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The Highlander Without a Bride

Page 2

by Johanna Maas

  "Lady Kaye, I am proud to introduce to you my uncle on my mother's side, Lord Hann." Lord Stephen looked stiffly into her eyes as he passed a silent message on to her for he had wanted to add but did not, 'the one that I have been speaking to you of these past many weeks...'

  When the wedding date had been announced and the guests invited so very long ago, Lord Stephen had taken many an opportunity in Kaye's presence to speak favorably of his uncle and the one now that stood before her, the Lord Hann. He spoke kindly of him and often of him as he implored her to provide special attentions. While the Lord Stephen could never be so bold as to imply his true hope of a possible union, Kaye would have had to be daft to not have fully understood his true meaning

  Kaye placed a smile upon her lips and turned to look directly into the face of the lord so that she could gain a full perspective on this one that Lord Stephen had eagerly recommended. As she gazed into his face, she took note of the man to whom her new brother-in-law spoke so fondly.

  Lord Hann stood before her and appeared to be a man many years her senior and most likely near old enough to be her father. He was a man who stood a mere half of a head taller than Kaye, but that was not tall by anyone's standards for she was a very petite woman, herself. He sported a plain rounded face, small eyes, thin lips and a lean frame. Kaye noted with a slight disenchantment that although he was nothing horrible to look at, he was just nothing special for there was nothing remarkable about his person. In the deepest depths of her mind she sorrowfully admitted that there was not anything regarding this man that would stir her desires nor kindle her emotions.

  Drawing from her rigid training as an English lady and attempting to hide her true disappointment, she did her best to smile sweetly up at him as she showed her full respect for his regard. Kaye continued her poignant appraisal of the man and realized that while he had a smile upon his face, she felt that it was not an endearing one for it appeared to be somewhat self-indulgent. She also noted that it was a bit odd how the pleasure of that smile never truly did reach up and warm his eyes. In fact, it rather looked painted upon his somber face and lost any genuineness that it may have otherwise, afforded. Kaye drew in her breath fully as she chastised herself inwardly for she knew she was being a bit hasty and perhaps unkind, for she had just met the man and knew so little of his person.

  Kaye tentatively presented her hand to the Lord Hann and allowed the gentleman to take her fingers within his own as he bowed low and placed a light and mildly wet kiss upon them. He immediately rose and dropped her fingers directly as he began speaking to her.

  "It is very nice to make your acquaintance, my dear. I have heard nothing but proper and fine praises about you."

  Kaye blushed slightly for the formalness and somewhat intimateness of his greeting as she replied, "And it is a pleasure to meet you, milord."

  An awkward silence ensued as neither quite knew what more to say, or how to go on, so Lord Stephen interjected, "Now, let us sit at the table for the grand feast which is being laid out before us as we speak. And you, dear uncle, must accompany our fine Kaye as her dinner partner!"

  Kaye breathed deeply with a sense of foreboding as a feeling of apprehension threatened to consume her. Her plight was precarious and her future was unknown but her dinner partner had been now quite settled. She knew that she had prayed for a quick and easy solution to all that had troubled her heart, yet she had also hoped for a favorable end to it all. But alas, her small hope of a warm feeling towards this man had been quite dashed for she acknowledged that he was not anywhere near the visions of her childhood dreams. The lord before her could never even come close to one who may fuel her hopes and desires.

  Once again, Kaye silently grew angry with her sentiments and chastised herself for her rude thoughts and feelings for the gentleman who now stood at her side. While this man was obviously not outwardly handsome, she had no true and complete understanding of his person. Perhaps he had a generous and loving heart or more importantly, maybe he possessed a kind soul. And were those not the most important traits of all when considering a union that would last the remainder of her days?

  Kaye was so forlorn for her situation and so confused for her plight that she could only gaze on in uncertainty and in silence. With a sad and disenchanted heart, she dutifully followed the two English gentlemen to her appointed place as a delicate blush appeared upon her cheeks. For she now realized quite fully that her misfortune and her wretched plight was surely and truly now to be paraded for the whole of the hall to see.


  From her place at the wedding table Kaye gazed over the expanse of the Devon family's great chamber which had been lovingly adorned for the nuptials. The large and worn stone walls that surrounded the room were covered with delightful and colorful tapestries, some old family heirlooms and others newly spun and being presented for the first time. Their graceful and intricate works softened the hard and cold edges of the stone walls as they created a welcoming atmosphere. She looked with pride as she gazed at the new cushions that had been painstakingly sewn and now set upon the chairs and on the wooden benches for they had been crafted for their guest's comfort and by her own hand.

  As Kaye sat anxiously at the head table, she turned to peer down the expanse of it to see her family seated neatly thereon. Her mother sat gracefully adorning the end and wore a dress of a golden color with deep red roping accentuating her still youthful body. Her father who was seated regally next to her wore that same gold material sewn meticulously into the breast lapels of his stately jacket.

  Next to her father sat the new bride and her sister Marie, shyly smiling up at her husband who was seated directly to her right. Next came Lord Hann, then her place and then to her own right was her brother-in-law and the Highland warrior, Lord Bruce and her younger sister Bridget. What a diverse group they made.

  Kaye looked down across the expanse of people and to the table just to the right of theirs where she spied her dear cousin Matthew. He was a fine boy, no, now a fine man, with a strong body and a very compassionate heart. He had a goodly sized frame by English standards and his blonde hair was tied neatly at the base of his neck. He was blessed with a gentle and very handsome face and made many a girl's hearts flutter whenever they happened to be within his presence. Kaye knew him and loved him best for his kind and generous heart. Matthew was more than just a cousin to the three Devon women for he was as close to the sisters as any brother could be.

  Matthew spent most of his time within the castle walls training with both his father Roger and his own uncle and Kaye's father, the Lord Devon. With these two great men at his side, he worked towards perfecting his skills of the sword, developing his competence of estate management and honing his proficiency of the tongue. For here in the border estates all three skills were essential, with keeping the peace the highest of import.

  Matthew was intently staring up at Kaye with a slight look of perplexity crossing his features, for the man who was seated next to her. It was not a man to whom he had immediately recognized and one he never would have suspected she would take an interest in. For it was clear to him as to how they had been suddenly thrown together, of Lord Stephen's possible hopes and the meaning of his intent. For long moments he stared in doubt with a slight frown upon his forehead, until Lord Devon stood to address the hall and interrupted his thoughts.

  "My lairds and ladies, family and guests. Please be seated as we prepare to partake in the festivities." Lord Devon was raising his hands high into the air and commanding the attention of the entire hall as the occupants now moved quickly to acquire their places.

  He continued most confidently, "My Lady Marion and I would like to formally welcome you to our home as we celebrate the most happy union of our daughter Marie to the stately Lord Stephen!"

  A loud cheer went up across the chamber as the joyous couple smiled shyly at each other as Marie's cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. Kaye gazed on longingly as she watched her sister's new husband lovingly
take her hand in his as he squeezed it gently and placed a slight kiss upon her dainty fingers. This gesture was a sure indication of his love and his devotion displayed outwardly for the whole of the hall to see.

  Lord Devon continued, "We thank our Lord above for this favorable occasion, fond family and the food that we are about to eat. Here, here!"

  With those words spoken, he raised his glass high into the air as did all those in the hall briefly. They guests all followed suit as they each drank from their cups and toasted the newly married couple. As he sat, the servants began spilling out of the kitchens presenting the feast to the family table and guests. They carried out cauldrons of soups and trays of meats and cheeses and breads, with ale and dark colored wines, aplenty.

  Throughout the dinner the hall became noisy with talk as Lord Hann engaged Kaye with his conversation, fondly speaking of his home, his estates and his lust for life and his plans for the future. He spoke animatedly on and on as he described his life in detail and exuded a sense of pride for his own estates and his own accomplishments. With a warmth in his tone he also spoke of his own son, who was the pride and joy of his life.

  Kaye had to admit that beyond his nondescript looks, he was a traditional English noble and considered him mildly entertaining. He was exceedingly polished, enormously polite and engaging in his own special way. He was not at all like the terrifying warriors that were within the room, for they were ferocious and their ways unfamiliar to everything that Kaye understood. This man who was sitting civilly next to her, identified with all that she knew to be proper and decent. She understood that deep down the Lord Hann and she were two made from the very same cloth.

  As she listened, she realized that he was fervently attempting to make a good and lasting impression upon her and she was warmly acknowledging that gesture. But with a distressing pain within her chest, she also thought back to the visions of her childhood dreams. Those dreams would always dictate that a strikingly good looking man who was near her own age, would be the one to capture her heart. He would love her and she would be forever experiencing the fluttery feeling deep within her chest when that special person was within the room. She had so longed to feel her heart beat wildly when that exceptional person was near. Oh, how often she had long dreamed that dream.

  As of late and especially as of today, the feelings of desperation were beginning to consume her. It was a fright for her uncertain future as a foreboding for her loneliness and her path so unknown plagued her mind. She recognized that she had absolutely no prospects and her future looked so very distressing and so very grim, indeed.

  She looked deeply into the Lord Hann's face as he droned on, his words no longer being comprehended as she continued to contemplate the path of her uncertain life. She knew she needed protection and desired to be loved as she desperately wanted a home of her own. With a certainty she acknowledged that she did not wish to become a burden to her parents. But could she be content with someone who only fostered within her such feelings of gentle politeness? For she acknowledged quite fully that this man sitting next to her would never, could never, extract the deep seeded love and the passions of her dreams.

  Perhaps the love within this union would grow with time, for was that not possible? He did seem kind and he did seem attentive to her needs. Was that not the only foundation that was needed? Kaye continued to gaze at the man sitting next to her as she considered each of these questions laid out before her.

  The evening drew onward and the lord's polite conversation never ceased as Kaye contemplated further her unknown destiny. Lord Stephen had hinted at his uncle's intentions in the previous weeks and she had to be obtuse to not understand his meanings, especially now. She truly had not seriously entertained Lord Stephen's proposal, for prior to today, prior to these nuptials and prior to this very moment, she had not felt so very desperate.

  Kaye reasoned with conviction that perhaps this was a way out for her, for there were no guarantees that there would ever be another who so eagerly would seek her hand. Kaye softened her heart and brightened her resolve at the idea of it. For so long she had worried that no one would want her and no one would claim her, for up until this very day, no one had even shown the slightest interest. Without a husband she knew she would be alone and unprotected. She was so afraid that she was destined to live out the remainder of her days in her parent's home, with no one to love, childless and with no true life and no special purpose of her own.

  Did it matter that he was simply a nice and noble gentleman? Would it be a tragedy if she could not see herself loving this man passionately? If he were to actually propose to her some day, she would have a home of her own and a new life to be sure. Kaye looked into the face of the man at her side as he continued to drone on as she softened her heart and her mind to him. At least she found him very cordial and kind and if she put her mind to it she was certain she could learn to love him, could she not? Was that not a start? Was that not enough? She chastised herself once again for her romantic notions and dreams, for they were just that…a fairytale she could not possibly hope to achieve at this late point in her life. For she already had reached her twenty-first year.

  Kaye contemplated her life, deliberated her options and mentally reviewed her alternatives. She came to the wretched conclusion she was very frightened of her fate. She had never expected to be in this position and an unreasonable panic began to consume her as her heart beat in dread and an unsuspecting terror bit at her heart. As Kaye took a deep breath, she resolved that she would stop at nothing to prevent those lonely ends.


  The evening slowly turned into night and the never-ending festivities droned on as the guests continued to partake of the gaiety and the entertainment. Jugglers, jokesters and musicians alike were aplenty in the room and strode around filling it with elation and gladness in their wakes. Pleasure was felt and enjoyment was had by nearly all.

  Tor sat at a table at the far side of the hall neither speaking nor taking pleasure in the madness or the merriment, for he did not understand the need for these festivities. Quite to himself he contemplated the host family and thought how strange were these English. They exhausted endless hours playing and communicating of such non-essential things and appeared to spend very little time preparing to protect. He acknowledged rather poignantly that in his entire life, he had never witnessed such idiocy.

  Though these two families did not live that far apart, he knew without a doubt that their lifestyles were so vastly different. In his homeland, they had but one duty and that took all of their time and all of their devotion. That responsibility was to protect the clan and his family, above all else. The endless lifetime of training, the building of strong walls, strong bodies and strong decisive minds, was of the utmost importance. In his mind, it was the only thing that mattered and the only course that was essential.

  Here, these English were more intent upon making laughter, making games and fun and that was just so foreign to Tor. He wondered quite curiously how they had survived for so long with their soft ways. These lands would not last more than a day handled and protected as such, if these estates were located in his precious Highlands.

  Tor looked across the room and up to the head table where the family was seated. As he gazed across the crowded chamber, he noted the Lord Devon sat proudly and happily with all of his women, his wife and three daughters and their corresponding men. As he looked over the group, his eyes alighted and hung upon, but one. The very pretty Kaye as she was called who was sister to his lord's wife, Bridget and sister to the bride, Marie.

  Kaye's dark and thick ebony hair cascaded enticingly down her back and to her waist as the firelight brilliantly reflected upon the masses of shiny tresses. Her exquisite sapphire blue eyes and full pink lips were so inviting as she smiled up in mirth at one of the jugglers standing right before her. He watched her intently and noticing her petite yet alluring form as the very tops of her full and luscious breasts ever so enticingly exposed themse
lves over her fitting gown.

  Memories of the past flashed through Tor's mind as he remembered the first and only other time he had ever visited England. It was nearly two years ago when his own lord and cousin Alec had come to seek his bride. The task was by order of his own Scottish king and in agreement with the English king, to wed the Highlander to the border baron's daughter. That had nearly come to a disastrous end when they arrived and it was known to be the eldest daughter Kaye that his lord was to wed, for she was in such a devastating state. She was quite sickly as her skin was quite pale and her eyes very sunken, so much so that she could hardly come to the hall and sup on her own. She never would have made the grueling trip back to the Highlands alive, for she was quite frail.

  In her stead, Bridget was chosen for his bride by his own lord, Alec. The great Lord Devon had also agreed and while Bridget had initially been opposed, in time they had become quite settled. And what a fine match they had made, for it was quite obvious to anyone that knew the pair that they were contentedly in love.

  To look at Bridget's sister now…Tor hardly recognized her as the same woman of those two years past. Her beauty had most assuredly blossomed as did her fortitude, for it was obvious she was quite changed. As his eyes perused the full of her from across the hall, he had to wholly acknowledge that she was a true beauty and stirred him greatly. How he wished he could feel her gentleness within his arms and feel her soft lips touch his own. She was magnificent enough to want to protect and even perhaps go to war for.

  Tor thought absently to himself that it most likely would never occur for it appeared she had a great interest in the fop of a man that was sitting next to her. He appeared to be easily and fully commanding all of her attentions. A thin and small English man who was clearly many years her senior and one he knew could never ignite this slight lass' passions, or at least should never be allowed the opportunity to try.


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