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Behold a Pale Horse sf-22

Page 27

by Peter Tremayne

  Fidelma flushed slightly. ‘Not at all,’ she asserted. ‘I was mainly concerned why the pages about Caepio should be removed from the books in the library. Brother Eolann was most upset about this.’

  ‘Well, I can understand that the destruction of a book would be a great affront. He should have reported the matter. I would not believe that the contents of the pages would be important in themselves. We have far more detailed accounts about Caepio in another book, which I have used recently. There is a little book in the scriptorium on the life of the Proconsul. Brother Eolann was especially proud of it as it was a very rare copy. Apparently it was banned by the curule aediles in Rome.’

  ‘The what?’ Fidelma asked, puzzled.

  ‘Curule aediles? Ancient Roman magistrates. For some reason we had one of the copies that escaped destruction. I believe it might have survived because it was written by a Gaul from Narbona — Trogus Pompeius.’

  ‘Why would the life of Caepio be banned? Because of the subject or the writer?’

  ‘I would think that Proconsul Caepio was not the most worthy of the Servillius clan.’

  Fidelma was about to turn away when the name registered with her. ‘Did you say the Servillius clan?’ she asked.

  ‘Servillius was a patronymic name. The Proconsul’s full name was Quintus Servillius Caepio. Vitae Quintus Servillius Caepeio is the volume that you are looking for. The Servillius family were an ancient patrician family in the days of the Republic and Empire, and often obtained the consulship. They survived many, many centuries.’

  Fidelma was thoughtful. She picked up the coin and went to the door, pausing to say, ‘Thank you for your wisdom, Venerable Ionas. It is of much help to me.’

  ‘As I recall, you will find the story told by Trogus more in keeping with mythology,’ called Venerable Ionas. ‘He claims that the gold of Tolosa was initially looted from the sacredGreek temples of Delphi. The Tectosages were one of the Gaulish tribes who invaded Greece just after the death of the Great Alexander and sacked the gold and wealth of the temple of the Oracle. Each time the story is told, it becomes more fabulous in the telling. Trogus was a Gaul and a good storyteller. He knew many of the local legends associated with the campaign against the Gauls. So his account might give you further information.’

  Fidelma left as the Venerable Ionas bent over his work again. Outside his study, she replaced the gold coin safely back in her comb bag. Her mind turned over the patronymic of Caepio in her mind. An ancient patrician family that had survived many centuries … She made her way into the scriptorium. Now she felt that she was getting nearer to that elusive connection. Brother Eolann was still not there, yet now there was a lamp lit on the table. Beside the lamp was a book opened at the first page. She caught sight of the title.

  It was Trogus Pompeius’ Vitae Quintus Servillius Caepeio.

  She swung round quickly, glancing into the darkened corners of the library. Was she being set up for some purpose? The book did not get there on its own just when she needed it. With tightened jaw she leaned towards the book. She began to turn the pages — and then stopped with a gasp.

  The book was a thin volume — but when opened, it was obvious why. Several of the pages had been cut from it.

  Now she knew whom she had to confront, but she also knew that she could not do it alone. She retraced her steps to Venerable Ionas’ study. He looked up in surprise as she entered, without knocking this time, and sat down. She held out the copy of the book to him. He saw the section where the pages had been cut and turned a frowning glance to Fidelma.

  ‘I think it is time I had a word with Abbot Servillius.’ She laid a heavy stress on the last name.

  ‘Abbot Servillius?’ asked Venerable Ionas. ‘Why?’

  ‘You told me that Servillius was a nomen, a patronymic name. Quintus Servillius Caepio.’ She laid stress on the middle name.

  Abbot Ionas regarded her with some amusement. ‘I cannot quite see how your mind is working, my child. You comment on the similarity of the name.’

  ‘I seem to have stumbled on a series of matters that relate to this fabled gold hoard of Quintus Servillius Caepio. I believe a boy was killed because he stumbled on the hoard or the route to it. The killer wanted it kept secret. But it became known that the boy had spoken to someone in this abbey who might be able to work out what it was all about. Therefore the killer decided to eliminate all the clues that he could. Cutting pages from the books in the scriptorium which linked to the story of this fabulous treasure was one way.’

  ‘You mean the references to what Caepio did? His sack of Tolosa, his appropriation of the gold and silver; the story that he brought the treasure back to this land, where he was Proconsul and Governor; that he hid it, before his final disgrace in Rome.’ Venerable Ionas was still smiling. ‘That seems somewhat far-fetched.’

  ‘The killer tried to expunge any route that might have led to Caepio’s gold — Servillius’ gold.’

  Venerable Ionas sat back, chuckling softly. ‘You are arguing that our abbot is a descendant of the Servillius family. That may well be. Servillius has always been proud that he is descended from an old and local patrician family. But are you arguing that he also holds the secret of Caepio’s gold — that he has tried to prevent others from finding it?’

  ‘Or indeed that he or some other discovered the hiding place and then the boy Wamba stumbled on it and …’

  Now the old scholar’s eyes widened. ‘You seriously contend that Abbot Servillius had the boy Wamba killed to keep the secret of where the fabled Aurum Tolosa might be found? Impossible! Even if it did exist, to suggest that my old friend Servillius …’

  ‘ … had him killed or killed the boy himself,’ Fidelma said steadily.

  Venerable Ionas sat for a while in silence, his bright eyes keenly searching her face.

  ‘I have perceived you to be an intelligent person, Sister,’ he finally said, like a father sadly chastising an erring child. ‘I know that you have trained in the law of your land. I know, too, that Venerable Gelasius of the Lateran Palace holds you in high esteem, as does the Holy Father himself, because you tracked down the killer of the Archbishop Wighard. But this is an incredible accusation that you lay at the door of poor Servillius. Why, I have known him since the day he came to this abbey.’

  ‘I do not make my accusations lightly,’ Fidelma replied.

  ‘Then I suggest that you tell me your story and your evidence before you go any further.’

  ‘It is a long one and starts with the murder of Brother Ruadán.’

  The eyes of Venerable Ionas widened again. ‘Murder?’ His tone was incredulous.

  Fidelma began the story, slowly and carefully, and gradually the disbelief of the old scholar’s expression began to change into one of serious attention. He did not interrupt her once. When she had finished he sat with head bowed, saying nothing. Then he exhaled deeply.

  ‘And such things have happened to you, my child, since you came to our peaceful Abbey of Bobium? You should have come to me sooner.’

  ‘How could I trust you?’ demanded Fidelma. ‘I do not know if I can trust you now, only that I desperately need to trust someone.’

  The elderly man smiled softly. ‘You may trust me, my child. We will go together and put these matters directly to Abbot Servillius.’

  ‘He could simply deny them,’ pointed out Fidelma.

  ‘Perhaps he will. But in his explanation of certain aspects of this story we may be led to uncovering the truth.’

  ‘I have no authority here to question an abbot.’

  ‘That I know. From writing the life of Columbanus and mixing with many of your compatriots of Hibernia, I have learned about the role of the Brehons of your land. The Venerable Gelasius, nomenclator to the Holy Father, asked you to investigate the death of Archbishop Wighard of Canterbury. He did this, I am informed, over the heads of the law officers of the Lateran Palace, even over the head of the Superista of the Lateran Guard.’

  ‘That was
due to politics,’ Fidelma explained, ‘because of the nationality of the archbishop and the nationality of the one accused of his murder, one of the Hibernian brethren. And it was done with the knowledge and approval of the Superista, Marinus, the Military Governor of the Lateran Palace, rather than over his head, as you express it.’

  ‘You are precise as befits your profession, Fidelma,’ noted Venerable Ionas. ‘Precision is what is needed here. But the point I am making is that what is good for the Venerable Gelasius and the Holy Father should be good enough for us in this abbey.’

  ‘You are kind. But the only authority in the abbey is Abbot Servillius himself. His authority cannot be questioned, especially since you have adopted the Rule of Benedict here. So are you saying that you might work a miracle to persuade him to give me permission to question him, having accused him of being central to crimes of murder? To question him about a crime in which he is the only suspect?’

  Venerable Ionas sat back and chuckled deeply. ‘That is not what I am suggesting, Fidelma.’

  ‘What then?’ she demanded. ‘The Rule of Benedict demands the renunciation of one’s own will and calls upon every member of the brethren to have prompt, ungrudging and absolute obedience to their superiors, in this case, to the abbot, for unhesitating obedience is called the first step to humility.’

  Venerable Ionas was shaking his head good-naturedly. ‘I know what the Hibernian brethren think of unquestioned obedience but, as your brethren say, do not break your shinbone on a stool that is not in the way.’

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘It is simple enough. The Blessed Columbanus used to say that there are two kinds of fool. Those who will not obey and those who obey without question. He therefore thought the time might come when the abbey abandoned his Rule, so he left instructions for a separate governance here which our abbots have never altered. That is, the two senior clerics can call the abbot to account if there is a decision to be questioned.’

  ‘You mean yourself and Magister Ado?’

  ‘We are currently the two senior clerics here.’

  ‘Therefore you and Magister Ado could force the abbot to answer my questions?’

  ‘We can. So now we shall talk with Abbot Servillius. I shall designate you to act in the role of my interlocutor. If he does not agree to answer the questions we will await Magister Ado’s return — but answer them he must.’

  ‘Will it work?’

  ‘Are you sure that you have clear questions to put?’ He ignored her question and posed his own.

  ‘I am sure enough.’

  They walked from Venerable Ionas’ study, passing the scriptorium door, down the stairs to the main hallway and across to the abbot’s chamber. They had not reached it when they realised someone was standing in the doorway, which was open. The figure turned. It was the rotund cook Brother Waldipert. He stood staring at them with wide terrified eyes; his skin had a sickly pale tinge. He took a step forward. For a moment they thought he was going to collapse. He swayed, his mouth open, lips moving but making no sound at all.

  ‘What is it, Brother Waldipert?’ demanded Venerable Ionas.

  Still the man could not speak but just stared as if he was not focusing on either of them.

  With an exhalation of exasperation, the Venerable Ionas moved past him and halted on the threshold of the abbot’s chamber. He moved no further, frozen for the moment. Then slowly he turned back to the fat cook. The man still stood shaking. Some brethren were passing through the hall. Venerable Ionas called to one of them. ‘Ask Brother Hnikar to come to the abbot’s study immediately. He — there has … has been an accident.’

  One of them scurried off on his errand.

  ‘What is it?’ asked Fidelma.

  ‘Abbot Servillius is dead,’ intoned Venerable Ionas.

  Fidelma pushed by him, even though he tried to hold herback. But she, too, halted on the threshold. It was obvious why Venerable Ionas had no need to enter further.

  Abbot Servillius lay sprawled on the floor just inside the door. His skull was a bloody mess, beaten to a pulp by some heavy object. Only his robes and crucifix on its silver chain provided a means of identification. Near the body she saw a large brass candlestick. It did not need any clever deduction to see the bloodstains on it and realise that this was the murder weapon. This was no accident but murder, plain and simple.


  Fidelma stepped back into the hall. ‘What happened?’ she asked the cook.

  The man had still not recovered, was still staring and trying to utter words. To Fidelma’s surprise, Venerable Ionas stepped forward and struck the cook sharply across the cheek. The man staggered back, blinking; a hand went to his reddening cheek.

  ‘Ignosce mihi — forgive me, Brother Waldipert,’ the elderly religieux said. ‘There was no time to bring you from your shock in any other way, and each moment is precious.’

  Brother Waldipert stood rubbing his cheek and gazing dumbly at Venerable Ionas.

  ‘How came you here?’ continued the elderly cleric.

  ‘I … I came with some accounts for the Father Abbot to approve.’ The words emerged slowly.

  ‘How long ago?’

  ‘A moment or two only. I knocked on the door and then opened it and saw … saw … I don’t know what happened. You hit me. You hit me on the cheek.’

  ‘Brother Waldipert,’ Fidelma intervened. ‘You opened the door and saw the abbot on the floor. Did you see anyone elsein the room, someone leaving the room by other means — the window, for example?’

  The cook shook his head. ‘There are no other means. The window is too small for anyone to leave by.’

  There was a noise across the hall and Brother Hnikar appeared. He glanced at them as he hurried into the abbot’s chamber. They saw him go down on his knees beside the body. It was a cursory examination.

  ‘Dead,’ he said. ‘He has had his skull smashed in.’

  Fidelma had the urge to say they did not need his opinion to tell them the obvious, but restrained herself.

  ‘I presume that brass candle-holder would be the weapon.’ She pointed to it.

  Brother Hnikar followed the direction of her hand. ‘I would imagine it was.’

  ‘How long ago did this happen?’

  ‘It is hard to say,’ replied the physician. ‘The blood has dried and the body has stiffened. Perhaps half a day has gone by.’

  ‘Half a day?’ Fidelma was surprised. ‘Are you sure?’

  The man did not deign to answer her but merely responded, ‘Who found him? You?’

  ‘It was Brother Waldipert who discovered the body.’

  Brother Hnikar rose to his feet and regarded the cook for a moment.

  ‘This is a bad business,’ he said, now speaking directly to Venerable Ionas.

  ‘Indeed, it is,’ agreed the elderly scholar. ‘I shall take charge.’

  ‘But we must await the return of Magister Ado before we can appoint a new abbot,’ Brother Hnikar protested.

  ‘I did not say I would take charge as abbot,’ VenerableIonas replied grimly. ‘I will take charge until Magister Ado returns and then we shall discuss the matter.’

  ‘We need to establish when the abbot was last seen alive,’ Fidelma told them.

  Brother Hnikar regarded her with disapproval. ‘I have to remind you that you are a visitor in this abbey. Distinguished, so I am told. But nevertheless a visitor.’

  Venerable Ionas cleared his throat. ‘Dear Brother Hnikar, our distinguished visitor does have a point. These things need to be done. And, as custom dictates, this night we must lay to rest the remains of our great friend and former abbot. To him we owe a duty to find his murderer.’

  ‘I stand corrected, Venerable Ionas,’ sniffed the apothecary. ‘It was probably some barbarian intent on robbery. Although I would say that the person who has committed this crime will have escaped to the forests long ago. Therefore we need to find Wulfoald and ask that he send his warriors out to track the
culprit down.’

  ‘I don’t think it was some robber,’ Fidelma was prompted into saying and then shut her mouth firmly as Brother Hnikar’s lips visibly thinned. However, Venerable Ionas distracted him quickly.

  ‘Time irretrievably passes, my brother. We must seize it if we are to get anywhere. As you have said, Sister Fidelma is a distinguished visitor. She is a lawyer and judge in her own land, and as such she was entrusted by the Holy Father and his adviser and military governor to solve the mystery of the murder of an archbishop at the Lateran Palace.’

  Brother Hnikar made a dismissive motion with his hand. ‘I have already heard about that.’

  ‘Then, as the senior cleric in this community, I tell you this — I am appointing her to make inquiries about the matter.She has my full authority to come and go as she likes and to inquire of whomever she likes.’

  Brother Hnikar was looking shocked. ‘But the Rule …’

  ‘The Rule continues but in no way blocks her authority nor the authority that she holds from me.’

  The apothecary was going to open his mouth again, hesitated and then bowed towards Fidelma.

  ‘Will there be any objection, Sister Fidelma, to my removing the body to prepare it for burial, now we know how he met his death?’ His voice held a thinly veiled sarcasm.

  ‘You may remove the body as you will, but only after I have made an examination of the room. We may know how the abbot met his death but we must also learn why and by whom.’ She turned to Venerable Ionas with a nod of thanks. ‘It seems that Brother Hnikar cannot help us for the moment and we will have a further word with Brother Waldipert later.’

  It was a clear dismissal of both men who then departed, one with a scowl and the other in bemusement, leaving Venerable Ionas and Fidelma alone.

  ‘You will not have long,’ the elderly cleric said with a sigh. ‘Brother Hnikar does not like what I have done and he will be off, even now, to find Brother Wulfila to support him. And when Magister Ado returns …’ He ended with a shrug. ‘Perhaps we had best do what Brother Hnikar suggested and alert some of Wulfoald’s warriors to search the surrounding countryside. The murderer cannot have gone far on foot, and he would be recognised if he left on horseback.’


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