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Oak, Sophie - Three to Ride [Nights in Bliss, Colorado 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Three To Ride

  Her face flushed. She was very pale, with delicate skin. She couldn’t hide her emotions, and Max realized he’d made a mistake. She nodded and purposefully walked back into the pond to cover her body up.

  The smile on her face didn’t come anywhere close to her eyes. “I’m not really hungry, Max. I’ll just stay here for a while. See you around.”

  She pointedly swam away from him, and Max knew he’d been dismissed. If he walked away, she might be friendly, but she’d never offer herself again. He’d tried to get it done his way. It looked like he was going to have to use hers.

  Max kicked off his boots, then pulled his shirt over his head. Maverick was standing by the pond, calmly waiting for his master to finish with the female so they could continue the exercise. Maverick was a gelding and Quigley had been fixed years back. Life must be so much simpler for them. Max eased off his jeans carefully. His raging erection was eager to be set free. The crown of his cock was already weeping with pre-cum.

  Rachel surfaced and was treading water. Her light green eyes were wary as she took him in. “What are you doing, Max?”

  He put his hands on his hips. He had no real problem with nudity. He’d grown up in this weird little town, and while he had quirks of his own, he’d always accepted himself. It was the best gift Bliss had given him. “I’m about to take a swim in a really cold pond with a woman who just wants me for my body. I’m desperate, though, and I don’t have a whole lot of self-respect.”

  She frowned, reminding him of a gorgeous water nymph. “This is my pond. Go find your own.”

  Max felt his lips quirk up in a little half grin. “This is my land, darlin’. I’m afraid I own the pond you’re currently occupying.”

  “Oh,” she said, her mouth forming a perfect O. His penis got even harder as he thought about that sultry mouth around his cock. The damn thing was standing up straight, lying almost flat against his belly. If he didn’t do something soon, it was going to come off his body and seek her out itself. Max strode into the water and dove under the instant he could.

  The water was clear, so it was easy to swim toward his lovely target. Her legs were barely touching the bottom of the pond. He loved the curves of her hips and ass. He surfaced, letting his arms wind around her slender waist, forcing her a little deeper so she had to cling to him. It was easy to do. He had a good foot on her petite frame. Her arms instinctively went around his neck.


  He smiled. “What? I can’t swim in my own pond?”

  She pushed at his broad shoulders. “I don’t need your pity, Max. Let me go.”

  Now it was his turn to frown. He brushed his rigid erection against her pussy. “Darlin’, this water is cold, but I’m harder than I’ve ever been in my life. I don’t pity you. I’ve been like this for two damn weeks. If anyone needs some pity, it’s me.”

  “You didn’t want me a minute ago.” Even as she made the accusation, she cuddled close to him.

  She felt so perfect in his arms. They fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Max knew he was never going to want to let her go. “I want way more than you’re willing to give me, Rachel, and you know it. I want to be your man. I’m crazy about you.”

  “You don’t even know me,” she replied, burrowing her nose into his neck.

  Max kissed her ear gently. She was starving for affection, and he intended to drown her in it. “I don’t know anything about you?”

  “You have no idea where I was born or who my parents are.” She practically purred against him.

  “You could tell me.” She was silent on the subject, so he moved on. “I might not know all the facts and details, but I’ve learned a lot about you. I know you like chocolate and don’t put anything in your coffee. You’re a dog person, but you’ll put up with cats. You smile at everyone, and there’s a light inside you that always makes them smile back. You love music. You can’t stop your right foot from tapping when the jukebox comes on. When you know the words, you sing them, and you don’t even know you’re doing it. You take your work very seriously even though you know you’re too smart to be stuck as a waitress for the rest of your life. You’ll do that job with everything you have. You’re a good person, Rachel.”

  She pulled back to look at him. There were tears swimming in her eyes. “How could you see so much?”

  He used one hand to wipe the tears away. He was very solemn. He didn’t intend to play any games with her. “Because I knew I was crazy about you the moment I saw you.”

  “Don’t,” she said, her voice catching on the word. “I can’t. I can’t do anything serious, Max. Please, I just want to lose myself for a little while. Can you give me that?”

  He looked at her solemnly. She was practically begging him not to push her. “For now.”

  Anticipation thrummed through his body as he pulled her close and, for the first time, pressed his lips to hers. She was soft and willing. Her mouth flowered open under his. Max pulled her tightly to him. He loved the way her breasts pressed against the hardness of his chest. He kept the kiss light, letting her set the pace. He needed her so badly, but he held his own desire firmly in check. She needed this even more than he did, and he knew it. After a moment’s sweet play, he groaned as he felt her tentatively lick along the seam of his lips.

  Max growled as he lost a bit of his control, and he wound his hands in her hair. It was soft against his callused fingers. He held her gently, but with firm intent as he plundered her mouth. He let his tongue plunge in a naked imitation of what his cock wanted to do. He slanted over and over her mouth, their lips meshing together. She felt so right in his arms.

  “Oh God, Max,” she moaned when he came up for air. “It’s been so long.”

  “How long?” Max didn’t really care. She could have been with twelve guys yesterday. As long as he was the last man standing, he’d be satisfied.

  “Years.” There was a little bit of wonder in her voice. Max was fascinated with the way she was looking at him. It made him feel like a much better man than he’d ever thought he could be. “Like this? Maybe never.”

  “Good.” He lifted her up, bringing her breasts to his mouth. “God, you’re beautiful, baby.” He sucked a pink nipple into his mouth. Rachel groaned, and her back bowed as she offered herself to him. He curled his tongue around the peak of her soft breast and thought he would come then and there when she wrapped her legs around his waist. He felt her hot pussy against his skin. He moved between both breasts, not wanting either one to feel left out. She shivered when he bit down gently on her nipple.

  Rachel moved restlessly against him, and he knew she was getting hot and bothered. He needed to get her off, because the minute he sank his cock into her, he feared he would explode. He didn’t want to leave her unsatisfied. Max turned her around in his arms, palming her breasts as her head fell back against his shoulder. Her ass rubbed against his torso.

  “Please touch me,” Rachel moaned.

  Max anchored her with one hand around her waist and let his other hand trail down to her wet, ripe pussy. He delved into the soft curls there. He wished he could see it, but promised himself that he would have her laid out on his bed soon. He would spread her wide and take his time learning every inch of her. He would cover her with his mouth and taste that hot cunt while she took Rye in her mouth.

  Max shook his head, trying to banish the mental image. They were playing it straight this time. He wanted Rachel, and he would have to take her on her terms. As much as he’d loved sharing women with his other half, he had to move on. Max slid his fingers over her pulsing pussy, rubbing her little clit through the soft nest of curls he found. Rachel pushed her pelvis against his questing fingers.

  “Yes, Max,” she whispered.

  Max picked up the pace. He rubbed tight circles with his thumb over her clit while he worked his middle finger into the blinding heat of her cunt. She was so fucking tight. She was going to feel like heaven wrapped around his cock.

  “It feels so good.” Rachel t
urned her head up. Max took the invitation and plunged his tongue into her perfect mouth as he fucked her with his fingers. His dick was denting the soft flesh of her ass, and he longed to be able to tunnel his way into her ass. He held off, sensing she was a virgin there. He would have to be careful and prepare her.

  Rachel bucked against his fingers, and he felt a warm rush as she came. His cock was throbbing. He couldn’t fight it anymore. He quickly turned her around.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he ordered.

  Her face was flushed and she looked sleepy, but she complied with a sexy little smile. “That was fantastic, Max.”

  He kissed her as he arranged her legs to his liking. She looked like a completely content kitten. “I’m glad I could help, baby.”

  She traced the line of his jaw with her fingertips. “You’re different. A woman could feel safe with you, Max.”

  She sounded so hesitant, his heart clenched. He wondered who had put that fear in her voice. He made his own voice very gentle. “You are safe with me, Rach. I’ll take care of you.”

  She reached down between them, and her small hand stroked his desperate cock. He couldn’t help the tortured hiss that came out when she squeezed the crown.

  “Take care of me now, Max,” she demanded, her green eyes practically challenging him.

  Max’s hands tightened on the cheeks of her ass. His dick knew just where to go, and he unerringly found her slick entrance. Rachel steadied herself, placing her hands on his shoulders. Her eyes went wide as Max began working his big cock into her. He started with shallow little strokes. She was so tight that he had to be careful with her. He eased her up and down on his dick, the buoyancy of the water aiding his work. Rachel pushed against him.

  She isn’t one to lay back. Max’s latest stroke pushed him in all the way to his balls. He groaned at the exquisite sensation. Rachel was fighting for her pleasure, and Max thought it was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  Her little nails were going to leave a mark, he realized with a savage satisfaction. Her mouth was open, and he felt her pussy clench again and again around his cock as she went over the edge.

  Max held nothing back after she came. He pounded into her, slamming her slick pussy up and down on his dick. He shoved his way into her until he could feel the cheeks of her ass hitting his balls. He tightened his hold on her as he felt his orgasm start as a tingle at the base of his spine. He slammed her down and held her close as he ground against her, shooting hot cum deep into her welcoming body. His mind felt languid and drugged with pleasure. He kissed her over and over as he softened inside her.

  Max was shaking as he realized what he had done. “Oh, shit, Rachel. I am so sorry. I didn’t use a condom, baby. I can’t believe I did that.”

  But she just let her head drift down onto his shoulder. “It’s okay. I finished my period two days ago. Next time, we need to use one.”

  He relaxed a little. He was happy there would be a next time. His cock was still pressed against her pussy. “I’m safe, baby. I had a checkup last year, and I haven’t been with anyone since.”

  “Seriously?” She sounded surprised.

  “Yes, Rachel,” he replied, hugging her to him. “You’re the first woman I’ve wanted in a long time.”

  Her eyes were heavy as she grinned at him. “I’m glad.” She shrieked a little and pointed at a spot behind his head. “What is that?”

  Max turned quickly, every instinct screaming at him to protect his woman. He looked at the massive dog who should be barking a warning. Quigley just yawned and relaxed at Maverick’s feet. There would be no help from there. Rachel clung to his back, covering her nudity.

  “Don’t mind us,” the intensely hairy man said as he walked by the pond with a friend. “We’re just on a nature walk.”

  Sure enough, the two men had walking sticks in their hands and binoculars around their necks. Other than that, they wore hiking boots and nothing else. Max shook his head. Rye was going to have to remind those nudists where the boundaries of their property ran.

  He turned back to Rachel, hoping their Peeping Toms hadn’t ruined her mood. He was surprised to find her laughing.

  “Stella was right. Bigfoot does roam these woods.” She reached out underwater and stroked his cock. It was already getting hard again. “But, Max, Bigfoot’s got nothing on you.”

  He pulled her close and proceeded to prove her point.

  Chapter Three

  Rye Harper sat behind his desk and considered the numerous problems Rachel Swift had brought into his peaceful life. So peaceful it was boring, he sighed inwardly. Rachel was the most exciting thing to happen to him in a long time. The only problem was Rachel hadn’t happened to him. She’d happened to Max.

  The phone rang out at his secretary’s desk. “Callie! Phone!” Rye yelled from the comfort of his little office.

  A short figure with dark hair flew past the open door in her attempt to get to the phone. She was pushing her smart little glasses further up on her nose. “Got it!” she screamed before she answered the phone. “Bliss County Sheriff’s Department.” Her voice was now brisk and professional.

  Rye listened for a second while drumming his fingers along the desktop.

  “No, Mel, I’m so sorry. I really don’t have any CIA connections,” Callie was saying in a soothing voice. It could only mean one thing.

  Rye let his head fall to the desk. He would have to go out to Mel’s and pretend to check for bugs again. If he didn’t, the old fellow would sit in Stella’s diner for hours telling anyone and everyone who came in that Bliss was a focal point for the coming invasion. The locals might ignore him, but he tended to freak out the tourists, and it was tourist season. The last thing he needed was to get called into another meeting of the Bliss County Chamber of Commerce, where he regularly got raked over the coals.

  He thought back to last night, when Max had come home late with the dippiest grin on his face. Rye had known in an instant that his brother had fucked Rachel Swift, and probably more than once. Max had the look of a well-satisfied man. He also had the look of a man who’d fallen completely in love. Rye couldn’t help it. He was brutally jealous of his brother’s happiness.

  Maybe it wasn’t the same for Max as it was for him. For as long as he could remember, Rye had always fallen for the same girls as Max. It was almost like there was a link between them. When Max saw something he liked, Rye was sure to follow. It explained the deep connection he felt to her the minute he’d met her. Rye had known the instant he looked at the pretty waitress that she was important. He might not be able to read Max’s every thought, but when his brother felt something deeply, Rye felt it, too.

  Max had been serious about going the vanilla route. Rye had tried to get him interested in Janine, the hot brunette from Creede, but Max wouldn’t go for it. Now, it looked like Max was ready to start his life, and Rye was going to be left alone. It wasn’t the way he’d envisioned his life. Always in the back of his mind, he’d thought that they would find one woman and settle down. For a while he’d thought that woman would be Nina, but now, looking at Rachel, he knew that had been a mistake. Nina was too hard to ever be at the center of their ménage. She would have taken everything they had and given nothing back.

  “Hey, boss.” Callie interrupted his thoughts, and he lifted his head off the desk.

  Rye tried to look like he wasn’t moping. “Yeah, I know. I gotta get my ass out to Mel’s and look for alien technology. Get the Detector 3000.”

  Callie snorted. “I’ll make sure to get that for you. I’ll also tell Stefan that we’ll need to move up to the 4000 model soon. Mel is worried because alien technology apparently changes often.”

  Stefan Talbot was an artist who worked with everything from oils on canvas to metals. He’d been the one to come up with the idea of the Detector 2000. It was a Wii controller with some modifications. It had some lights and made some high-tech sounds. Mel had been impressed but after six months had wondered if there was
n’t an even more sophisticated device. Aliens were tricky little bastards.

  “I’ll let him know,” Rye said. He reached out for his hat. “Anything else? Did Logan go out and talk to the nudists?” Max had pitched a small fit about it last night, and Rye had made a note to send his deputy out to handle it. Rye attributed the fact that the fit was such a small thing to his brother’s state of sexual satisfaction. He wondered briefly how he was going to handle it when Rachel started staying the night at their house. How was he going to stand sleeping alone when his brother was right next door, fucking the woman of their dreams?

  “Yes, and they prefer to be called naturists.” Callie’s mother had run the naturist community for years. It was Callie who always reminded him to be tolerant toward the clothing-challenged. “Logan went out this morning, and it’s a good thing, too. We’ve had four reports of 503’s since yesterday afternoon.”

  Rye groaned. A 503 was Bliss County’s code for a naked penis sighting. A 504 referred to naked females, but strangely, almost no one ever called that in. “Yeah, they’re all about the nature walk right now. It’s wildflower time. I just hope they don’t go too high into the mountains. I would hate for the damn bears to try to mate with one of them.”

  Callie laughed. “I was talking to Bill, and he was really excited about all the activities they have planned for the summer. You should know that the men are planning a warrior-in-the-buff outing. There’ll be lots of chanting and drumming.”

  The sheriff sighed. Bill Hartman owned the land the commune was on. Rye was just about to give him a call when he noticed how enthused Callie looked. Callie loved that commune and all the people who lived there. They had made sure her mother had been comfortable while she lost her long-term battle with cancer. Callie was perfectly comfortable spending a lot of her free time with the naturists. Rye shook his head as he looked at the woman who was as close to him as a sister. He always made sure he called before he showed up at her cabin to avoid getting a show. “Put it on the calendar, please. And remind me to buy some industrial-strength earplugs. If they keep Max awake, he’ll make the bears look soft and cuddly.” If he even noticed over all the noise Rye was sure Rachel made. She looked like a screamer. The quiet ones were always tigers in bed.


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