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Abandoning the Rules

Page 6

by Jp Grace

  Despite his beautiful looks, she knew his face hid a wealth of strength and not just from brute force, but something much deeper, the strength of his own convictions.

  Her heart swelled with emotions she couldn’t name. Something she hadn’t allowed for far too long. It was alien in its intensity, but also rich, warm, and very right. It helped soothe the insecurities threatening to disrupt the happiness she found in his arms.

  Bree pushed aside her thoughts and concentrated on touching Adam to her heart’s content. While last night had been incredible, she found she wanted more. So much more. To her dismay, she realized she wanted a life with Adam. Not just a night of lovemaking, but mornings in his arms and endless nights in his bed.

  Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice Adam watching her with naked hunger in his cinnamon colored eyes.

  When she traced the contours of his jaw with a slender finger, he caught her hand in his own, bringing it to his mouth and kissing her fingertips one by one.

  It was a sweet gesture and tears of elation formed in her eyes, which went well with the lump in her throat. Her heart overflowed with jubilation.

  “What is it, Bree?”

  So many thoughts and words ran through her mind and fought to escape the prison she had kept them in for so long, she could call forth none of them. Fighting her demons with Adam’s eyes devouring her was harder than anything she had faced before.

  She wanted to confide in him what he meant to her and more, but memories of trust given and broken kept her firmly jailed behind the steel bars she had erected.

  Swallowing hard, she answered him the only way she could, with naked honesty battling her reservations and winning, “I was thinking how incredible you are.”

  A smile curved on his sleep softened lips and her heart melted further.

  “Thank you, I was thinking the same about you. I was also thinking how great it is to wake up with you by my side. I’ve dreamed about it for so long. It’s even better in person.”

  An answering smile formed on Bree’s lips.

  It was pretty damned incredible to wake up in Adam’s arms and bed. She never wanted it to end.

  “Adam, I…I love you.”

  The words slipped out before she could call them back.

  “I know. I’ve known for some time. Why do you think I pushed you so hard?”

  Bree acknowledged the logic of that now that she had said the words out loud and the world hadn’t ended in a fiery explosion of death. Still, it had been a long time since she had said those words to a man and meant them. It was a monumental admission on her part and one she was strangely happy to have made.

  Adam’s eyes glowed with warmth and love and the sight filled her with bliss.

  He leaned forward to kiss her and all the doubts, mistrust, and a lifetime of disappointment fled in an instant.

  His mouth was warm and slack from sleep, but it didn’t stop him from plundering her own with sweeping forays that reached into the very depths of her soul.

  Bree returned his kisses with her heart in her throat. This was what she had waited to feel all her life, his touch, his love, his warmth. This was what the romance novels talked about and what she had only dreamed of.

  Adam’s kisses promised love, longevity, commitment, and more, a white hot lust that curled her toes and filled her heart with ecstasy.

  His hands cupped her face as he held her in place in order to plunder her mouth. And plunder he did, his tongue reaching in and tangling with hers, not asking for her surrender, demanding it.

  There was no question of her acquiescence anymore, she knew that, but she liked that he continued to want more of her. She had a feeling Adam would never be satisfied with a simple kiss or peck on the cheek. He would seek to possess her with passionate, seeking, probing kisses and she loved him all the more for it.

  Breaking off, Bree gasped for air, but couldn’t contain the smile playing around her lips. Maybe it was time she showed Adam the passion he instilled in her.

  He watched her with lazy hooded eyes.

  Bree took a moment to let her gaze travel over his body. He was so strong. She would have never guessed underneath all those staid and boring business suits lurked the body of a graceful lion. Sleek, muscled, and primed for attack.

  She suddenly had a craving to be his lioness in all the ways that counted.

  She stroked a finger over his face, tracing the planes and angles of his strong jaw, his firm lips, and chiseled cheek bones.

  He closed his eyes and let her explore.

  She moved down his neck and over the corded muscles waiting to spring into action, a little surprised and excited at the strength contained within.

  Reaching his chest, her fingers explored the contours of his lightly tufted skin. Overcome with a burning desire to taste him, she leaned forward and buried her face in his chest, letting her tongue dart out here and there to experience the unique flavor that was his and his alone.

  A low moan tore from his throat and she felt the vibration against her lips. It was an amazing and powerful feeling to know how she affected him. It combined with the effect he had on her until she was a jumble of potent emotions threatening to boil over.

  She continued her foray and reached his stomach and the sexy trail of hair leading to the treasure he kept hidden from view. The treasure he had promised was hers alone. The whispered confessions and promises of love in the middle of the night hadn’t been forgotten. If anything they had cemented their bond beyond anything she could have imagined just a few short days ago.

  Beneath the sheet, Adam’s erection was making its presence known, tenting the fabric as he grew.

  Smiling against his stomach, Bree didn’t hesitate to lift the sheet and look at his magnificent offering, substantial and curved in all the right places, his tip glistening in the sunlight slanting through the lace curtains.

  She licked her lips. Her insides quivered in liquid desire at the sight. She had wanted to taste him last night, but he hadn’t given her the chance.

  With a quick glance to ensure his eyes were still closed, she moved closer, until her head was resting on his pubic bone, his manhood rising invitingly inches from her face.

  Letting her fingers drift, she explored his lower half, trailing over muscled thighs and down his knees and calves. She heard his quick intake of breath when she cupped his testicles. It didn’t deter her from her plan.

  Leaning closer, she placed a soft kiss on his bulbous head.

  He gasped and Bree smiled, the cat-ate-the-canary kind of smile. Or better yet, the woman-who-ate-her-man kind of smile.

  Testing his resolve and her own, she licked the tiny drop of liquid nestled at his opening that beckoned her until his tip shone from her tongue.

  Adam’s hips rose to meet her halfway. She refused to be rushed. Something this magnificent couldn’t be hurried; it was to be savored, languidly and determinedly, and she aimed to do so.

  Not satisfied with the gasps of pleasure coming from him-she wanted his passion ignited and enflamed to the same degree he ignited her own-she lightly bit his tip and held on when he bucked. In truth, she wanted him to beg, writhe, and moan beneath her and would accept nothing less than the same submission he demanded from her.

  He twitched and her lips curled in response.

  With power coursing through her veins, she moved lower to his testicles, tracing the pebbled skin with her tongue and nipping softly at the mounds of testosterone until they twitched and tightened.

  She moved lower, committing to memory the contours of his thighs taut with anticipation. God, she loved the feel of him. The restrained strength and desire coiling under his flushed skin was all hers and she relished the thought of belonging to this man forever.

  Nipping at the sides of his knees, she heard his sharp intake of breath and prolonged her torture, letting her tongue glide and stroke over the surprisingly sensitive spot behind the knobby protrusions.

  Adam clenched the sheet tightly between h
is fingers, bringing another quirk of satisfaction to Bree’s lips. She quickly transferred her gaze to his rigid length clamoring for her attention.

  Enclosing his molten shaft in her mouth, she slid down the length of him, not stopping until her lips rested at his base. His salty sweet taste overwhelmed her senses.

  She bathed him with her tongue, swirling over every inch until his shape was burned into her mind and soul. She suckled and pulled and bit, desperate to feel the telltale jump every time she did something he liked. It wasn’t long in coming.

  A low groan ruptured the silence and Bree was startled to realize it was coming from her.

  Adam sat up, grabbed a handful of her hair and lifted her head from his lap.

  He stared down at her with glowing amber eyes.

  Bree’s insides responded with a welcoming rush of anticipation at the heated look.

  With little warning, he pulled her on top of him, his stiff head unerringly landing at her opening.

  She gasped as her pussy welcomed him, his passage eased by her arousal and the lingering traces of wetness on his cock.

  Slowly, she sank down, her knees straddling his hips, until he rode high and deep in her womb. It wasn’t enough; she had a sinking feeling it would never be enough.

  She rose and eased him to her entrance only to sink down a little harder, a little faster as they both lost their breath.

  Adam gripped her hips, his nails digging into her skin ruthlessly. She didn’t care, she didn’t feel anything but him, rippling and thickening against her walls. Having him like this was all that mattered.

  She braced her hands on his chest and used him as leverage, holding him still while she circled her hips over him in an unending pattern of torture. For both of them.

  “My Bree. Yes. Fuck, yes.” Adam encouraged, his voice raspy with need.

  She trembled inside and quickened the pace, her body overriding her mind’s desire to go slow.

  His mouth was tight with need, his body glistened with a fine sheen of sweat, and his eyes, oh God, his eyes watched her with an all consuming lust that threatened to destroy any remaining restraint she had.

  She never had a chance to test it. Adam stole it from her with a few powerful thrusts aimed at her core. Deeper and harder he plunged until she yielded with an anguished scream, clasping and releasing around him in a dousing of scorching cream.

  Adam gave a shout of approval before his own release took over. His hips rose and fell frantically, setting off more shock waves inside her.

  As the last of Adam’s orgasm shuddered through him, she joined him again, her body writhing over his offering, eager to accept all of him.

  Sated and numb, Bree sank down, her breasts mashing into Adam’s chest as his arms closed around her.

  She had no words to describe how he made her feel. It was the most glorious feeling she had ever experienced and she meant to savor it for as long as she could.

  Smiling, she closed her eyes and held him close, content to linger in bed with him by her side.


  BREE dropped Adam off at the village square where their journey had begun only the day before, although it seemed like a lifetime had passed since, and started the drive home.

  On the way, she pondered the wisdom of their plan. She was nervous about going home and implementing the plan Adam’s detective friend, Tony, had suggested. It was risky, but if they were to prove Steven’s culpability in Ben’s disappearance, she had to do it. Then she could be free at last.

  Of course, it could also go horribly wrong. It was that thought that had her stomach clutching nervously.

  In Adam’s arms, she was courageous and willing to battle her demons, but faced with Steven’s wickedness on her own, her bravado was quickly failing.

  Adam had called Tony first thing the next morning and he had filled her in on all he knew. It wasn’t much, but it had provided some clues as to what she should be looking for.

  Tony had rattled off a list of incriminating items, clothing, documents she had never heard of, and personal items of Ben’s. It was horrifying to realize she may have inadvertently caused him harm just by getting involved with him.

  He had also emphasized how dangerous the situation was and had tried to get her to let the police handle it. She’d refused. If Steven was the man Tony thought he was, he didn’t deserve her loyalty. She would be doing society a favor by providing the evidence the cops needed to arrest him.

  Tony had also inadvertently cleared up a few questions she had had about Adam and his knowledge of Ben. Tony and his partner had presumed Ben was deceased and had been for some time based on what they had collected so far. What she hadn’t been clear on, was why Tony had been talking to Adam about the case in the first place. Tony assured her it had been mere coincidence that brought their conversation around to Ben.

  In the course of casual male bonding over beer and pool, Adam had confessed his love for her and the problems they faced. He’d guiltily confided her marital status. Out of curiosity, Tony had asked the name of the woman who had captured his buddy’s heart and had been understandably shocked to find out it was the wife of a suspect he had been trying to nail for over ten years.

  What she hadn’t mentioned to Adam or Tony was that she knew where Steven kept his secrets. Steven didn’t know of course, she had learned a long time ago not to reveal too much. But she knew where to start looking.

  Chills raced down her spine.

  What would she find in Steven’s safe? He didn’t know she knew about it, but years of abuse had taught her a few things. Like how to install and use a hidden camera in their bedroom. It hadn’t been easy to record him as he furtively entered the numbers; the safe was shielded by a gaudy portrait Steven insisted was an antique. She’d never once assumed she would be using it for this purpose.

  The immediate issue she faced now was explaining her overnight absence. Steven didn’t usually care where she spent her time unless he suspected she was doing something to cause him to lose face with his powerful friends. Anxiousness over the new situation caused her considerable distress over how to explain her absence without appearing guilty.

  Adam had suggested she tell him she had spent a quiet night at a hotel and spa as she had done on previous occasions. The idea had merit. It was part of her normal routine in the summer. The problem was she normally informed Steven beforehand.

  Bree worried her lower lip as she contemplated Steven’s reaction. Sometimes he could be so volatile and violent, other times he pretended to be kind and magnanimous. Which Steven would greet her today?

  There was only one way to find out. She braced herself for the evening ahead.

  After a few traffic snarls, she made it home to the white clapboard monstrosity Steven had chosen for their home and that she had always hated. It mocked her with its cold façade, but she bravely pulled into the garage and parked, noting Steven’s Mercedes in its usual spot.

  Damn. She had hoped for a few minutes alone to collect herself. But it wasn’t to be and putting it off wasn’t going to ease the pressure expanding through her chest.

  Knowing she had to put on an Emmy award winning performance, she gathered her belongings and went inside to face him.

  The house was quiet, almost unnaturally so. Steven’s keys and shoes were carelessly dropped in their usual spot, but he wasn’t in his customary place in front of the television, where he spent most of his time when home.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, she rushed up the stairs to their bedroom to put her packages away. She hoped to freshen up. Steven hated it when she didn’t look her best and with only a quick shower before leaving Adam’s and no makeup on, she knew it wouldn’t satisfy his fussy requirements. It no longer mattered if she filled his expectations, but old habits died hard. The last thing she needed was to arouse any more suspicion than necessary tonight.

  She hurried through her preparations, casting anxious glances over her shoulder the whole time. Steven had a bad habit of snea
king up on her and she had no desire to be caught off guard today of all days.

  Once finished, she locked the bedroom door and approached the safe, the combination seared into her memory. With shaking fingers, she entered the electronic code.

  With an audible click, the lock released.

  Bree sucked air into her lungs and stared at the contents. She had known the combination for some time now, but hadn’t worked up the courage to use it; she had been living in deep denial. It had sheltered her when she hadn’t been able to face the truth.

  She reached in and grabbed the stack of documents haphazardly piled atop a carved wooden box. Scanning the pile, she saw it was the usual assortment of paperwork; birth certificates, house deeds, vehicle titles, Social Security cards, and stacks of bank bonds. She put them aside to look at later.

  The box was what had her curious.

  Hefting it in her hand-it couldn’t have weighed more than a pound-she lifted the lid and frowned.

  Why would Steven save an old watch, house keys, and a letter?

  She picked up the watch and examined it. Cheaply made with a frayed leather band, it wasn’t much to look at and had clearly been well worn by its owner.

  Flipping it over, she squinted at the initials etched into the tarnished silver back.

  B. M. F.

  Love Always,

  E. R. F.

  Ben Matthew Finley and Elizabeth Rose Finley. Ben’s deceased parents. Dimly, she remembered Ben showing her the watch and commenting it was the only thing he had left of his parents.

  Ben wasn’t careless. He wouldn’t have lost the only link he had left to his parents. Not willingly.

  She glanced around furtively before tucking the watch into her pocket and picking up the keys.

  One look and any remaining doubts she had concerning Steven’s responsibility for Ben’s…disappearance were erased. To what degree remained to be seen.

  The number nine was prominently displayed on a sticker barely hanging on to the metal of the largest key. The address at Ben’s small rental. Another, a black topped Chevrolet key, matched the make of Ben’s car.


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