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Decadence After Dark: The Complete Collection (Dark Romance box set) : Owned, Claimed, Ruined, Lie With Me, Elicit (Decadence After Dark )

Page 12

by M Never

  “See you in the morning, sweet thing.”

  Jett leaves and it’s just me and my thoughts in a compromising position. I’m not alone long. I hear the door click and immediately the room is engulfed with Kayne’s dominant presence. My insides quiver.

  “Hey, beautiful.” He caresses my back and kisses my shoulder. “How was your day?”

  “Jett made me do more yoga.” I speak into the mattress.

  “Good. Limbering you up for me.” He spanks me lightly. I tense.


  “I want you as flexible as possible so I can bend you whichever way I want.” He drops a soft kiss on the ass cheek he just smacked. In this position, I am overly exposed.

  “You look to fucking die for like this.”

  He massages me in the same place he kissed me. “Ellie, I want to warn you up front. Tonight is going to be intense.” He rubs his already erect cock against me.

  “How intense?” I can barely utter the words. I’m already sick with anxiety and excited with arousal. I’m turning into a fucking whack job.

  “You’re not going to be able to walk tomorrow.”

  “What?” I go to lift my head but Kayne grabs my chain Jett left dangling between my legs, he never secured me to the headboard. My face is pressed firmly to the mattress as Kayne subdues me tight.

  “You’re mine, Ellie,” he reminds me. “I can do to you as I please.” I squeeze my eyes shut and swallow the thick fear threatening to choke me. He’s going to hurt me.

  He yanks my chain. “How do you reply?”

  “Yes, Kayne,” I say hoarsely.

  “Yes, Kayne, please fuck me.”

  I repeat, “Yes, Kayne, please fuck me.” Tears threaten, but I hold them back. I need to be strong, even if I am scared out of my mind.

  “Good girl.”

  I want to slap him. I hope one day I get the chance.

  Kayne drops something heavy onto the bed next to me; it bounces slightly on the mattress.

  “Bring your hands down Ellie, put them by your sides.”

  I immediately do what he says. Swiftly, he takes each of my wrists and clamps them down, as something cold and metal runs across the back of my legs.

  “Kayne?” I say shaky.

  “Shhh.” Then he takes my chain and secures it to the rod so I’m tied up tightly. I can’t lift my head because of the chain and I can’t move my legs or arms because of the cuffs and the bar. I’m scared shitless.

  “Relax, Ellie.” Kayne starts rubbing my ass that’s now sticking high in the air. “You’re going to need to trust me. And you’re going to need to keep your body loose. The more you squirm and wriggle, the more uncomfortable you’ll become.”

  More uncomfortable? Is that possible?

  I can’t see Kayne behind me. So I have to rely on my other senses. I feel him brush against me as he takes off his shirt and I hear his zipper lower as he removes his pants. I suddenly feel his tongue against my pussy. I jump trying to snap my head up, but the chain restricts me, acting like a pulley, forcing my knees forward and jutting my ass further into the air. “Told you to hold still.”

  Kayne begins licking me relentlessly, from the tip of my behind to the bottom of my clit. I’m soaking wet and dizzy with desire within a few short minutes. Then he takes his hands and spreads my ass cheeks as far as they can go, sliding his tongue into my little puckered hole. I shake uncontrollably.

  I want to move.

  I want more.

  I want less.

  I want the ache he’s commanding quelled. Now!

  “I’m going to fuck you here, Ellie.”

  I feel his warm breath brush against me. “I’m going to stretch you with my fingers then bury myself inside you. And that’s where I plan to stay. All night.” I tremble at his words, terrified of the pain. Recalling how he said I won’t be able to walk tomorrow.

  “Kayne, please be gentle,” I beg in my shackles.

  “I won’t hurt you, baby. Unless you disobey me, or ask for it.”

  Like hell I would ever do that.

  When Kayne feels he’s lubricated me enough, he starts to inch his thumb inside me. The initial intrusion hurts and is so intense, but once he’s fully inside, the pain starts to taper.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight. I can’t wait to be inside you.” He withdraws his thumb and replaces it with one of his fingers. I’m dying. It hurts, and it doesn’t. I like it, and I don’t. My body is caught in a feverous mix of pleasure and pain, and it’s only the beginning. I don’t know if I’m going to survive this night. Just as Kayne slips another finger into me and begins scissoring me open, there’s a pounding on the door.

  “Kayne!” Jett calls through the wood.

  “Jett, the fucking house better be on fire,” he growls, continuing his assault.

  “There’s a situation that needs your immediate attention.”

  “What kind of situation?” He halts his ministrations but doesn’t withdraw his fingers. My body is strung so tight, I could snap at any second.

  “A delicate one,” Jett relays, and that seems to get Kayne’s full attention.

  “Motherfucker,” he grinds out. “Give me a sec,” he barks.

  “Hurry up.” Jett fumes through the door.

  Kayne leans over my subdued face. “I’m sorry, baby, we’re going to have to put this on hold for a few minutes.” He kisses my cheek, withdraws his fingers then disappears. My body deflates, as I’m left helpless on the bed.

  I hear metal sliding across tracks as drawers are opened and closed. My adrenaline spikes. Then I feel Kayne standing behind me once again.

  “I really wanted to prime you myself, but this will have to do in my absence. Open.” He shoves something hard and metal into my mouth. I know exactly what it is. It’s the exact same object he used after he whipped me, except this one is much larger; longer and fatter. My stomach twists. “Ellie, relax.” He yanks on the chain attached to the plug and I release it. He then works the extra-large plug into my ass. No inching or easing, just one fluid motion. I groan loudly as it fills me completely. So much more than his fingers did. I’m panting wildly by the time he’s through. It fucking hurts. Is this what it’s going to feel like when he fucks me? Kayne then tells me to open again. He inserts something hard and rubbery into my mouth. “Suck.”

  I wrap my lips around the object and do as I’m told. Good little pleasure kitten. He removes it when he’s satisfied, then slowly slides it into my pussy. Holy fuck, if I thought I was full before, I’m overflowing now. Then I hear a click and it starts to vibrate gently. The pulse reaches all the way into my womb. My breathing goes from panting to gasping in a nanosecond. He can’t leave me like this!?

  “You’ll be good and ready for me when I get back.” Kayne smacks my ass and a simultaneous bolt of pleasure and pain shoots through me. I moan, incapacitated, as the butt plug and vibrator wage war on my body, pushing me to the edge and dangling me there. An orgasm is brewing, but coming nowhere close to where I need to find release. Why did he do this? Why is he torturing me?!

  I DRESS QUICKLY WITH MY cock as hard as a stone slab and Ellie squirming uncomfortably on the bed.

  Whatever the fuck is going on, it better be a red level terror alert. I open the door to find Jett quivering.

  “What the fuck?” I ask.

  “Just follow me.” He hauls ass down the hall. I follow with the same quickness as we fly down one flight of stairs to the second floor and beeline it straight for Javier’s room. Crap, this definitely isn’t good. Once inside, I see the situation. Spice is flailing all over Javier’s bed. She holding her arm, tears pouring down her face.

  “That motherfucker dislocated her shoulder,” Jett explodes. “I need help popping it back into place.”


  Spice whimpers as Jett and I both climb onto the bed without delay. Me, on Spice’s injured side, Jett by her head. She looks up at me in distress. “Okay, baby, we’re going to fix it.” I talk to her
serenely. The last thing I want is her feeling more tension. There’s enough radiating off Jett to light up the whole house. “Spice, take a deep breath.” I glance up at Jett, his stare is removed, and his face flushed. “Stay with me, brother.”

  “I’m here,” he says, eerily composed. Eerily composed Jett is never a good sign.

  “Kayne, please,” Spice begs. Her voice is so small. Usually the sound of a woman begging sends me into a state of sexual frenzy. At the moment, it’s not eliciting anything sexual from me at all. Unless you count homicidal thoughts as sexually exciting.

  “Okay, on the count of three I’m going to pop it back in.” I stare into her eyes. The dark green ones that look exactly like Ellie’s. My chest aches. This could have easily been her. This and so much worse. I fight to keep my head and concentrate on helping the suffering brunette. “One.” I stand up and pull her arm over the edge of the bed. Spice screams. I wait a few seconds for her muscles to relax. I glance at Jett and he nods. “Two.” I pull, slow and steady, catching her off guard. She screams again as I roll her arm until I hear her shoulder pop back into place.

  As soon as I’m finished, she passes out; I conclude half from stress, half from the pain. Shit. Poor thing. She’s been put through the damn wringer ever since Javier stepped foot in this house. I blame myself. Maybe I shouldn’t, maybe there’s no reason, but nevertheless I do.

  “It’s okay now, you’re okay.” Jett kisses her head and caresses her hair. It’s a paternal reaction.

  “Where is he?” I ask Jett.

  “Gone,” he replies, not even looking at me. I know he won’t drag his attention away from Spice.

  “Gone where?” I ask.

  “Who cares?” he boils.

  “I do, and you better too.”

  “I heard him say something about wanting a cerveza.”

  “Great, at the local bar, just what we need. A drunk, belligerent abusive Mexican.” I run my hands down my face.

  Jett lifts Spice off the bed. “I’m taking her to my room. She needs ice. And I’m putting all the other girls on lockdown for the night.”

  I nod in agreement. “Is there anyone here?”

  “One room is occupied. As soon as Spice is comfortable they’re getting kicked the fuck out.”

  “That should be good for business,” I comment back handedly.

  Jett shoots me a dangerous look.

  “I need to get back to Ellie,” I pop off, the mere mention of her name should chill him out.

  “Fine, go.” Jett walks toward the door. I pull on his arm.

  “Don’t do anything stupid.”

  He glances down at my hand and then back up at my face. He curls his lip in warning, his aqua eyes ice cold. “If you can handle it, I can handle it.”

  I know exactly what he means. If I didn’t kill Javier after what he did to Ellie, Jett won’t kill him for what he did to Spice.

  As Jett and I walk the expansive hall in opposite directions, I’m struck with a lifetime’s worth of jarring memories. My lifetime. It all comes back, the isolation, the fear, and inability to trust. You’re nothing but a paycheck you little fuck. Slam!

  For as long as I can remember, abuse has always been at the forefront of my life. Whether direct or indirect, it affects you all the same.

  I start to breathe heavily as the memories swarm like angry bees. I’ve spent years trying to suppress the hostility, and sometimes uncontrollable rage, if for nothing more than the simplicity of sleeping at night. But with Ellie and Spice and the situation at hand, my past resurfaces like an underwater eruption.

  By the time I reach Ellie’s door, I’m wound so tight I don’t know what I’m capable of.

  TEARS START TO WELL IN my eyes long before Kayne returns. The sensations are way too much. I need to move, to satisfy the ache eating away at my insides. If I shift even a fraction of an inch, I feel it everywhere. Between my legs, up my ass, along my spine. I mewl insufferably, needing relief. The tears spill, wetting my face, and all I can do is let them fall. Kayne is the only one who can release me from this prison.

  Just when I think my heart is going to explode from the unrelenting stress, Kayne returns.

  “Please, please,” I beg. “Please let me come. I can’t take anymore.”

  He doesn’t say a word, but I can feel the tension rippling off of his body. It scares the living shit out of me.

  “You want to come?” His voice is menacing, and I know I’m in for something brutal. He yanks the vibrator out and I nearly fall apart. A second later he slams into me with such force I scream and slide forward on the bed. “Stay fucking still.” He pulls me back and begins to pound into me. In a split second, I come apart. Freefalling into oblivion. Then, right in the middle of my orgasm, he ruthlessly rips out the butt plug, sending another crippling wave of ecstasy crashing through my body. I cry uncontrollably, completely destroyed, drained of all energy as I gasp for air on the bed. I’m still seeing stars when he finally comes. He grits his teeth as he stabs into my hips with his fingers and into my pussy with his cock.

  Heaven help me.

  When it’s finally over, I feel like I’m going to break apart. The man can be so vicious.

  I start to nod off when Kayne pokes me with his still hard erection. “Sorry, Ellie.” He almost sounds remorseful. “I’m not done with you yet.” His voice is calmer now. But still dark and thick with desire. “I told you I was going to fuck you here.” He pushes the head of his cock against my sore rose bud. “And that’s exactly what I intend to do.” How is he still hard? I brace myself for the bite. Then feel something cold and slippery against my skin.

  “What’s that?” I ask, my voice muffled against the mattress.

  “Lubrication.” He smears it all over me, and then pushes against my entrance again. I groan as he fights his way in inch by agonizing inch, until he’s buried deep inside.

  Holy fuck! He’s triple the size of the industrial butt plug.

  “I knew you were going to feel this way,” he expels euphorically, completely still. “I used to jerk off to this exact image. Do you know that? After I would leave Mark’s office, I would fantasize about what it would be like to tie you down and make you scream.” Kayne starts to move in and out in small, controlled thrusts. I feel him everywhere, governing my entire existence. He’s infiltrating my body, compelling my mind, and contorting my soul.

  Another gargantuan orgasm starts to bloom. My cheeks flush, my muscles clench, my neck strains, and my wrists hurt as he takes his movements from small and controlled to elongated and deep. Every thrust ripping me open, every withdrawal sewing me closed. “All night. I’m going to fuck you like this all night.” And there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. I’m tied up, at his mercy.

  “You’re mine, Ellie, and I want to hear you scream.”

  And I do, over and over, orgasm after orgasm, until our fluids are soaking the bed, my voice is gone, and my body is limp.

  ELLIE?” JETT SHAKES ME LIGHTLY. “Ellie, wake up.”

  I crack open my eyes but don’t move my body. It feels like I’ve been in a car accident. I hurt all over. I groan. Kayne said I wasn’t going to be able to walk today. He wasn’t kidding.

  “Come on, love, it’s late. You need to get up.”

  “How late?” My eyes flutter to the window.

  “Five in the evening. You’ve been asleep all day. Kayne put a punishing on you last night, huh?”

  That is definitely one way to put it.

  Kayne didn’t leave my room until nearly dawn. When he was finished with me, he discarded me like nothing more than an overused rag doll. He chained me back to the headboard, kissed me on the lips and left silently. That was it. I was his sex toy and he used me as such. An object to play with and then toss back on the shelf. Or in my case, the bed. It fucking hurts. I feel empty and used. This life is hard, nothing like the one I dreamed of having.

  “Kayne will want to see you soon. Get up.”

  “I don’t think I can
walk.” My voice is small and hapless.

  “Come on, I’ll help you.” Jett unlocks me and lifts me into his arms. The ache in my back and between my legs is excruciating. I moan miserably.

  He carries me into the bathroom. “How about a hot bath?”

  I nod.

  “Do you think you can stand?”

  I nod again. I’m not in a very talkative mood.

  Jett places me on my feet and I wince, the contact with the floor vibrates all the way up my body. He turns on the faucet and squeezes some soap into the water. The now familiar scent of eucalyptus fills the room. Jett turns to me once the enormous soaking tub is halfway filled. As soon as he reaches out to me, I crack. I don’t even know where it comes from. The emotion wasn’t there a second ago, but now tears are falling like an unstoppable rainstorm from my eyes.

  “Ellie!?” Jett wraps me in his arms and the embrace hurts. “Are you in that much pain?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know. It’s just … how am I supposed to survive like this? I feel empty. How am I supposed to live with no emotion? No love? As just someone’s pet? To be taken off its leash and played with.” I sob inconsolably. “I didn’t work my ass off for four years so I could end up like this. As nothing. No one. I was supposed to start school in the fall. Travel. See everything my parents couldn’t afford me. And now it’s all gone. All my hopes, all my dreams.”

  “Oh, honey.” Jett hugs me tighter and I whimper. “I know this isn’t your ideal situation. But there are things going on you know nothing about. Trust Kayne.”

  “Trust him? He did this to me!”

  “What? Gave you several nights of unbelievable pleasure? So you’re in a little pain. It will subside.”

  “No, it’s not that.” I wipe my eyes. “He’s isolated me. Emotionally exiled me.”

  Jett sighs, as if conflicted. “Get in the tub.”

  He helps me step in, and I sink into the cathartic hot water. Then Jett crouches beside me. “Let me tell you something about Kayne,” he whispers. “When it comes to you, his emotions are more present than you think.”


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