Blood Moon: Book 2 of the True Mates Series: A Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance

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Blood Moon: Book 2 of the True Mates Series: A Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance Page 10

by Alicia Montgomery

  "Nick!" Cady squealed as her body began to shake, her pleasure coming in waves. A rush of wetness flooded her pussy as she squeezed him.

  "Fuck! Cady!" Nick thrust into her one last time, his cock twitching as she continued to grip him. He shuddered as his own orgasm mirrored hers, and he completely emptied himself into her.

  Cady's body shook from her own orgasm, the release rushing through her body. It was perhaps the most powerful one she'd ever had. Nick collapsed on top of her, kissing and nuzzling her neck.

  "I'm sweaty," she protested as she tried to brush him away.

  "I know," he grinned against the soft skin of her neck. "And it's delicious."

  She giggled when his tongue hit a ticklish spot. She sighed as he stood up, pulling her up with him. He turned her around to face him, his arms wrapping around her.

  She laid her head on his chest, inhaling his scent. "You smell good."

  "So do you," he groaned, burying his nose in her hair. "Like sweet, sweet candy." He leaned down and kissed her again.

  She responded eagerly, tasting him and savoring him. When he pulled away, she cupped his jaw with her small hands. Ice blue eyes stared back down, searching her face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean...It was stupid of me to think about you and Liam."

  "Shhhh...." She put a finger on his lips. "I don't want to talk about Liam."

  "Good," Nick's hands moved lower, cupping her ass. He lifted her up and planted her on the desk again. "Because I don't want to talk at all."


  "Did you do something to your hair? Or are you using a new face cream?" Alynna asked as she plopped herself on Cady's office couch. She was munching on a donut, taken from a brown paper bag slung over her arm. The young Lycan had requested a meeting with Cady to go over a few items regarding the investigation into the Blood Moon incident, as well as advice on a few other things.

  "Oh my god, are those fresh donuts?" Cady sniffed the air and her stomach growled. "Can I have one?"

  Alynna nodded and offered the bag to the redhead, who had already crossed over from behind her desk and sat down next to her.

  Cady picked up a hot, fresh donut from the bag. "Cinnamon and sugar!" she took a bite, and then another and soon she was licking her fingers delicately. "How many more do you have?"

  "I have a this bag," Alynna confessed, giggling as she handed Cady another donut. "Seriously, Cady," she peered closer, almost nose to nose with the redhead. "Your skin is glowing that new perfume?"

  "Hmmm?" Cady closed her eyes, savoring the warm, fried dough. "This is amazing. I'm starving!"

  "I'll leave this here then," Alynna placed the bag on the couch. "I have another one in my office. Hopefully Alex hasn't eaten them all! You'd think he was the one knocked up these days. I swear if other men have pregnancy sympathy pains, he has hunger pains."

  Cady eyed the bag, but held back from picking up another piece. "Thanks, these are really good."

  "Now dish. I want the name of your new skin care regime or whatever pill you're popping, or I will take these with me," she motioned to the bag of donuts.

  "No secret," Cady hoped she wasn't blushing. "Just...getting more sleep." She mentally crossed her fingers. She had actually been getting less sleep in the past two days. Nick was insatiable and kept her up all night long. After that evening in her office, they immediately went back to the Enclave and spent the whole night in Nick's apartment. She only went home to shower and then headed to work by herself. By the time 7 pm had rolled around and most of the staff had left, Nick strode into her office and demanded she finish up so he could take her home. That night, they spent it at her place, which she later realized was a ploy to make sure she didn't leave him (nor could she kick him out) until the last possible moment before they both had to be at Fenrir.

  They weren't exactly telling the whole world, but they seemed to mutually, silently agree to be discreet. Or maybe because it was so new and they didn't know where they were going, so they wanted to keep it to themselves. Cady had made a decision, that for once, she would think about herself. Despite the looming threat of Victoria and complications with Vasili, this was the one thing she would take and keep with her. In Nick's arms, she could forget everything else and find some peace and happiness.

  "Hello, earth to Cady?!"

  The redhead was shaken out of her thoughts. "Sorry. I was thinking about, er, work."

  "Oh yeah? That's the third donut you've eaten," Alynna pointed out.

  Cady looked down at the half-eaten treat in her hand, startled that she didn't even realize she had kept eating or that she was hungry. There was no time for breakfast that morning, not when Nick dragged her back to bed. Twice. "I was hungry, sorry about that," she brushed the crumbs from her blouse.

  Alynna eyed her friend with suspicion. " sure everything's ok? Are you fully recovered from your accident?"

  "Yes, I'm fine." Frankly, she had almost forgotten about her injuries. Her shoulder stopped bothering her a while back and the bruises on her body had completely faded. "Anyway, let's get on with business, shall we?"


  "You could have waited, you know," Cady said in an almost annoyed voice as she opened the car door, cool air rushing into the Mercedes. Her heels clicked on the cement floor and she pulled her panties up before smoothing her skirt down. "We're already in The Enclave."

  Nick gave her a wicked grin, his eyes roaming her body. The front of her blouse was still open, exposing her black lacy bra, her fiery hair tumbling down her back, lips swollen and lipstick smeared away. The sight of her made desire surge through him, despite the fact he had already come inside her (after giving her two orgasms). As soon as they pulled into his private garage, he grabbed Cady and put her on his lap, and she eagerly rode him in the front seat of his car. The windows of the Mercedes were still fogged up.

  "Make no mistake, Cady," he stepped out of the car, zipping up his pants. "I still mean to have you when we get upstairs. I just wanted you now." She shivered visibly at his words, which only made him want to bend her over the hood of the car. "Besides, this is kind of a fantasy of mine. Something I've always wanted to do."

  "You mean you've never had other girls in your car?" she teased as she buttoned up her blouse.

  His eyes grew dark. "No, I mean, this," he spun her around and then pushed her back against the Mercedes, trapping her. "You and me in the front seat of the car is a fantasy of mine. I've even dreamt about it a time or two." She lowered her eyes and gasped. "Now," he pulled away. "Let's go upstairs before I do something else. Are you hungry? How about we have dinner at my place?"

  She nodded and they went up the elevator, keeping a respectable distance in case anyone was watching the security cameras. It was early Friday night, and so the elevators weren't busy. Only one person (a human) joined them at the ground floor, getting off on the 3rd floor. As soon as they entered his apartment, the Lycan pushed her against the door.

  "I was promised dinner," she pouted, placing her hands on his chest.

  "Fine, fine," he relented, resting his forehead on the door.

  "Good," Cady smirked, pushing him away. "So, should we order Chinese or pizza?"

  Nick looked at her like she had grown two heads. "Order? No, I was going to cook you dinner."

  "You cook?" Now she looked at him in the same way.

  "I have to eat, right?" he shrugged. "Something I learned at home. C'mon."

  Cady sat at the counter, finishing up some work on her pad while Nick started to prepare dinner. However, it wasn't long before Cady had to put down her tablet, as she quite distracted. Between watching Nick work in the kitchen, his sleeves rolled up showing off his forearms and the delicious smells, Cady simply couldn't concentrate on the task at hand. So, she just watched him, fascinated as he finished preparing dinner.

  "You've been holding out on me," she said, as she nibbled on a piece of bread. "You know how to cook! And...oh my god, where did you get this bread? It's even better than
the ones I had in Paris."

  "Well, my grandmother insisted I learned how to make myself a proper meal before I went off to Harvard. So she had our cook teach me," Nick finished putting their dinner together - salmon and steamed vegetables - and placed one of the plates in front of her. "And as for the bread, well...I get it delivered every other day by my grandfather's butler."

  "Butler?" she asked, puzzled. "You have a butler?" She picked up her fork and took a bite of the salmon, perfectly cooked, of course.

  "Yes, Garret. He comes with the house, at least that's what he says," he joked. "Seriously though, Garret has been with the family since I was a kid. He's an excellent butler and a baker too."

  Cady took another bite. "So, this house...where is it again?"

  "It's on the river, in the Hudson Valley." Nick explained.

  "Wait a minute," Cady put her fork down. "So it's not actually a house...more of a mansion, right?" The Hudson Valley was home to some of the most gorgeous mansions in the state. She'd driven up there once or twice with her father, just to look at the beautiful historic homes.

  "Er...well I guess. It was originally built in the 1800s by one of the robber baron families, I can't remember the name right now," he scratched his head. "Are you ok?" Cady seemed to choke on her salmon. "Did I overcook it?"

  "Uh, I'm fine," Cady took a swig of water. "It's perfect, just...went down the wrong pipe."

  "Eat up," Nick gazed intently at her. "You'll need your strength."

  Chapter Sixteen

  Neither of them decided that they would spend the entire weekend together, but that was what ended up happening. Friday rolled into Saturday and then Sunday. Cady was tired and sore in a good way. She did, however, threaten to go back to her apartment and lock Nick out if he didn't let her sleep before work on Monday. Not wanting to be away from her, he relented and they went to bed early on Sunday night. She'd never slept better than she did in his arms.

  They arrived separately at Fenrir, and Cady went straight to her office. She was surprised to see Grant was already waiting for her.

  "Grant," her eyes widened at the sight of him sitting on her couch.

  "Cady," he stood up. "How have you been?"

  "I'm good, and you?"

  "Fine," she walked to her desk. "Is there something I can help you with?"

  "I know you've been avoiding me. Us. Me and Nick, I mean." He sounded nervous, something she'd never seen.

  She sighed as she sat down. "No. I mean, yes." She wouldn't insult him by lying or patronizing him. "I needed some space, I hope you understand. But, as I told you, I'm ok. I mean, I went into this willingly. I did it to keep everyone safe and for the clan."

  "I know and I'm grateful," Grant cleared his throat. "But I can't help but feel at fault."

  "Well don't, because it's not your fault," she assured him. "It's no one's fault. And we can't change the past."

  "What do you want to do now?" he asked. "I don't want to lose you as my assistant or Liaison, but if things are too awkward, then I'll understand."

  "What?" Her head shot up so fast, she was almost dizzy. "Did you want me to quit?"

  "No!" he protested. "Of course not. Do you want to quit?"

  "No, I don't," Cady stated. "Nick and I will work it out. We just need time." She contemplated telling him, but it didn't seem like a good idea. Besides, what was she supposed to say? Actually, Grant, we're working it out by screwing each other silly.

  "Good," he stood up. "I'd hate to lose either one of you."

  "You won't," she assured him. "We're all adults here."

  "Anytime you change your mind," he began. "Just tell me."

  The redhead nodded. "I will."

  Grant seemed slightly relieved. "Good. Now, let's go over the calendar for the next few days, ok?"


  "The footage from the accident is arriving today, right?" Alynna asked her husband.


  "And the list of witnesses?"


  "And the list of humans who got sick?"


  "And the footage from Blood Moon?"

  "Working on it."

  Alynna pushed Alex away playfully. "Hey, what did I say about getting handsy in the office?"

  "That you enjoyed it?" Alex tickled her, eliciting a shriek from his wife.

  "But?" She stepped away from him and crossed his arms.

  Alex sighed. "We need to stay professional while in Fenrir."

  "Right," she pulled down her skirt, which Alex had raised up over her hips. She pointed to his desk. "Back to work, Mister."

  "You're no fun," he mock pouted and sat down on his chair.

  "You know this is important," she said, her voice taking on a serious tone.

  "I know, baby doll, but I don't want you to get too anxious and stress out the baby, ok?" he replied. "Plus, doesn't relaxing help you think better?"

  "Is sex the only way you relax?" she raised an eyebrow at him.

  "No, but it's the best way - hey!" Alex ducked when she tossed a pencil at him. He picked it up, grumbling something about husband abuse.

  Alynna sat back down in her chair, staring at her computer screen, trying to put together what they had so far. She frowned. "How come we don't have the footage from Blood Moon? That was over two weeks ago!"

  "Well, they don't actually have in-house security. Grant is only part owner of the club, and the decision from the management was to outsource security," Alex explained.

  "Still," Alynna narrowed her eyes. "It can't be difficult to get the footage?

  "According to the security company, all the footage is on an external server..."


  "Hmm..." Alex opened his email. "Well, they sent me this email...having trouble downloading the server...sincere apologies...blah blah..endeavoring to get it to you ASAP..." He turned back to Alynna. "I can see the wheels in your head turning."

  "It seems all too weird to me-" She was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in."

  "Mr. Westbrooke, Ms. Chase, er, Westbrooke," It was Jared, Grant's admin. Since neither Alynna nor Alex had time to interview applicants for assistants, he was doing double-duty, which was fine for the time being since they didn't have many cases yet. "This came for you, from the NYPD." The handsome young Lycan handed her a slim envelope.

  "Thank you Jared," Alynna nodded. "And thank you, Lycan connections. I would have had to break some laws if I wanted to get this on my own as a PI."

  "Did you?" Alex teased. "Break laws, I mean?"

  "Hmm?" she tore open the envelope. "I have to keep some secrets to myself, right?"

  Before Alex could answer, she popped the DVD into the drive of her computer and pulled him beside her. They sat in silence as they watched the grainy, black and white footage from the traffic cam. It showed a section of road on the West Side Highway, which was strangely empty for that time of the day. The black town car approached the traffic camera, which was probably mounted overhead. As it was halfway out of frame, the back end of the car fishtailed and disappeared from view.

  "That's it?" Alynna frantically clicked on the computer. "That's all we have?"

  "Afraid so," Alex put a hand on her shoulder. "The next camera was too far away to capture anything."

  "So, whatever caused Greg to swerve was in the one blind spot between cameras?"

  Alex's brows knitted. "Seems like it."

  "And Greg still doesn't remember?"

  Alex shook his head. Nick interviewed the young Lycan driver as soon as he woke up from his induced coma two days after the accident. However, he had not provided any useful information, other than that he had swerved to avoid something, but he couldn't remember what it was. An examination of the car showed that it was clean and had not been tampered with.

  "This is all too fishy," Alynna tapped a finger on her chin.

  "Could it be all coincidence?" Alex suggested.

  "You know I don't believe in coincidences."

sp; ***

  "Finally," Grant said as he poured himself another cup of coffee. "There's one more thing..."

  "Yes?" Cady asked, without looking up from her pad.

  "I've been invited to a dinner party tonight for some visiting Lycans from Europe. Vasili Vrost is hosting. I'd like you to come as my date. I'm sorry to have to ask, but you know I don't have anyone else." It wasn't uncommon, after all, for them to go to business or Lycan-related functions together, especially since Grant had no Lupa.

  Her breath caught for a moment, but she continued. "Oh. I didn't realize you had that in your calendar." Nick hadn't mentioned anything, only that he wouldn't be home tonight. She had been planning to stay in, read a book and drink some wine.

  "It was a last-minute invite. It's a bit much to ask this of you right now," Grant said sheepishly. "And I know you don't like Vasili."

  She thought about what he was doing to Nick, forcing him to do something he didn't want. "Don't worry, it's fine. And I don't know him enough to like him. But he obviously doesn't like me very much."

  "I think he underestimates you," he said.

  "Why weren't these Lycan visitors cleared in advanced?" she asked, switching topics. "Usually when you have some sort of delegation, it takes weeks to get everything together."

  "Vasili requested it and he said it would be to talk business too, but nothing formal. We've had some minor business in the past, but he's mostly in Europe. I have a feeling..." Grant stopped short.

  "Yes?" Cady looked up from her pad.

  "Well, I shouldn't be discussing this but, maybe he wants to solidify our partnership when Nick takes over-"

  "You're right, you shouldn't be discussing this," Cady interrupted. Grant would obviously know about Vasili's ultimatum to Nick, but didn't realize she did too. Did Nick already give his grandfather an indication that he had found his potential Lycan wife? A stab of jealousy went through her.


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