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Chasing His Mate

Page 9

by M. L. Briers

  Her hips writhed as a whimper left her lips. His hands pushed her backside down to the bed to stop her moving, as he dipped his tongue into her core. Her sweet juices rolling over his tongue as he tasted her, knowing she would taste like the sweetest nectar to his senses, dipping in and out of her core until he brought her back to him.

  Her hands reached for him, her fingers fisting his hair as she tried to tug him away from her sensitive sex. His tongue was working over the nub, until she protested on a whisper, then he seemed to be everywhere.

  Her heels dug into the mattress to try to escape his talented ministrations, but his hands locked her in place, and she could nothing to release him. He closed his lips around her flesh, and suckled her until her hands dropped from his hair, her fingers seeking the covers and fisting them. Her body climbed back towards another orgasm. His eyes intent on her face as he watched her become almost frantic, until he finally released her.

  He felt the power of her hips as they bucked up against his hold, and she cried out with the force of the waves that tore through her. Thrusting his tongue into her core, he felt the strong clench of her muscles, tasted her juices, while he worked over her nub with his thumb, keeping her orgasm rolling through her for as long as he could.

  His own hips involuntarily moving beneath him, his shaft rubbed against the covers, and even that unsatisfactory touch against the ache of need within him, still caused a growl to escape his lips.

  He climbed up over her body, using his knees to keep her thighs apart so he could settle between them. His hands pulled her legs up and out, opening her for his hips to settle against hers.

  Holding himself above her on his elbows, keeping his weight from her body, as he brushed the pads of his thumbs over her cheeks, his eyes watched the emotions play over her face as she slowly climbed down, came back to him. Her eyes opened and she focused on his gaze, those normally chocolate brown eyes were black with his desire for her.

  “That- was too- much.” She breathed out, part in awe of her bodies response to him, part berating him for not letting her go when she had tried to get away. She wanted him within her, the release that she had felt, still left her with an empty feeling of loss, at not having him inside when she came.

  “Not too much. I’ll never do anything you can’t handle.” He stroked down over her cheeks again, and she nudged her hips against his. His arousal was rock hard between them, and he gave a low moan when she rolled her hips, her touch like a stroke over his shaft.

  “I wanted you inside me.”

  “Do you still? Because I want to be buried deep sweetheart.” He had an almost feral growl to his tone. His wolf’s impatience at not having taken her yet, asserting itself with the warning that he wouldn’t be controlled any longer. He needed to take their mate, now.

  “God yes.” She breathed out, her hands palmed his back, and her fingers curled against his skin, as her nails dug into his muscles, her urgency was as great as his.

  Chase couldn’t hold back the growl that rumbled through his chest, as he lifted his hips and positioned his hardness against her core. With one long, smooth stroke, he was pushing against her muscles, and stretching her around his shaft, until he was buried deep within her to the hilt.

  Cassidy wove her legs around his thighs. Now he was within her, she wasn’t letting him escape. He felt so good, hard as steel, but as soft as satin. Tightening her inner muscles around him, she savoured the feel of him inside her. Committed that feeling to her memory, so on long, lonely nights, when she was back in her own bed, she could recall this feeling, and remember this time.

  Chase pulled his hips backwards, pulling out to the tip of his glands, before stroking back in to the hilt. He wasn’t about to rush to conclusion, not with the way her body was responding to his, with her inner muscles massaging the length of him, like a tight grip from a silken gloved hand. God, he had never felt anything so erotic.

  With each long, deep stroke into her, her lips murmured the sweetest sound that excited him more than any words ever could. He was lost in her. The sound of the steady beat of her heart. The way her body responded to his every touch, as he ran fingertips down her heated flesh. The scent that emanated from her soft skin, mixed with her arousal for him. She was his. His mate. Made only for him.

  “Open your eyes Cass. Look at me.” He growled against her lips. This was not a request, it was a demand. He needed to see the passion within her, and her eyes were the gateway to her soul.

  Cassidy complied with his demand. Her lashes fluttered open; even though they were hooded from the desire washing though her, she gazed back into the darkness of his eyes, and was stunned by the way he looked at her. Awe, passion, desire, and need had set in his gaze. It was all there in those hypnotic eyes, and her body responded in kind. Her heart opened to him. Her body reached for his, with her hips matching his rhythm, stroke for stroke. In that moment in time, she was his and he was hers.

  The low growl grew within his chest. He was possessing her, body, mind, and soul with every stroke, with every touch of his fingers, and she couldn’t have fought against it, even if she had the mind to try. She wanted him, needed him.

  He ran his hand around to the small of her back, lifting her hips from the bed, so he could change the angle as he pumped into her, short thrusts against the little bunch of nerves within her, which caused her fingers to dig into the muscles of his back, as the knot tightened, her body reaching for climax.

  He thrust deep inside her. Holding there, while her body climbed down from the brink of another orgasm, and she mewed in frustration. She tried to get him to move, with the press of her feet against his back. But he was an immovable force, unwilling to give her what she wanted, needed. The teasing smile on his lips, showing her he was in control.

  “Easy, we have a long way to go. I want to relish you.”

  “Couldn’t we just get to ravish?” Her breath caught in her throat when he moved again. Pulling his hips back away from hers, he thrust deep into her, her inner muscles convulsed around his shaft, as a moan left her lips, matching his long growl of pleasure.

  “Not yet.” He teased. His words excited her, caused her heart to skip within her chest, as a jolt of something so erotic flashed through her, deep within. Long, slow, deep thrusts that made her sink her nails into the flesh of his back.

  Chase pulled his upper body back, his hands reached for her arms, snagging her wrists, he pinned her hands down against the mattress.

  “Claws out, or my wolf will get too excited. And I’m just about holding onto him.” It was a warning. The wolf inside him, already salivating to be released, would not care about relishing the moment. Only about claiming their mate, speed would be unimportant.

  Cassidy allowed him to push her arms up above her head. Not that she had the strength to stop him, even if she had wanted too. There was something about being dominated by this man that excited her.

  One large hand clamped down on her wrists, holding her in place, as his other hand started a downwards journey over her body. Fingertip touches bringing her body to life under each caress.

  His thumb brushed over the hard, pebbled, aching bud of her nipple, causing her to suck in an involuntary breath. His finger and thumb snagged the bud, rolling it gently, pulling the flesh taunt, and causing the nerve endings to scream their delight through her body.

  Deep within her, a fire ignited, fuelled by his blunt teeth running over the other nipple, nipping at the flesh, a gentle bite, followed by the hard pull of his lips closing over the bud and sucking hard, until she arched her back towards him. The long, hard, glorious moan that escaped her lips, told him that she enjoyed a small amount of pain along with her pleasure.

  Chase thrust into her with renewed vigour. Held deep inside her, by her inner muscles that clamped around his shaft, he rolled his hips, grinding against her pelvis, until her head pushed back against the pillow, and the moan became a groan of delirium.

  Quickly pulling back to thrust into her aga
in, he repeated the move, over and over, until she was almost frantic with the need to be released. His name on her lips again and again, until she was dizzy with passion.

  Her arms strained for release, as her fingers clawed the air, looking for something solid to anchor too in the world of pure sensation.

  His lips, his teeth, his tongue were ravishing her breasts. Not giving her a breaths reprieve from the exquisite jolts that shot through her.

  Long, hard, deep thrusts that filled her so completely, stretched her core around him so fully, and took away any thought from her mind that wasn’t centred on what he was doing to her.

  She would have begged for him never to stop, if she had a voice with which to speak. She would have begged for him to take her harder, but her hips were already thrusting up to meet his of their own volition. She was so completely lost in the pleasure of him, of her, of them together that there was nothing else.

  Chase’s could feel her straining against him. Her wrists were tugging against the hold he had on her. Her back was arching up from the bed, as he pulled and tugged against her nipples. Her hips were thrusting up to meet his with each thrust into her. She was almost wild with desire, causing his wolf to howl within him. The beasts desire to be released, to claim their mate. To bite and bond.

  Chase growled low and deep within his throat, a warning to his beast to back off. He would not bond with her now. Not when she had not expressed her desire for him to be her mate. Not when she had not given him her permission.

  Her body’s responsiveness to his was just proof that she was his mate. It might be driving him to the brink of insanity, but it didn’t give him the right to claim her so totally. Not yet.

  He slipped his hand beneath the small of her back, raising her hips from the bed, as he pulled himself up to his knees. He released her wrists from his grasp, and her hands sought the covers above her head, her fingers fisting the sheets as he ground into her.

  His hands palmed her hips, his fingers digging into the soft flesh as he raised her hips and lower back from the bed, angling her lower body to just the right height for his thrusts.

  She needed this sweet release as much as he did, and damn, he was going to relish every last thrust. He started a slow rhythm into her. Pulling back until he was almost out of her completely, before thrusting back to the hilt. Each stroke caused her to cry out with the ferociousness of the wave of pleasure that took her so thoroughly.

  Chase built his rhythm within her, his thrusts might not have been so long, but they were no less powerful. He could feel her inner muscles tightening against each stroke, increasing both of their pleasure, until she finally came undone.

  Her body tried to buck as the release took her, but his hands on her hips held her firmly in place. Still thrusting inside her, as her muscles clenched and released. Massaging his glands and shaft, and literally pulling his orgasm from his body.

  Chase roared as the release hit him. Thrust deep within her, her muscles clamped down around him, milking his seed from his body, as the electric pulses shot through his nerves. His muscles contracted and released, his world shutting down around him to better savour the rhythmic throbbing of pure pleasure.

  His body was working on autopilot, as his hips pulled back and thrust into her again and again, releasing his seed within her pulsing core, until he was done. Spent.

  He lowered her hips back to the bed, before he came down over her. Resting himself on his elbows and still buried deep inside her, he fought to get control of his breathing, but he had regained enough of his senses to know that Cassidy was having the same problem beneath him.

  Her pulse was beating ferociously inside her, and as he nuzzled against her neck, he found that wild beat of her heart, just below the surface of her skin with his lips, calling to him. The need to mark her as his own was so strong, that he wasn’t sure how he could push it away. His beast was demanding it. Growling out with his need to be heard.

  Chase felt the ache in his jaws, a moment before his fangs descended and he ran the sharpness of the tips over her soft skin. He heard the small whimper that left her lips, felt her cheek brush against his briefly in a caress, before she rolled her head to the side, exposing her neck for his mark.

  The need to mark her rushed through his blood, akin to a wildfire it took over his mind until there was nothing else. Just that need as powerful as a bloodlust within him, until his body throbbed almost as intensely as his release had been.

  His fangs eased down into the soft flesh of her shoulder, piercing the skin without any real pressure. A lover’s mark. An act that caused her to gasp a breath in beneath him, his body holding her in place so she couldn’t move, couldn’t tear the skin further. His beast roared in acceptance of their mate.

  “Chase.” She breathed out his name from her lips, spoken so softly it caused his heart to blossom within his chest.

  He released his hold on her. His fangs sliding out of her flesh as easily as they had entered. Running his tongue over the small puncture wounds, he cleaned and sealed the marks. She was his now.

  Connor found the pile of clothes that someone had left just inside the front door for him and after a double take or two, pulled them on. He was guessing it was Cassidy. The fact that there were socks on top of the pile was a dead giveaway. Chase would never have added socks in a million years, and he grinned to himself over the fact that she was already taking charge of the house. He would have to make some adjustments, but then, wouldn’t they all.

  The voices that he picked up in the kitchen were Chase’s and his mate’s. He headed straight there, at least he hadn’t caught them doing anything, matey. He could smell the sex in the air. His brother had finally mated her, and it had surprised him, knowing who she was, that Chase had not taken her last night. Still, it was done now and all was how it should be.

  Connor pushed the kitchen door open and immediately groaned in his own head. The two of them were glowering at each other over the kitchen counter. Both mates had their palms flat against the marble surface, and their eyes narrowed in accusation. So much for as it should be.

  “But you bit me!” She accused much to Connor’s delight. Now he understood what this new fight was about, he might as well enjoy it.

  “You offered me your neck woman!” Chase growled back, eyes flashing disbelief as he leaned his upper body towards her menacingly.

  Yeah, like that was going to work- Connor mused to himself, folding his arms over his chest and leaning against the door frame as he watched his new sister draw herself up to her full height, which wasn’t really much at all, and she glared back at him.

  “Not for you to bite it, you Muppet!”

  “Then don’t offer your neck to a Lycan woman…” He glowered back, somewhat exasperated by her attitude. Connor couldn’t help the chuckle that rolled off him.

  Both heads turned his way and he held up his hands in immediate surrender. He wasn’t going to be dragged into the middle of this. He was neutral ground where the mates were concerned, only doing his Alpha’s bidding when it was pack law.

  “Tell this… Female…” Chase used the word, none too sweetly and heard her snort her annoyance and displeasure from across the way, “That biting is the Lycan way.”

  Connor bit down on a sigh, if he had to get involved, then it would only be with pure facts, although his mischievous side did want to stir the pot, just a tad.

  “You should expect to be bitten if you offer your neck…” He offered, she balked, almost stamped her foot in annoyance and he beamed a smile of enjoyment.

  “How do I know what I’m doing with my neck when you’re… you’re…” Her cheeks took on a red hue as she became more animated, waving her hand in the air.

  “Causing you so much pleasure that you’re crying my name, or and over?” Chase offered, a little too glibly for her likely, as she went back to glowering at him again.

  “You are such a…” She left it there. Turned on her heels and started towards Connor and the door. H
e obligingly moved out of her way, but as she came up towards him, he put an arm out across the doorway to block her exit.

  Her eyes were almost on fire as she looked up at him, and he wondered for only a brief moment if she was going to zap him again.

  “The rogue is still out there. It’s a good thing that Chase marked you, it might give the beast pause for thought if he had a mind to attack you again.” Connor offered and watched her emotions move over her face as the wheels turned within her mind, while she mulled that over.

  “I suppose it beats peeing up my leg.” She managed to grind out between clenched teeth, as Connor bit back a chuckle of amusement. He dropped his arm and let her pass, and pass she did, all pouty as she rushed from the room.

  Connor thought he just might like having a sister around here, she certainly wasn’t dull, and she would definitely make the long days… interesting.

  “Women!” Chase thumbed his nose at her, turning in place and leaning back against the counter, with his arms folded over his chest, he impaled the ground with his glare.

  “Well in all fairness brother, it would have been polite to ask her if you could take a bite, the very first time, at least. Don’t you think?” Connor mused, taking a slow walk over to check on his cook pot, as his brother snorted from behind him.

  “How goes the search for the rogue? I take it you haven’t found him yet, judging by the lack of his scent on you.” Chase needed to take his mind off his infuriating mate, and a hunt might just achieve that.

  “He’s wily, I’ll give him that. But all the indications are he’s turned tail and left the area.”

  “We should increase the patrols, just to be on the safe side.” Chase muttered, his mind not really on the subject, it was on a fiery little Fae that was probably still pouting, not thirty feet away from him. He could hear her moving about the house, and supposed she was exploring her strange surroundings. Her new home.

  The thought entered his head, and he frowned, a deep, wide crevice into his forehead. He should have the sense to offer to show her around. Damn, he was so… Alpha.


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