The Spirits of Nature

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The Spirits of Nature Page 16

by Michelle Post


  Shortly after camp was set up, Rebecca fell asleep. She slept until morning. When she woke she found she was all-alone.

  That day Rebecca had a new heart; or rather she let the sleeping one awaken. As she looked around the tipi she felt loneliness for Running Wolf. She longed for the comfort that his presence had provided during their grave loss. She sat for a moment wishing he would return.

  She looked at the condition of her clothing. It was horrible. She searched for the mirror that Running Wolf had used the day of her abduction. When she found it she looked into it and gasped. She was a sight! Her clothes were tattered and dirty. Her face was gaunt. Her hair was matted and hung as a rat’s nest on her head.

  Rebecca noticed the clothes that she had been given when she first arrived at the camp. These were the clothes that she had refused so rudely when presented to her by Bright Star Over The Mountains.

  She removed her ragged clothes. She threw them into the fire that was burning in the middle of the lodge. She suddenly felt cleansed as she watched the fire consume the fabric.

  She took a bowl and filled it with water. She did her best to bathe away her stench and dirt. When she dressed in the new clothes she marveled at how it made her feel. The animal skin was much softer than she imagined. Rebecca now felt like the wife of Running Wolf and part of this lodge that she had for so long rejected.

  She took the brush and combed her wet hair until she had removed every tangle.

  She found a single feather. She would put this in her hair replacing the ribbon that she had always worn. She entwined the feather into her hair as she had seen on the other women.

  Rebecca found the powder that was used for war paint. She mixed it as she had seen Running Wolf do so often. She used a feather to apply black to her eyelashes. She took the red and lightly colored her cheeks. Her face had become so pale. The war paint had done wonders for her appearance.

  She opened her Bible and put the ribbon in the book as though it were a bookmark. Oddly enough she happened to open it to the book of Jeremiah. She glanced at his name for a moment. How would he feel if he saw her now? She was truly at a crossroad. She also saw a passage that she had circled as they traveled west.

  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity: I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive.

  That was all she needed to read. She sat for a moment and thought about how the passage held such a different meaning than when she first circled it months ago. She felt she was a captive when she was sent to live with her aunt. As much as she loved Christine and Sarah, it was not her choosing. When Sarah told her of her journey west, she felt compelled to accompany her. Although it was an escape from her situation at home, she felt trapped while traveling with the wagon train.

  When she thought that things could not be worse the Crow captured her. Although she had arrived here against her will she had not felt ‘captive’ and any point. Now, her captivity was not something she wanted to escape. She did not pray for her freedom. In fact her captivity had been her freedom. This was her destiny.

  She shed a single tear as she put the old life to rest and looked on the new with childlike anticipation. She carefully closed her Bible and laid it down. She left the tent into the winter sun.

  She thought of Rides With Fury. She would seek his counsel. She had some questions that needed to be answered. She found him outside his lodge.

  “Can we talk?” she asked not sure how she would be received.

  Rides With Fury saw her clothing and immediately became curious. That was not the only change he observed. There was a whole new air about her. He invited her in and lit his pipe. He knew that they would be talking for quite some time.

  Rebecca looked around the tipi with wide-eyed curiosity. She had never been inside any other lodge other than the one she and Running Wolf shared. It was amazing to her how it was so finely decorated in tribute to a life lived with honor. There were so many things to look at. She of course noticed the scalps from his days as an active warrior. She saw his feathers that were given to him in decoration of bravery. She noticed there was the presence of a woman living here and she wondered who that might be. It was astonishing to her, as she admired his belongings, how the Indians could have so much in a lodge yet move in a matter of hours to a new location.

  Rides With Fury sat across from where Rebecca was standing. He made eye contact with her and that brought her out of her temporary fixation of the paraphernalia she was finding so fascinating. He patiently watched her as he inhaled the smoke from the pipe. He signaled for her to sit.

  “Why was I brought here? And where is my husband?” she had so many questions. “He has a scar here,” she said as she pointed to her forehead. “Can you tell me how he got it? What is the name of my husband in English?”

  Rides With Fury put his hands up to silence her. She was starting to sound frantic.

  “Please calm your heart. This will take some time.”

  The older man looked at her in a different light. For the first time she was open. He was more than willing to tell her the story and prophecy of Running Wolf. It would help her to understand why she was brought to live among his people.

  Rebecca spent the rest of the afternoon with this wise leader. She learned all about the dream that Running Wolf had as a child. He told her about the death of Black Bear and how Running Wolf wanted to avenge the death. She had just begun to understand the culture, so this did not make much sense to her. She only knew that it meant enough to Running Wolf to marry her and take care of her. She gained a new respect for a man that she had so blindly given little credit to in the past.

  When Rides With Fury ended his tale she sat for a moment. She was digesting all he had said. “Where has he gone?” she


  “He has gone to pray and take a sweat bath,” he said as if she knew what that meant.

  When he saw her confusion he explained. “It is his way of coping with the loss of his son. He will pray and meditate.” He told her how Running Wolf had carefully buried their child and how he grieved for his son.

  “Where is he doing this…cleansing?” Rebecca asked.

  Rides with a Fury reluctantly told her where she could find him. “This was a very private thing between the warrior and the Great Spirit. It is not until he leaves his place of prayer that he should be disturbed,” he told her emphatically.

  Rebecca promised she would respect his wishes. She implored one more favor of Rides With Fury.

  “Please come with me and speak in Crow to Bright Star Over The Mountains and the rest of the women?”

  Rides With Fury did not know what to expect, but granted her request. He followed Rebecca as she led him through the camp. On the way she picked what few berries were left and even picked some foliage that she found interesting in texture and color. Most everything was dormant due to the season.

  There was not as much work to do during the winter. Most of the women were talking to each other and enjoying an unseasonably warm day. Spring would be there soon.

  Rebecca looked at Rides With Fury. “Please ask them if I can have some of their time. I need to speak to all of them, especially the mother of Running Wolf.”

  She was not aware that she was also the wife of Rides With Fury. He was confused but did what she asked. He trusted that her intentions were good.

  When the women had assembled Bright Star Over The Mountains was standing in front of Rebecca. She looked bewildered. Rebecca had not ever looked her way in the past. They exchanged glances of curiosity. There was something very different about this woman w
ho had been so hostile. Her eyes had taken on a new look of gentleness that made them inquisitive. They gathered in uncertain wonder. Rebecca placed the berries and foliage at the feet of Bright Star Over The Mountains.

  She turned to Rides With Fury.

  “Tell all of them that I am very regretful of the way I have treated them. Every one has been so kind and I returned that kindness with rudeness.”

  He spoke her words in Crow.

  The women looked at each other, surprised but interested in hearing more.

  Rebecca continued, “Tell the mother of Running Wolf that starting today I will be a good wife to Running Wolf,” she paused. “I do love him.”

  He hesitated for a moment, knowing what this would mean to Bright Star Over The Mountains. He repeated what Rebecca said word for word.

  Bright Star Over The Mountains was very quiet not knowing what to say or do.

  Rebecca was very anxious. “That is not all; I intend to give her many grandchildren. That will start today, also.”

  She thought for a minute and stopped him before he could speak. “Wait a minute. How many is many?”

  She looked around at all the children, there were too many for her. She did not want to make a promise she could not keep.

  “Three.” Rides With Fury replied. “That is if there is Brave born. You must give Running Wolf a son.”

  This would have been a desire, but certainly not a requirement. He could not resist teasing her.

  Rebecca became very nervous. “I cannot guarantee that!”

  Rides with a Fury shook his head. Rebecca was in too deep now.

  “Well, between your Great Spirit and my God who are probably the same, I will have a son. You can tell her that I will give her a Brave, maybe three Braves.”

  Rides with a Fury knew what Bright Star Over The Mountains would want to hear. He has also acquired a new affection for this white woman. He knew her heart had become pure.

  “The Mourning Dove has said that she will also give you many Braves, six or seven.”

  This brought a reaction from Bright Star Over The Mountains and the rest of the women that indicated to Rebecca immediately he had not said exactly what she told him.

  “What the hell did you say?” She was growing concerned that he had betrayed her.

  “You will need to trust the intentions and wisdom of an old man The Mourning Dove. I knew what she would need to hear. I know this because she is my wife.”

  Rebecca was surprised in learning this.

  “Bright Star Over The Mountains is a woman of great gentleness and understanding,” he continued to inform, “and she will not hold you to six or seven. She will be touched in her heart that you have come to her this way.”

  “Six or seven?” she repeated. The thought was so preposterous that she found it humorous. She laughed.

  The women were curious as to the joke between Rides With Fury and The Mourning Dove. Until now they had never seen her smile. They laughed with them.

  Rebecca began to relax. “One more thing, please”

  He nodded.

  “Tell her and the others that they have shown me a home. A home I would not have ever known. And I am grateful to all of them for their open hearts. I will do my best to be a good wife and mother; especially a good wife to my husband.” She put her hand on the shoulder of Bright Star Over The Mountains.

  When Rides With Fury had told Bright Star Over The Mountains and the others what Rebecca had said there was screaming among them in celebration. Bright Star Over The Mountains gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then she hugged her. Rebecca burst into tears.


  Rebecca was at the river’s edge. She saw the hut where Running Wolf was cleansing. She waited patiently for him to leave the sweat lodge. During that time many things occurred to her. For over six months she had lived with a man who was a decorated warrior of his people. All that time he could have been taking unfair advantage of her without any consequence. He had saved her life not once but twice. He could have given up on what he thought was his responsibility especially when she had been so hostile. How sightless she had been. How little she understood. How she needed to show him that she was different.

  She had dozed off in the comfort of the warmth of a spring like day. She woke when she heard the rustling from the direction of the hut. She sat up quickly. She saw Running Wolf wading. He began to bathe in the water. She admired his powerfully built physique. A strange but enticing feeling came over her as she watched his naked body move about the water. At first she was confused but enjoyed the revelation.

  She swallowed hard not knowing what his reaction might be. Rebecca played the whole scenario in her head. She would even wash his hair in the river in the morning to serve as a sign to all the tribe that this new marriage was consummated. This ritual would earn him the respect of everyone as her husband.

  She pulled off the leggings as she moved closer to the river. She put her feet in the water. It was terribly cold. She pulled them out immediately rethinking her plan. However, she saw how easily Running Wolf moved in the water. The desire to be near to him superseded the coldness of the water. Little by little she entered the river. He still did not see her.

  She slowly approached him. He turned, sensing something else in the water. He saw her moving toward him. He was not sure what to expect so he stood motionless. When she was closer he saw a look that he had yet to see from her. He saw warmth in her eyes that emulated a desire that he could only determine as an invitation to move closer to her. He still stood frozen, waiting to see what she would do. Did he dare to dream that she had finally accepted him as her husband?

  As Rebecca moved closer to him she stood for a moment. She pulled her dress off from the bottom and over her head.

  The day was still brisk but she no longer felt the coolness of the slight breeze or the water that she had thought to be so frigid. She was focused on what she was about to encounter. All she could feel was warmth all around her.

  Running Wolf had not seen her naked. She had always kept him away. He was confused but she certainly had his attention. She was beautiful. He could not take his eyes off the curvature of her body. Her face and body took on the glow from the setting sun. His eyes never held anything that pleased him this way.

  As she moved closer he looked on her with desire. Her gaze captivated him. Her eyes held what they could not communicate to each other verbally. She had never looked at him this way and his head was spinning. He looked deeply into her eyes, the windows of her soul. He saw her very spirit as he had not seen in the past. There he saw forgiveness, tenderness and passion. She walked up to him and gently glided her hands up his arms and across his chest. She took some of the cool water and cupped it in her hand. She gently poured it over his shoulder.

  His mind was racing. Had he known for certain what he hoped would transpire he would have already carried her to the woods.

  She looked into his eyes. There she found confusion and interest. She smiled ever so slightly. She put her arms around his neck. She pulled him close and he lowered his face to hers.

  “I love you,” she said in his language.

  These words of endearment would be the first words she had ever said to him in his native language. It was like hearing music. He was not sure at first if his ears were lying to him.

  She kissed him, first very gently and then with more passion. The softness of her skin against his was enticing. It was becoming more than he could bear. He felt himself consumed in her presence. His body was reacting to her with an intensity that she could not understand and he found impossible to control.

  It was turning cooler as the sun was setting. He took her in his arms lifting her to carry her off. She surrendered to his advances allowing to be swept away as she heard the mesmerizing sound of the water rushing over the rocks in the river.

  The warmth of their bodies merging as one was almost a means of protection from the outside elements. They were unified with the nature around them.
  He was bewildered but was more than willing to let it play out. He was not sure what had happened to her but he felt the Great Spirit smiling upon him.


  A Necessary Annoyance

  Jack and I looked at each other and took a deep sigh. The effects of getting ‘high’ were nothing in comparison to the mesmerizing story Tiponi had just shared with us.

  The old man sat back against the wall and had the look of complete contentment. We could see he was almost asleep. Even though he was very tired, I had to ask him a question. It was one that I had from the first day we met. The question he so craftily ignored.

  “I know that they called her The Mourning Dove for a reason. They did this with all of their children. Your name is different, as I have found in some modern day Native Americans. What does Tiponi mean?”

  Tiponi smiled as he did the first time that I asked. He enjoyed toying with me this way.

  I looked at Jack and smiled. I knew what he was doing.

  Tiponi took his pipe and inhaled. He nodded his head and thanked us for coming. He was looking forward to our next session.

  I was somewhat frustrated and at the same time amused. We left.

  Only Tiponi could do that to me without me prodding in return. I knew that when he thought the time was right I would know. He still had a reason for not sharing with me the meaning of his name. I smiled back at him and was confident he would answer me in his own time. I also knew that since I met him he was teaching me the great gift of patience.


  Fletcher Stone stood in front of the massive oak desk in the study of the Butler mansion. Jeremiah was restless in the leather-overstuffed chair. Philip was pacing the floor.

  “My son has recommended that I speak with you about finding my daughter.” Jeremiah said. He was not convinced by Fletcher’s appearance that he was reliable or honest.

  Fletcher nodded as he lit his rolled cigarette.

  Jeremiah did not know how his son had been in contact with this low life but he had an idea it may entail Molly.


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