don’t have to live with him, do I?”

  “As much as Fergus would love it, no. You will be neighbors with two separate houses.”

  She let out a breath. Fergus being her neighbor was still dangerous, but she could manage it with walls and space between them.


  Fergus paced the length of the small room. Finn had sent him a text message asking him to wait in the conference room of the Protector’s headquarters. That had been twenty minutes ago.

  His dragon huffed. I want to see Gina. Finn is taking too long.

  Before he could reply, the door opened. His twin brother stood in the doorway with a cat carrier. “Hey, Fergus. I thought you could use some company.”

  A soft meow came from the carrier. Fergus pointed at it. “Why the bloody hell are you carrying around a cat? I assume it’s Gina’s, but the poor beastie must be terrified.”

  Fraser shrugged one shoulder. “Not really. He’s a brave one, he is.”

  “Forget about the cat for a second. Why are you really here?”

  “Finn’s bringing Gina here shortly and I needed to bring the cat before you two left for your new homes.”

  Fergus frowned. “Homes as in plural?”

  Fraser nodded. “Aye, you’re going to share the old Sinclair place. One house for each of you. I’m sure Mum is going to be thrilled. With you out of the way, she’ll have the freedom to dote on Ross more.”

  Ross Anderson was Holly’s father and a permanent human resident of Lochguard. “I thought you hated the idea of Mum and Ross?”

  Fraser shrugged. “If they get together, then I can watch people’s expressions when I tell them I married my stepsister.”

  He sighed. “And Holly is on board for this?”

  “Not exactly. But I have ways of convincing her.”

  Fergus put up a hand. “I don’t need to hear about your magic cock again.”

  “Are you sure? It really is quite spectacular. I might even say it’s the envy of all males on Lochguard.”

  “Treasure Holly, brother, because I don’t think there is another female alive who can put up with your annoying behavior.”

  “Annoying? I prefer to think of it as charming. And Holly loves all of me.”

  Before Fergus could reply, Finn’s voice filled the room from behind Fraser. “Sorry to interrupt your all-important talk of cocks, but I have a female here who’s anxious to know her future.”

  Fergus’s dragon roared. It’s Gina.

  Pushing Fraser to the side, Fergus craned his neck and met Gina’s green eyes. The female’s gaze was unreadable. Aware of everyone listening, Fergus nodded. “Hello, lass.”

  At the term “lass” her lips thinned. It took everything he had not to laugh.

  Holly pushed in front of Gina and pointed at Fraser. “Fraser, stop talking about how charming you are and bring the bloody cat out here.” She looked to Fergus. “We’ll wait down the hall to give you some privacy.”

  Fraser sighed. “And I was looking forward to eavesdropping.”

  Fergus punched his brother’s arm. “Get out. If I find out you were listening in, then I will challenge you in dragon form and win.”

  His brother opened his mouth, but Finn cut him off. “Everyone out. Gina’s looking pale and if Arabella finds out we’re keeping her standing whilst you two argue, she’ll have my head. Not only that, Aunt Lorna will have a thing or two to say.”

  Holly nodded. “Aye, she always has the wooden spoon handy.”

  Instead of stating he was twenty-nine years old and wasn’t afraid of his mother, Fergus reached out a hand to Gina. It was time to work on earning the female’s trust. “Will you come, Gina? We have much to discuss.”

  Straightening her shoulders, she took a step toward him but didn’t take his hand. “I’ll come, but I want Coal to stay with me. He’s been stressed enough for one day.”

  Fraser lifted the cat carrier. “I’d give him more credit, Gina. He’s a braw one.”

  “Braw?” Gina echoed as she plucked the carrier from Fraser’s hand. “I have no idea what that means.”

  Fraser motioned toward Fergus. “My brother can explain it to you. Judging by the look in Finn’s eyes, I’d better leave or I’ll end up with some sort of crap task.”

  Finn nodded. “Good you noticed.” His cousin looked to him. “Don’t take too long, Fergus. I want the human sitting down with her feet up within the next half-hour.”

  Finn and the others left the room. The second the door closed, Gina made a beeline for the table on the far side of the room. The lass laid the contraption on the table and cooed to her cat.

  With her bum slightly out and Gina bent over, all he wanted to do was come up behind her and cover her with his body. His dragon growled and flashed an image of their cock pumping in and out of their female.

  She’s not ours, Fergus stated.

  Then hurry up and convince her.

  He cleared his throat to garner her attention, but Gina ignored him to open the door and pick up her pet. With Coal laying over one shoulder, she turned toward him and raised her brows. “Well? You said we had much to discuss, so start talking.”

  Taking a step toward Gina, he restrained himself from reaching out a hand to touch her. “How about you first tell me what Finn said.”

  As Gina stroked her pet, Fergus wondered what it would feel like to have her hands stroke him.

  Thankfully, her voice cut off the thought before it went any farther. “Ah, so you don’t know everything then. Judging by how you liked to order me around earlier, I figured you had all the answers.”

  The responsible half of Fergus would let the barb go and focus on the bigger issue. He would never win Gina’s trust if all they did was argue. “Look, I’m sorry about earlier. I’m not sure how much you know about dragon-shifters, but we’re protective.”

  “I didn’t see you acting this way around Holly.”

  “I leave the overprotectiveness about her to my brother.”

  Something he couldn’t read flashed in her eyes, but it was quickly replaced with casual indifference. “I don’t care about dragon-shifter nature or some other excuse. I’m not a possession to be passed around, Fergus MacKenzie. If we’re to ever get along, you’d best remember that.”

  His dragon spoke up. We’re going to do much more than get along.

  Not now.

  Gina tilted her head. “Your
eyes flashed. What did your dragon want?”

  His beast chimed in again. I want to keep you, that’s what.

  Fergus didn’t react to his dragon. “Believe me, you don’t want to know.”

  Still carrying her cat, Gina took another step toward them. The scent of woman and heather hit him. His dragon snarled. Hold her against our body. I want to memorize her scent.

  Gina’s voice was lower when she replied, “Tell me, Fergus. Consider it a show of good faith to treat me better in the future.”

  As they stared into each other’s eyes, a sizzle danced down his spine. Before he could stop himself, Fergus closed the distance between them. Standing so close, he was surrounded by her scent. The heat from her body warmed his chest through his clothes. If he leaned two inches closer, her belly would press against his groin.

  Do it, his dragon growled out.

  Lost in the depths of Gina’s gold-flecked green eyes, he barely heard his dragon. He focused on Gina’s increased heart rate. Then her pupils dilated, tempting him to pull her close.

  Raising a hand to her cheek, he fully expected for her to scurry away. Yet she parted her lips and tilted her head up a fraction. “Tell me, Fergus.”

  The heat of her breath on his chin made his cock go hard. No doubt, Gina could feel it pressing against her, but he didn’t care. A pulsing need to brand the lass flooded his body.

  He needed to win Gina MacDonald’s trust—and soon—so he could make her his female.


  Earlier, when Gina had been sitting in Fergus’s lap back at Loch Shin, her pains had taken all of her attention. But now, there was nothing to distract her from the heat of his body or his hard dick pressing against her.

  His flashing pupils should remind her of exactly why she should push the dragonman away. Yet as Fergus stroked her cheek, all she wanted to do was curl against his chest and ask him to hold her.

  Parting her lips, she was about to raise her head in invitation when Coal meowed in her ear. The sound snapped her out of the moment and she took five steps back.


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