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The Highlander Without a Bride

Page 10

by Johanna Maas

  Kaye understood most miserably that she had but one option in her mind and that was to wake Matthew and beg him to take her north and to Scotland where she could seek refuge with her sister Bridget. She hoped she could hide in the Highlands and far away from England for the Hann men would surely never go looking for her there.

  Kaye reached her cousin Matthew's home in what she determined to be just a few hours before the dawn. With a sadness upon her heart for what she would ask of the only one she dared trust, she left her horse by the front steps and dismounted as quickly as she was able. Once she gained her sure footing, she rushed up the stone stairs and moved into the great hall within. In the near darkness, she traveled steadily toward the familiar second story rooms as she quietly moved down the hallway to where she knew Matthew slept.

  She stole into his darkened chamber and paused briefly as she listened for any sounds or movements within as the thundering of her own heartbeat reverberated forcefully within her ears. As Kaye stood silently within the room she could hear his deep breathing and knew he was in full slumber upon the bed. She moved quietly from the doorway and neared his side as she laid her slight hand across his mouth as she whispered in his ear.

  "Matthew, it is Kaye. Please, I need your help!"

  Matthew immediately was fully awake as he instantly moved to a sitting position and looked through the darkness to his dear cousin Kaye. He immediately reached over to the table next to his bed to strike the taper that resided there. Once the small light had flickered and illuminated the corner of the room, he turned to take in the full view of his beloved cousin and gasped in horror as her face came clearly into view. His breath caught as he looked upon her cut and bloodied lips, the purple marks upon her chin and the long and jagged cut upon her cheek. By this time, her eye was blackened and now fully swollen shut.

  "Who did this to you?" He whispered harshly.

  "Please Matthew, I do not have time to explain. I need your help. Can you please take me to Bridget? I must get away now. I fear they are close behind me and I cannot be discovered…especially here."

  When Matthew neither moved nor said anything, Kaye continued with desperation in her voice. "I cannot go to father and involve him. I am just so sad that I have to ask you…but I am begging you, please Matthew take mercy upon me and my plight…"

  He looked at her deeply spying the wetness of tears as they accumulated within her eyes. With a sadness in his heart he conceded that he could not refuse this woman and would do anything either she or any of her sisters would ever ask, for they were the only family he had and he loved them dearly and would always do his duty by them.

  Matthew nodded his head stiffly and conceded he would agree to whatever she wished and hoped that Bridget's family would indeed take her in for so much was unknown of the Highlanders. He quickly rose and dressed as he added his swords and other weaponry at his side and his bow across his back as he placed his long and black cape over all. He returned to the table and blew out the small candle as he restored the room to near darkness.

  As he moved swiftly through the darkened chamber, he grabbed Kaye's hand as he squeezed it gently in silent support as they walked quietly and quickly out the door and down the hall where they descended the stairs to the great chamber below. He left Kaye briefly alone as he ran to the kitchens and filled a bag with breads and cheeses and the rest of the provisions they would need for their long journey. Together they left the keep as Kaye gained her mare's back and Matthew quickly disappeared into the stables to ready his own mount.

  Without speaking, he led his horse galloping back the way he knew she had come, wishing there was another trail and hoping she was not being followed too closely behind. As he looked back to ensure she was near, he was more than a little surprised at what he saw. He had lived his entire life with this one and knew of her talents and he had known that horsemanship had surely not been one of them. Kaye now sat regally upon her horse as she moved quickly and adeptly, easily keeping the pace that he had set and unlike the woman that he had always known.

  Matthew glanced at the beast that she was upon that was much larger than any he had ever seen her ride before. The way that she handled the animal, her graceful hand and confidence upon the mare's back made it obvious she had learned and changed much since she left the Devon estates just a few short weeks before.

  For more than an hour they continued to gallop quickly as the darkness would allow until they were able to take the fork in the path due north that would lead them to Scotland and eventually to the Bruce estates. A slight sigh of relief came over both of their worn bodies, for they knew they would now not cross paths with the Hann family. They were not foolish enough to believe they were completely out of danger for the Hann's could still catch them from behind, but it was a welcomed reprieve nonetheless.

  The sun began to change the early morning sky from a shade of gray to mauve and then to blue as the day began to make itself known. As the world became alive all around them, Matthew looked once again over at Kaye as they traveled quickly upon their steeds. As he gazed towards his cousin, there was a sadness in his eyes and an anger within his chest for what he saw. A sickening feeling flooded through him for the full exposure of the beating that Kaye had obviously taken. He could not imagine anything that would warrant this for he knew her most thoroughly and understood she had the sweetest of dispositions and the kindest of hearts.

  The two riders continued to gallop quickly throughout the morning, unspeaking, with one simple goal in mind and that was to put as much distance between themselves and England as they possibly could. They only stopped once beside a stream to refresh themselves and their horses as the sun reached its apex. After a short while of respite, they continued as they galloped hastily and forever in a northerly direction.

  As the first evening began to descend upon them, they stopped within a small grove of trees directly adjacent to the road they had been traveling. Matthew pulled the food from the bag as Kaye lay down on her cape upon the ground. She had only eaten a few morsels when he realized she was already fast asleep as she finally allowed her body to succumb to its exhaustion.

  Through the impending darkness, Matthew looked lovingly upon her, Kaye's face badly abused but still acknowledging she was as beautiful as ever. His heart broke for what she must have endured and fervently hoped that she could trust him enough to disclose what had truly happened. For he felt nothing but a genuine sense of duty to help her anyway he could, but would be of little assistance once they reached their destination if he did not completely understand the circumstances.

  With a gentle hand he pushed a stray lock of hair from her face as she continued to sleep deeply. So beautiful a woman and so complex a life she found herself in. Matthew was so confused for the decision she had made those few weeks ago to wed the unknown lord and more perplexed yet to see her sudden appearance at his bedside.

  With a desperate feeling upon his heart, he was determined to protect her even if the Bruce Lord rejected her, regardless of her reasons. For she was a gentle woman and so undeserving of this fate. Matthew looked upon her sleeping form then with a sigh, covered her fully with her cape as he attempted to protect her from all the harm that had befallen her and to shield her from the cool night's air.

  Matthew allowed her to sleep only just until the first streaks of dawn began to grace the sky, he still unsure to what had happened and concerned over who may be following them and why. He watched her closely as she was still deep in slumber with no signs of her awakening. Knowing they must leave the area, he reached over and lightly touched her shoulder as he whispered quietly to her as he did so.

  "Please, Kaye, it is time to awaken and we must be away from here."

  Slowly, her one good eye fluttered opened for the other was totally and absolutely now swollen shut, a blackened hue prominently showing upon her otherwise ivory skin. Gradually, she became aware of her surroundings and was reminded of her pain and the gravity of their situation. As she attempted
to rise, she felt the pounding within her head and a slight dizziness and the soreness aplenty as the pain coursed throughout her body.

  Kaye understood that before they left the slight clearing that she owed her dear Matthew an explanation and owed him everything for unquestionably coming to her aid. He may not understand what she had done nor agree with her after she had recounted her tale, but that was a decision he had to make on his own. Once he understood the full of it, he may choose to attempt to take her back or perhaps it meant he would leave her here alone for her to travel north on her own. Either way, she had to disclose the truth.

  Kaye looked up at him sadly and began, carefully choosing her words. She wished to speak in facts but was very prudent not to disclose her own private feelings for those were still so very personal. She would not speak of the dreams of her childhood and ambitions for a husband or why she had married the lord, or the grief and shame that overtook her at his sure rejection of her. She could not at this time put into words how it tore at her heart for no one had ever wanted her and no one had ever claimed her, including her own husband. His rejection was a deep humiliation that she must learn to bear in private. Once again she acknowledged within that these were all deep secrets, a shame that she could not bear to speak of to Matthew and these she would forever carry within her heart.

  So slowly and quietly she began, speaking first of her misfortunes during the travels on her wedding day and how her new husband refused to hand over anything of value to the dark men to save or protect her. She then told of how Bridget's party had interceded and most likely had saved her life.

  She continued on lowly, "Then the day after I arrived at the Hann estates, the Lord Hann left me alone as he traveled to London on what he said was estate business." With a sadness and a sure fear in her eyes she continued, "He left his son, the young Lord Alden, to watch over me. Whenever he was near I always felt a sure uncomfortableness in his presence…"

  She paused, taking a deep breath as the memories of his actions coursed through her mind as a certain fear rose within her. She continued speaking slowly as she explained the reason that Lord Hann had married. She spoke of how she had discovered he was petitioning the king to take the Devon lands as she watched Matthew closely for his reaction.

  She finally spoke of that fateful night, telling him everything of how the young Lord Alden had come to her and of his assault upon her body and of what he nearly did to her after he discovered she had given Tor's heirloom medallion to the priest.

  She looked down as she finished her tale, sighing heavily as the pain continued to plague her heart. She slowly looked up into Matthew's eyes as she attempted to gain his thoughts and an understanding of his position. She knew she had disclosed the truth and now it was up to him to decide the full of her fate and if he would help her escape.

  With one single look she could easily grasp that Matthew was clearly enraged as the dark fury shown obviously within his eyes and by the way he clenched his fists at his side. Kaye could only hope that his anger was directed at Lord Hann and his family and not at her. A sudden nervousness washed through her breast for did he think she was foolish for attempting to flee? Would he consider her actions too rash or her reasoning unjust?

  Kaye asked quietly, "Will you still take me to Bridget?"

  Matthew's heart ached as she painstakingly recounted her sorry and pitiful existence since she had married the lord. When she was done, he looked deeply into her eyes and wondered at how she could ask such a thing? How could he refuse her at this instant after what she had revealed to him, or ever?

  Matthew's anger could only be directed at the men that had forsaken and harmed this dear woman whom he counted not only as cousin, but as dear sister and friend. He pursed his lips tightly as he fought to control himself as he nodded his head curtly and acknowledged his willingness to help as he rose to prepare the horses for the next leg of their journey.

  They were back on the trail as they galloped quickly along on this second day, only stopping when absolutely necessary and only long enough to rest the horses and take on nourishment for themselves. They were fortunate that they encountered no one in their travels, either then or throughout the night.

  On the third day, the terrain began to get much more treacherous and Kaye's stamina began to wear thin as her body began to show sure signs of exhaustion. When the sun was still high in the sky, with resignation Kaye finally chose to abandon her own mount and ride behind Matthew. She refused to leave her animal and insisted instead to hold onto the mare's lead as the gray mare trailed behind.

  Matthew and Kaye rode together for several hours like this as the fatigue continued to consume her. As they traveled onward and late in the day, Matthew could feel her hold begin to relax and her body began to slacken as the exhaustion finally engulfed her tiny frame. He felt a sure sadness consume him for he knew he had pushed her hard and he should have stopped and allowed her to rest for her own well-being. But his fear for her safety kept him pressing hard towards the Bruce lands for Matthew understood that he was but one man and if they were discovered, he would be of little help to her person.

  He slowed his mount to a walk and twisted his body around as he took a hold of Kaye's waist and placed her slight form before him. Still in deep slumber, her head naturally moved to rest upon his chest. She never stirred as he repositioned her tightly before him and within his arms. He reached back to take her mare's lead and then began to quicken his pace forward once again as he moved forever in the northerly direction of the Bruce lands.

  The late afternoon air was beginning to cool so he wrapped his cloak that was extending from his own neck, totally encompassing both of their bodies as he continued to move onward. Further and further into the Scottish Highlands he went, ever wary of their surroundings and ever afraid for his charge's life.

  Very late in the afternoon and when the sun was beginning to touch the horizon on that third day, they crested the hill that overlooked the village and the Bruce hold beyond. He felt saddened once again for Kaye, knowing he should have stopped long before for her sake to allow her to rest, but his fears for her safety pushed him onward and the relief that he was near, felt fully. He knew he could not stay out in the open one more night alone and as much as he hoped that Bridget's family would take them in.

  Matthew slowed his pace to a walk as he progressed through the village, finding himself almost immediately surrounded by the Bruce clansmen. Some of the warriors were riding their beasts and some were on foot as they escorted him towards the keep. No one approached too near nor asked his business, but it was clear they would not allow him to pass unaccompanied. He knew and expected such behavior from the Highlanders, so he continued with the entourage growing and in tow.

  When he neared the lowered drawbridge, he could hear the sentries above shouting loud warnings up the trail and onto the keep above. But they still did not stop him, they allowed him to pass as he heard them continuing to forewarn, "Rider approaching!"

  He walked his steed along pulling Kaye's mare behind them directly up the path that led into the courtyard as the sun was beginning its descent into the horizon. Lord Alec and two other men that Matthew recognized as his brother, Cameron and his cousin Tor, descended the stairs to meet him in the square.

  He noticed with a slight relief that Bridget had come out onto the landing to see who had appeared, a frown now fully creasing her brow. When she looked into the courtyard and her gaze fell upon Matthew, she rushed down the stairs and reached them as the other Bruce warriors circled.

  "Matthew!" It was Bridget who spoke first a startled and confused look upon her face as a wave of fear encompassed her heart. "What trouble is about?"

  Matthew moved his saddened and angered gaze from Bridget to her husband and the lord of the Bruce keep, Alec as he pleaded with his eyes and his voice.

  "Please milord, she seeks refuge."

  At that moment, Matthew opened his cape as he fully revealed the small woman who was fast asleep wi
thin his arms, her head lying gently upon his chest. Her face was completely swollen and her eye now clearly blackened. Her cheek sported the ugly and jagged cut as her chin showed slight purple marks and cuts that had begun to heal were blatantly obvious across her lips. Though the marks had begun to fade slightly they were all still clearly visible upon her petite and now swollen face and angrily noticed by all within the small group. Bridget gasped loudly in horror as she looked on at her badly beaten sister, wondering what terrible fate could have befallen her.

  It was Tor who stepped boldly forward as he silently reached up for Kaye with a pained look upon his face, anguish in his chest and a certain fire within his eyes. As his hands alighted upon her tiny waist she stirred and her eyes fluttered open as she tried desperately to place a relieved smile upon her face.

  When Kaye looked into Tor's eyes a slight tear released itself from its corner as it trailed slowly down her battered cheek. She felt a sure sense of relief for reaching their destination. She gradually held out her hand towards him, opening her fingers slowly as his small heirloom medallion within fell from her limp grasp falling to the hard dirt ground below.

  Tor pulled the tiny woman from Matthew's hold and moved her within his arms as he gently cradled her within his embrace. When she was safely within, she tipped her head securely against his chest as she closed her eyes and succumbed to the blackness of oblivion once again.

  As he held the slight woman within his arms, Tor stared with sadness upon her, his heart breaking for the abuse she had obviously suffered. His gaze moved from her to his family's heirloom he had given her just a few weeks before as it laid as if deserted, upon the ground.

  He fought his emotions as the pain continued to tear at his heart, for he knew he never should have left her with the Lord Hann. Tor knew from that first moment he had sensed something was terribly wrong. He should have insisted or told her that he would stay and protect her. But it was too late, she had now endured so much and at this very moment he had no one to blame for her plight, but himself.


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