Blood Moon: Book 2 of the True Mates Series: A Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance

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Blood Moon: Book 2 of the True Mates Series: A Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance Page 9

by Alicia Montgomery

  A strong pair of arms caught her before she hit the pavement. "Apologies!" the deep, masculine voice said.

  Cady brushed her hair away and looked up into blue-green eyes behind a pair of glasses. "No harm, no foul, right?"

  When the man propped her back up, she realized how tall and imposing he was. He was probably 3 or 4 inches over 6 feet, with broad shoulders. His long, dark blonde hair was tied up in a fashionable man bun, showing off a handsome face for sure, if a little humorless.

  "Are you sure you're alright?" A slight accent, UK-educated maybe, but he looked more like a Viking than a Brit. She was usually good at accents, but she couldn't place this one for some reason. He was also dressed like a hipster, with ripped jeans, a tight shirt, suede jacket and a checkered scarf around his neck.

  "Yes, I'm fine," she brushed imaginary dirt off herself. "Thanks for the catch."

  He nodded and said nothing. "Have a good day."

  Cady shrugged and went inside the coffee shop, getting in line at the counter. "One peppermint mocha, please. With extra whipped cream," she told the barista as soon as she reached the front of the counter. When she slipped her hand inside her purse, she realized that she didn't have her wallet. Just my luck. But before she could tell the barista to cancel her order, someone tapped her on the shoulder.

  "Excuse me." It was hipster Viking. "I think you dropped this."

  In his hands was her wallet. "Oh thank god!" She grabbed it from him with a grateful nod. It would have been terrible to lose all her stuff. "Thank you so much!"

  "No problem," he gave her a short nod and turned around, leaving the coffee shop.

  Strange guy, she thought. Seemed nice enough. She shrugged and paid for her drink.


  "Did you get it?" Daric waited until he was two blocks away from the coffee shop. He whipped off the glasses and the ridiculous scarf.

  "Relax," came the voice from the communicator in his ear. Some punk kid Victoria hired, who seemed to be obsessed with spy movies. "I've got the info, dude." The guy was good though. All Daric needed to do was grab Cady's wallet, place her card next to a special reader and they had an exact copy of her access card.

  "Good. I want to get out of here," he said impatiently.

  "Why the rush?" Victoria Chatraine smiled wolfishly at him as she rounded the corner from where he was.

  "I don't like cities and this outfit is ridiculous," Daric threw the scarf and glasses into the nearest trashcan. "And I don't understand why we needed to spoof her keycard. We have magic."

  "Daric, darling," Victoria placed a hand on his arm. "You know why. Magic and glamour will only take us so far. Anyone who's familiar with witches or another witch will be able to see through the glamour once they review security tapes. But," she paused. "When they see the real, hard evidence, they won't be able to deny it."


  "Besides," she drawled. "What did you think of Cady? Will she do?"

  "Her bloodline is suitable enough, at least the Master seems to think so," Daric replied.

  "But do you think she's attractive?" she asked, her bright red painted lips curling into a smile.

  "That shouldn't matter, right?" the blonde warlock knitted his brows.

  "I mean, if you find her attractive..." Victoria stroked his arm, her voice full of meaning.

  Daric's face was a solid mask of indifference. "Let's go back, the Master will want to know what happened."


  As soon as she thought the coast was clear, Cady returned to Fenrir. She entered the building, crossed the lobby and headed to the private elevators. When she turned the corner, she saw a familiar, tall, dark-haired figure waiting by the elevators.

  "Alpha, welcome to New York." she nodded reverently at Liam Henney, Alpha of San Francisco, and Alynna's one-time, would-be suitor. Ah right. He was scheduled to meet with Grant and Alynna regarding Amata Ventures. Grant and Alynna were both funding his startup, and the latter even had a seat on the board. He was dressed in a smart business suit in charcoal gray, though the jacket was slung over one arm, a rolling case and briefcase right beside him.

  "Good afternoon, Ms. Gray," he greeted back. The elevator doors opened, and he struggled to enter and drag his things in at the same time.

  "Can I help you, Alpha?" she asked.

  "Yes, please," Liam handed her his jacket and Cady hugged it against her chest as he maneuvered his bags into the elevator. "Sorry," he said, rubbing the back of his head with his palm. "I'm on Amata business, not clan business. Had to fly commercial this trip, just got in from JFK," he explained.

  "Ah, startup, mode, right?" Cady joked.

  They made small talk, with her inquiring about his trip from the West Coast and Liam asking for restaurant recommendations for dinner near his hotel. The trip up was quick and soon they reached the top floor of Fenrir Corp.

  "Have a good meeting and rest of your trip, Alpha," Cady handed his jacket back to him, which he quickly put on.

  "Thank you Ms. Gray, I'll see you around," he gave her a nod before they headed in opposite directions.


  "So, looks like we're ready for the next step in our project," Grant concluded as he leaned back in his chair casually. Liam and Alynna sat in the chairs across from him. "We're in good shape. Thanks for coming, Liam."

  "My pleasure," Liam stood up and offered his hand to the other Alpha. "I'll be headed to San Francisco early tomorrow morning, but with the new lab results coming in, I should be back again soon."

  "Excellent," Grant clasped his hands and gave it a firm shake.

  "Looking forward to seeing what results we have," Alynna interjected. "You really can't stay longer?"

  The San Francisco Alpha shook his head. "Sorry, duty calls, I'm afraid. "

  "Alright, well, let me walk you to the elevators at least," she tucked her arm in his and led him towards the door.

  As soon as the door closed, Grant turned to Nick, who had been standing stiff as a board in his usual spot in the corner.

  "Now, are you going to tell me why you look like you're going to murder Liam Henney?"

  The Beta tensed, a tick in his jaw showing how hard he was trying to keep his anger in check. "It's nothing. Nothing at all."

  Grant shook his head and went to his liquor cabinet, taking out a special key from the drawer and opening a secret compartment. Taking out a pure black quarter-liter bottle, he poured filled a shot glass halfway, then walked over and handed it to Nick.

  "You never take out the good stuff," Nick sniffed the liquid.

  "You look like you need the good stuff," Grant said.

  It was Torlyncă, like a supercharged version of vodka, made in secret from the old country and infused with old magic, or at least that's what Lycans believed.

  Nick swallowed everything in one gulp, the liquor going down smoothly, smoother than any alcohol in the world. He felt his shoulders relax, and he sank down on the nearest chair he could find.

  "Now tell me what's going on," Grant said in an authoritative manner. "Why are you so worked up?" He couldn't exactly compel Nick to talk to him, but he hoped the liquor would help loosen Nick's tongue.

  "He smells like her. I could scent it the moment he walked in the door," Nick wished he had another swig of that drink.

  "Smells like...?"

  "Like her. Cady. You know, like caramel apples," Nick grunted in disgust. "I don't know how, but it was like he had been all over her. Touching her."

  Grant gave him a puzzled look. "First, I don't know why you think Cady has a scent, and second, why would it be all over Liam Henney? I don't think he's the type to try and get over one woman by going after her friend." Although Liam had failed to secure his sister's affections, Grant thought the other Lycan took it in stride. He also never gave any indication he was interested in Cady.

  The blonde Lycan felt his head spinning. The Torlyncă was taking its effect, but thank god that with the amount he drank, it would only last a few
minutes. "I don't know...maybe I was imagining things. But goddammit," he threw the shot glass to the ground, the pieces shattering all over the hardwood floors. "Everywhere I go, I'm imagining her, seeing her, smelling her. I can't get her out of my mind."

  Sitting down across from his Beta, Grant shook his head. "Maybe this is a side effect of...I'm so sorry Nick. I'm sorry."

  "I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to."

  "I know, I should apologize to Cady, and I have...I mean, I did," Grant bowed his head. "She doesn't want to see me either. I talked to her assistant, and it seems she's been keeping tabs on our schedules, working around it."

  "Can you blame her? After what I did..." Nick trailed.

  "Did you hurt her?" Grant's voice suddenly turned edgy.

  "No, of course not!" Nick stood up and walked towards the windows. "There are certain things that are hers alone to tell you, but both you and I know, she was pushed into this by circumstance. She was doing her duty and protecting everyone around us and the clan."

  "If there had been another way..." Grant was still obviously anguished by the decision.

  "I know. You tried. Well, there wasn't and we can't turn back time," Nick curled his hands into fists. "I just wish it didn't have to go that way." He turned to Grant. "But I don't regret a moment of what happened between us. I've wanted her from the beginning. Since I saw her that first time."

  The Alpha seemed surprised at the revelation. "Well, why didn't you do anything about it?"

  Nick laughed sardonically. "After you told me she was your 'little sister'? I thought that was a warning."

  "It was," Grant recalled. "I know your track record, and the effect Cady has on men."

  The Beta shrugged. "And so, out of respect for you and the position you gave me, I treated her with the same respect as I would anyone in your family. I couldn't seduce her, no matter how much I wanted her."

  "But all this time...? You've never even slept with anyone else?" Grant asked incredulously.

  Nick shot him a look. "I'm your Beta, not a monk, Grant. I've just been selective and very discreet." He never slept with the same woman twice in the last 10 years, all one night stands and outside New York City, if possible.

  "Still, it's been a decade. You've changed, and so has she," Grant paused. "Why did you never go after her?"

  "Does it matter?" Nick asked soberly, as the effects of the liquor began to fade. "Maybe if I did from the beginning, things might be different. Maybe we would have gotten over it and moved on. Both you and I know, in my position, it wouldn't have been appropriate."

  "You...we have to make this right somehow," Grant said solemnly.

  Before Nick could answer, Alynna burst into the room. "I forgot my purse!" she grabbed the black bag by Grant's desk. "Whoah!" she looked at the floor covered in glass. "Who's the butterfingers?"

  "I'll get someone to clean that up, Primul," Nick said before he walked out of Grant's office.

  "Is everything alright?" Alynna eyed her brother suspiciously. "You two have been walking on eggshells around each other all week."

  "It's all good," Grant lied and then changed the subject. "Everything ok with Liam?"

  She nodded. "Yup, he says he's gonna head back to his hotel. Oh, and thanks for sending Alex off on that errand by the way, he was driving me crazy ever since I told him about the meeting with Liam," she dug through her bag, her face lighting up as she found what she was looking for - a candy bar. Apparently, incubating a Lycan pup took up a lot of energy and she was eating 24 hours a day. "He was starting to mark his territory." She scarfed down the entire thing in two bites.

  "Jesus, Alynna," Grant wrinkled his nose. "I do not need to know how kinky you guys get."

  "Not that way, you pervert!" Alynna tossed the wrapper at Grant.. "I mean, he was rubbing his wrists all over me this morning. He thinks I won't notice he's trying to cover me with his scent. As if my scent hasn't already changed, being knocked up with a magical Lycan baby and all. Anyway," she gave her brother a pleading look, one that she knew he couldn't resist. "I'm starving! How about an early dinner? Think you can spare a few minutes to feed me and your ravenous soon-to-be-niece-or-nephew?" She rubbed the non-existent bump on her stomach.

  He gave her a warm smile, and pushed thoughts of Cady and Nick away. "Of course. Let's go."

  Chapter Fifteen

  The sun had set long ago and outside her window, Cady could see the Manhattan skyline lit up. It was past 9 pm, but there was always work to be done. She turned back to her computer screen, tapping away at her keyboard, finishing up the report she had been working on for the past hour.

  The door creaked open, but she kept her eyes on the screen. "Are you still here, Suzanne?" she asked without looking away from her computer. "I told you to go home hours ago."

  When the lock on the door clicked on, she froze. Taking a deep breath, Cady slowly turned her head to see who her visitor was.

  "Hello, Cady." Nick Vrost was standing in her office, leaning against the door.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "I work here."

  "I mean," Cady narrowed her gaze. "Grant has a late dinner meeting at Le Cirque. Why aren't you there with him?"

  "Are you keeping tabs on our schedule, Cady?" he asked.

  "I'm's my job to know," she stated.

  "I told Grant I wasn't feeling too well and that I was headed back."

  Cady snorted. "Right. Well, maybe you should go home then." She turned back to her computer, looking at her report. The words blurred together, not making any sense to her, but she pretended to keep reading, despite the fact that she could feel Nick's gaze boring right into her.

  Finally, Nick straightened up and stalk over to her desk, like a predator tracking his prey. "And you? Working late? You know Liam leaves in the morning. That doesn't leave you much time."

  "What are you talking about?" she asked in an exasperated tone. "Their meeting ended hours ago."

  "I mean," he walked around her desk. "Isn't he waiting for you? Maybe you planned a midnight tryst?"

  Cady huffed. "I think you should leave, Nick. You're imagining things. I heard rest can do a lot of good for that."

  Nick spun her chair towards him, and placed his hands on the arms, effectively trapping her. "Don't lie, Cady, it's not like you. I could smell you all over him the moment he walked in the door."

  "Nick, you're delusional. Liam and I went up the elevator together. I held his jacket, that's the closest I got to him," she looked him straight in the eyes. "Now, let go of my chair and leave." Her voice was shaky, but she did her best to sound confident.

  "I won't...I can't," he growled, and leaned down, pressing his lips to hers. His hands dug into her hair, pulling out the pins from her hair and letting the long, red curls fall down her shoulders.

  Cady tried to pull away from him, but was trapped. His scent enveloped her, like walking in the woods in the winter. She stopped struggling and instead, wrapped her arms around his neck. "Nick," she said in a pleading voice. Unable to control herself, she opened her mouth willingly, tasting him as his tongue invaded her mouth.

  Nick hauled her up off the chair and then placed her on the desk. Cady spread her legs, grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in between her knees.

  "Fuck, I need you," he snarled as he devoured her lips again, their tongues clashing. Cady responded by wrapping her legs around his waist, pressing up against him. He was already rock hard, his cock straining through his trousers.

  Cady pushed against him, sliding her legs down to the floor. She bit on his lip, coaxing him to step back as she reached down for the zipper on his pants.

  "Cady," Nick breathed.

  "Shhh...." She pulled down the zipper and slipped the pants down his thighs. "Let me...I want to taste you."

  Nick groaned as Cady tugged down his briefs, his cock springing free. She gasped softly, wrapping her delicate fist around his shaft. Tentatively, she stroked it, feeling the soft, velvety skin ov
er hard steel. Opening her mouth, she licked the tip, the salty taste of his pre-cum teasing her tastebuds.

  "Fuck, Cady!" Nick dug his hands into her hair.

  Cady wrapped her lips around the tip, her tongue licking more of the salty liquid from his cock. She moved her head down, slowly taking in more of him into her mouth. Her tongue caressed the underside of his cock, then sucked back, dragging her mouth along the rigid shaft.

  "I need to be inside you," he said, pulling her up.

  "But I want-"

  "Later, sweetheart, I promise," he reached under her skirt and pulled her panties down. Her slit was already wet, his finger sliding easily within her. "I can't wait any more. I need to fuck you now."

  She cried out as his fingers sought out her core, this thumb playing with her clit as she grew slicker, soaking his fingers. Strong hands wrapped round her trim waist, turning her around and bending her over the desk.

  Nick pulled her skirt over her ass, exposing the round, fleshy globes to his gaze. He bent down and gave her playful bite, making Cady yelp. She grabbed the ends of her desk, bracing herself as she pushed her ass up at him.

  Taking his cock in his hands, he placed the tip against her wet slit, pushing himself slowly into her warm, tight passage. "I've been wanting you for days. Dreaming of being inside you again."

  "I thought..." she moaned when he gave her a thrust, seating himself fully into her. "You didn't remember."

  He scoffed. "I can't. I can't forget that night," he pulled back and slid back in. "The feel of you, your skin and your sweet body."

  "It's only been you, Nick," she cried. "Just you I want."

  "Shhh..." He bent down, pushing her hair aside and nuzzling her neck. "I know sweetheart, I know."

  "Please, Nick." She pushed back against him, seeking the friction that would make her fall apart.

  Nick didn't say anything else, but grabbed her hips and began to move. Slowly at first, but when Cady kept wriggling deliciously under him and he thrust himself into her, pushing all the way in and then pulling back. Her tight passage gripped him, coaxing him to go faster and faster.


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