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The Dragon Guardian

Page 13

by Jessie Donovan

  Alistair began. “While dragon-shifters mostly kept to themselves during the medieval period in England, when the Normans took over the country from the Vikings, one event divided all of the dragon clans and they scattered around the country—we call it the Harrying of the North. Has anyone heard of it?”

  Gina had no idea. However, during her time at college, Gina had suffered through several professors who could put someone to sleep with their voices. Alistair’s, on the other hand, was not only a yummy Scots’ accent, but also deep and full of energy. She actually sat on the edge of her seat, eager to find out what it was.

  One of the male students spoke up. “Didn’t that happen in England? Why would we learn about it? Does it even matter?”

  “Events often have consequences we can only see in hindsight. There might not even be a Lochguard today if not for what happened in 1069 and 1070 C.E.,” Alistair answered.

  Before she could check herself, Gina blurted out, “How?” All eyes turned toward her. She drew strength from Fergus squeezing her hand and added, “I don’t even know what this Harrying is.” She shrugged. “I’m curious.”

  Some of the students murmured, “She’s American.”

  The corner of Alistair’s mouth ticked up. “I’m not sure most of the students know, either, lass.” He waved toward the boy who had answered. “But Rory seems to have an idea. What is it, lad?”

  Rory straightened his shoulders and looked at Gina. She saw his pupils flash to slits and back before he answered, “It’s when William the Conqueror killed a lot of humans in Northern England to teach them a lesson.”

  She frowned. “Why did he need to do that?”

  Alistair replied, “The short answer is to prevent another revolt and establish his power there. He slaughtered families, burned crops, and destroyed houses. The most cited reference says 100,000 people were killed or displaced. However, historians dispute that number, saying there was no way William’s armies could have accomplished that much destruction given their numbers.”

  Gina put together a theory. “Some dragon-shifters could’ve sided with the conqueror guy and helped him.”

  Alistair nodded. “Exactly. Now, let’s get into why this is important.”

  As the teacher dragonman turned on a projector and preceded to tell the story of how different dragon factions helped William’s Harrying while others took in refugees and helped rebuild communities, Gina soaked in all of the information. The media usually portrayed dragon-shifters as selfish, brutish creatures. While that might be true in BroadBay’s case, she was starting to see it differently. Between Lochguard and the history of some dragon-shifters helping the human refugees in the winter of 1069-1070, her fear of her son turning out similar to Travis and the rest of BroadBay lessened. With Fergus and Lochguard behind her, she could easily see her son sitting in this very classroom, learning the lesson she was hearing.

  For the first time, Gina had more hope than worry for the future.


  Fergus had to give Alistair credit—the dragonman was much more engaging than the history teacher they’d shared as teenagers. Old Mr. Morrison had usually ordered them to read books silently while he scribbled notes at his desk. No questions were to be asked. If a student tried, Mr. Morrison’s response had always been to find it in the book.

  In a way, that retired dragonman helped make Fergus who he was since he always looked for answers on his own first.

  Yet as Gina kept raising her hand and participating in the class, he soon forgot about his old school days and simply enjoyed watching his female’s enthusiasm.

  His dragon spoke up. I wish she was this enthusiastic with us.

  She will be. Once we find out all of her favorites, we can surprise her all of the time.

  You’re supposed to be an intelligence analyst, so start gathering information and figure it out.

  You know I already have. Just have some patience.

  His beast huffed and fell silent. His bloody dragon wasn’t much better than a spoiled teenager. Maybe once Gina agreed to be their mate, his dragon would mature and mellow a bit. Not that Fergus was holding his breath; if Holly’s influence didn’t help mature his brother, he doubted his dragon would do it alone.

  The bell chimed, signaling the end of class. Alistair held up a hand and the students fell silent. “We ran short of time today, but maybe Ms. MacDonald can join us again and you can ask her some questions then. For tonight, I want you to write one paragraph on how the Harrying of the North helped to shape modern dragon-shifter society. You’re dismissed.”

  One of the two female teenagers in the room turned and stared at Gina. Fergus tensed, in case he needed to protect his human. But then the teenager smiled and walked up to her. “I hope you’ll come back, Ms. MacDonald. I’ve always wanted to ask about the American dragon clans.”

  Gina tensed under his hand, but she kept smiling and her tone was light. “I’d love to come back. I’m not sure what I can tell you, but I can give it a go.”

  Alistair’s voice boomed out. “You’ll be late, Lindsey. You can talk with Ms. MacDonald later.”

  Lindsey smiled one last time and left. Alistair closed the door and then leaned against his desk. “You’re quite the student, lass. Come back any time you like. You tend to ask the questions the teenagers are often afraid to ask.”

  Fergus stood and helped tug Gina to her feet. Excitement filled her eyes. “Can I? I was worried about asking too many, but soon the others joined in and everyone got involved. It’s just so interesting. Very little American dragon-shifter history is known, so it’s nice to learn anything at all.”

  Fergus’s dragon growled. Keep her away from Alistair.

  Don’t worry. Even if Alistair wasn’t an honorable male, we have to leave soon anyway. He has a meeting in ten minutes.

  So I’m not the only one worried.

  I’m not worried. But I want more time alone with Gina.

  Alistair nodded at Gina. “Provided Finn says it’s okay, you can sit in any time. Maybe I can even drop by the MacKenzie house for supper soon and I can give you more answers in a one-on-one session, if you like.”

  Fergus growled. “That won’t be necessary, Alistair.”

  Alistair studied him a second. “Like that, is it? I didn’t know.”

  Fergus should’ve pinned a sprig of heather on Gina’s coat earlier. Then he wouldn’t have to go through this; everyone would know she was his true mate then.

  Fergus nodded. “It is.”

  Gina looked from Fergus to Alistair and back again. “Like what? Tell me what’s going on Fergus.”

  He looked down at Gina. “Let’s go somewhere private and talk.” Gina’s eyes turned concerned and he cupped her cheek with his free hand. “Don’t think of the worst possibilities, lass. I just have a bit of news.”

  Alistair cleared his throat. “Well, you two clearly have a very important conversation. I have a meeting in here with a few other teachers, so you should probably get going anyway.”

  Gina smiled at Alistair and Fergus prevented himself from growling again as she said, “Thanks for having me, Alistair. I’ll be back and soon you’ll be begging me to leave.”

  The corner of Alistair’s mouth ticked up. “I doubt it, Ms. MacDonald.”

  “Call me Gina.”

  Fergus grunted. “Thanks, Alistair, but we should be going.”

  “Aye. And good luck, Fergus.”

  Gina shot Fergus a quizzical look, but he ignored it to guide his female out of the room. When they set foot in the hallway, Gina opened her mouth but Fergus cut her off. “Not here, lass. Dragon-shifters possess keen hearing.”

  Curiosity burned in her eyes, but she merely answered, “Okay.”

  They both walked in silence out the door and toward a protected rock formation. He ducked behind it, drawing Gina along with him, and then turned to face her. Gina frowned up at him. “Are you going to tell me why you were growling and grunting back in the classroom? Alistair was kind en
ough to answer my questions. He even invited me back. He deserved better.”

  “Aye, he’s a good male. And he does deserve better. But there’s a reason why I can’t help it. He’s unattached and my dragon doesn’t like it.”

  “Why should that matter? I’m fairly certain the teenagers were mostly unattached, as you put it, and you didn’t growl at them.”

  Taking both of her hands in his, Fergus took a deep inhalation. He couldn’t put it off any longer. “I want to tell you something, Gina. But promise me you won’t act strange or run away when I tell you.”

  “Why?” she drawled out.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, if that’s what you’re worried about, lass. In fact, quite the opposite. I spent the whole lecture staring at your lips, wanting to taste them again.”

  Gina’s cheeks flushed, but her tone remained strong. “Don’t try to change the subject. And don’t make me promise anything without all of the facts.”

  He released one of her hand to trace her cheek. “Then just listen to what I have to say. Can you do that?”

  “I suppose so.” She searched his eyes. “Tell me whatever it is, Fergus. You’re starting to scare me.”

  His dragon snarled. Fergus told his beast, Quiet or I’ll never get it out.

  Fergus looked into Gina’s green eyes and answered the unspoken question there. “Normally, I’m one of the most restrained and polite dragon-shifters in the entire clan.” He traced Gina’s bottom lip. “But then I met you.”

  She drew in a breath. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “It has to do with everything, lass. You’re my true mate.”


  Fergus moved closer and leaned his forehead against hers. “I know you were hurt by the other bastard claiming to be your true mate. But he was lying. My dragon wants you as mate, lass. And more importantly, I want you even more because of who you are, if that’s possible. You’re clever, strong-willed, and kind. Few would’ve offered to help Arabella the way you did, let alone worry about spending time with my family when you have your own bairn coming soon.” He searched her eyes. “You can take as much time as you need. I know you have a child coming and he should be the most important thing in your life. All I’m asking is for you to think about it, and if there is any more room in your heart, to just give me a chance.”


  Gina’s heart beat double-time inside her chest.

  If Fergus were telling the truth, she was his true mate. Part of her wanted to hug him close and never let go. However, her life wasn’t as simple as finding a man she could see herself caring about and staying with him. The DDA or BroadBay could show up demanding her child at any moment. Who knew what would happen if Fergus tried to prevent them from taking her son.

  The sensible thing would be to put distance between them to protect Fergus. But just the thought of never seeing Fergus’s smiling face or feeling the sizzle at his touch squeezed her heart. After what she’d been through with Travis, she wanted more of Fergus, much more.

  Fergus smiled and garnered her attention. He whispered, “I see the wheels turning. Just think about it. But while you do, remember this.”

  He tilted his head and kissed her.

  She leaned against him and melted into his kiss, loving how he tasted. She couldn’t imagine ever getting enough of her dragonman. If only she could find a way to ensure everyone’s safety, she’d jump into his arms and growl at any woman who looked his way.

  All too soon Fergus pulled away and gave her one last, quick brush of his lips. “Did that help or hurt my case?”

  She smiled. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  Fergus growled and placed a possessive hand on her butt. “I wouldn’t try teasing me about this, Gina. My dragon is a possessive bastard.”

  She raised her brows. “Oh, just your dragon, huh?”

  He lightly slapped her ass. “Cheeky lass.”

  As they grinned at one another, Gina decided she needed to talk with Finn later. If there was a way to stay and keep Fergus safe, she would try it. “Of course.”

  He kissed her quickly and then released her. She nearly reached out to pull him close again, but resisted. She was already falling for Fergus MacKenzie. Gina didn’t want to tempt herself or allow him to burrow any deeper into her heart until she knew her future.

  Fergus’s pupils flashed. “We should get you inside and out of the cold.”

  She pointed a finger at him. “You can tell your dragon-half that I’m fine. I won’t break that easily.”

  “To appease him, I’ll just do this.”

  Fergus drew her up against his side and she sank into his warmth. “Uh-huh. I’m sure it’s just for your dragon. Your sensible human side would never use a ruse to hold a woman close.”

  He grunted. “Not with any woman but you, Gina.”

  Gina laid her head on Fergus’s chest. “Good, because I’m feeling pretty growly myself today.”

  Her dragonman chuckled. “Then come on. We have some time before we have to meet Arabella. I have a few ideas of how to spend it.”

  As they walked, Gina looked up at him. “Oh? And what exactly are they?”

  “Not out here. Others might hear.”

  “Come on. I’m curious.” She lowered her voice. “You mentioned tying me up at breakfast. Is that one of your fantasies?” His dragon eyes flashed and she grinned. “It is, isn’t it?”

  He met her gaze and his voice was husky as he replied, “You’re a tease, Gina MacDonald.” He moved his hand to her ass and squeezed. A rush of heat flooded her body. “And I hope you live up to it. I’m sure I can find a few scarves somewhere.” His eyes moved to her protruding belly. “Although, we may have to wait a bit for that.”

  She shivered at the promise in his voice. “As much as I love my son, I wish he were a little bit smaller right now. I want to try out that fantasy sooner rather than later.”

  “Aye? Well, then maybe we should start making a list. That way, we’ll be full of ideas after the bairn is born and you’re healed.”

  Not wanting to break the spell, she didn’t point out how she might not be able to stay. Instead, she purred, “We might just have to do that. Then you can dream about them and have plenty of time to perfect how you’d take me.”

  Slapping her ass, he leaned down to nuzzle her cheek. “Oh, it won’t be just me, lass. I’m sure I can think of a few situations that you’ll be dreaming about for months to come.”

  Remembering Fergus’s hard, warm chest against her back from the night before made her shiver. “I wish it were now.”

  He chuckled. “Me, too, lass. But anticipation will make it that much hotter.”

  “You’re an expert now?”

  He stopped and pulled her up against his body. “I don’t claim to know the female mind, but I can already smell your arousal. If I can do that with words, just imagine what I can do after months of planning and the use of my hands.”

  Her clit pulsed to attention. “Damn you, Fergus. Teasing you has backfired.”

  “Aye, it has. And I like it.”

  Lowering his head, he kissed her. His lips and tongue were slow and gentle, as if savoring her taste.

  Not caring who might see, Gina threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled him close. Maybe, just maybe, Gina might find her happily ever after in the end. She just needed to use her brain to figure out a plan.

  Then Fergus snaked a hand between them to her breast and Gina lost all rational thought. For the moment, she simply enjoyed the dragonman in front of her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  A week later, Gina still hadn’t been able to talk with Finn. Every time she made an appointment, something came up. He’d actually spent the last two days down with Clan Stonefire, planning some kind of top secret mission.

  And every day that passed only made her fall a little more for Fergus.

  Even now, he stood next to the hospital bed and held her hand as Dr. Innes performed an ultrasoun
d. Her dragonman had insisted on staying and the look of awe on his face as he stared at the picture on the screen would stay with Gina always. Given the chance, she knew Fergus would treat her son as his own. And Gina wanted to give him the chance.

  That settled it. After her appointment was over, Gina would track down Finn and tie him to a chair if need be. Arabella might even help her since Gina and Arabella had been spending a lot of time together to plan the triplets’ room. The dragonwoman was slowly opening up to her. And given Arabella’s past and former hatred of humans, it was quite a feat according to Fergus.

  Fergus squeezed her hand and she smiled up at him as he asked, “Are you okay, lass? You had a faraway look in your eyes.”

  “I’ll tell you once the appointment is over.” She looked down at Dr. Innes. He was tall, about forty, and nearly as protective as Fergus when it came to her son. Since Dr. Innes had lost his mate and baby during a delivery over a decade ago, Gina at least understood his concern.

  Still, she forced herself to ask, “Is everything still well?”

  Dr. Innes nodded. “Aye. Your son’s heartbeat is strong and he’s nearly in position for the delivery. He should be along any time now.”

  “But that’s a few weeks early, isn’t it?”

  “It is, but dragon-shifter babies usually arrive a little early for human mothers.” Dr. Innes flicked his gaze to Fergus and back to Gina. “I’m sure you’re aware of the risks.”

  Gina nodded. “I’ve had a week to absorb all that you and Holly have told me.” She shrugged. “There’s really not much else I can do but sit and wait.”

  Dr. Innes’ voice was quiet when he answered, “It’s not a light matter, Gina. The risk is real.”

  Fergus growled. “Between you and Holly, Gina will be fine. Scaring her will only raise her blood pressure. After what happened with Evie Marshall down on Stonefire, I don’t want to risk anything with Gina.”

  Gina tugged on Fergus’s hand and he met her gaze. “Evie had preeclampsia. So far, all of my tests have come back normal.”


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