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How to Become a Lady: Book One of the London Ladies Series

Page 13

by Hannah West

  “I have a better plan. But first I need to talk to Derek. Can you make sure a message gets to him?” Emma asked as she looked about the room for her hooded cloak.

  Confused Cassie rose and asked, “Why do you need to send him a note?”

  Pausing long enough to answer she said, “So he can meet me somewhere we can talk in private without drawing attention.” Then she ducked into her dressing room finding it tucked away on a shelf.

  “Wait!” Cassie said grabbing her by the hand. “Are you sure this is wise?”

  Emma gave her sister an understanding smile and took her hand in hers. “Cassie sometimes things have to happen no matter what.” She let her sister’s hand go.

  Emma wrote a quick note entrusting it to her sister before she left. Just before she left out the door she said, “And while I’m out tell John.”

  She spotted John coming around the corner and slipped away out the door as John asked, “Tell me what?”

  Emma had never seen her sister’s eyes ever get that round. Emma winked before the door closed.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  How to Become a Lady ~ Rule Thirty-Seven: A lady should always act like a lady.

  Derek watched the beautiful creature who gripped tightly at his arm taking a deep breath before the entered the ball to take the room by storm.

  His Emma looked stunning and he knew right in that moment not only was she perfect for him, but she would make his perfect duchess. He squeezed her fingers and she looked up at him with a worried expression.

  “Are you ready,” he asked giving her an encouraging smile.

  Her brows dipped for a moment before she nodded. “It is now or never. I will not let Lady Caroline trap you anymore then she has tried. You are stuck with me for better or worse after this. Are you ready?”

  “I have never been more ready,” Derek assured her and he walked her up the manor steps.

  Upon the announcement of the Duke of Montrose and Lady Emmaline as he entered with her upon his arm the room grew deadly silent.

  She lifted her chin as they walked in and met anyone’s gaze that looked to her. She acted just like a duchess; she looked regal and walked with a grace his mother would envy.

  He felt his chest swell with pride, that he could call this woman his and soon she would be his wife. If they had not needed to do this he would have been tempted to take her to his bed and show her what just looking at her did to him.

  There was barely a night since he had met her that he did not grow hard and had to seek his release.

  Derek led her to the dance floor that was now clear of people who were circling around them, waiting for the music to strike up again. Within seconds strings were played and a waltz began.

  Holding her close to his body he could feel the heat coming off of her. Emma’s eyes met his and he felt a tingle go down his spine. It was as if the world fell away leaving just the two of them in their own little world. He let his fingers wonder over her lower back, causing a shiver in her.

  He prepared to dip her and as he lowered her, Derek whispered in her ear.

  “You enchant me, Emma. If we did not have to be here, you could not imagen the things I would like to be doing to you right now,” he said huskily.

  She gasped as he brought her back up and led her across the floor.

  She looked around to see if others had heard him, but it seemed none had. He smiled at her blush.

  Derek could tell she was embarrassed but she wanted to tease him, to banter with him. He wondered if she would and he was not disappointed.

  “It would seem I have pulled you out of your oh so proper shell, your grace,” she said slightly stunned still.

  He grinned at that. “Only when you are around. I promise I am still rather stuffy when it comes to others.”

  She gave him a dazzling smile that gripped him about the heart.

  “Well as long as you are such for me then. But,” she said lowering her voice and pulling herself closer into him, “I would be interested in learning some of these things that you would like to do to me.”

  He nearly chocked at her suggestive comment and he wanted to immediately haul her over his shoulder, growl to all she was his and lock himself away with her in a room for the night.

  He yanked her to him and her breath stuttered to a stop. Derek’s eyes were drawn down to her lush little breasts heaving beneath the thin fabric of her dress.

  “Do not temp me,” he warmed her, nearing her mouth with his.

  “What if I want too?” she asked breathless.

  He realized they had stopped dancing and he gave her a sudden spin, catching her against him.

  “If you wish for such, I could never turn you down. But you deserve better,” Derek told her, “I would never give you less than you deserve. I could not disappoint you.”

  “Then give me you, I desire you, I deserve you as yourself,” she implored of him.

  The urge to kiss her had finally become too strong for him to resist. So as the final strings of the waltz were struck he bent her head back and tossed his proper past to the wind as his mouth descended down onto hers.

  The whole of the room burst out in gasps, protests and cheers.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  How to Become a Lady ~ Rule Thirty-Eight: A lady should aim to please.

  The night had grown long and after many surprises followed by Derek’s kiss, Emma had finally escaped into the night, telling her sister she would see them at home. Little did her sister know Emma would not be home until much later.

  Fingers stroked her cheek and she turned her head to look upon the man that would soon be hers forever.

  He looked content as his dark hair brushed over the pillow and his eyes were soft as they looked her over. Gentle and warm just like he had been during the night. Emma had not quite excepted what had happened to truly be like that but she had enjoyed herself after the second time. The first time had been rather odd and a bit painful.

  “What are you thinking of,” he asked softly, moving a curl away from her cheek.

  “Of you, of things to come and things that have been,” she answered honestly.

  That made him smile. He pushed up on an arm, gazing down at her. “I have been thinking. I know I have only known you a matter of months and much has happened so quickly, but I am not sure I can wait too much longer to have you be truly and wholly mine. What would you say to a wedding in a few weeks?”

  “A few weeks!” she exclaimed sitting up, exposing her bare chest. “So fast? I don’t know, Derek. Just a short while ago I had decided to find a husband and now I am about to be someone’s wife. To be honest I have yet to wrap me head completely around this. It really is happening.”

  He sat up behind her and pulled her back to him so his chest was pressed flush with her bare back. His arms wound around her front to hold her in place and he placed his chin on her shoulder.

  “I know this is a lot, Emma, but I meant what I said. I do love you and I will give you anything you wish for. If you need more time then I will bare it.” He moved her hair away from her neck and planted a kiss over the pulse there.

  Emma shuddered as renewed desire woke within her at his simple touch. If he kept this up she would say yes to his time line.

  She tried to clear her head and speak, “There would be so much to do in such little time. My sister wants to do this right for me, for us. She is so focused on the fact you are a duke, that we should have a royal wedding.”

  “But we could be like this,” he kissed her again, “sooner, more.” He kissed his way down her shoulder. “Two weeks seems like an eternity to me, do you not think?”

  “It is so unfair of you, to use my desire against me,” Emma gasped as his tongue started a path of its own.

  Suddenly he flipped her onto her back settling himself between her legs, kissing her sweetly first and then roughly.

  Emma gasped after a long hard kiss, needing to come up for air. She knew he was doing it to convince her a
nd she giggled breathlessly up at him.

  “Fine,” Emma said sternly, “Two weeks, but you have to be the one to tell that to my sister. She is the one planning.”

  “Well,” Derek said, “I can be rather charming, it’s a key point in training to be a duke, don’t you know?”

  “Good luck, charming her. She has become even more impossible since she is having a child,” Emma said looking up at him, then grew serious. “Do you think we shall have children? It took my sister seven years to have a child. You would need an heir, what if I could not give you one?”

  His expression turned compassionate as he pulled her back to him. “I want you, Emma. Children would be a blessing but I am not marrying you for your ability to give me a child. There is nothing wrong with it just being the two of us.”

  “You swear?” she asked, tears stinging her eyes.

  “I vow it,” he swore.

  “Then prove it to me, Derek,” she dared him and he did.

  Just before he sent her tumbling over the edge she looked up at him with shining eyes and whispered, “I love you, Derek.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  How to Become a Lady ~ Rule Thirty-Nine: A lady must be on time for her engagements.

  Emma was quickly learning that being a lady was not something she enjoyed and not something she had been meant for. Since Derek had kissed her at the ball and she had snuck home early in the morning, things had gone downhill and fast.

  Between her sister and over protective brother-in-law, since Cassie had told him the news, Emma could not have a moment alone. Fittings for a wedding dress, plans for the ceremony, and advice finally drove her to running away. Her choice of place to go? None other than Hyde Park, her favorite place in London.

  Fingering her new choker she walked on the paths as others looked on. It would seem no one had taken notice of her yet. Emma knew she was taking a chance going out after the crazy of last week, but she needed room to breathe. To be alone!

  She was excited about what was going to happen but she was dreading what was going to happen after. She was confident she could be a good wife, but she knew that she would be a troublesome duchess. How would she accomplish anything that a lady of that station was supposed to.

  She knew nothing about the politics of parliament or the matters that she would have to address. When Emma had asked if Derek’s mother could teach her he had suggested they not ask. Then he admitted what he had told his mother. She had been aghast until Derek had explained about how things had developed between his parents causing his father’s death.

  Emma was grateful however for how he had defended her. She was not so sure if she was ready to let his mother come after what she had heard. In truth she was hoping that Derek would let them retreat to his family seat for the rest of the Season, but she knew that he would be required to make a few sessions of the Lords. Would he give her this as he had promised to make her happy?

  Emma had a fine time in London, but she would not live there year round, there was too much noise and too much going on for her peace of mind. She would love nothing more than to roam a big garden and walk in the lush fields.

  “What luck I am having finding you here,” a familiar voice said from behind her as a chill creeped up her spine.

  Without turning to look Emma hiked up her skirts, running as fast as her legs would carry her. She did not care what other’s saw, she would die before she let that bastard touch her again.

  Panic filled her as she ran toward the closest gathering of people who were standing near the water’s edge. She ran as if hell were at her heels and in her mind it was. She knew that after what happened he would kill her.

  She heard heavy boots crunch on the gravel not too far from behind her, making her got even fast, lungs burning with the need for air. Emma was focused on reaching those people that she did not notice someone reaching for her after she had gotten so close.

  Thinking the worst she was prepared to fight. So she closed her eyes and struck out. She landed a blow before she heard Derek’s voice.

  “Emma, what is the matter with you?” His warm voice flowed over her and she went limp against him, but before she could answer, Lord Avery’s voice echoed close by.

  “Unhand her,” he demanded of Derek.

  Emma was sure his was mad and did not know the Derek, who had his arms wrapped tightly around her, was a duke and could grind him into the dirt.

  Emma peeked up at Derek’s expression and could not have been more proud of the man that would be her husband. His look at the man was dark, bordering on murderous.

  “What did you say,” Derek dared the man to say it again.

  Emma braved a look at Avery and saw that his face was bruised beyond what she had thought and it looked painful.

  Good, Emma thought to herself, he deserved it.

  “Release that woman,” Avery repeated, “You have your hands upon what is mine.”

  He went as far to reach out to grab her and Derek did not waste a moment, he release Emma, doubling his fist before planting it in Avery’s face.

  The wimp went down with a cry, nose bleeding and at an odd angle.

  Derek did not spare him another moment and checked Emma over gently, making sure she was okay.

  “Are you alright? How do you know that man?” he asked as he cupped her cheek.

  “I’m fine, thanks to you. The man is the one who attacked me at the ball, Lord Avery. He is dangerous, it was not his first time attacking me and he has done far worse to Cassie,” Emma whispered as her nerves finally gave way and her eyes misted.

  Derek gaze turned dark, looking as if he would kill Avery.

  “I challenge you,” came a weak, angry voice from behind him.

  Derek and Emma looked back to see Lord Avery getting to his feet holding his nose.

  “In three days’ time I challenge you to a dual here at dawn,” Lord Avery choked out.

  Emma started to protest but Derek cut her off.

  “You dare to assault my future wife, the future Duchess of Montrose, and you have the nerve to challenge me? The Duke of Montrose, would never be little himself to even entertain the idea with an honor less man such as yourself,” Derek said using his authority voice. The voice that could leave other’s quaking in their boots should the displease him.

  It sounded so natural coming from him, reminding her who the man she came to know really was. He was powerful and stern, proper, so unlike her.

  The look upon Lord Avery’s face as he realized his mistake of who he was addressing as almost comical. The blood drained from his pale face and he looked as if he wanted to crawl into a hole.

  “Address her again or even come near her or think of her or her family and I shall see you exported for your crimes against her. I believe it would be wise to never let us look upon you again,” Derek advised before he turned sharply away then lifted Emma into his arms carrying her toward where his waiting coach had been left when he had seen her running.

  “Thank you,” Emma said gratefully as she held on to him, “thank you.”

  Derek did not look pleased. “You shall tell me what the man has against you and your family and I shall see him punished. You were lucky I had been close by. What were you thinking going out alone again, Emma?”

  He was none to gentle about getting her in the carriage before telling the driver where to head.

  “I needed to get away,” she answered sheepishly. “There is just so much going on that I needed to think, I was suffocating in that house. I needed room, I needed to walk.”

  He sighed. “You are over thinking things.”

  “I am,” she questioned. “As you said, I will soon be your duchess and I have no idea of what that entails. I don’t want to live in London, I want to be away from all of this and final be happy the way I know best, but by being wed to you other things will come first.”

  She started to list off all she had been thinking about, sending herself over the edge until he took her hands up in his.

  He gave her an earnest look. “You come first, whatever you want. You will learn how to be your own duchess, but before that you will be my wife. I promised to make you happy. I will do everything within my power to see that come true.” He kissed her hands. “If you want to go to the country then that is where we shall live. I can make arrangements so that will happen. Nothing is impossible when you are us and have the love that we do.”

  That lifted the depressed mood that had been setting in and Emma could hardly believe he would do that for her.

  So joyful was she that she jumped onto his lap surprising him and kissed him full on the mouth.

  “I knew there was a reason I came to love you,” she teased.

  “Next time we are alone, my dear, I will show you just how much. But until then I think it would be wise if we stayed away from anymore scenes. The scandal we have already started is sure to only gain more attention after we are wed. I shall set things up so we may leave for the family estate after the wedding.”

  He smiled at her before giving her a quick kiss. “All will be well and this Avery shall never come near you again.”

  “I can’t believe that luck I had in meeting you,” Emma sighed as she settled in waiting to see where he was taking them.

  Chapter Forty

  How to Become a Lady ~ Rule Forty: A lady should aim to be the best wife she can be.

  It was done.

  She was officially Lady Emmaline Ashford. No, she was Lady Emmaline Ashford the Duchess of Montrose.

  Emma was short of breath while she braced a hand against her stomach, letting that idea sink in. She had done it and she was mad to have done this.

  But Derek was good upon his word. All of their stuff had been packed a few nights before and sent off ahead of them to Montrose Castle. They would leave shortly to begin their journey there since it would take them well into the night and the next morning to get there. Far enough away from London to please her.


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