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Charming Asshole (Killer of Kings Book 3)

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Yeah, we figured that out.” He glared at the guy in the chair. “How did you get here, baby?”

  “I took an Uber with some money I found in your condo. I was worried about you.”

  He cupped her face in his big hands, staring down at her. “God, you’re beautiful.” Then he kissed her, hard and demanding. She melted against his lips, savoring the sense of love and security he evoked in her. The entire world and its problems went away, leaving just the two of them.

  Killian threaded his hands into her hair, trailing his kisses down to her neck. She closed her eyes, tilting her head to give him better access.

  When the guy in the chair cleared his throat, they pulled away from each other.

  “I’m still sitting here. You want me to leave?”

  Killian pulled back and turned to the other man. “Boss gave me an address. We need to end this shit storm before it gets out of hand.”

  Chapter Seven

  The last thing Killian wanted to do was to leave June. She looked petrified, and he was pissed off. The Dead Angels MC had fed the lies to Shadow, hoping to get Killian back in town. Whoever wanted this hit was smart, smart enough to fool Shadow, one of the best. The Dead Angels MC had just underestimated Killian. They’d gotten him back to town, but he was untouchable, keeping under their radar.

  “The address can wait, Killian. It’s been a long day, and I’d say with how scared she is, you need to go home, and handle shit there first.”

  “This has to be taken care of.”

  “Agreed, and I’m not fighting that, but the point of being good at what you do, you take care of your distractions first.” Shadow nodded at June. “She’s your biggest distraction, and right now, I’m not interested in fighting anyone with your head not fully in the game. I’m not looking forward to being killed anytime soon.”

  Killian wanted to argue but knew he couldn’t. His head wasn’t in a good place, and it wouldn’t be while he was worrying about June.

  “You’ve got a couple of days. Don’t worry about Boss,” Shadow said.

  “I’m not worried about him.” He rubbed at his temples, and didn’t see a way around it. “I’ll call you soon.”

  Taking June’s hand, he made his way back out to his car.

  “What’s going on, Killian?” June asked.

  “I need to stop this hit on your and our son’s head. The only way to do that is to go to the source, and to take them out.”

  “Kill them?”

  “It’s the only thing I can do.” Ten years ago, he had taken out the leader of the MC, and allowed the old lady and son to live. That had been a mistake, and one he was regretting. “I don’t want you to worry about it right now.” He took hold of her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “I also don’t want you ever asking that cop for help again. You don’t need to rely on anyone but me.”

  “I was worried about you.”

  “I know, baby. I know, but I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing this for years, and I know how to keep myself safe so I need you to do as I ask, and to stay strong.” He pulled into the underground garage of his condo, and they made their way up in the elevator. They had privacy now, and he knew he could breathe easily with her safe in his life.

  “I was so scared, Killian. You’ve come back into my life, and it scares me that you’re going to leave again. I … I don’t want that for our son.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. So soft and sweet. “I can promise you that.”

  “Your promises come really quickly.”

  “That’s because I mean them, every single one of them.” He stroked her cheek, and regret filled him. “You have no idea how much I’ve thought about you the last ten years. You’ve never not been in my heart, June. God, I wish I could take everything away, and make it all better for you. I fucked up big time.”

  “Come on. Let’s go inside, and I’ll make us something to eat. I’m starving.” She patted his hand, and he nodded, following her inside his condo.

  She still wore the same clothes from a day ago, but that didn’t take away from her beauty, from how amazing he thought she was. He watched her for several seconds as she looked into his fridge, and he just couldn’t go another second without touching her. Moving up behind her, he wrapped one arm around her while pressing a kiss to her neck. She sighed, and melted against him.

  “I don’t want to lose you again. I know we keep going over this, and I should probably kick you to the curb, but I can’t go through that again. I won’t.” She spun in his arms, and her hands gripped his shirt. He saw the fear in her eyes and hated being the one that put it in there.

  “We’re not going to go back. I’m not going to leave. All I have to do is make the world safe for you, and for our son, and we can move on.”

  “You make it sound so simple.” She stared at his chest where her hands lay.

  “It is that simple. In my world, there is no way else to look at it. I’m going to fight for you, and for us.”

  Her gaze returned to him and immediately went to his lips. She licked her own, and his cock thickened. He moved his hand up into her hair, holding her head. “I’ve got to have one taste of you, June. I can’t … I need you.” He slammed his lips down on hers, and she didn’t fight him.

  She kissed him back with a passion that surprised him, but he wasn’t going to question it. Sliding his tongue into her open mouth, he pressed her back to the now closed fridge. Her fingers clung to his shoulders, and he took hold of them, pressing them above her head with one of his hands. He ran his free hand down her body, cupping her tit, feeling the hard, puckered nipple against his palm. This was by far better than any of his fantasies. She was perfect, and felt so damn right in his arms.

  Breaking from the kiss, he sucked on her neck, loving the sound of her little gasps.

  “Please, Killian, I want you.”

  This had him pulling away, and staring into her eyes. “You want me?”

  “Yes. I want you. Please don’t make me wait another moment.”

  “But you wanted to wait.”

  “Not anymore.”

  He wasn’t about to question why she had changed her mind. There was no time to take her to his bed. Tearing at her jeans, he had them around her ankles within seconds as he unbuckled his belt and loosened his zipper. Her panties were gone with one hard yank, and he felt more animal than man at this point. Releasing her hands from above her head, he lifted her up, placing the tip of his cock at her entrance. He stared into her eyes, losing himself in her body, thrusting every single inch of his cock inside her.

  “Oh, God. Yes!”

  She cried out, throwing her head back as he seated himself to the hilt within her. Neither of them moved for a second as he basked in the feel of her pussy tightening around his cock. It had been another lifetime since he’d felt this kind of pleasure. There hadn’t been another woman in his life. June had been the only one for him, and that was how it was always going to stay.

  Finally, after seconds, minutes, what felt like hours passed, she looked at him, her eyes filled with desire.

  “You feel amazing, baby,” he said.

  “So do you.” She licked her dry lips, which had his cock pulsing as a fresh wave of arousal filled him from that one action. She moaned. “It still feels perfect.”

  He knew what she meant as he felt exactly the same way. Gripping her ass, he held her still, resting his head against her chest. There was no need for them to rush. They had these few precious moments. He knew that reality would soon set in and that he had a time limit. There was someone out there, determined to take her away, but he wouldn’t let it happen, no fucking way. June was his woman, and he was going to protect her. Ten years ago, he had allowed another woman and her son to live. Now those very same people he’d shown mercy to were intent on killing his woman and son. He wouldn’t let that stand, not now, not ever.

  Pulling out of her tight heat, he stared into her eyes as he began to slow
ly but surely fuck her. This was not how he’d envisioned their first time, but he couldn’t hold back. Slamming his cock inside her, he filled her sweet pussy, and moaned with each hard thrust. The fridge wobbled, the bottles inside clattering. She was so wet, so slick—just heaven. Her round curves were even more of a turn-on for him, giving him something to hold on to.

  He wanted to see her tits, wanted to drown in them. Tearing open her shirt, he tugged her breasts out of the cups, and groaned as they began to bounce with every single thrust of his cock. Killian loved her big tits. She’d ripened into perfection over the years.

  “You’re beautiful, June, so beautiful.”

  “I’m different than you remember.”

  “To me you’re more perfect than ever before.” He had to taste her. Damn it, he wanted it all, and as he pulled out of her cunt, sinking to his knees before her, he was intent on having everything.

  Lifting her leg up over his shoulder, he teased her clit with his fingers, sliding through her slit, and getting her nice and wet. She whimpered his name, but he wouldn’t hear any of it. He replaced his fingers with his tongue, teasing her as he plunged two fingers inside her cunt.

  “I’ve dreamed of this pretty little pussy. Now it’s all mine.”

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, her cream on his tongue, and she tasted divine. He wanted to sample every single inch of her, to come inside her, and fill her, mark her. Fuck it, he wanted her to have more of his children, and surround her with the love that he had failed to do these past ten years. He was going to make up for all of his failings, and show her that there was no one else but him. He was the love of her life, and he wouldn’t back down without a fight.

  “Oh, that feels so good, Killian,” she said.

  She thrust her pussy onto his face, and he lapped her up, tasting her, teasing her, driving her wild. He was the only one who would get to do this. There was no one else, not that fucking cop either. Killian didn’t like the jealousy that washed over him, but he could deal with the cop, and intended to.

  Staring up her body, he watched as she gave herself to him. All of her control was lost in the pleasure of his tongue, and he relished seeing her come apart knowing deep down that he was the only one to do it. She belonged to him in every single way that mattered.

  “Come for me,” he said. “Come on my fucking face, June. Let me drink you up. I want it all.”

  She gasped, and it was as if his command set her off.

  Her orgasm was strong, hard, and he kept her over the edge, prolonging her pleasure as she screamed his name, over and over again. He wasn’t done with her. Killian held her up as he licked at her pussy. Only when he knew she couldn’t take anymore did he pull her toward the floor. Spreading her legs, he took hold of his cock, and filled her pussy, feeling her new heat. She was so wet that he had to grit his teeth to control himself. He didn’t want to come like a damn teenage boy.

  He was an experienced man, but their time apart made it next to impossible for him to control himself.

  Within a few thrusts of his hips, he filled her, his cum spurting deep inside her pussy. He hadn’t used a condom, and he hoped that he had given her another child.

  Killian wanted to find a means of keeping her close to him at all times.


  June stared at the white sheets beneath her. She should have told Killian “no”, but the truth was, she didn’t want to fight his lovemaking, or him, anymore. For ten years she had been so alone with no one to talk to. Her own yearning for him had pushed away any potential boyfriends. She’d even used their son as a means to make people leave her be.

  Killian stroked his fingers down her back, and she closed her eyes, basking in his attention. After leaving the kitchen, they had come to bed, and she’d given him time and a chance to look at her body. At first she’d wanted to cover up, but now, she wanted him to see every new curve, and even the stretch marks she had from carrying their son.

  “This is where you were always meant to be,” he said. “In my bed.”

  She looked over her shoulder, and watched as his teeth sank into the flesh of her ass, making her giggle. This was a playful side that she’d not seen before, at least for a long time.

  The fact still remained that the threat was out there, and she hadn’t seen her son in over a day. She missed him.

  “What happens tomorrow?” she asked.

  Killian paused, and she saw her question had taken him by surprise.

  “I know you don’t want to talk about this, but it’s important.”

  “I know it’s important.” He sighed. “I just wish we had a little more time.”

  “We do. We have tonight.” She took his hand, and pressed a kiss to it. “You’ll have me always, but you can’t keep me in the dark. You know I’ve never been good at that. I can’t stay here.”

  “I’m going to take you to Bain’s. You’re going to adore Scarlett, and of course you’ll be safe there.”

  “Where will you be?”

  “I’ve got to handle this hit, June. I know you’re worried about me, but that’s what needs to happen.”

  He moved toward the head of the bed, and he tugged on her arm. She submitted to him, and he positioned her over him. His cock was once again rock hard, and stood tall. Her own pussy was wet, and she slid down his length with ease. She closed her eyes, loving the pleasure of him filling her.

  “I’m never going to get bored of feeling that.”

  “Feeling what?” she asked.

  “Your pussy wrapped around my dick. It’s so much better than my hand.”

  This made her smile. Pressing her hands to his chest, she rocked her hips, taking him even deeper, and then pulling up only to slam back down, making them both moan.

  “I love you deep inside me.”

  Killian cupped her hips, holding her in place, and he sat up. “I’ll be fine tomorrow. You don’t have to worry about me at all.”

  “What about that man? He didn’t look very nice, Killian.”

  “The men at Killer of Kings aren’t paid to be nice, June. They’re paid to get a job done, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to be getting the job done. Like now.” He pulled her down for a kiss, and she gave it to him, cupping his cheek as she did.

  She closed her eyes momentarily, enjoying the feel of his cock throbbing inside her. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she felt his much larger, muscular arms hold her. She stared at him, losing herself once again as she had so many times. His blue eyes were a mix of darkness and vulnerability. He was damaged, but so was she. They needed each other.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “You’ve always been the one for me, babe. Always.” He held her tightly, and she rode his cock, needing him more than anything.

  They would deal with whatever else they had to deal with, but for now, she just wanted to be loved by him, to remember all the good, and not the bed.

  Everything else could wait until tomorrow.

  Killian picked her up, and eased out of her. She couldn’t believe how easily he moved her about the bed, getting her into position for how he wanted her. He had her on her knees, his cock once again inside her, making her moan, making her ache for him.

  “You’re all mine, baby.” He kissed her neck, sucking on the flesh hard enough that she knew without a doubt that he would leave his mark. She wanted it.

  Pushing back against him, she took his big dick, taking him deep inside her.

  “Yes, yes,” she cried out for more.

  He held onto her hips, fucking her hard. He’d leave bruises there as well. Killian made her his, and she loved every second of it.

  When he came for a second time, she joined him, and she found a sense of peace. A wave of warm satisfaction flooded her body.

  Coming down from the height of their orgasm she curled up against him, teasing his chest.

  The scent of sex was heady in the air. “Will you call me to tell me when you’ve done your job?”

  “You’ll know everything. I won’t keep anything from you.” He kissed the top of her head. She was about to say something else when his cell phone rang.

  Killian tensed up, so she knew it was important.

  Biting her lip, she watched as he left the bed, his hard ass and massive shoulders a beautiful sight. His back was covered in Celtic tattoos that she wanted to trace with her tongue. He began talking, biting out some words, shaking his head, and then looking exasperated.

  “Yes, fine, fine.” In the next minute Killian hung up, and moved toward the bed.

  “Reality has come,” she said.

  “Yes, it has.”

  She took a deep breath. “I better get dressed.”

  “Hold on.” He went to his wardrobe, and came out with a pair of running pants and a shirt. “Scarlett will have something for you to wear, and I’ll figure things out for you, but until then, please wear these. Your clothes are not in any shape to wear.”

  She took them from him, and gritted her teeth. There was nothing else she could do. At least she was going to see her little boy.

  “I’m going to fix this, June.”

  “I know, and I believe you.” She looked up at him, and smiled. “I do believe you. It’s just hard, you know. I’m used to only relying on myself. I’m having to get used to all the changes, and I will.”

  June got out of bed, and quickly put the clothes on. She ran her fingers through her hair, and was ready to leave.

  “I’m ready to go,” she said.

  Killian was dressed all in black, and he had a large black duffel bag. She decided not to ask what was in that, but it looked heavy and bulky. She had a feeling she really wouldn’t want to know.

  They didn’t speak on the journey toward his friend’s, at least she hoped it was his friend’s place. Everything seemed so surreal. He had a bag of weapons, she just knew it. Less than a week ago she had been concerned about making it to her next job, or how she was going to pay for Killian’s new school uniform. They all seemed like worries in the past.

  It wasn’t long before they were climbing out of the car, and a large man covered in tattoos opened the door. Bain.


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