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Taliff's Cure

Page 2

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Over the course of the next two hours, Eve’s mood went from pissed off to lost, then curious and finally, back to pissed off. As more women, those she knew, suddenly appeared in previously empty containers like hers, thoughts of her own situation dimmed. She had to take care of the others, make sure they were all right and that they stayed that way.

  Along with her determination, there were questions. Why was it that she was the only one awake? Did he want her to suffer for some reason, to be aware enough to fret about her fate? She wouldn’t give him the pleasure. She’d face this head on like everything else she did in life.

  This Lionese woman wouldn’t cower to the bigger beast.

  A noise to her left startled her from her thoughts. A panel in the wall began to slide open. The first thing Eve could see was a pair of scuffed hiking boots. Her gaze drifted upwards. Oh my, powerful thighs, a huge cock, if the ridge in his jeans was any indication. His waist was trim, his stomach flat. A chest wide enough to spread out over, thickly muscled arms. It just kept getting better and better, even if he was a kidnapper.

  He had a wild mane of red-gold hair, almost an identical match to her own wild locks. But it was his face that made her heart thump wildly. Or, more accurately it was his eyes. His golden cat-eyes glittered. She could see the sparkle from half a room away. His lips were full but not overly so, kissable lips. Firm, high cheekbones. His features looked almost Asian, but he was a pure Lionese man. There was no doubt of that.

  It had to be her imagination. It looked like he was thinking of sex. Hot, sweaty, bone melting sex. Or was it? Was she to become some sort of sex slave? Was he setting up a harem?

  That couldn’t be right, though. He didn’t look at the other women, didn’t pay them the slightest attention as he raked her body from head to toe.

  Eve squirmed. Her pussy clenched. She could feel the heat of his passion blaze at her. He looked at her as if she belonged to him — his own personal nirvana. She swallowed, taken aback by his attention.

  How could she feel attracted to someone who went around stealing women? Was she going into heat a couple months early? Hell, nothing would surprise her now.

  He entered the room, locked his gaze with hers and stalked her way.

  “I’ll have your name,” the sex on a stick demanded.

  Just like that, her attention shifted from her overeager libido to her current situation. How could she have forgotten that this man held her prisoner? She wet her lips, shifted in her prison, and prepared to blast him with her anger.

  “Please,” he whispered, a plea in his voice, “your name?”

  She found herself answering, despite her anger. Maybe the desperation in his eyes made her do it. She really didn’t care why, just felt the need to answer him. Hell, she just needed period. She wanted to screw him senseless. What in the hell was wrong with her? “Eve. Eve Roberts.”

  Was that throaty voice hers? Did she sound as desperate for him as she thought she did? Could she be any more humiliated?

  “I’m called Taliff Shi’Lan. You’re aboard my ship, the Wanderer.”

  Okay, she could handle this. Oh, hell no she couldn’t. “Ship. I’m on a freaking ship?”

  His eyes, once filled with savage passion, were now wary. Good, let him sweat. Not that he had much to worry about with her trapped the way she was.

  He nodded, shifted his stance, and moved closer. “Yes, a ship. A star class cruiser to be exact. Does any of this sound familiar to you?”

  Wariness flooded her. Where was he going with this? “Familiar how?”

  He answered her question with one of his own. “Have you never wondered why you are what you are, or where you came from?”

  “What are you talking about? Look, can you let me out of here?” She tried to sound innocent and afraid. She’d say anything at this point to get out of her crystal prison. It must not have been believable because all he did was quirk an eyebrow in response.

  “I didn’t think so,” she mumbled.

  He ignored her outburst, and continued as though she hadn’t said a word. “You’re Lionese. Where do you think your kind originated?”

  “What do you mean, where we originated?”

  She could tell she was frustrating him, but she just didn’t want to believe what he had implied. That they weren’t human, not even a little bit. That Earth wasn’t their natural home.

  “Millennia ago, a ship called the Adventurer disappeared while doing deep space exploration. Historians assumed that all hands on board were lost. I found the descendants of those men and women. I found you.”

  “Uh, huh. If they assumed everyone died, then why did you come looking for us? I assume you didn’t just stumble upon us by mistake?” Despite the seriousness of her situation, of the likely danger her and the others were in, her curiosity needed to be appeased.

  “The simple truth? We’re desperate.”

  She waited for more. For some kind of explanation, but none came. “That’s it. That’s all you’re going to say?”

  Taliff nodded. She turned her head away, afraid for him to see that even though she feared him, feared what might happen to her, she still wanted him. She was such a slut, and a fool, because she was going to help him.

  She sighed, looked into his eyes. Yes, she was a slut. That had to be the reason she was about to offer her assistance in any way she could. She opened her mouth to speak, hesitated, and tried again. She felt like she was about to give up her very life to the man.

  “What can I do to help?” There, she said it. She wasn’t selling her people out. She was helping them. At least, she hoped so.

  She watched as Taliff pressed a button on the lid above her. It slid silently open. “Thank you.”

  Eve scrambled to sit up, thankful she could do so. “But I want some explanations.” When she thought he would object, he just smiled. The twinkle was back in his eyes. Her clit twitched. Oh, she was in serious trouble here.

  It’s not as if she’d spent her youth on her back. Hell, she’d only had sex once. It wasn’t even something she enjoyed. Well, she hadn’t before, anyway. This guy looked like he’d know exactly what to do to make her scream.

  “I’ll tell you everything you need to know. Would you like to see the command deck? I need to give the computer instructions for takeoff.”

  “Takeoff? We’re leaving?” Eve ignored the outstretched hand he offered her. If she touched him, she just might jump him, no matter how upsetting his words were to her. He expected her to leave everything she knew behind? Everyone?

  “Of course.”

  “We can’t just leave like this.” Eve swept her arms out to the sides, “And what about all of these women. What exactly is going on?”

  “Everything will be explained. First, we must leave your atmosphere. I’ve been circling your planet for too long as it is.”

  Taliff turned his back, headed for the door. “Come, there is much for you to see.” When he reached the door, he stopped, extended his hand once again. His eyes were patient now, as if he knew just what it would cost her to place her hand in his.

  Eve swallowed the spit in her mouth, shifted from foot to foot. Almost involuntarily, she approached him. After only a slight hesitation, she squared her shoulders and placed her hand in his. She closed her eyes to center herself, then opened them to find him staring at her. She closed the last remaining distance between them. Her last thought before she exited the room was, let my new life begin.

  * * * *

  Taliff couldn’t believe the faith she’d placed in him. When he had first walked into the room and seen her his heart stopped. For one second it stuttered to a standstill. Her beauty memorized him.

  She was so small and delicate compared to his massive build. The stasis chamber looked half-empty with her lying in it. Her eyes were the brilliant amber of the crystals in the Mating Chamber on Chantrea. But, it was her wild mane of hair that had stopped him in his tracks. The same red-gold as his own—it was a sign that they were destined ma
tes. A matched pair in every way. To have his body’s reaction confirmed left him speechless, and a little humbled. What had he done in his life to deserve such a treasure?

  He couldn’t have stopped his cock from rising even if he wanted to. He wanted, no needed, to show her what effect she had on him. She needed to understand that she was his. That could wait though. He didn’t want to ruin the peace they’d seemed to establish so easily. There would be time enough later to tell her what she was to him, to explain the mating and all it entailed.

  He looked down at her hand clasped in his, heaved a sigh of relief and tugged her out into the hall.

  “What about them?” She pointed back toward the room they‘d just left. “You can’t just leave all those women in there. They deserve to know what’s happening.”

  “All of the women aboard are aware of the situation. Most have accepted that their lives are to be different. Those who wouldn’t accept their circumstances, who caused mischief and dissent among the women, are in the stasis chambers.”

  “How many women do you have on board?”

  “Including you, forty-six.” Taliff waited for her to digest the information he’d already given her before he continued to speak. “Only those I transported after you are unaware of what is going on. It will be your job to tell them.”

  Eve stopped walking, pulled on his hand, until he too stopped. He looked down at her, waiting for her to say what was on her mind. He didn’t mind that she had a strong will, but she needed to learn to show it only in private. The women on his planet were submissive and it appeared his mate was anything but. It would be his pleasure to teach her all about submission, and all that it involved.

  “My job? Why the hell is it my job?”

  “Would you rather I told them, the stranger who abducted them? I assumed you’d want to spare them as much trauma as you could. Am I wrong?”

  “No, dammit. But some of those women you took don’t exactly look upon me with favor.”

  Taliff nodded then pulled on her hand. It was time they started their voyage back. He didn’t know his mate, her likes, her dislikes, but perhaps she’d enjoy the view of her planet from this vantage point. It truly was a beautiful sight. “Come. There’s something I want to show you.”

  Taliff was conscious of Eve the whole way to the command deck. The mating scent wrapped around his balls and squeezed. If he didn’t get to sink himself into her soon, the pain might kill him. How was she going to react once he showed her where she’d be sleeping? Would she scream at him, demand her own quarters? Would she willingly stay with him?

  He hoped to hell she stayed with him without having to beg for her company. Should he tell her why she’d be sharing his living quarters, would that make a difference? He usually wasn’t so uncertain, but this was completely new territory for him. He’d just have to improvise.

  “So, where is the rest of your crew? We’ve been walking these corridors for ten minutes and I have yet to spot anyone.”

  “There is no crew. The ship can pilot itself.”

  “No crew at all? With all these women on board? Aren’t you the lucky one,” she scoffed.

  “Don’t make assumptions on my character based on what you’ve known on your planet. The men of Chantrea don’t treat their women how your men have treated you.”

  “I’ll believe that when I see it.”

  “Yes, you will.” He’d show her personally just how well a real Lionese man treats his mate. She’d have no doubt just how cherished and desired she was.

  Taliff ignored the odd look she gave him, and stopped in front of the portal to the command deck. “Watch me, Eve. You need to know how to get in here if there is an emergency.”

  He once again placed his palm on the identity pad, leaned in to the laser recognition device to have his identity confirmed, and gave his authorization code. “Authorization code Shi’Lan seven-six-three-four-eight-seven.”

  “Authorization approved.”

  “Thank you, Shoshoni.” Taliff turned to his mate and gave her a long look. “If you need anything, just speak aloud and the computer will hear you.”


  “Yes, sir?”

  “Eve Roberts is to have full access to this ship and all its systems.”

  “Access granted.”

  From the stunned look on her face, Eve was just beginning to realize how much power she now wielded. He once again tugged on her hand, and pulled her over to the view port. “This is what I want you to see.”

  Taliff watched as Eve saw her former home in the distance. “Shoshoni, engage engines. Change current heading and plot a course for Chantrea.”

  “Course plotted.”

  It filled him with a great deal of satisfaction when he finally uttered, “Take us home.”

  While the planet Earth faded in the distance, Taliff took the next step in binding his mate to his side. The time had come to perform the hand fasting. “Would you like to see our quarters?” What would she say? All he could do was hold his breathe and await her answer.


  “Our quarters?” She couldn’t possibly have heard him right. He expected her to share living space with him. Eve was torn. Her inner slut was yelling, ‘Yes! Yes!’ while her sensible self wondered just how she’d gotten into this situation.

  What should she say? Hell, what should she do?

  “Yes. Your place is with me now.”

  Glancing at the viewscreen on the bridge, Eve stood mesmerized by the sight of the Earth as it hung in space. As the ship moved out of orbit, she watched as her home grew smaller and smaller, until eventually it disappeared altogether. Reluctantly, she turned to face Taliff, knowing that there was no way she could talk to him without facing him. “I think you should explain that to me.”

  “I’d be happy to—in our quarters.”

  There didn’t seem to be a way to get around the fact that she would have to follow him to his room. Did she really want to fight him on this? She honestly didn’t know.

  Well, she wouldn’t find out anything just standing here. “Lead the way.”

  As they made their way through the ship to Taliff’s cabin, Eve kept her mind blank. It was easy to do, what with her having a splendid view of his ass the whole way there. His jeans hugged him so perfectly it left nothing to the imagination. By the time they reached the room, Eve couldn’t say what route they’d taken or how long she’d stared at his bottom.

  She was in no shape to have a serious conversation while practically sitting on the man’s bed. There had to be a better place to go. She was afraid she’d tackle him if she got within five feet of his bedroom.

  Before she could protest their destination, Taliff stopped in front of a silver door, keyed in a code on the lock pad and held the door open for her. She couldn’t tell the difference between it and any other door on this ship. If she stayed here, with him, how was she ever going to find it again?

  Eve shook her head. Now wasn’t the time for her thoughts to wander. Whatever Taliff had to say must be damn important if it had to take place in private. Praying she wasn’t about to do something foolish, she stepped past Taliff and entered his cabin.

  She jumped when the snick of the door lock fell into place. It sounded ominous to her in the heavy silence of the room. She glanced around the room, looking everywhere but at him.

  Some sort of black silk fabric covered the walls, hiding the steel metal beneath. Bookshelves filled to capacity lined three of the four walls of the sitting room. A doorway led off to the right. The bedroom perhaps. Two sofas sat in the middle of the cabin, facing each other. A coffee table made of some silvery wood material sat in between them. In the far corner, sat a table and matching chairs. Overall, it looked quite homey.

  The silence stretched, becoming painful in its intensity. She couldn’t stall any longer. She’d hear whatever he had to tell her and make an informed decision. She turned to face him for the first time since she entered the room. Her eyes glazed over. H
er heart stuttered.

  A god stood before her.

  A very naked god.

  “What are you doing?” she screeched. Her composure disappeared. What was she supposed to do now? She couldn’t have a serious conversation with him with his shaft standing at attention, bobbing against his rock hard stomach. Moreover, he was huge. Hung like a horse, huge. It could have its own zip code. No way in hell would that thing fit inside her.

  “I’m following the traditions of our people.”

  “By getting naked?” Did she sound as prudish as she thought she did? But, holy crap, what else could she say?

  “It is customary for a mated pair to spend their bond night unclothed. Do earthlings not have such a custom?”

  “Uh, not exactly.” And then what he said hit her. “What do you mean, a mated pair? I’m not mated. We’re not mated.” She didn’t care if her voice rose with every syllable. She would have her say in this.

  He laughed—a full-bodied belly laugh. His dick bobbed with every chuckle. She had to force herself not to watch. She couldn’t afford the distraction.

  “Of course we are.”

  “What, I don’t have any say in this?”

  “Do you deny the heat you feel when you are near me?”

  “No, but that doesn’t mean we’re mates. Besides, the Lionese don’t mate.”

  “No, the Lionese on Earth don’t mate. Chantrean Lionese take one mate during a lifetime. Once mated, we seek solace only in her arms. Only my mate can carry my child. Only you can carry my child.”

  Eve backed up a step, turned away. She needed to think. What Taliff spoke of was exactly what she’d always wanted for herself. How could she turn her back on this? On him? But what if it was all a lie? Then what? She’d be stuck in a relationship she’d never be able to escape.


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