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Taliff's Cure

Page 7

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Before long, Taliff’s legs began to quiver, a sure signal that he was close to coming. He couldn’t let her have that control. Not yet, anyway.

  With extreme discomfort, Taliff stepped back, and away from Eve’s oh too tempting mouth.

  Eve mewled her disappointment, but he wasn’t about to give in to her. Already his control hung in tatters. They had a long night ahead of him, and he’d be damned if he wouldn’t make them both work for their climaxes.

  When the pleasure began to border on pain, then he would allow them the release they’d need. And only then. And in the mean time…let the naughty sex games begin.

  Taliff let a few seconds pass, and when Eve started to fidget, he approached the bed and her once again. Truth be told, he’d needed those few seconds just to get himself together.

  When Eve went to reach for him, he shook his head. “No, keep your hands behind your back. Use your lips and tongue only.”

  Taliff watched as Eve lifted her gaze to his, expecting her to voice the question he could clearly see written across her face. But, surprisingly, she wet her lips, and leaned forward, taking the head of his cock between her lush, wet lips.

  Ever so slowly, Eve took his shaft all the way to the base and, instead of stroking him with her mouth, began to growl. He could feel every nerve in his cock tingle. The vibrations zipped through his shaft, and straight to his balls. Oh, Goddess. If she kept this form of torture up, he’d never last as long as he wanted.

  Time to intervene. “Suck it, Eve. Don’t make me tell you again.”

  With obvious reluctance, if her expression of aggravation was anything to go by, Eve relented and began to work his dick in earnest. In and out, he thrust in her mouth. The combination of wet heat, and steady suction continued to push him closer and closer to the edge of sanity, of reason.

  His hips began to jackhammer against her mouth. He knew he was being too rough, but he couldn’t help himself. No way could he slow down. The mating rut was upon him and he would have his satisfaction.

  Taliff felt Eve trying to swallow around the cock stuffing her mouth as saliva and pre-cum flooded her throat. Her breathing grew ragged and still he didn’t slow down, didn’t ease off the pressure or tempo. All he could do was hope to make it up to her later.

  The pressure around his shaft increased, and his balls drew taut against his body. Tingles raced up his spine and his hands began to shake, and still he forced his cock even deeper, wedging it down her throat. Taliff groaned as he felt his cum rip out of his balls and down the length of his cock.

  The only warning he gave her that he was about to come was a grunt of savage pleasure, then his roar of satisfaction. “Swallow it, Eve. Every drop.”

  To make sure she didn’t pull away, or fight the forceful invasion of her mouth, Taliff clasped her head, wrapping her hair around his fingers just as hot jets of semen spilled down her throat. Over and over, ropes of cum shot out of his cock, and still he didn’t let up his grip. Eons, or perhaps only seconds later, he felt the last of his seed explode from his dick in one massive burst.

  And still he needed to rut on her like a bull in heat. His climax had only lessened the pressure but not the need driving his actions.

  So lost in the sensations of his release, Taliff almost missed the fact that Eve’s fingers were digging holes in his ass where she’d at some point grabbed onto him during his climax. Had she been trying to pry him away from her or urging him closer? Either way, he’d wallowed in his own body’s demands rather than see to hers, his motto of “ladies first” apparently forgotten.

  Taliff frowned, worried that he might have hurt her with his mindless rutting. He wanted this night just as hot and memorable for her as it was already turning out to be for him.

  Eve continued to suck on his cock, but with leisurely pleasure rather than rapturous need. She lovingly laved it, making sure she gathered every drop of his seed. She was turning out be just as sexually submissive as he’d always desired in a mate. Yet, outside the bedroom, she was just as dominant and forceful as he.

  “Enough, Eve.”

  Eve ignored his order. Her purrs of contentment vibrated along the length of his shaft, sending new waves of desire shooting to his groin.

  “I said, enough.”

  When she continued to disobey his command, Taliff stepped back, forcing her compliance. He didn’t want to punish her for her disobedience, but he couldn’t let this go unmentioned either. “That’s your last warning, Eve. Next time you disobey, you’ll learn about the way the Chantrean Lionese punish their mate firsthand.”

  Eve licked her lips that now glistened with the evidence of his release and smirked.

  Obviously, she wasn’t taking his warning seriously enough. Oh well, it wouldn’t be long before she earned the punishment she doubted he’d deliver. Until then, he’d enjoy the next few hours with his mate, and if she earned punishment in the meantime, so be it. Besides, he knew the punishment would soon become a pleasure for her. It always did. It was the way of their people.

  Taliff could see the tension running through his mate’s body. She was quivering with need. It wouldn’t take much to send her over the edge.

  “Very good, Eve. Now, I want you to move to the center of the bed, position yourself on your hands and knees and face the headboard.”

  Eve’s movements were wooden, her body protesting its need to change position, as she did as he ordered. A sheen of sweat glistened on her skin and he could smell her arousal as it perfumed the air. Thick cream coated the inside of her thighs, evidence of her desperate need for relief. Oh, he was so going to enjoy the next few minutes while he attempted to drive his mate out of her mind with ecstasy.

  “Good girl. You’re being so obedient now, moya. I’d much rather reward you tonight than punish you. Do you understand?”

  Eve nodded, then dug her fingers into the silken coverings as the mattress dipped beneath his weight. He didn’t want her to anticipate his actions, however, so he scooted back off the bed and once again rummaged through the chest at the foot of his sleeping platform.

  The silence in the room was broken only by the sound of her rasping breaths and the slide of metal meeting metal as he latched the lid of the trunk closed.

  “I don’t want you to think right now, Eve. I only want you to feel the pleasure I’ll be gifting you with. I’m going to cover your eyes so all your senses are narrowed to two—to hearing and touch.”

  She gasped when the cool satin band of uniform sash caressed her face. The red sash symbolized his place of honor in the king’s personal guard, but tonight it would symbolize the honor Eve gave him by choosing him as mate. The honor and respect he wanted—no needed—to bestow upon her for her acceptance of who and what he was.

  “Close your eyes, moya,” he whispered into her ear, as he placed the cloth over her face. “Listen to my voice as I make love to you with words. Feel my heart beat against the silken skin of your back. Smell the heavy scent of your arousal as your cream spills down your thighs.”

  After a momentary pause, Taliff ran the tip of his index finger down the center of her back. Eve’s body began to shake in earnest. An urgent moan of need echoed throughout the room, and when he knew the tension was at its most unbearable, he nipped her ear and slipped his fingers between her dripping wet pussy lips.

  The evidence of her arousal coated his fingertips. He raised them to his mouth, and licked them clean. He closed his eyes, as he savored the flavor of her passion. He would never get enough of her, of her taste. Goddess, he was addicted to her already. “Oh, you are so wet for me, moya. Do you want to come, baby?”

  When an inarticulate cry was her only response, Taliff knew it wouldn’t take much to send her into oblivion. He couldn’t wait to hear her scream in pleasure. He wanted to see her writhing in ecstasy atop their bedding, lost to everything but what he was doing to her.

  And just as soon as she begged for her release he’d give it to her. Taliff gave a wicked chuckle and lowered his
face toward her needy pussy.

  Ahh…the smell of her passion was nature’s own ambrosia. Who needed sexual stimulants when a woman’s body produces such an enticing aphrodisiac without the cloying scent of drugs and herbs.

  Her nether lips were plump and pink, the perfect combination as far as he was concerned. With infinite tenderness he spread her lips apart with his fingers and stoked her pussy from asshole to clit with a swipe of his tongue.

  Eve groaned, her thighs flexed. “Please, Taliff.”

  Taliff turned his head and nipped her thigh. “Did I give you permission to speak, moya?”

  After another frustrated groan, Eve shook her head. Her eyes were closed tight, and a grimace spread across her face. He wouldn’t be able to tease her much longer, before the intense pleasure his touch caused would turn to pain. With that in mind, Taliff decided to forgo a long drawn out session. She deserved to cum now, especially after she gave him such a wondrous blowjob just minutes ago. There would be plenty of time later for an extended bout of foreplay.

  Straightening behind her, Taliff prepared to mount his mate. “Are you ready for me, moya?”


  “Tell me, moya. Do you want my cock?”

  “Yes, damn you.”

  “Say it, moya. Tell me exactly what you want.”

  “Fuck me, Taliff. Please, fuck me.”

  “Oh, moya. When you beg so nicely, how can I deny you anything?”

  Taliff leaned over her back and gripped the base of her neck with his fangs, as he prepared to enter her. If he didn’t sink his unruly cock into her wet heat soon, he might pass out since all the blood that normally sent oxygen to his brain had rushed to his groin in anticipation.

  Several seconds passed while Taliff just inhaled the combined scents of their passion. After gaining control over his driving need to plunder, he wrapped his hand around the head of his shaft and placed it against her dripping sheath. With utmost care, Taliff began to enter the almost virgin hole, stretching her slowly so as not to abuse her tender opening.

  “Please, Taliff. I need more. Please,” Eve begged, wriggling her hips. Her voice cracked, and her entire body vibrated with suppressed need. She pushed back against him in an obvious effort to force him deeper into her.

  No more than an inch of his cock was inside her tight entrance and already he was close to exploding. Holy, Goddess.

  Taliff slowly withdrew, then after pausing long enough to make Eve rear back in frustration, began to enter her once again. Goddess, she felt so perfect. This moment was perfect. Nothing could mar what had become the single most erotic night of his life.

  As though the fates were conspiring against them, the ship’s proximity alarms chose that moment to shriek throughout the cabin.

  The lights dimmed.

  Eve screamed in frustration.

  Taliff hung his head in dismay.

  “Goddess, dammit,” Eve bellowed. “This is so not fucking fair.”

  “Whoever set off those alarms is a dead man.” With almost painful reluctance, Taliff slid from the wet haven of his mate’s sheath.

  “What are you complaining about? At least you got off. Me… I’m so desperate for relief, I might kill the first person who says a cross word to me.”

  Shoshoni interrupted Eve’s tirade before he could respond to her well-deserved complaint. “Commander, I need you on the Command Deck.”

  “Understood, Shoshoni. Eve and I will be right there.”

  “Come on, moya. It seems our pleasure will have to wait. Let’s go kick some ass.”

  Taliff was nearly to the door, when Eve called out to him. “Don’t you think you should get dressed first, Commander?”


  In just a few minutes, both Taliff and Eve were dressed and out the door of their cabin. Expecting to find the way to the lift clear, Eve was surprised to find the halls crowded with women in various states of disarray. From the looks of things, the shrill alarm must have woken most of them and they’d left their cabins to investigate.

  Eve glanced over at Taliff, noticed the grimace on his face. A delay to get the women calmed and back in their cabins just wasn’t acceptable.

  Voices rang throughout the corridor, each vying to be heard above the other.

  “What happened?”

  “Are we under attack?”

  “Are we in danger?”

  “We’re going to die, aren’t we?”

  “How can I sleep with all this racket?”

  All right, now that last comment just pissed her the hell off. Eve tracked the owner to a woman leaning negligently against the wall, her arms crossed beneath her breasts, and a sneer twisting her lips. Of course. She should have known. Eve didn’t know her name, but recognized her as one of the women who had helped Myra after the challenge. That woman was going to be trouble. She would bear watching, but right now they had more pressing problems.

  It was time Eve took control of the cacophony that had erupted the moment she and her mate had left their room. Eve tossed back her head, opened her mouth, and roared. Her ears were met with blessed silence immediately.

  When she glanced around the now quiet hall, she was happy to find that all eyes were on her, and all mouths firmly shut. Ahh, that was so much better. “Shoshoni?”

  “Yes, Eve?”

  “I want all these women transported back to their rooms, and the cabins sealed. No one is to go in or out until either Taliff or I have given the all clear. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Eve. Preparing for mass transport.”

  Before the women could argue at being summarily dismissed without an explanation, the hallway stood empty except for Taliff and herself. She sighed with satisfaction and turned toward her mate with a smirk.

  A look of stupefied wonder graced his face. “What?” she asked.

  “How the hell were you able to roar like that?”

  Eve glanced away, tugged at the bottom of her sweater nervously. “What do you mean?”

  “Eve, in your human form, you shouldn’t have the same vocal abilities as you do while shifted to Lion.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Then the implications of what he meant hit her. “You mean you can’t?” she sputtered.

  He shook his head. “Dammit, we need to talk about this, but now definitely isn’t the time. Right now, we need to get to the Command Deck.”

  “Sorry, you’re right. It would be quicker if we just have Shoshoni zap us there.”

  Taliff nodded in agreement. “Shoshoni?”

  “Yes, Commander Shi’Lan?”

  “Transport Eve and myself directly inside the control room on the command deck.”

  “Beginning transfer momentarily.”

  Before she could blink, Eve found herself standing next to the view screen, Taliff right in front of her. When she lifted her gaze from the sight of her mate’s glorious amber eyes, and looked over his shoulder to the view outside the ship, she gasped.

  “You need to see this, Tal.”

  Taliff spun around and looked out the view screen. “Bugger. Shoshoni?”

  “Yes, Commander Shi’Lan?”

  “How close are those ships?”

  “They’ll reach us in less than three minutes, Commander.”

  “Have they attempted communication?”

  “No, sir. Their weapons are armed, and shields are at full power.”

  “Do we have enough time to engage the light drive?”


  “What are the viable options for escape, Shoshoni?”

  “Our shields will not be effective in repelling an attack, Commander. Probable’s say outrunning the approaching ships will have only a four percent chance of success.”

  “What’s your recommended course of action, Shoshoni?”

  “Hide in plain sight, Commander. There is an asteroid field quite close, astronomically speaking. If we reach there safely, we can turn off all non-essential equipment, power up the experimental
cloaking system King Shi’Lan had ordered installed, and wait until they give up or pass us by.”

  If a computer could sound worried, this one did. Eve turned away from the view screen and glanced over at her man. His eyes were closed, his head tipped back. “If it’s any help, I think we have a better chance if we follow her recommendations. At the very least, if we’re forced to fight, they won’t see us coming.”

  Taliff’s gaze met hers and she could see the worry in his eyes. After a moment, he reached out and grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently, before dropping it and turning back toward the view port. “Shoshoni, implement your suggestion. I also want you to begin piping a sleeping agent into the cabins of all the women, starting now. If the worst happens, and we’re forced to scuttle the ship, I don’t want them aware of what’s happening.”

  “As ordered, Commander Shi’Lan. Ship’s course adjusted. Sleeping agents now being administered. Engines at full sub-light power. Estimated arrival at the asteroid field is sixty seconds. Would you like me to keep an audio record of the countdown?”

  “Give us an audio countdown until the approaching ships are within fifteen seconds of reaching us. After that I want absolute silence throughout the ship. When will the first of those five Chantrean Battleships reach us?”

  “They will intercept us in less than ninety seconds.”

  Eve looked over at Taliff. Would he listen to her suggestion to buy them some time, or scoff at her? Guess there was only one way to find out and that was to just jump right in and see.


  His distraction and worry were evident in the clipped tone of his voice. “What is it, Eve?”

  “I know I’m not a strategist, or a computer able to weigh variables, but I might have a suggestion that could buy us a little time and ensure our escape.”

  He must have heard the hurt in her voice, because his voice softened when he said, “If you have any ideas that might help us, I would sure like to hear them.”

  He sounded sincere and there wasn’t any time to try and psychoanalyze his feelings from his voice alone. “I know this is probably a cheesy and cliché thing to do, but what if we stage an explosion? Expel some supplies, set off a plasma burn just outside the ship, or whatever you use as fuel. And then cloak. If they hear our countdown, see the debris, they’ll assume we self-destructed rather than chance capture. While they’re searching the debris field, we can slide right past them without their knowledge or suspicion. By the time they figure it out, we should be able to use the Light Engines. Right?”


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