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Jade's Awakening (Delacourt Saga Book 1)

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by Isabelle Hardesty

  "I haven't acted in a while, but I can pull it off," Murray said. He rubbed his pot belly. "Good thing I'm a shapeshifter, because I am totally out of shape."

  Seven laughed then asked, "So, you in? I'll go over all the ‘who's who' and other details later. Be warned, I'm a bit of a player, so…"

  "Say no more, I'll keep your ladies from finding out about the other."

  "All I can say is you're going to like being me. Plus all the days you work for me, you get my pay."

  "You don't have to," Murray said.

  "Yeah, I do,"

  "I want to get back to my life and forget this legend crap, but I have to make sure Jade's okay first." Seven took another breath then dialed Nina.

  * * *

  David knew the hours between three and five in the morning were the time the darkest of magic roamed the streets. He kept looking over his shoulders. He had to find Jade before Bex did. Where could the new shapeshifting fairy be? He dialed Seven but he wasn't answering. If he was supposed to be Jade's protector, why was it so hard to find her? David knew Bex might locate him if he tapped into the realm world by trying to locate Jade, but he'd been trying on his own for over an hour. He had to warn her about Bex before it was too late.

  David found an alley between two hotels. He faced the wall and focused on Jade's face. Her image came to him, she was eating. She was in a building about half a block from him. "Yes," he said. Now he knew exactly where to find Jade. She was in an apartment building that would only take him two minutes to walk to. He felt like a dark cloud finally blew away. He ran back onto the main sidewalk and looked towards the sky. He heard footsteps but by the time he turned it was too late. Androk thrust a sword into David's chest. He saw his killer, but instead of focusing on Androk's face and being caught up in regrets, he looked up into the dawn sky and focused on a distant star.

  "This is what you get for turning your back on fairies. True fairies, not that half-blood mutant."

  David coughed up blood. He saw faces of his family speed by and he felt a calmness invade his senses. He relinquished all worries. He slumped against an alley wall, with a smile on his face. He closed his eyes and fell with his hands on the hilt of the sword.

  * * *

  "Shouldn't you be sleeping? You should be very tired after your awakening. Nina laid a hand on the book by her side and slid it behind her. It looked to be over a hundred years old and was bound in dark blue leather. She placed a cushion over it.

  "I am tired. But I couldn't sleep. I had a bad dream," she frowned, trying to remember her dream. Jade looked through the windows and on the chair beside huge flower pot. The dawn was announced with a timid streak of pink in the sky.

  "Sounds like it shook you up."

  Jade's mind felt clouded. She looked up and her eyebrows raised then said, "Some thing's wrong."

  "What's wrong?" Nina asked. She put down her morning coffee on the table beside them.

  Jade stood up and rubbed her arms. She felt a chill cover her skin. An emotion she couldn't pinpoint crept into her tightened throat first. It was deep sadness. "I don't know, but something has changed and it can't be fixed again—ever." She walked to the window and looked into the dawn sky.

  "You get visions?" Nina asked.

  "I shut it down most of the time. It's annoying." She wondered what her life would be like now that that last pill was crushed. So far, she'd shifted into a flying dragon, been shot at with an arrow and now visions. She wasn't sure she was cut out for supernatural life.

  "Visions for a half shapeshifter and half fairy, quite unusual. Well, you might want to use these visions. They're a gift. You're going to need all the help you can get against Bex and her murderous fairies. Cloyn fairies are the worst."

  Jade turned towards Nina. She needed to see that book. "Will you ever let me see the book you're hiding from me? I saw you hide it under the cushion."

  "That's against The Order's rules. I am breaking the rules by having the book in the same room as you. You're not ready yet."

  "If you say I need all the help I can get, wouldn't knowing about other shapeshifters help me?"

  "You have Seven," Nina answered.

  "Seven's an actor, Nina. I need a shapeshifter who knows what they're talking about. Someone serious, not a hot actor." She shook her head and crossed her arms. She would leave if she wasn't so fatigued.

  "You should get some rest, you're going to need it. You've got to deal with Bex today. She's searching for you. You do not want that one to find you."

  Jade's eyes darted to the pillow behind Nina and she said, "Just one peak."

  "No way. I'm taking this with me today. I've been trying to reach Seven. He may stop by when I'm gone. He's got a key to this place."

  "Great," Jade said as she walked back to bed. She was stuck with the exact kind of guy she didn't like, handsome and self-centered. She envisioned her partner as someone older, maybe with gray hair. She shook her head and drifted to sleep, wondering what the day had in store.

  * * *

  Androk looked into his cupped hand of water and Bex's face appeared. "It's done, my Queen."

  "Good. You and I both know you were the only one who could do it swiftly and well. Come back to me, Androk. I miss you."

  Androk poured the water on the street and smiled as he stepped over David's body.

  He threw a handful of petals in the air and walked through the portal into the vast room. He walked towards Bex.

  "There you are." She said.

  "It is done." He walked straight into her embrace.

  "We're going to kill that damn teen half breed and right everything that's been upturned because of that blasted legend. They can all bow to me. They'll be dead and we'll be in charge." She said. She opened her mouth and flicked her pink tongue twice. Her tongue sparkled with pink diamonds. The smell of strawberries wafted in the air from her mouth.

  Androk placed a hand behind her head and kissed her. His tongue darted in her mouth and he laughed, "A Diamond Kiss, you really are pleased with me for killing David. He had to go eventually." He kissed her again, no doubt savoring the exquisite taste the Diamond Kiss produced.

  "Now if you want me to show you the many other Fairy delicacies, you'll have to do the same to Jade. Kill her."

  "But The Order has placed a hands-off order on her. I thought you were trying to please them, lately." He traced her neckline with his finger. His breathing was deep.

  "Well, they'll never know we were behind David's killing. Jade will be just like that. We'll deny it. My father's part of The Order, don't forget. I still have some pull with him."

  "You know that I won't let another take my place. You will be showing me all your Fairy charms soon. I will kill Jade by the end of this day. A night of passion awaits us."

  "It will be a true shame if one of the other strapping fairies gets a taste of my many, many charms." Bex looked at him and blinked slowly. The dragonfly wings made her eyes sparkle like bursts of violent sunrises.


  The Atlanta morning was bright and clear. Jade slept and awoke with a shaft of morning light blinding her. It was only Saturday, but she felt like the convention had been going on for a week. She had the weirdest dreams. She didn't remember her hotel room being so big. She covered her eyes and reached for her phone but the night stand wasn't there. Her gaze fell on a short woman.

  "You are up! Good. Are you ready to train?" Nina plopped a stack of folded clothes on the bed. This is where our paths end."

  "Um, okay. You're the one telling me about getting prepared. I guess things aren't as serious as you said."

  "No, they're more serious than I said. I just didn't want to scare you off. But I'm done here. He'll show you the ropes."

  Seven walked in and nodded with an overdone bow.

  "Are you serious? Do I really get him? A teen actor? Come on. Isn't there someone else?"

  Seven stood up and grabbed an apple from the kitchen counter. He took a bite, "Go on, this should be go

  "You could do worse. Seven is a highly skilled fighter and knows about all the players in this situation. He's an Alpha shapeshifter and smart as a new penny."

  Seven coughed and almost choked on his bite of apple. "Nina, come on."

  "He's an Alpha?" Jade looked at Seven with wide eyes.

  "I hate the title and ran straight onto the set of a television show, hoping to avoid it. But here you are making your quest my quest. Thank you for that. It was either me or David that would be your partner in this quest. David didn't seem to get the call, or pull so here I am."

  Jade was silent as she registered the new information. He was more than just a sexy actor. This could be dangerous.

  "Sure he's cute, but so what? Enjoy being young, flirt and maybe, along the way, learn something that will keep you two alive and help you on your quest. I'm going to work now. Those books aren't going to shelve themselves."

  Jade gave a quizzical look. She thought Nina worked with supernaturals as a full-time job.

  He answered Jade's look. "Nina's a librarian. She said she can't stand people, supernatural or regular, for too long, so, she works with books."

  Nina winked, "Hey handsome, stay by her side at all times. Jade's a target now and so are you."

  * * *

  Jade and Seven were silent as she ate a bowl of cereal bathed in honey.

  Seven finally said, "I should apologize to you. Yesterday must have been scary. I wasn't allowed to give you much help about your awakening." He sat on the sofa in Nina's living room surrounded by endless bookshelves.

  "Well, I feel like no one is really giving me the whole picture." Jade shook her head. She sat on a tall stool in the kitchen. She couldn't see Seven but figured he was probably on his phone checking how many likes he got.

  She couldn't believe she'd be stuck with Seven, the actor she'd had a crush on. It was awkward, but more importantly, she didn't think he knew much about anything except for groupies and hair gel.

  As she walked out of the bedroom, she saw Seven. He stood in the hallway with his head dropped. One hand covered his face.

  "What happened? Tell me." She rushed towards him. The tension from this morning's dream flooded over her.

  "I can't." Seven said.

  "Is it David?"


  She put a hand on his shoulder.

  "I don't want to believe it, but David's dead. He was like a brother to me." He held up his phone and showed her a photo. "I don't know whether to cry or hunt someone down."

  "Are you sure it's him?"

  "Yes." His head slumped.

  "Who would do that?" She held his phone and stared at the photo. Jade felt her insides turn as she saw David's remains, burned to ashes.

  "Fairies like Bex do that. They're evil."

  "I'm so sorry, Seven. Look, the photo was taken on Forsyth Street, I know where that is. We can be there in minutes."

  They ran to the scene as fast as they could. It was about three blocks away.

  * * *

  Jade stopped and let Seven approach his brother's remains alone. She held her breath, afraid of the emotions swirling inside her. Vengeance swirled in her head like an intoxicating aroma. She finally took a deep breath. She clenched her fists and wiped away a tear. She would remember David and find his killer.

  Seven heaped down near his brother's remains. He covered his head and sobbed.

  Jade watched and dared not speak. She ignored the choking sounds coming from Seven. The iridescent sand-like ash had to be fairy dust. A shiver ran down her spine.

  "I'm ready." Seven said. He sniffled and shook his head. "I don't know why this happened."

  "His remains. What should we do with them?"

  "Thousands of small water fairies will be here before too long and gather them in their hands. He'll be carried to the nearest flowing body of water. This way, he'll have a chance to touch the world once last time." He covered his face with his hands. "I argued with him when we last spoke. I loved him even though he made me want to punch him most of the time."

  "I'm so sorry. We will find his killer. Who do you think is behind this?"

  He clenched his jaws. His eyes were dark. "It had to be Bex. I need to find her now." He looked up and met her eyes.

  Jade saw the pain in them and realized she had to help him.

  * * *

  Jade and Seven went back to her hotel room so she could get her things and check out. It was only morning. Someone had already died, and now the new text. Jade hadn't been a shapeshifter/ fairy for even twenty-four hours. She dug her fingernails into her palms. "This is real," she said.

  Her phone buzzed. She held it up. The text read:

  This isn't your dad. This is Erin. I've got your dad. Be ready to meet us at midnight. Location will be texted to you soon.

  "What are you going to do about it?" She slapped the porcelain sink with her hand as she talked herself through what was happening. She didn't dare look at her reflection. She felt her face contorting and was scared of what she'd see. The last thing she wanted right now was to shapeshift; she needed to learn how to control her powers. She had to focus on finding her dad.

  "Are you talking to me?" Seven's voice came through the thin hotel bathroom door.

  "No, I'm talking to myself. I do this sometimes. Just ignore me." She turned on the water for some privacy. "David's dead. Dad is a hostage somewhere. I'm now some freak who can fly, who can turn into animals, and I don't know what the hell I'm going to do about it. How can I save Dad and not get us killed? How can I keep Dad safe? What if Seven gets killed in the fight?" Her panic attack was just beginning when Seven shoved a note under the door.

  I can still hear you. Open up the door, it read. He rattled the doorknob.

  She shook her head. She did her best thinking alone.

  He wouldn't leave her, because of Nina's instructions to stay by her side as a new supernatural. Jade hated her life right now. She unlocked her door then finally twisted the doorknob. The hinges creaked as she swung the door open. She crossed her arms.

  "Look, Jade, I just lost my brother. He was an ass, but he was my brother. I need you to pull your crap together. You have a chance to save your dad. I could lose it right now and just go off to LA or New York and dive into all my vices -- believe me, I have many -- but that won't help me avenge David. That won't help your dad."

  "So what are you saying?" she said, still standing in the bathroom.

  "Don't run away from this," he said.

  "Okay, so now what?" She walked out of the bathroom and leaned against the table.

  "I will Voltic Vow to help you find your dad if you will do the same to help me find my brother's killer."

  "What's a Voltic Vow?"

  "It's a shapeshifter's promise. It's a promise times a thousand."

  "Sounds intense." She pushed herself off the desk and stepped closer to Seven.

  "It's supposed to be." He walked closer to her.

  The morning light seemed to mock them. It was full of promise and hope but instead, all Jade felt was death and being out of her league.

  They stood to face each other. He clasped her hands, "Repeat after me: I vow to adhere to the Voltic Vow of vengeance. I will not stop my quest until I find—what's your dad's name?" he asked.

  "Henri Delacourt."

  "—until I find Henri Delacourt and David Ramirez's killer."

  Jade repeated the Voltic Vow. She wondered what she was getting herself into.

  Seven leaned in and waited.

  Could he, Seven Rhodes, be standing in front of her, waiting for a kiss? She wished she could take a photo of the surreal moment but instead, all that came out was a sarcastic question. "What are you doing?"

  "The Voltic Vow always ends with a kiss."

  She looked up at him and asked, "Are you sure?" She held her breath as their eyes locked.

  "Have I lied to you yet?" His eyes were dark with wisps of gold. A small smile shadowed his lips.

he hesitated. Not wanting to go against an ancient shapeshifter vow, she leaned in and touched her lips to his.

  His eyes twinkled.

  "You tricked me into kissing you, didn't you?" She should have been angry, but she wasn't.

  "Can you blame me for trying?"


  The knock startled them both.

  Jade walked to the door. "It's me, I called your mom and she gave me your room number."

  That morning, Rosa contacted Alejandro hoping to find out where her husband was. She hadn't heard from him and was frantic. She wanted to know if Jade and Henri were okay.

  Alejandro walked in and looked around. "Oh, crap. Aren't you…"

  "Hey," Seven said with a wave. His rehearsed smile was flat. "We were on our way out."

  "How do you two—"Alejandro began. He pointed back and forth at Jade and Seven.

  "I have to get out of here now, Alejandro. We'll catch up later," Jade said.

  "Hey, what happened last night? One moment you were there in the crowd, the next moment I couldn't find you. Then I saw you."

  Jade and Seven froze.

  "But when I tried to reach you, you were gone. It was a weird night." Alejandro shook his head.

  "I told you, I didn't feel well. I went back to my room. I feel like this is the Inquisition." Jade said.

  "So what do you two have planned for today?"

  "Are you serious?"

  "And before you push me away, I'm tagging along. Your mother's pregnant and it's cruel to make her worry. It could be bad for the baby."

  Seven looked between Alejandro and Jade.

  "Hey, I watch a lot of medical shows. I know things," Alejandro said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  Jade slipped her phone out from her back pocket and dialed her mom. She spoke in a low voice near her hotel room window, leaving Alejandro and Seven alone near her hotel room's opened door.

  "So, hey, your show hasn't been canceled. There was some talk, but your show never goes away," Alejandro said with a chuckle. He occasionally watched Wolfpack but hated the acting.

  Seven's eyes narrowed. "What can I say? The fans love us, especially the ladies. Anyway, it was nice meeting you. I have to check in with my agent now." He walked out of the hotel room and waited for Jade while he was on his fake phone call.


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