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How to Become a Lady: Book One of the London Ladies Series

Page 10

by Hannah West

  She shuttered, “He would be things, many things to make sure that I found no happiness. He would not stop.”

  “Then should he try, be not afraid. I am not above hiring someone to make him pay for what he had done or doing it myself. After all who would know? I have someone powerful on my side. I am sure he would protect you too.”

  Emma held her sister’s sweet face in her hands. “Live free and be happy. It has been years and he has not found you. If he does I will simply make him disappear.”

  “You sound so cold, when you say such,” Cassie said with a worried look.

  “You were not the only one Avery preyed upon. He will get what is coming to him.” But she said smiling once more, “Be happy for you and for me. Tomorrow brings quite the surprise.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  How to Become a Lady ~ Rule Twenty-Eight: A lady should always have a surprise up her sleeve.

  The morning callers flooded in with an abundance that surprised Emma. She had not expected so many to come by just to spend a few moments of their time, but that was indeed what happened. It was a quarter to ten when the last of them left and Emma slumped in her chair with a sigh.

  “Are you not wanting anymore callers? I can return another time,” Derek said standing in the doorway.

  Emma sprung up from her chair and pulled in laughing into the room and closed the door behind her.

  “Are you sure it is wise to close the door,” he asked her as he went to stand next to the chair she had just been in.

  She pretended to ponder for a moment before holding up a finger for him to pause. She went over to the door, sticking her head out and called for one of her brother-in-law’s footmen.

  “Inform anyone who comes by that we are not receiving anymore callers for today, please.”

  The young man smiled at her. “Of course, Lady Emmaline.”

  Satisfied that they would not be interrupted she closed the door and faced Derek once more.

  Emma gave him an infectious grin. “Welcome, y lord. What may I do for you?”

  She watched as he prowled around the room, that was the only word for it, he seemed to be rather stiff. Emma found that to be unlike the man he had been of late, maybe he had changed his mind.

  The hope that had been planted in her chest faded at the thought. Of course she would be understanding even if the disappointment stung.

  Or perhaps he was over thinking things. That could be it knowing what type of man he had been before, the man he still was when she was not near him. So she came to stand in his path as he walked around the edges of the room.

  He frowned slightly at her so she frowned back.

  “I thought you had come to talk with me, or at the least tell me more of this master plan of yours. Yet so far all you have done is worn a path on the drawing room floors,” Emma intoned with slight disappointment.

  She changed her expression to be woeful. “You changed your mind, did you not?” There was no harm in teasing him, when he had her worried.

  Suddenly she found herself swept up into a strong pair of arms. “Never,” he growled roughly against her ear, “I…I worry over if it was all real. If you had changed your mind.” He pulled away far enough to place his forehead to hers. “I have this need, it’s hard to describe. But I know that if I touched you,” he said stroking fingers down her neck, “I don’t know if I could let go.”

  Forcefully he let her go, clenching fingers into fists. “But this is not right and I must refrain. You deserve my respect and my effort to make you mine.”

  Nerves fluttered in her stomach at his touch and his words. But she would expect nothing less from a man who had been proper all his life. Derek was currently at a loss with his new self or so it seemed.

  “Well,” Emma said playing with a lock of her long hair, twirling it around her fingers, “what if I thought it was alright if we are alone, only while it is just you and me?”

  He sucked in a shocked breath.

  “You are so proper and I am very improper as far as things go, we are well matched in that respect are we not?”

  She watched as his eyes darkened and his fingers curled tighter. “Mayhap we could start out with smaller things if you do not like the idea?”

  “It is not,” he cleared his throat, words coming out rough, “It is not that I find the idea a bad one, I think it unwise.”

  “Well I am not a young miss straight from the school room, as a matter of fact I never was one, but I am old enough to know what I want.” She took a deep breath, “And I think since you want to convince me to be your wife, you should give in to a few of me demands.”

  Emma wondered over to him a circled him once, his manner still very stiff. She smiled as she took inventory of him. He was very tall with rather broad shoulders, his hair a tad too long to be fashionable. Bringing her back to his face and front. He was rather striking but not classically handsome.

  “Are you done looking me over as a stable master would a new piece of horseflesh?” he asked stiffly.

  Being bold she reached out and ran a finger down the front of his jacket. She looked up at him and smiled softly, “I think not. I believe I need another look.”

  Her fingers wondered and she watched his reaction closely. The closer she got to the open spot of where his shirt showed he swallowed and if possible, seemed to grow more rigid. Emma let her fingers pause there before she raised her other hand and tightened his loose cravat before dropping her hands and taking a step back.

  She gave a satisfied nod as if that had been all she meant to do and gave him a grin. “Much better!”

  His eyes widened in disbelief, then narrowed. “You are teasing me?”

  “I would never do such a thing to a duke,” Emma said innocently.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  How to Become a Lady ~ Rule Twenty-Nine: A lady should be properly courted.

  Little minx, Derek thought. She had been teasing him and dismissed him so easily. He wanted to feel her touch again, to pull her against him and punish her for teasing him, but he knew he couldn’t.

  It wasn’t him, it was not something he had ever done, and would not do, no matter how much she wanted too. She was right however he was too proper and she was…free to do what she wished.

  Just for once he didn’t want to be the stuffy, proper duke he was known as. He wanted to embrace his new, more wild side. But she deserved his respect and he still need to get her to take him seriously about his offer. And to do that he would woo her.

  That brought his thoughts back to the item that was tucked safely away in his breast pocket. So Derek cooled his heated blood and took back the reins of his emotions.

  He held out a hand waiting for her to place hers within it. She looked mildly surprised, but did not question giving him her hand. Trusting him with it. At the small token, warmth spread to him.

  He seated her back into her chair and sat in the one next to it, a little off to the side and reached into his pocket.

  “Lady Emma,” he said formally, “I request the honor of courting you, if that is agreeable.” He pulled out the item and opened the case.

  Her soft gasp of surprise was almost childlike and her eyes sparkled as she reached out with hesitant fingers to touch the matching bracelet to the necklace she had ordered for herself.

  “How did you know?” she asked looking from him back to the bracelet. “It is so dear.”

  He placed the small case into her hands and she closed it holding it to her chest. She treated it as if he had given her the crown jewels when in truth he had given her the cheapest gift he had ever bought. It proved what Derek had always thought of her. She could value even the smallest and worthless of things as if they were priceless and rare. She was a rare prize herself and he was lucky to have met her.

  “My sister is friends with the shop keeper and I was informed that this would mean more to you then diamonds,” he said with a warm smiled. “Though I could have bought you diamonds, this,” he said touchin
g the box, “Reminded me of you.”

  “You bought this with me in mind,” she asked him, giving him a happy smile.

  Derek nodded. “That I did. I know it is not proper to give gifts to a young, single lady, however I hoped you would accept it upon our secret and agreement.”

  He watched as she opened the box and lovingly touched the simple bracelet. She did not look up at him as she spoke softly.

  “I find that I could not refuse. It is the oddest thing to have a man so different from me both in birth and standing who understands me so wholly. You have given me something I will cherish forever,” her voice broke on the last word and she swiped a hand across her face.

  Feeling at a lost for the tears he had caused, he was unsure of what to do. So he did the first thing he could think of. Derek trailed fingers down her cheek to her chin and lifted her gaze to his. Her big beautiful eyes sparkled with unshed tears.

  He gently rubbed the tears from her eyes while softly telling her, “I did not mean to distress you. Please do not cry.”

  She laughed on a half sob. “I cannot help myself. I cannot believe any of this is real. I fear that I shall awaken back in the cold place, starving and alone. All that has happened these past months, all the kindness could not be real. For so long I was alone and I had to make things meet somehow at the price of my happiness. I shall wake and you and my sister will all be but pretty dream of a woman who could not obtain that.”

  She placed a hand over his. “Why have I been so lucky to find such? I am not more deserving then the next wretch.”

  “You are not lucky,” he said seriously, “You worked hard, harder than anyone I have ever met, to grab just a piece of happiness. You are deserving of so much more. I want to give you that. I am real, you shall not wake to find me gone, ever, Emma. You are suck with me.”

  “Will you still be here after my past comes to greet me? I don’t know if or when, but I am sure it will come to pass. What shall you do if it means my ruin, shall you not cast me off?” her haunted tone told him just how scared she was.

  He started forward and took both of her hands. “I have made up my mind. If it means your ruin, then I shall be there for you and you may seek my strength. I shall not let that happen to you.”

  “But you would if that meant the reputation of your family. Your family could not weather another scandal,” she protested weakly.

  “They could go hang. I am a duke, I may do what I want and if anyone has a different say then I can simply make them disappear. I would never left anyone of anything happen to you. My mother and sister will be fine. I care for you, Emma. I have been looking for something, someone without realizing it. I have been looking for you.”

  He raised one of her hands to his mouth, pressing a light kiss on the knuckles. “All will be well.” Another kiss. “Just trust me.”

  Yet another tear fell from her eyes as she gave a shaky smile. “Then grant me but two things.”

  Anything, whispered his mind.

  “Anything,” he echoed.

  “Grant me a kiss, but one each day and a walk,” she asked of him. “If you do then more than just my body shall be yours by the end of your quest.”

  The mention of her body cause his desire to flare, but at the mention of more he found he craved it. It was shocking to realized he wanted this bold, lovely lady to love him.

  It was as if he had been thunderstruck.

  So Derek leaned forward pressing his firm lips against hers in a soft kiss, tender and seeking. When he pulled away she made a sound of discontent and he grinned at it.

  “Shall we go for a walk then, my lady,” Derek asked quietly, sweetly.

  She expression softened and he was sure he could see a strong emotion brewing in her eyes. “Are you sure? Once we step out there and others see us, there is not going back.”

  “There was never any going back after you,” he said brushing fingertips over her cheek before raising and offering her his arm.

  Chapter Thirty

  How to Become a Lady ~ Rule Thirty: A lady should never question gentleman.

  Anna watched from the carriage window with wide eyes and jaw dropped as she watched her older brother take Lady Emmaline’s hand and place it on his arm as they walked.

  She was beyond stunned to see her brother out walking with a lady. He had always been proper and straight-laced, but he had never taken an interest in parading ladies about.

  Then an idea came to Anna’s mind. Maybe Lady Emmaline had come up with a plan to get her brother to finally pick a lady who he could come to care for. That had to be it! Clever girl, Anna thought, how did she do it?

  Her brother had rarely taken to other and it was strange her brother would make friends with Lady Emmaline, but lady Emmaline was good for him. He was changing and she liked him better this way.

  She watched them as they walked until the carriage pulled out of view. It would seem she needed to pay Lady Emmaline a visit later to talk details. She grinned and sat back down in her seat.


  The stares of others as they strolled along a popular avenue were a bit unnerving for Emma. She looked up at Derek, who was so much taller than her that she had to crane her neck, and looked at his expression. His expression was neutral, yet he looked content, you could not tell that the stares bothered him. .

  “Your Grace,” greeted a rather high a nasally voice from behind them.

  Emma wanted to groan with distress at the voice. It had become one she knew rather well. Lady Caroline de Buarg stood behind them with another lady who Emma heard giggle.

  Her hand tightened on Derek’s arm reflexively. He gave her an understanding look before patted her hand lightly and turning them to the set of ladies.

  The lady who was clinging to Lady Caroline was Lady Jasmine, another know-it-all who thought they knew everything that was of import. Both sported the same bright smile aimed at Derek that matched their hideous lime green dresses.

  “How are you today, Lady Caroline?” He nodded to the other lady, “Lady Jasmine?”

  “We are just fine, your grace,” intone Lady Caroline, “What an unusual sight to see you walking about this time of day.” She glanced at Emma before smiling back at him.

  Emma’s fingers tightened even more and she wanted to knock that superior look off her face. Before Emma could open her mouth to give a retort over the dismissal Derek gave one for her.

  “Not at all, Lady Caroline. Lady Emma and I decided it was a perfect day for a stroll. I could not resist the company of pretty lady who wishes to go for a walk,” Derek said gifting Emma with a private smile.

  Emma watched from the corner of her eye as Lady Caroline’s bright smile dimmed and turned nasty at the edges. As if another idea caught the lady she brightened up again.

  “If that is the case, I do like to go on strolls as well. There is nothing like the fresh air and the company other other’s is there not?” she asked prettily.

  Derek gave a short nod. “Indeed. Well if you two would excuse us, we must be on our way.” He started turn away when Lady Caroline reached out to stop him.

  “Wait, your grace!” she exclaimed.

  Derek glared at her hand that was about to touch him, her hand withered away and she took a step back.

  “I would like to invite you to a dinner party that my father is hosting this week,” she stammered, “Invites will be sent shortly, I hear.”

  He look eased and he restored himself back to proper. “I shall see if I can come, give your father my best, Lady Caroline. Good day ladies.” He gave another nod of his head and turned her away from them.

  Glancing back for a moment Lady Caroline aimed at her could kill.

  Emma was glad that they were getting away from them, but why had Lady Caroline de Buarg needed to be so blatantly disrespectful of her. She may be the daughter of an Earl, but she had neither the looks or the bearings to be so. Money was not everything.

  “She is so vile,” Emma whispered.

��Mind her not, Emma. She is a rather petty woman who has just realized she lost her chance at being a duchess,” Derek said with a nonchalance she could envy.

  But she could see that he mean it. It was as if he hadn’t cared what Lady Caroline de Buarg said or did.

  “She seemed sure that she could have another chance, inviting you to her father’s dinner party,” Emma murmured.

  He stopped, stopping her with him and gave her a serious look. “She has no chance. None, she never did. Long before I decided it had to be you I had crossed her off my list.”

  Emma nodded once and pulled him along with her, they were getting more glances at being stopped. She had felt in his words, his sincerity. But she wondered just how many he had crossed off his list.

  “How many were on your list?” she asked him looking up to see his expression.

  His brows dipped slightly as he thought. “I believe there had been about twenty or so that were in serious consideration. I had crossed off more than half.”

  “Since we are out together there will be talk now. How will your mother and sister take this? My sister is going to have a trip over this,” Emma asked worried.

  Derek actually smiled. “My sister will be glad to see me happy, my mother will come around after she sees how great you are. How could she not?”

  “Right, how could she not,” Emma mimicked his words and tone.

  “Come, let us enjoy this warmer afternoon before I have to take care of a few things. I did put off some much needed work,” he said making it seem like a big deal.

  Before Emma would have thought him teasing, but he was an important man. She had never thought of him in that serious light before. He mostly likely had put off much needed work to make time for her and for that she was grateful.


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