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The Cowboys' Submissive (Discrete Assignments)

Page 2

by Jane Pearl

  After freshening up, Maria headed downstairs to meet the Harrison brothers for dinner. Brett had prepared a simple dinner of Beef Stew and Garlic Bread. Maria joined the brothers in their kitchen for the simple repast. Earthenware bowls were set on the table with glasses of iced tea. There was minimal conversation while they ate their dinner. Maria noticed that Adam glanced at her frequently with a gaze that was half curious half ravenous dropping to what her rucked up skirt revealed. She felt uncomfortable sitting with her feet hooked around the outside of the front legs of the chair. The wood had originally felt cold against her bare buttocks but was now warming from her body heat, and, to her humiliation, her bodily secretions. After dinner, the two men stood and started clearing the table. Adam nodded towards the direction of the living room. “Why don’t you go on in there and wait for us? We will be done soon here.” She hurried off to the living room and sat on a large masculine leather chair. Remembering the rules, she flipped her skirt back to sit directly on the leather surface with the front tucked up as well. Knees apart as per instructions, head lowered and hands turned up on her thighs, she waited. Adam and Brett came through the door laughing and stopped at the sight of her waiting for them quietly. Adam turned to Brett, “Do you really think it is necessary for her to sit like that all of the time?” Brett looked back at him and said, “I would prefer it at least when it is just her and me. Would you rather have it be and ‘on demand’ thing when you are present?” Adam considered it for a moment. “Yes, it is too distracting for me otherwise.” Brett turned to Maria, “There is a command we will be using called ‘Show Me’ or ‘Show’ which means you should reveal yourself to us immediately. If seated, you will sit as you are now. If standing, you will hold your skirt up in the front or back and stand with feet a shoulder’s width apart. We might require you to tuck in your skirt so we can enjoy the view while you are walking around.” He leaned over and brought Maria’s chin up so her eyes met his. “Do you understand?” “Yes Sir.” “Please sit normally now while we have our discussion.” Maria smoothed the skirt down under her backside as well as on top of her thighs. It was nice to not feel so horribly exposed.

  Brett sat down on the couch perpendicular to her chair while Adam sat in a matching chair directly across the large, rectangular ottoman at the center of the seating group. Brett leaned forward with his elbows on his thighs with hands clasped. “So, as you know, you are here ostensibly as our housekeeper. You will be in charge of cooking, laundry and cleaning. You are also here to provide sexual companionship for Adam and myself. No one will know this part of your job but us. I know you looked over the agreement you signed but I wanted to emphasize a few points as far as our expectations.” He looked over at Adam and back to her. “In the agreement it says that you will make yourself sexually available to either of us on command no matter when or where we make this demand. I wanted to make it clear that we will never put you in a situation where you will be embarrassed in front of other people or be required to perform sexually in public without your permission.” He leaned back in his seat. “As far as scheduling, I will most likely make most of my demands during the day. I like spur of the moment sex where ever I may find you.” He smiled and steepled his fingers in front of his face. “Adam has asked for nights unless he and I make prior arrangements. There may be times when we share you as well. We’ve done this before and enjoy it.”

  “Your daily duties will begin with reporting to my room in the morning after you’ve showered. There I will inspect you to make sure you are maintaining a clean shaven pussy. After I’ve inspected you, I may fit you with one of an assortment of toys I have that will, um, stimulate you during the day as you work. These toys are a reminder to you that your pussy is ours to use as we wish. You are not, I repeat, NOT allowed to bring yourself to orgasm without our permission. If I find out that your sticky little fingers have gone where they aren’t supposed to, I will outfit you with a chastity belt. It has a dildo built in that will drive you crazy all day but you won’t be able to do anything about it. Don’t make me do this.” The implacable look in his eyes made her wonder if he somehow knew about her attempts to orgasm before dinner. Redness tinted her cheeks and her gaze lowered before his. “The other terms of employment, as you know, are that you don’t wear any underwear without our permission and you also must wear knee length dresses for easy access. Any infractions will be dealt with swiftly in the form or spanking and other non-corporal disciplinary measures.” He paused and looked at her again. “Do you have any questions Ms. Randall?

  Maria swallowed and shook her head nervously. Adam finally spoke. “I agreed to this arrangement because I want to have sex more often than once or twice a month. I’m not really into the games Brett wants to play with you. Having said this, I will expect you to follow the rules he’s set down. I don’t want any trouble so I think it makes sense to make it clear from the beginning that you are expected to do what we want, when we want it, without question. His steady gaze made her feel squirmy and vulnerable. “This first week we have decided that I won’t have sex with you but will take time for you to ease into your job and get used to me. You will understand soon why we need this prep time.” Brett broke in, “You will, however, be expected to start of all of your regular duties including sex with me starting tomorrow. Maria nodded her head again with trepidation. “I understand.”

  “As far as your housekeeping duties…We expect you to make meals for us and keep the kitchen clean. After breakfast is done, you will make beds and do any other housework that is required until it is time to prepare lunch. After lunch is done you can take personal time to do whatever you wish until dinner. I understand that you are an artist?” Maria nodded. “Do you want to set up a studio in the spare bedroom upstairs?” “Yes, that would be wonderful.” Maria replied with a shy smile. Brett smiled in return, “It is the one next to yours and should have good light. Check it out and see if it will fit your needs. If it does, we will move furniture out of there to make room for your supplies.” Maria nodded again and made a sound of assent.

  “Okay”, he said slapping his thighs with his palms as he stood up, “Adam and I need to do our after dinner chores. We will both clean up a bit when we get back and then join you in here to watch television. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable on the couch until we return?” “Okay”, said Maria. She grabbed the remote and turned on the television as they exited the house. They had satellite TV so there was a wide variety to choose from. She finally settled on one of her favorite night time dramas and snuggled under the soft throw from the arm of the couch. After the events of the day, she was too tired to follow her program and eventually her lids closed and she drifted away to sleep.

  She woke to the feel of strong arms carrying her. From the creaking of the stairs, she realized someone was taking her to bed. He smelled of pine and warm male animal. As he shouldered her bedroom door open and turned the light on, she looked up and met Adam’s steely grey eyes. They softened as he took in her sleep mussed appearance. “You fell asleep, Honey, and we didn’t have the heart to wake you.” He sat her on the bed and looked in her dresser. Pulling out a thigh length nightgown, he unbuttoned her dress and slid it under her hips and down her legs. He pulled the nightgown over her head and helped her put her arms through the arm holes. Pulling the covers down, he laid her in the bed. Turning away from her, he pulled his own t-shirt over his head and toed off his slippers. Sliding into the bed next to her he turned off the bed side lamp. Maria stiffened, “I thought we were easing into things this first week?” “Don’t worry, honey, I don’t want to do anything but sleep tonight. Remember, your nights are mine.” He yawned and arranged her so her back was to his front. He wrapped a heavy arm across her waist and fell to sleep. After a few moments of frantic thought, Maria finally succumbed to the warmth radiating against her back and fell into a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 5 – Introduction to Duties

  She woke up to a large hand cupping her breast and what felt
like a club pressing against her buttocks. As she shifted against him, she realized that the “club” was actually his morning erection and it was huge! Her eyes widened. How was she going to be able to accommodate him? She’d been with large men before but none as large as Adam. The hand on her breast tightened and she felt him take a deep breath. “Good morning Honey.” His morning voice was gravelly. It vibrated down her body right to her feminine core. He started a leisurely exploration of her breast settling on her nipple. He gently plucked it between his large fingers and then rubbed it lightly with his thumb. She felt a tightening deep down in her crotch in response to his ministrations. He smoothed his hand under her breast down her ribcage gripping lightly at her waist and continuing over the smooth curve of her hip. Marie felt goose bumps form as his hand learned the contours of her body. Her nipples peaked into erect points against the material of her nightgown. Adam’s hand continued down the outside of her leg until he reached the end of her night gown. His rough palm pushed up under the edge and gently stroked the bare skin of her inner thigh. She involuntarily tightened her inner thigh muscles in response to his touch. The goose bumps spread at his light examination and Marie’s breathing became more ragged as he progressed in his exploration of her body. Dipping his finger between her labia, he pulled the moisture gathered there and used it to ease his way up around her clitoris. He gently stroked around her pearl creating the release of more moisture from her slick folds. Maria felt a low moan come from deep in her throat. Her hips started thrusting involuntarily against his hand. She turned her head into his hairy chest and murmured, “Please…” “Would you like to come honey?” His rough voice vibrated against the top of her head. “Yes…please…” His fingers shifted lower and he pierced her swollen inner folds with first one, then two fingers. His thumb plucked her clitoris as she rode his hand. She could feel herself cresting as she thrust against his thick fingers. He slowed down right before she reached her peak. “I will tell you when to come. Try to hold it off for me Honey.” His thrusts picked up again and she felt suspended right on the edge. “Come for me.” He pressed his thumb hard on her clit. She went over arching back against him mouth opened in a silent scream. She hung there shaking and then collapsed her cunt contracting wildly on his invading digits. He continued to gently stroke her through her orgasm until she settled and her breathing evened out. She was a beautiful sight to him with her flushed cheeks, slumberous dark brown eyes and dark hair spread around her head. She looked like a woman who’d been well loved. He removed his fingers from her honeyed warmth and licked his fingers delighting in her sweet and salty taste. Pushing her to her back, he hovered over her, leaning on one elbow by her side. Sliding a hand under the base of her skull, he brought her head up to meet his lips with a hard kiss. She could taste her fluids on his tongue. He kept kissing her until she responded by twining her tongue around his. He could feel his already hard cock hardening and lengthening even more against the side of her leg. She felt it as well and broke the kiss to look at him with concern. “I’m not sure that I will be able to take you into me. You are very large…and I’ve never been with someone as large as you…” She trailed off looking into his face with large chocolate brown eyes. Adam chuckled and pressed her to his broad chest. “I know Honey. That’s why we want to take it slow the first week. We are going to need to stretch you a little bit in order to make it work between you and me as far as sex. Today was the first step. Brett ordered a few dildos that get progressively larger. We will use them on you this week to prep you for my penetration. Even with preparation, it is still going to be uncomfortable at first. I’m hoping that the prep will make the transition relatively painless and you will be able to enjoy our relations from the beginning.” He shifted between her legs pressing his hardness against her sensitized mound. She squirmed, pressing herself against his erection. She couldn’t believe it but she was getting aroused again! “I think it would be a good idea if you familiarize yourself with my cock over this next week as well.” He rolled off of her and opened the bedside table grabbing a tube of lube. He lay down on his back and pulled his sleep pants down to expose his enormous penis. It was rock hard with purple veins pulsing on the side. Grabbing the lube in his hand he greased its length with confident familiarity. “Touch it Honey…all I want today is a hand job.” He rolled to his side facing Maria. He pulled her leg over his hip and placed her small hand on his penis. She hesitantly grasped his organ marveling that her fingers couldn’t touch and in fact had at least a two inch gap between the thumb and middle finger. He groaned at her touch. She slowly started moving her hand up and down his length. He groaned again and thrust his hips towards her as she increased the speed of her caresses. “Oh yeah, baby, that feels great. Make sure you grip the top as you come up.” She followed his command and his face tightened as if he were in pain. His penis hardened and lengthened a little bit more…pre-cum oozing out on her hand. He started thrusting against her open fist and then stiffened and groaned loudly. His cum jetted out splashing all over her breasts and stomach. Maria firmly stroked him through completion. His breathing slowed down and he leaned down to deeply kiss her, his tongue mimicking the motions his cock would be making in her body next week. He rubbed his cum all over her breasts and stomach as he devoured her. He broke off from the kiss and gazed at her body marked with his seed with burning eyes. Leaning back over to the bedside table he opened the drawer and pulled out a large black rubber dildo that looked way too large for her but was much smaller than his cock. Lifting her top leg up with his knee, he shoved the cock into her sopping cunt with one thrust. Her greedy hips instantly lifted at the pleasure/pain of his penetration. His firm lips and tongue returned to fuck her mouth while he fucked her cunt with hard strokes of the dildo. Her hips rose to receive his brutal thrusts, creaming around the base of the black monster. Primed by her previous orgasm, she could already feel herself climbing towards another climax. Sensing her imminent crisis, Adam slowed the movements of the dildo to a leisurely drag and glide which drove her crazy. She attempted to screw herself on the dildo but couldn’t quite reach the peak on her own. Adam laughed and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Brett and I don’t only own your pussy Honey, we own your orgasms too. If you want to come, you have to ask.” As he said this he started stroking her more quickly again. She felt herself reaching that elusive peak again but couldn’t quite get there. “Please…may…I…come.” She said between gasping breathes. “Of course Honey, all you have to do is ask.” With these words he pushed the dildo in deep and pressed on her pearly button. She came instantly with a gush of fluid around the base of the dildo. The contractions of her vagina almost pushed it out of her body. Adam couldn’t wait to feel those strong pulses around his own cock. He gently stroked her through her release until her pussy stopped pulling at the dildo and her breathing evened out. She looked even more beautiful now after her second climax. He pulled the dildo out and placed it on the bedside stand. Leaning over her, he brushed back tangled strands of sable hair behind her ear. “You were fantastic, Honey. I am in awe of how responsive you are. Thank you.” With these murmured words he leaned down to place a soft kiss on her forehead.

  “Now it’s time to get up and get ready for the day. Make sure you wash your friend over there and place it back in the drawer.” He nodded towards the dildo sitting on her bedside table. “Remember, you aren’t allowed to use it by yourself so don’t even think about it.” He pushed up to a sitting position and stood to put his shirt and slippers back on. “After you shower, go to Brett’s room to wait for him. He will be coming in soon from morning chores to do your inspection. Sit on his bed in the Show position until he arrives. He will decide when you progress to the next size of dildo so he may have you show him how easily you accommodate the current size.” Maria blushed at the thought. It all sounded so clinical. After Adam left the room, Maria scurried to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She brought the big phallus with her and washed it and sat it on the counter top to dry
. She showered quickly, did her morning beauty routine, took her birth control pill and returned to her room to dress. Opening the closet door, she selected a plain blue dress suitable for doing housework. She donned the narrow belt provided with each dress. She carefully placed the black phallus back into the bedside drawer next to the lube. Looking at these items her pussy tightened at the memory of the lovemaking with Adam that morning.


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