But Enough About Me: A Memoir
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Academy Awards and, 91
banjos in, 81–82
casting of, 74, 75
Dickey and, 78, 80–81
filming of, xiii–xv, 79–87
rape in, 82, 89
DeLuise, Dom, xvi, 134, 163, 246–48, 266
Deneuve, Catherine, 260–61
Dern, Bruce, 237–38
Destaphanado (horse), 154–55
Dickey, James, 73, 75, 77–79
Dickinson, Angie, xvi, 164, 239–40
Dirty Dozen, The (1967), 70, 98, 258
“Dueling Banjos” (music), 82
Duncan, Watson B., III, 35–37, 275
Dunnock, Mildred, 47
Durning, Charles “Charley”
career of, 10–11, 212, 281
as friend, xvi–xvii, 164, 220, 272
war record of, 10–11
Eastwood, Clint
career of, 51, 83, 100, 151, 155, 156, 160, 279
friendship with, 157–61, 164
paintings and, 159–60
Eberling, Frank, 275–76
End, The (1978), 169, 191, 248, 256
Evening Shade, xvi, 11, 200, 211–14, 237
Everglades, 13–14
Evert, Chris, 225–26
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask (1972), 263
Fade-In (1968), 257
Fail Safe (1964), 247
Fauls, Don, 31
Fawcett, Farrah, 244–45, 272
Feamster, Tom, 27
Feldman, Marty, 247, 266
Field, Sally
career of, 190–91, 272, 287–88
Reynolds and, 188–89, 191–92
in Smokey and the Bandit, 188–89
Fields, W. C., 254
films and filmmaking
black-and-white, 250
Boorman on, 76
CGI in, 170–71
directors and, 256–58
movie stars and, 250–51
remakes in, 259
stuntmen in, 174
Fistful of Dollars, A (1964), 155
Fitzgerald, Ella, 111–13
Fix, Paul, 54
Florida State University, 20, 24–30, 35
Flynn, Errol, 56–57, 59–60
African-Americans in, 209
Evening Shade and, 213–14
in high school, 19–20, 24
Jim Brown and, 69–70
Longest Yard and, 223, 258–59
U. S. Football League and, 193–96
Ford, Glenn, 234
Forsythe, John, 198
Fort, Lynn, 33
Fuzz (1972), 240–41
Gable, Clark, 168, 283
Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 143
Garbo, Greta, 41–43, 64
Gardenia, Vincent, 272
Garland, Judy, 229, 242
Garrett, Thomas “Snuff,” 102–3
Gator (1976), 166, 256, 290
Gazzara, Ben, 49–50
Gleason, Jackie, 181–83
Goldwyn, Samuel, 66
Gone with the Wind (1939), 60, 168, 208
Good Night, Sweet Prince (1992), 275
Gould, Elliott, 272, 287
Graham, Heather, 218
Grant, Cary, 250, 252–55
Grier, Rosey, 211
Gries, Tommy, 69
Griffin, Merv, 23, 141
Griffith, Emile, 227–28
Gunsmoke, 166, 235–37
Hackman, Gene, 74, 241–43
Hamilton, George, 231–32, 288
Hampton, James, 237, 259
Handman, Wynn, 37, 46–47, 282
Hardy, Oliver, 141
Harris, Julie, 200, 272
Hawk, 152, 155, 227, 277
Hawn, Goldie, 243
Hayworth, Rita, 229
Henderson, Skitch, 139
Henner, Marilu, xvi, 212–13
Henreid, Paul, 66
Henry, Mike, 182
Hepburn, Kate, 54
Hess, Nancy Lee (niece), 291–92
Heston, Charlton, 74, 168–69, 198
Hitchcock, Alfred, 187
Hoffman, Dustin, 45
Hoffman, Philip Seymour, 218
Holbrook, Hal, 212, 274
Hooks, Jimmy (adoptive brother), 6–7
Hooper (1978), 191, 290, 292
Horner, Jack, 215–21
Howser, Richard Dalton “Peanut,” 19–20, 24
Hoyt, John, 54
Hudson, Rock, 164–65
Hustle (1975), 258, 261–62
Hyde Park Playhouse, 37, 38
Impasse (1969), 108
Inge, William, 41–43, 49
Ireland, John, 54
James, Fob, 28
James, Monique, 55
Jane, Thomas, 219
Jay, Ricky, 218–19
Jezebel (1938), 59–61, 67
Jones, Too Tall, 224–25
Kahn, Madeline, 263–65
Kapp, Joe, 223
Kaye, Danny, 116
Kazan, Elia “Gadge,” 44–45, 257
Kelly, Gene, 229
King Lear, 274
Kirk, John, 32
Knight, Arthur, 62
Kristofferson, Kris, 181, 224–25
Kritzer, Erik, 288
Lampert, Zohra, 48–49
Laramie, 51
Last Producer, The (2000), 256
Late Burt Reynolds Show, The, 119
Lemmon, Jack, 47
Loden, Barbara, 257
Logan, Josh, 273
Lonely Life, The (Davis), 63
Longest Yard, The (1974), 63, 194, 223–24, 237, 258–59, 262, 292
Look, We’ve Come Through (1961), 48
Lucky Lady (1975), 166, 241–42
Lynch, Jim, 278
Lyons, John, 216, 219
MacArthur, John D., 271
Mackowicky, Al, 27
MacLaine, Shirley, 128
Magri, Carmen, 278
Mahoney, Jock, 189
Mandell, Steve, 81
Mankiewicz, Joe, 66–67
Marciano, Rocky, 226–27
Martin, Dean, 131–32
Martin, Steve, 153
Marvin, Lee
advice of, 89–90, 97
career of, 53–54, 74, 95–99
in Cat Ballou, 97–98, 168
life of, 94–96, 100–101
palimony case of, 99–100
PTSD of, 95–96
qualities of, 100–101
Marx, Groucho, 111–12, 140
Massey, Raymond, 54
Mastroianni, Marcello, 239
Match Game, The, 199
Mayama, Miko, 108–9
McClure, Doug, 51, 130–31
McCormick Pat, 184
McGavin, Darren, 51–52, 54–55
McKinney, Bill, 83–84
McMahon, Ed, 140, 143–45
Merrill, Gary, 58
Method acting, 46, 218, 235
Midler, Bette, 148
Midnight Cowboy (1969), 74
Milland, Ray, 152
Miller, Ann, 229
Miller, Fern. See Reynolds, Fern
Miller, Wade, 2
Minnelli, Liza, 241–42, 276
Mister Roberts, 41, 198, 273
Mitchum, John, 251–52
Mitchum, Robert, 250–52
Monroe, Marilyn, 250
Montalbán, Ricardo, 232–34
Moody, Jess, 121–22, 204, 289
Moore, Julianne, 218
Moreno, Rita, 235
; Mustaine, Kreig “Mo,” 12–17, 289
Nabors, Jim, 204, 272
Namath, Joe, 288
Navajo Joe (1966), 151, 154–55
Needham, Hal
as director, 174, 181, 267
friendship of, xvi, 164, 180
injuries of, 176, 178–79
innovations of, 166–70, 177–78
life of, 171–72
stunts of, 172–73, 175–77
Nelson, Trapper, 13–15
Newman, Paul, 38–39, 47, 92
Nicholson, Jack, 286, 287
Nitschke, Ray, 223–24
Nostokovich, Vincent, 13–15
Nugent, Tom, 24, 28, 35
Olivier, Laurence, 45, 57
O’Neal, Ryan, 244, 288
100 Rifles (1969), 69, 153, 240–41
Operation C.I.A. (1965), 210
Outward Bound, 37, 275
Page, Geraldine, 47
Pakula, Alan, 268
Papp, Joseph, 11
Paret, Benny “Kid,” 228
Parton, Dolly, 243–44
Paskalakis, Mercury, 222
Paternity (1981), 269
Peckinpah, Sam, 100, 181
Pinal, Silvia, 262
Poitier, Sidney, 118, 208
Powell, Jane, 229
Presley, Elvis, 40–41
Price, Tommy, 33
Prinzi, Vic, 29, 204
prisons, 119–21, 258–59
racism and racial attitudes
Brown (Jim) and, 71
interracial love scenes and, 240
Reynolds and, 29, 151–52, 209–10
Shore and, 118–19
stuntmen and, 174–75
Rainmaker, The, 55, 93, 272
Rains, Claude, 60
Randall, Tony, 263
Reed, Adam, 293
Reilly, Charles Nelson, xvi, 163, 197–201
remakes, 259
Remus, Dudley, 232, 278–79
Renn, Bobby, 25–26
Reynolds, Burt. See also names of films and programs
AIDS rumors about, 161–62, 192
Anderson (Loni) and, 202–6
anti-racist attitude of, 29, 151–52, 209–10
auto accident of, 32–33
awards of, 153
Boogie Nights and, 215–21
boxing and, 226–28
Carne and, 135–37
childhood of, 2–3, 12–17, 249
choreographing stunts, 69
death threats against, 147
in Deliverance, xiii–xv, 79–80, 84–87
detective roles of, 276–77
as director, 169, 256–58
drama classes of, 36–37
fans and, 117–18
father and, 1, 4–5, 11, 139–40, 197–98
Field and, 188–89, 191–92
at Florida State, 24–30, 35
football and, 19–20, 24–30, 35, 139
football films and, 223–25
game shows and, 246
hair and mustache of, 152–53
injuries of, 31, 160–64, 292
at junior college, 35–37
Mayama and, 108–9
memorabilia of, 202
missed roles of, 285–88
Native American roles of, 151–52
in New York, 37–38, 40–41
nicknames of, 18–19
nude centerfold of, 91–93
painkillers and, 163, 165, 176
paintings and, 102–3, 158–60
pranks of, 16–17
in prison performance, 119–21
public speaking and, 280
race relations and, 151–52, 209–10
in Riverboat, 51–55
sexual adventures of, 20–23
Shore and, 110, 121–24
son Quinton and, 206–7, 233
stunts and, xiv, 83, 87–88, 166–67, 292
surgeries of, 31, 33–34
as survivor, 292–93
teaching drama, 278–83, 290
tennis and, 113–14, 225–26
The Tonight Show and, 74, 112, 135–37, 140
Universal and, 51, 55
Reynolds, Burton Milo, Sr. “Big Burt” (father)
as police chief, 7–8, 182, 277
qualities of, 5–7
son Burt and, 1, 4–5, 11, 139–40, 197–98, 207
World War II and, 2, 11
Reynolds, Fern (mother), 2, 11
Reynolds, Nancy Ann (sister), 2–3, 112, 291
Reynolds, Quinton, xvi, 206–7, 233
Rick (nephew), 291
Rinker, Marshall Edison “Doc,” 34
Ritchie, Michael, 224
Riverboat, 51–55, 166, 255
Rivers, Joan, 141
Roberson, Chuck, 172–73
Rogers, Ginger, 229–30
Rogers, Roy, 103–7, 249
Rollison, Vernon “Flash,” 18–19
Rondell, Ronnie, 174
Ruddy, Al, 132
Russell, Kurt, 243
Same Time Next Year, 273
Sam Whiskey (1969), 152, 239
Sanders, Deion, 29
Sandler, Adam, 259
Scott, Zachary, 57
Screen Actors Guild, 251
Segal, George, 286
Sellers, Peter, 276
Selznick, David O., 60
Semi-Tough (1977), 224
Severinsen, Doc, 140, 245–46
Shamus (1973), 127–28
Sharky’s Machine (1981), 102, 256
Sheen, Martin, 272, 273
Shepherd, Cybill, 263–64
Sherry, Barbara “B.D.,” 58–59
Shore, Dinah
friends of, 111–13, 118–19
life of, 113–17
Reynolds and, 110, 121–24
on television, 109–10, 118–19
Silent Movie (1976), 247, 266
Silverman, Fred, 148
Sinatra, Frank, 115, 125–32
Sinatra, Nancy and Tina, 130
Sixkiller, Sonny, 223
Smith, Robyn, 230–31
Smokey and the Bandit (1977), xvi, 166, 177, 180–87, 188, 191, 193, 267, 290
Smokey and the Bandit II (1980), 191, 248, 290
Snowboat (1951), 118
Sorvino, Mira, 220
Spurrier, Steve, 193–94
Staab, Ray, 27
Stallone, Sylvester, 288
Starting Over (1979), 267–68
Steinberg, David, 268–69
Stewart, James, 46, 233, 250
Stick (1985), 256, 268
stock car racing, 177
Strasberg, Lee, 44–45
Streisand, Barbra, 89
Strickland, Gail, 272
Stroker Ace (1983), 287
stunts and stuntmen, 166–71, 174–78, 189
Swank, Hilary, 212
Take Me Home Again, 23
Tampa Bay Bandits, 193–94
Taxi Driver (1976), 287
Taylor, Elizabeth, 164, 280
Taylor, Lillian “Paw Paw,” 114–15
Tea and Sympathy, 38
tennis, 113–14, 225–26
Terms of Endearment (1983), 287
That Championship Season (1972), 11
Thomason, Harry, 212, 214
Thompson, Tommy, 27
Thornton, Billy Bob, 187
Tillis, Mel, 265–66
Tone, Franchot, 64–65
Tonight Show, The
Carson and, 140–41, 143
final episode of, 148–49
funny moments on, 133–35, 138
guest-hosting, 74, 112, 135–37
orchestra of, 245–46
Reynolds’s appearance on during AIDS rumors, 164
Tormé, Mel, 111, 113
Torn, Rip, 43–45, 47–48
Tracy, Spencer, 52–54, 60, 96, 233, 234, 250, 278, 280, 284
Trans Am, 182, 185, 186
Trump, Donald, 194–96
Twilight Zone, 235
union rules, 85
United States Football League, 193–96
Universal, 51, 55, 157, 182
Urich, Robert, 272
Valente, Renée, 155
Vallee, Rudy, 140
Vanities, 272
Verneuil, Louis, 37
Vidal, Gore, 39–40
Vittum, Todd, 277–78
Voight, Jon
Deliverance and, 74–80, 85–87, 91
foreword by, xiii–xvii
friendship of, 164, 220–21, 274, 288
Wagner, Sally Jo, 274–75
Wahlberg, Mark, 217–18
Wallach, Eli, 257
Warden, Jack, 10
Warner, Jack, 59, 60, 66
Warner Bros., 65–66, 82
Washington, Dino, 223
Wasserman, Lew, 51, 182
Wayne, John “Duke,” 168, 173–74, 250–51, 262
Weir, Peter, 287
Weissberg, Eric, 81–82
Weitman, Bob, 127–28
Welch, Raquel, 240–41
Welles, Orson, 181, 269–70
West, Mae, 250, 252–54
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962), 61–64, 258
Wheeler, Hugh, 48
White, Betty, 246
White Lightning (1973), 166, 175, 290
Wieghorst, Olaf, 158–59
Wilcox, Collin, 49
Wilder, Glenn, 175, 178
Wilder, Scott, 178
Williams, Paul, 184
Williams, Robin, 148, 279
Williams, Tennessee, 48
Win, Lose or Draw, 246
Winters, Jonathan, 119–21, 246
Witness (1985), 287
Woodward, Joanne, 38–40
W. W. and the Dixie Dancekings (1975), 166, 259, 265–66
Wyler, Willie, 67
Yates, Brock, 290
Zen in the Art of Archery, 85–86
Ziegfield Follies, The (1945), 229
About the Authors
BURT REYNOLDS began his acting career in theater and on television. His leading roles were in films including Deliverance, The Longest Yard, Hustle, Gator, Smokey and the Bandit, Hooper, Starting Over, and Boogie Nights, which earned him a Best Supporting Actor Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination. Reynolds also won an Emmy and a Golden Globe for his starring role on the popular sitcom Evening Shade. He lives in Jupiter, Florida.
JON WINOKUR is the author of two dozen nonfiction books, including Advice for Writers, The Portable Curmudgeon, and the critically acclaimed New York Times national bestseller The Garner Files, coauthored with James Garner. He lives in Los Angeles.