Chasing His Mate

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Chasing His Mate Page 11

by M. L. Briers

  He cursed with each stroke into her, and when his strokes turned to thrusts, he was lost to anything but that climb towards orgasm. With her hand back on his sack, he stood no chance of delaying it this time. The long growl that rolled through his chest, ended on a roar that exploded from him, as he thrust in as deeply as he could get and shot his seed down her throat. Half mindful that she needed to breath, he wrenched his hips back only to thrust in deeply again, over and over until he’d pumped every last drop into her mouth.

  His legs quivered beneath him. The spasms that had gripped him so damn hard, gave way to the hum of his body’s appreciation of one damn amazing climax. And when his brain slowly drifted back to him, he realised that she was still working on him, sucking him dry and then licking over his shaft. She had managed to keep him at half mast, and now she was making him rock hard again.

  His hands gripped her shoulders, and he pulled her up the length of his body. Palming her cheeks, he devoured her mouth like his life depended on it. Tasting his own essence on her tongue was strangely erotic. And when he palmed the round firm cheeks of her backside, he lifted her up his body. Her legs wrapped around his hips, and she squirmed against him until she had him where she wanted him, had his glands against her wet core.

  He wanted to taste her as she had tasted him, devour her until she saw stars, solar systems and damn universes. And yet, she was already pushing down over him, taking him inside her heated flesh until he was buried to the hilt.

  “Wall.” She dragged her lips from his with a growled demand.

  He rolled a growl of annoyance back at her, starting off in a fast stride through the bathroom, with her clinging on around him.

  “Bed.” He growled down at her, and there they were at the bed, and he was lowering her down beneath him, her still clinging on.


  “Slow.” He lifted his hips and pulled out to the very tip before thrusting back to the hilt.

  “Later.” Her nails dug into the flesh of his neck until she drew blood. The small amount of pain that she inflicted sending his wolf into an almost frenzy within him.

  “Fast. Hard.” She demanded with her nails dragging down into his skin.

  His eyes turned obsidian black, the flare of his nostrils, and the rolling growl in his chest told her that he was either going to come again, or his wolf was so close to the surface that he was barely holding onto it.

  He gave a row of curses as he arched his back away from her, tearing her nails from his flesh. His hands broke the stranglehold her legs had around his hips, and he thrust her knees up against her chest with her legs over his shoulders. Raising his body above hers and pulling back his hips, he thrust hard and deep, her body literally moving up the bed with the force of it.

  He grabbed for her hands, his fingers laced with hers, as he held them against the mattress.


  He needed no more encouragement than that. Neither did his beast. Drawing his hips back and slamming back into her, as she cried out with the force of each deep thrust. His mate met the challenge of his beast head on, and was taking carnal pleasure in each and every thrust.

  Chase was a man possessed. She saw his beast rise to the surface through hooded eyes, as she revelled in the power of him. He was taking her so hard and so fast that she didn’t know which of them would fall off the cliff first.

  “Bite.” His voice wasn’t his own. The wolf was in charge now and she had never been so excited in her life.

  “Bite- Not- Bond.” She heard the growl of displeasure and saw the flash of need in his eyes, and then she watched as his fangs descended from his gums. Her heart was already racing within her. The sight of him so magnificently Lycan, propelled it into top gear.

  His eyes held hers for the longest second of her life, before he nuzzled against her neck and she turned her head away to allow him better access. The sharpness of his fangs against her soft skin had her so close to coming, that when he actually sank his fangs into her flesh, her orgasm tore through her body with such speed and ferocity that it literally devoured her.

  She was sure she actually screamed out when the first wave hit her. Her muscles convulsed so tightly that his last thrust into her, as he released his own orgasm, was actually painful. But it was a pain she would gladly endure again and again, just to feel the way her body did right now.

  Connor eyed the pair of them across the table. They might have tried to mask it with soap and water, but he could smell the sex in the air. His own needs were making him ache with a longing for his Lycan lover, and he was damn well going to pay her a visit tonight. All this sex around him was making him hornier than hell.

  “How’s Thumper?” Connor couldn’t help the snide comment, and he took his enjoyment in the moment as she hesitated, fork to mouth, before deciding she was just too hungry to give it another thought.

  She chewed heartily, a pensive expression on her face, before she gave a shrug of her shoulders.

  “A little overcooked.” She offered as innocently as she could muster, and was rewarded with a shallow growl, as he turned accusing eyes on the pair of them.

  “Perhaps if you two could stop having sex long enough to get to the damn dinner table on time. Thumper wouldn’t have been overcooked, now would he?”

  Both Chase and Cassidy started to snigger like berated schoolchildren, as Connor rolled his eyes. Connor dropped his fork to his plate.

  “Great, so I have to be the grown up here. That’s gonna end badly.” He muttered bad temperedly to even more sniggers, as the pair of them eyed each other across the table, their amusement egging each other on.

  “I’m going to run the perimeter.” He growled, lifting his almost empty plate and walking it over to the counter top. “One of you can wash up.” He growled out on his way out of the kitchen, and the pair of them erupted into giggles.

  Connor had no more to say than muttered curses as he left them too it.

  Connor picked up the scent of the rogue with ease. It was on the far left outskirts of pack land and seemed to be heading inwards instead of away from their territory.

  Nothing about this had seemed right to Connor from the minute he had picked up his scent. The rogue hadn’t tried to hide, maybe because he figured that this far out it wouldn’t matter, or nobody would be looking for him. But still, the wolf had already proven how adept he was at masking his scent and staying off the radar, why would he stop now?

  There was also the matter of why the rogue would choose to come back onto pack land. He had to know that he would be challenge. That his life would be in danger, and yet he had decided to venture back inside their territory.


  Connor eyed the tracks that seemed to be just a little too well placed, a little too deep, as if the wolf had been trying to be conspicuous. It made his skin itch.

  ‘What’s up Connor?’ There was no mistaking the good humour in his brother’s tone. He could only guess what he had been up too.

  ‘Our new friend is back. West side territory. But something doesn’t add up here- it’s kinda got my tail a-twitching.’ Connor eyed the land around him. Rocky outcrops in the near distance ahead would give the rogue perfect cover to hide. Maybe even bed down in one of the cave’s for the night. Maybe that’s all it was, the guy was looking to stay out of the cold. Still…

  ‘I was gonna stretch my legs. I’ll come take a look.’

  ‘That’s ok. I’m just gonna follow them for a while…’

  ‘Be there in ten.’ Connor sighed to himself. There was little point arguing with the Alpha when he had made up his mind, and it seemed he had. Maybe he just needed to get away from his mate for a while. It didn’t sound like they were in a rough patch at the moment though, not judging by the tone of Chase’s voice.

  Connor was more than capable of following the tracks on his own, and there were at least two other pack member’s out patrolling tonight if he did get into trouble. Not that he didn’t believe he could take on a rog
ue. Bring it on. But there was something about this rogue that niggled at his mind.

  Cassidy pulled on the jumper than Chase had discarded on the back of the chair, and padded across the kitchen to make a cup of tea. She could smell the scent of her mate as though it had been woven into the fabric, and it sent a warm glow through her.

  Night had closed in fast, and the moon seemed to be playing hide and seek behind the clouds that threatened a fresh snowfall. The only light outside came from the brightness of the snow on the ground, or the light from the kitchen.

  The thought of fresh snow didn’t fill her with the dread it previously had. Knowing she would be stuck on mountain with Chase for at least a few more days gave her a level of excitement within her.

  They were mates. She didn’t question that fact, she couldn’t question it. She felt the pull towards him. Maybe it was not as intense for her as it was for Chase, but it was still there. But that question of bonding with him loomed large within her. It was like a big black cloud above her head. A rational person wouldn’t meet a man one day and decide to marry them and spend the rest of their lives together. So how could she be expected to do the Lycan version of the same thing?

  It would take some time for her to be able to get her head around it. She might have had an advantage in being Fae and knowing the Lycan ways, well some of them. But it still didn’t rationalise a decision of that magnitude.

  Fate or not. It was a lifetime commitment.

  The kettle clicking off made her bring her head up, and that was when her heart jumped inside her chest with such a force, that she thought it might just stop.

  Outside the kitchen window she saw him. The white wolf was standing there gazing in at her in all of his glory. His eyes locked onto hers, as he stood stock still the way Chase had earlier in the shower. But with this wolf she had no intention of going to him.

  What the hell was he doing all the way down here? Chase had gone off to where Connor was tracking his scent, and that was a good ten minutes away on Lycan paws.

  Cassidy knew that the front door was closed and locked, she had done it herself after Chase had left. The kitchen door was a different matter, she hadn’t checked that out. But then it was a wolf, it had no opposable thumbs to worry about. That didn’t stop her eyes flicking to the back door though, and when she looked back, the wolf was gone.

  Cassidy felt the fear and panic rise up inside her, it gripped her heart like a fist of steel, and it took her a long minute to shake it off. She set off for the back door, her hand snatching up a small bladed kitchen knife from the rack on route, and she skidded on sock clad feet to a halt in front of the half glass door. Her hand reached for the lock at the same time as the wolf jumped at the door.

  The loud thud of his front paws hitting the wood just below the window, kick started her heart inside her, as a scream escaped her lips. The wolf jumped again, this time not with any purpose other than to stare in the glass at her.

  His eyes were as black as coal as he glared at her. Holding her within his gaze for a long moment, she stood there trying her damndest to draw in a breath. Her legs were quivering beneath her, as her heart thundered within her own ears.

  The knife that she clung to like a lifeline, felt almost pathetic fisted in her hand. If this wolf were to get inside, she doubted she would time to use it, and if she did, she doubted it would do any real damage.

  He hadn’t moved and neither had she. But slowly she eased out her free hand towards the lock, keeping her eyes fixed on his. She saw the slight twitch to his lips, the white fur of his muzzle folding ever so slowly into deep ridges, as he pulled back his lips in a slow snarl and she felt her fight or flight mode kick in.

  She chose flight.

  The sound of his snarl reached her ears through the glass the moment she set off across the kitchen. She didn’t trust the door to hold under the weight of such a powerful beast, and she wasn’t about to stick around to find out if it would. Taking off as fast as her legs could carry her, and her socks would allow her, she had the forethought to slam the kitchen door on her way out.

  She knew enough to know that four paws were faster than two legs, especially when those paws belonged to a Lycan. She needed to be fast and sure with what she was doing, and right now she was neither. She didn’t know the damn house, or where to go for safety. But running up the damn staircase would only slow her down.

  That moment’s hesitation cost her precious time, as she heard the loud thud from behind her. The sound of glass being smashed, and the corresponding impact of glass onto the kitchen tile filled her with fresh fear and sent her mind into an almost frantic desire to shut down, let her curl up in a corner and tell herself that this wasn’t happening.

  She surprised herself when her legs carried her down the hallway to the right, towards the living room, where she had been with Chase hours earlier. Slamming the door behind her, her fingers searched but did not find a lock, and she cursed out into the semi darkness of the room.

  The wolf still had to get through the kitchen door, she managed to rationalise. Her eyes fell on the large unit that stood next to the door. She rushed to the far end, put her backside up against it and pushed a grip against the carpet with her feet.

  The damn unit was heavier than it looked, but it budged. She heaved with everything that she had in her, and the unit slide away behind her, almost catching her off guard, as her feet skidded to catch up with the momentum.

  Half blocking the doorway, she heard another thud and pushed like her life depended on it. The truth was… it did.

  Chase made sure he had good traction with all four paws. The rocky outcrop he was standing on wasn’t a long way up, but he didn’t fancy taking a header down over the rocks below.

  Staring out into the woods below that stood between him and home, he gave half of his attention towards Connor, who was constantly cursing under his breath, and the other half on the surrounding area for any sign of the rogue approaching.

  ‘What the hell Connor?’ Chase finally berated his brother. He wasn’t opposed to using profanity himself, but not every word that he knew and not in a constant stream for ten minutes at a time.

  ‘This guy is playing with us. These damn paw prints wrap around the base of every trunk in the woods. Some several times over.’ Connor spat out on a frustrated growl. If the truth be told, he might have given up trying to track these prints a while ago, but after being lead on this song and dance it had now become personal.

  ‘You said the guy was good…’ Chase reminded him, none too subtly considering how peeved Connor was, and heard his brother growl within his mind and from somewhere below the outcrop.

  ‘There’s good and then there’s psychotic…’ Connor could only hope that this hunt would turn up the rogue so he could sink his teeth into him. He was getting madder by the minute, and he needed a release before he blew like a pressure cooker.

  ‘Ever heard the saying, takes one to know one?’

  ‘Ever heard the saying, suck my di…’

  Connor’s words were cut short by one of the pack cutting into the link.

  ‘Glass breaking. Alpha’s house. We got trouble.’

  Chase didn’t give a damn how high up he was. He sprang from the outcrop, pushing off with his powerful back legs and sailed through the air as far as his momentum would take him. A cushioned landing in the snow bank protected his limbs from the impact of the drop, and he set off through the woods. His heart pounding in fear and his mind centred on only one thing. Cassidy.

  He could see Connor ahead of him off and on, as his brother’s body disappeared and reappeared through the thick tree trunks that they were weaving through.

  With one dark curse after another, Chase second and third guessed himself over leaving his mate alone and unprotected back at the house, while he was on a rogue hunt.

  Connor had been right. The rogue had led them on a merry dance. He had taken them to the outer reaches of their territory. While he went after the real prize, Cas

  He should have trusted his brother’s instincts. Connor had known there was something wrong with this scenario from the start. Damn. If anything happened to Cassidy…

  Cassidy slid down the side of the unit until her backside hit the floor. With the knife fisted behind white knuckles, she tried to steady her breathing. A small hysterical chuckle tried to raise its ugly head within her throat. Her heart was hammering inside her chest, like it was calling to his Lycan hearing, and she was worried about breathing too loudly. Insanity really did rule when fear was in charge.

  She closed her eyes and the only thing she could picture was Chase. Chase smiling. Well he wouldn’t be damn smiling if she got eaten here. Or maybe he would, it would certainly ease his burden of having her as a mate.

  The sound of the door handle being touched in the stillness of the room could just as easily have been a slap around her head. Her heart jolted. Her eyes flew open, and she turned on her backside, slowly easing up onto her feet as she squatted behind the wood of the unit.

  Her wide eyes peeked over the top of the unit, and she drew a long slow breath into her lungs, every inch of her being was centred on that handle as she waited.

  When the handle moved, she almost jumped back away from the wood that she had pressed her chest too. She had expected the wolf to jump at the door, possibly even through the door, maybe even claw at the door. She hadn’t expected the damn thing to try and open it using the handle.

  But then it wasn’t just a wolf. It was Lycan. Part man. Part wolf. And if he had shifted to human form, then her whole opposable thumb rational was right out of the window.

  Cassidy heard the muted thud of the door hitting the back of the unit, and her breath caught within her chest. No more than a three inch gap stood between the door and the unit. Shifter or not, even he couldn’t get through that.

  Her heart leapt into her mouth when a hand wrapped around the wood. Dirty long nails curled against the wood, and she swallowed hard, pushing back the urge to scream. Her mind was racing, as the unit started to move with the force he was exerting against the door.


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