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Taliff's Cure

Page 10

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  After taking a deep breath, Eve closed her eyes, and bottled all her fears, her worries, and even her needs and desires and tried to pour them through the bond.

  She didn’t know if she was doing it right, didn’t really even know if it would matter to him now, but he needed to know it wasn’t him she was rejecting. She worried he’d not only learn how cowardly she was when it came to loving another, but how terrified she was that she’d not be good enough at it to keep him with her. She’d always shied away from others. Always more content to be alone than worry about another’s wants and needs. If she couldn’t make a go of it with him, someone she couldn’t imagine being without, how would she survive?

  “Oh, moya. Your worries can be seen to. Don’t fret about something that will never come to pass.”

  Strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her against his solid frame. Eve closed her eyes in relief, and tucked her head beneath his chin to rest her ear against his pounding heart.

  A sigh of contentment escaped her parted lips. Relaxing further into his arms, she let the tension and nerves flow from her while she basked in the warmth of his emotions, which once again surged vibrantly strong through their newly formed bond.

  “I’m so sorry, moyo. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” she mumbled against his chest. Tears of pain and regret trailed from her eyes and soaked his chest, but she couldn’t seem to stop them.

  “Ssshh, moya…ssshh.”

  “I can’t, Taliff. What will I do if you leave me? Dammit, I’m not someone who acts this way. I’m strong. I don’t know how to handle everything you make me feel.”

  “Baby, do you think you’re the only one who worries that you’re going to do something to screw things up? I’m terrified that you’ll be taken away from me, that the men that are tracking us, will succeed in capturing you, because I know the only way they’ll get you is if I’m dead. Then who will be there for you? Who will save you then? It’s not cowardly to be afraid. True courage is facing your fears, not avoiding them.”

  Silence descended between them while they let his words sink in, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable moment, and after a few minutes new sensations began to bombard her. The weight of his chin on her head and the feel of his hands on her waist no longer felt relaxing. Her heart rate soared and her palms began to sweat as she inhaled his musky scent.

  She could feel his excitement through their bond and that only managed to ratchet up her own. Before long her tummy was jittery and her legs began to quiver. She knew he’d be able to smell her arousal, but she wouldn’t let that bother her. Not tonight, anyway.

  Goddess, she wanted to lead him to the nearest bed of blossoms and make love to him amongst his native flora. It seemed appropriate somehow that after tonight’s events they consummate their mating night here where he felt closest to his home.

  Well, what was stopping her? She was a mature adult. She could initiate lovemaking too. Eve took a deep breath to settle her nerves, then raised her head and looked into his glittering amber gaze. “Make love to me, Taliff. Here, where you’re closest to your world and your Goddess. Let her bless our union.”

  Taliff groaned. “I thought you’d never ask, moya.”

  Taliff eased her out of his embrace and stood, careful to keep her at arm’s length until he could lay her down and love her like she deserved. When she’d rejected him earlier he thought his heart would break. But it wasn’t him she was rejecting, and once he knew that he realized that he would have to be patient and teach her that they could make their relationship work if only they tried. And he would start the instruction tonight, right here, right now.

  Taking her hand in his, he led her to the far side of the clearing, pulled her to a stop and into his arms. “Close your eyes, moya. I want you to concentrate on my touch, on my voice. Just feel.”

  He planned on seducing her so thoroughly she’d not be thinking about anything other than the pleasure he could give her and the love and passion that blazed between them. After tonight, she’d never doubt what they were to each other again, or her own ability to be everything he’d ever need and want.

  Taliff watched her eyelids flutter closed, and heard her sigh of agitated frustration, and grinned. She really didn’t like to follow anyone’s orders, so he couldn’t wait to find out how far he could push her before she let loose that temper he knew simmered just below the surface. It was sure to be an experience he wouldn’t want to miss or likely one soon forgotten either.

  His blood pounded through his body at the thought of the intimate punishments he could deliver when she disobeyed his commands. But not tonight. He wasn’t about to push her into the kinkier aspects of their intimacy until he knew she could handle it.

  For now, their lovemaking excited him almost beyond bearing and he wouldn’t do or say anything that might make her question that. With that in mind, he bent his head and gently pressed his lips against her temple, trailed them down to the corner of her mouth and then finally, when her breath hitched, he kissed her full pouty mouth.

  Lips and tongues met, breathy gasps and muffled moans echoed throughout the garden, but both were oblivious to anything but each other. Taliff knew the moment Eve let go, let the passion sweep her away, for he could feel her desperation and her acceptance of his passion through their telepathic bond.

  He thought he could keep his control, lead them into a night of slow loving, but when her hands dug into his scalp and her fingers tightened around his hair, he knew that would be impossible.

  When her knees began to shake, and only her grip on his hair kept her standing, he bent down and swept her into his arms and slowly lowered her to the soft green grass. The sweet scent of the Tupas combined with the musky perfume of her arousal was indeed a heady and intoxicating blend.

  His need was all encompassing and he knew that if he didn’t fuck her soon, he just might release his seed in the grass instead of inside his mate. That just wouldn’t do.

  When her fingers reached up and brushed across his lips, his body shuddered. When she trailed her hands down his neck, and over his pecs, he gasped. And when she took both his nipples between her nimble fingers and tweaked them, sweat beaded across his brow.

  Was it her intention to totally shred his good intentions? Did she want to be ravaged?

  Yes, Taliff. Ravage me. Hell, fuck me raw if you want. But, do it now for Goddess’ sake. I want it hard and fast, deep and rough. Don’t hold back, moyo. I need this.

  The sound of her voice brushing against his mind shattered what little control he had left. How the hell could he fight her when she wanted exactly what he wanted to give her? And why was he even trying?

  “You want it rough, moya. That’s what you’re going to get. But one of these days, I’m going to give you the slow loving you deserve.”

  Thoughts of long kisses and extended foreplay disappeared from his mind the moment she grabbed him by his ears and pulled his body on top of hers. He groaned when his hard flesh met her soft curves. There would be no slow and easy now, just fast and hard fucking.

  With more eagerness than finesse, Taliff positioned himself between her thighs, forcing her legs further apart. She lifted her legs and with a powerful lunge he seated himself fully within her gripping sheath. She was so incredibly wet. And tight, goddess she was so tight he thought she might lock him inside her.

  She groaned loud and low, and the huskiness of the sound rippled through him like an electric current.

  He knew he hadn’t hurt her despite his forceful entry, but he had to ask. “Are you okay, baby?”

  “Shit, Tal. If you don’t fucking move right this damn minute, you’ll be the one hurting.”

  He chuckled. She sounded so fierce and intense. He could hear the growls rumbling in her chest and it turned him on even more. He could feel his shaft growing thicker and longer inside her and thought his heart would beat right out of his chest the pleasure was so intense. He had to move and he had to move now.

  He tried to ease out of h
er gently, but she wasn’t having any of that and wrapped her legs around his waist to keep him lodged inside her clinging pussy. “Deeper, Taliff.”

  “Moya, baby, hold on.”

  His lungs labored, and his pulse raced as he pounded in and out of her cunt. His pace was quick and hard and if the moans and whimpers coming from Eve were any indication she loved the hell out of it.

  Before long, they were heaving and sweating, writhing and grunting. The force of his thrusts grew stronger, the penetration deeper and still they fucked. Seconds later, he heard her scream out her climax through their bond, and it nearly sent him over the edge with her. But when her clenching pussy tightened around his cock, it milked him of rope after rope of scalding hot and sticky cum.

  “Fuck me, that was good.”


  He could hear her panting beneath him and knew he should move off of her. He had to be crushing the life out of her but he just didn’t have the energy to move.

  Eons passed, or maybe just moments, before he had the vigor to roll off of her and pull her into his arms. They lay like that content, until she sighed. Uh oh, he knew he wasn’t going to like whatever was about to come out of that lush mouth of hers.

  “Um, Taliff. I hate to break the mood we have going here and everything, but I was wondering something.”

  She leaned down and kissed his chest, lapping at his nipple. He groaned, his cock stirring in anticipation of another round of lovemaking.

  He waited for the hammer to fall and when she remained silent he turned his head toward hers. “What is it, moya?”

  “When are all the woman supposed to wake up from their forced naps?”

  “Oh, fuck…” He bounded to his feet, grabbed her hand, and started to run toward their jumbled pile of clothes, dragging her behind him. “Get dressed, Eve. We don’t want a mutiny on our hands.”

  Within moments they were dressed and racing out the door. He just hoped all hell hadn’t broken loose while they’d been incommunicado for the last few hours.


  As they approached the corridor that housed the women, they heard the muted sounds of metal clanking and glass shattering inside the cabins. But the roar of hoarse voices, pleading whispers, and angry shrieking that echoed up and down the corridor was loud enough to not only drown out their own thoughts but to announce to any ship nearby they were still alive. If the women didn’t calm down soon, the chances of being ensnared by their enemies increased dramatically.

  “What the hell do they have in their rooms to throw, Tal?”

  He grimaced in distaste and looked toward his mate. “My guess, moya, is they’re throwing their breakfast all over their quarters like rebellious children.”


  “You don’t think I’d allow them to starve do you?”

  “Well, you haven’t fed me anything.”

  Goddess, she epitomized sexiness even when pouting. But he couldn’t allow her to believe he’d neglect her by not seeing to her needs, while he made arrangements for the care of the others.

  “Moya, have you even been hungry?” When she responded with a confused shake of her head, he decided to give her a break and explain. “During the ‘Mating Rut’ as we call it, it isn’t uncommon for the pair to go days without sleep or even nourishment. It is believed that the building of the psychic bond provides energy for the pair. Once the rut diminishes, then both food and rest are needed almost immediately.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  A loud shriek and a muffled curse, followed by a damn ferocious growl had both of them looking down the hall in dismay, effectively ending any further conversation. “We better take care of this, Eve.” With a shake of his head and fists clenched at his sides, he added, “Before we have more trouble than just a few dozen pissed off women to contend with.”

  “Well, then… What’s your suggestion, Tal?”

  “Let’s gather them in one place and let them know exactly what’s going on. They have a right to know how things stand.”

  “Fine with me. Why don’t you have Shoshoni transport them to one location rather than just let them pour out into the halls and inundate us with questions and insults?”

  Taliff thought it over for a second, then reached for Eve’s hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “What did I ever do before you came along?”


  “Yes, Commander Shi’Lan?”

  “I want you to transport all the women to the Recreation Room on deck three once Eve and I arrive there.”

  “Understood, sir.” He tried to turn around and head back to the lift, but Eve seemed determined to stay right there in the middle of the corridor.

  “What is it, Eve?”

  “Oh, I just had a thought.”

  “Well, can you think and walk at the same time? We need to get those felines quieted down.”

  “Oh, hush, you smart ass. That’s what I was thinking about if you must know.”

  “What do you mean?” He tried not to sound inpatient. He really did, but it must not have worked because she rewarded him with a scathing look and tried to tug her hand from his. “I’m sorry, Eve. I’m just worried, but that’s no reason to talk to you as I did.”

  She must not have liked his apology because she ignored him and spoke to the computer instead.


  “Yes, Eve?”

  “Is there a way to put up some sort of barrier that would prevent anyone from hearing what’s going on inside this ship? We’d really like to avoid being captured by whoever is after us if it’s at all possible.”

  “If I divert power from unoccupied decks, I can create a containment field to surround that area as well as augment the shields surrounding the ship itself. It should muffle the noise. Had we had time to install all the software upgrades available, we might have been able to eliminate the voices completely.”

  “Is there a way to receive these upgrades through email or something?”

  Taliff was getting pretty tired of being ignored and this was the perfect opportunity to interrupt. “Email?”

  “It’s a messaging system through the internet.”

  He must have looked confused because she sighed, and pursed her lips. Before she could come up with a reasonable explanation, Shoshoni interrupted. “According to the information we gathered while hovering over Earth, it’s a transmission of information through their computer networks.”

  “Well, that’s close enough as explanations go. So, is there a way for you to receive the information without someone actually uploading the software manually, Shoshoni?”

  “If I can send a transmission to King Shi’Lan, and he’s able to retrieve the data, it should be possible. Such a thing has not been done in millennia as most of our programming is learned.”

  “You mean you have AI?”

  “What’s AI, Eve?” She sounded so horrified he was almost afraid to ask.

  “Artificial Intelligence.”

  “Of course. Once computers are programmed, most of their knowledge is learned from experience and their own observations. Is this not the way it is on your home world?”

  “Of course not, Tal. There has been some success in the field, but humans are very wary of the possible consequences.”

  “You don’t believe that computers should learn?”

  “Tal, I haven’t thought about it either way, but is now the right time to debate the pros and cons of your technology?”

  Taliff stopped in front of the lift, and once the portal slid open, he pulled her inside. “Deck three.”

  “You’re right, Eve. But we will talk about this and your people’s prejudices. We can’t allow the women to fear what is natural to my planet and most of our allies.”

  “Fine, Taliff. But not now.”

  He chuckled. Goddess, he loved to irritate her. It made her eyes sparkle and her cheeks pinken. Blood rushed to his groin and he groaned, knowing he wouldn’t be able to fuck his mate anytime



  “You groaned. What’s wrong?”

  He looked down at Eve’s upturned face and smirked. What to tell her? Well, he hadn’t lied to her yet. He wasn’t about to start now. “I’m just thinking about the fact that I want you again, and it’s been less than fifteen of your Earth minutes since I was inside your luscious body.” When her face turned a bright red, he just chuckled, swinging her hand in his while they walked out of the lift and down the corridor toward the recreation room.

  “Stop it, Taliff. I have to face a room full of angry women in a minute and don’t want to be flushed when I do so.”

  “I’m sorry, moya.” He must not have sounded quite as contrite as he hoped because she cut him a nasty sideways glare. Time to change the subject. “The recreation room on this deck also doubles as a war room, so there will be plenty of seating for everyone.”


  They’d almost reached their destination when he noticed her steps falter and her free hand go to the back of her neck. “What’s wrong, Eve?”

  “I don’t know. I just had the oddest feeling like someone evil was watching me. It must be my imagination, though.”

  Taliff narrowed his eyes and glanced around the corridor, he didn’t see anything, but it was better to be sure then take unnecessary risks. “Shoshoni?”

  “Yes, Commander Shi’Lan?”

  “Have there been any transports on or off this ship since our prisoner escaped?”

  “No, Commander.”

  “And all the women are accounted for? No one managed to leave their rooms and are roaming the ship, are they?”


  “How can she know where everyone is, Tal?”

  “Besides the fact she can detect heat signatures through the thermal sensors, everyone was tagged with tracking devices as soon as they were brought aboard the ship.”

  “You mean, we were operated on? While unconscious and without our permission?”

  He could hear the anger and even disillusionment in her voice, but he didn’t know what to say to set her at ease. “Moya, it was for your own protection. There’s no reason for this outrage.”


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